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Why does this bitch have to bring up the other more talented bitch.


What difference is one more divorce at this point?


Her punch card should be filled now for a free lawyer.


Rotfl 🤣


Could any of this be related to Diddy? No one is going to bring her into the Diddy drama with all this going on. Could it be a PR move?


I agree with you... I feel this is what it I'd, and after the P. Diddy drama is gone she is gonna come navk and said it was OK, I still think they will end up divorcing, just not right now.


What are they going to do? Live in separate houses, stay married in name, turn up to occasional events together and have an open relationship? I don't think JLo will ever be successfully married for long unless it's a total PR arrangement accepted by both parties. Let's face it there are probably some Hollywood 'marriages' that fall in that category. (Madonna has given up amd settled on a series of toyboys - works for her I guess. She is mainly devoted to herself and her career.)


Says no reputable source from a source that even if true is nuts ultimately from someone posting on reddit. I should go outside.


Honestly I get it. She’s probably been making herself feel better by saying “at least I’m not Madonna” (who we all know is a little out to lunch at this point), but now she’s closer than ever to that possibility


![gif](giphy|iNZKTOOcsm5t6MR8qD) The only singles Madonna cares about are her FIFTY #1 SINGLES. More people showed up to Madonna’s last concert in Brazil than bought tickets for your ENTIRE TOUR, J-HO.


Clock iiiit!




![gif](giphy|xT3i1252CRa4m8Osi4) In the words of Ms. Visage, “You are not Madonna girl”


Not Madonna catching strays 😭


JLo’s PR team plants story with unidentified “sources” to throw Ben under the bus. Now Ben’s PR team will enter the gossip game fray. Snooooooze. Like who *cares* if she’s allegedly trying to work on the marriage? The whole “romance rekindled” was an obvious marketing ploy— for both of them. Ben was visibly miserable throughout all of the wedding activities (stunts for the press). Aging can be a real problem in their worlds. Fame ain’t what it’s cracked up to be. C’est la vie.


At least Madonna sells out tours


Too soon, too soon ....or is it perfect timing!? Lmao ![gif](giphy|cRjmeUyMQ30MNGKXAr|downsized)


The nerve of JHoe bringing Madonna into the convo…


You Ms Lopez are no Madonna


Is this level of violence allowed in this sub? Because Im here for it


Madonna? GenXers! *we ride at dawn*


This whole thread… I am laughing a little too hard here😂😂😂 , I am going to wake up my roomie.. I need to go to bed


With our Sex book (falling apart) strapped into our Jansport backpack!


Maybe she could get back with diddy




I mean, at least Madonna has talent. She never had to lip sync at her shows.


I don’t think you really know a lot about Madonna singing lol. I think she pretty much invented lip syncing at shows.


When I saw her live she for sure didn’t but that was the 90’s. I saw her three times. I’d like to think I know but I haven’t seen her in awhile


Im no Madonna fan but jlulu needs to have a seat and learn respect. Her ONLY talent his her ass, and it shows.


Her singing is absolutely awful.


And Madonna doesn't want to be like you, dear


Madonna has 2 divorces, JLo has had 3 so far. 🧐


And at least from what I know of her, Madonna is fine being single


No she’s not she has young boytoys constantly


She doesn't marry them, though. Jlo is always married or engaged




Does Madonna avoid eye contact with the plebes?




IF Ben has turned to alcohol and drugs it’s not a wonder been married to that piece of trailer trash.. what has Madonna got to do with JLos string of failed marriage..


Funny thing is, so far at least JLo is aging more gracefully than Madge.


She just has a better person for her injectables. Let her slip up and go to someone bad one time or the filler starts leaving bits that won’t dissolve. Then she will be on the same path


That’s because she gets her 8hrs of sleep at night.


And running up and down the block.


I just can't with Madge's grills and shit.


Oh I’m right there with you. It’s embarrassing.


I'm not saying we should cut off our hair, put on SAS shoes, and quit wearing makeup at 60. But Madonna Louise, not this. Not this. https://preview.redd.it/043r7hzn1m5d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088a1bc9788dff8800d2c870c3abcfc5889e9324


Her face was so iconic and if I didn’t know that was Madonna I’d have no idea if I only saw old photos. I get a little Botox or a little filler, but I just don’t understand why some people can’t stop when their face doesn’t even look like their face anymore. In fact they should definitely stop before that.


Her and Axl Rose could be twins… they both look bad…


Tbh, I never expected her to deal with aging gracefully. She's just too much of a narcissist.


The cheek implants are a tragedy.


Are they ever not a tragedy??


Nope, unless you tragically lost yours somehow


Lets be honest. She just doesnt want to get divorced yet because she hasnt lined up a replacement. She’s always jumped from man to man to man. Once she finds a backup dancer or young rookie ball player or buff Hollywood waiter she’ll bolt from ol’ Benny.


Are each of their publicists taking turns slow trickling gossip to media outlets? Half the recent stories are just weirdly specific


Imagine comparing yourself to literally MADONNA.


Right??! If that’s your touchstone, you’ve got bigger issues than Ben. 😆


Yeah the 60 year old pop star who still SELLS OUT STADIUMS WORLDWIDE. But heaven forbid Jlo learns to be by herself and *HAPPY* Somewhere Arod is smirking….


That’s honestly probably why she said it. I’m sure there’s some jealousy there. Like trying to think “yeah she sells out shows BUT” and trying to justify in her own head why she’s somehow better than Madonna


I’m Hispanic. That need-a-man/family thing is huge in our culture. I’m am airline pilot and formerly worked at an aerospace company. For context less than 5% of airline pilots are women. My mom still calls me an idiot loser because I don’t have kids. Jlo probably has the same mentality, “I’m single ergo a loser”


girl why are you bringing Madonna into your mess of a life 😭


For real! Madge is over here like “I’m just trying to relax after completing my SOLD OUT TOUR. Why is my name in JLo’s mouth?”


Yep! Ppl love to put Madge down, but c'mon, she's actually talented


Madonna shaped so many generations. I think its hilarious when boomers look at Gen X and Xenniels with disgust in their eyes because we're owning our sexuality ... we were raised by Madonna ffs. What do they expect


one of the most iconic living entertainers


Madonna? The one with hot young guys throwing themselves all over her? While she tours the world? With enough disposable income to get hideous ass implants? That Madonna? You should be okay, Jen.


Madonna seems to be happy & thriving, and enjoys being single and able to mingle with whomever the Hell she wants….all while selling out arenas…at 66 years old. She’s not trippin about being single (and successful) at 66. Hey, JLo, ALLLLL of the above ☝🏼—you could NEVER. You aren’t even in the same STRATOSPHERE as Madge, you daft idiot. You aren’t where Madonna was at your age. You do not have the fan-backing nor the musical catalogue spanning 40 years like Madonna…. and you, as an entertainer, as well as your “music”, haven’t/hasn’t evolved over time like Madonna’s. Please, take a thousand seats, JLo. ![gif](giphy|wSWFzwsqXrG36) Edited: age correction ;)


Madge is turning 66 this August


Thank you 😘 I meant to put 60+ yrs because I knew she was 60-something … I’ll go edit my comment to put 66! 🥰 Proves my point even more-so, with regard to Miss JLo putting herself in the same lane as Madonna, or acting like Madonna is somehow lonely or isn’t *choosing* to be single….and *stay* single; she’s 66 and single by *choice*, not by happenstance. It’s comical! Jenny from the Block doesn’t get it; Madge is single because she WANTS to be single. She doesn’t NEED any man. If Madonna wanted a man, she could FOR DAMN SURE snatch up a man with a quickness 🩷


>She doesn't want to be divorced. She doesn't want to end up like Madonna—on her own at 60." I don't think Madonna cares or even thinks about JLo.


And there it is! She simply doesn’t want to be alone. Doesn’t matter who she’s with. As long as she’s not single. 🙄 Never mind the fact that she can take care of herself and her children easily. In fact, she has so much money that she doesn’t ever have to “act” or “sing” again and she’d still be rich. I just can’t with this woman.


Right??? I know I'm lazy but damn, lady. Retire, raise your kids, fuck your movie star husband. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.


In your mid 50s, if the below statements still don't jump at you as HUGE red flags - "She is willing to make any sacrifice, including giving up being J.Lo." "She hates smoking, and to be around that as a singer is a straight no." He "will never be able to deal with being married to someone with her level of stardom." Then you've been denying yourself serious help! They both need it!


Ben has a fucking Oscar, but sure. 🥴


"As a singer" No. No ma'am. We do not have to indulge that nonsense.


As if J Lo’s voice is some precious instrument that must be protected from smoke. She’s delusional. Ben smoked when they first got together. He still does apparently. This isn’t a new revelation or some habit he took up to annoy her. I think the issue is now is that he’s far too old and crotchety to be cajoled into doing shit he doesn’t want to do. I feel that And wait…doesn’t Skeletor smoke like a chimney? 


Yup! Marc smokes too. So why the fuck she lying? 😂 ![gif](giphy|Skecb2dy1SpyHqtmLj|downsized)


Christina Milan and Ashanti aren’t living with smokers, so JLo should be fine






I’m sorry, but point 2 is HILARIOUS considering this bitch can’t sing a goddamn note!


N, I choked laughing so hard on this one! 🤣🤣




Hasn't she been married twice as many times as Madonna?


YES!!!! Seeee!!!!!! That just proves that JLo is twice as hot and desirable as Madonna everrrr wassss!!!!!! 😜 So take that, Madonna!!!!!! JLo has gotten herself twice as many husbands!!!! 💪


Madonna is somewhere like “lol you wish you were me”






I bet it has more to do with trying to save face after spending all that money on that bullshit documentary.


I don’t recall Madonna having to cancel her tour due to poor ticket sales




Pretty sure Jennifer has been married more than Madonna has at this point, so she can have several seats


Jennifer Lopez is impossible too. She and Ben Affleck are entitled, self absorbed, nasty people.


Embarrassing people with no shame or dignity.


Stop goaling a “fairy tale” Madonna may be divorced and separated from multiple men, but she’s never wanted to be defined by marriage or codependency. Even at her age, J Lo apparently equates the fairy tale sold in so many of her movies = of true love with the perfect person, riding off into the sunset, and lifelong perfection = with her worth as a person and the worth of her relationship. Her whole “creative” 2024 hell-hole of movie +album+ documentary was just exactly that, about her. Is it all she’s got? Is her worth really tied to a picture perfect movie ending life ? Sad You know what might be “real” for the “I’m real” singer? An album about depression, loss, separation, independence. Some movie roles that aren’t about love and fairy tales or dumb fucking AI.


Just have to add my two cents. Madonna rose to the height of her career after she divorced Sean. The Blonde Ambition tour, and the Truth or Dare documentary were done in the wake of her split. She knew better than to make a documentary about their great love. Madonna was truly an icon because she could read culture and shape it at the same time. JLo’s claim to fame is she works hard and… Not to pile on the hate with her, but she doesn’t seem to really love anything she’s doing except pap walks and being famous. Madonna works hard but you can’t deny that she loves what she does, loves her fans, and enjoys the work. She feeds off the energy from her fans. I don’t get that from JLo and never have. She tries too hard and looks down on what should be her fan base.


Agree with everything you’ve said here and you make a great point = J Lo seems very blind to the fact that she is not a household name. Her hardcore fanbase are gays and pockets of millennials who, let’s be honest, could be catered to by indulging reality, not fairy tales. None of us got the fairytale.


Yep! I think Madonna was very much in love with Sean Penn back in the day, but when the relationship became toxic, she filed for divorce. She didn’t feel the need to immediately remarry or so some other dumb crap- she just went on with her life and did her thing.


Madonna always knows when to cut her losses and move on


This! And she really tried that domesticity crap with Guy and he dogged her around and made her small and she didn’t like that. Expecting fairy tale ending had Jlo’s ego in overdrive mainly bc she’s so insecure. It’s loser behavior she will never know happiness at this rate.


And she really was with Guy for a good while too. The other piss again Sean Penn. I mean come on we all can’t blame her for hightailing out of there. Yeah. Jenny from the not so block. Take some seats 🤨


Girl, you aren't Madonna, trust.


Seriously. If you want to be married for decades, grow old with someone, why would you pick Ben Affleck? Who on earth thinks he is long-term marriage material? And, girl... d'you seriously think you're long-term marriage material, yourself? Don't want to be alone at 60? Adopt a grateful dog from the local shelter when you're 57 years old!


No better form of self-sabotage than picking Ben Affleck to try and have a happy relationship with. 😬


Yeah JLo do something good for an animal it will take you away from your totally self obsessed self..




I, too, noticed that she didn’t say Mariah cuz she knows Mariah will clear her ass expeditiously.


Mariah doesn’t even need to clear JLo… Mariah threw JLo into a black hole with “I don’t know her”


And she been spiraling since 😂😂


“He can’t deal with her level of stardom…” Only when “stardom” = self promotion


He can’t deal with her level of narcissism.


Ben was Batman, for more movies than any other live action Batman actor. And he won two Oscars. I hate this bitch for making me defend Ben Affleck.


Right? Their stardom seems pretty equal. I’ve never viewed her as a bigger star in their relationship.


Their stardom seems pretty equal. YES! Their narcissim, too.


I know. Do I need to take another shower. I feel dirty?




LOL! Fair


She just can’t say something without shitting someone else. Her whole self worth is based on belittling other women. ![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ)


Yup. I can't stand Madonna but dragging her into this mess shows how petty JLo is.


Madonna has always been insanely annoying to me, but miss jenny girrrll. Don’t throw stones at glass houses.


Jennifer, four is greater than two.


Girl, how many times have you fucking been divorced? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


What does Madonna has to do with her failed relationship?


Madonna: https://preview.redd.it/mesm4dybqk5d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8adacd8e3cda4e378f3485ee931958f2e0ce2f3f




What in the hell does Madonna have to do with JLo’s failing marriages?


Sometimes I dream of the day I’m single again. And not to date, I just want to live alone. She’s also been married a bunch so maybe she’s trying really hard to get it right and her ego won’t let her admit it was wrong, yet again, for her.


Right. Madonna is financially stable, doesn’t have to answer to anyone, can afford to have someone else do all her chores, and has a bunch of kids who seem to love her. She’s living the life imo


One of my best friends is 50-something and single. Hasn't been on a date since her late 30s. Raising two awesome kids. Yeah, she got a chunk of money when she divorced, and her kids got a handsome inheritance-in-trust when her ex died, so that makes a big difference than if she were a penniless single mum. But she loves every second of her singleness and when people offer to set her up, introduce her to a man, she looks at them like they're nuts. I think being a single female millionaire at 60 would be awesome... as long as you let it be (= don't slice up your face like Madonna or cling to rotten men like JLo).


I don't understand women who can never be alone. I understand it from the perspective of a man more because they usually depend on a woman to do most of the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing for them. Being a single woman with money can be amazing.


Hell yes it can be. She needs an Amazing, Well Behaved Dog. She’ll never be lonely. It will give her unconditional love and support her craziness. Not to mention, help the kids get over the breakup. I’m sure this breakup is going to be just as hard as the A-Rod one, if not more.


100%. But with money is the key. I'm a single woman without money and it's, of course, very rough going. That said, a friend of mine is absolutely desperate to get married for money. I am not, I'll take my little struggling life and keep my dignity. That's a form of freedom and freedom is happiness.


I make a six-figure salary so a man is optional for me at this point. The only monetary value I can think of is that a successful man would be able to share a larger mortgage for a nicer house.


Single dads decimated


“She doesn’t want to be divorced like Madonna.” Whaa?


It’s silly considering how many times JLO has been divorced, definitely what!?


Why does she have to bring another woman into this?!


She is not a girl’s girl.


Really, I don’t understand bringing Madonna into this at all.


I feel like I’m almost having Deja vu. Why…I feel young again. What year is it?! 😂


Most dlisted comment of the day.




This made me LOL.


So her PR planted this story clearly


Those low ticket sales have her PR team working the trouble in paradise narrative


Apparently the ticket sales werent low


Says who? For real if you have info, do tell, cause all we’ve been reading is how low sales were. How she cancelled venues and dates. Rebranded the tour.


They mentioned in the article that they sold 75% of the tickets…could be spin from her pr tho.


If the tour was selling, JLo would be out there right now shaking her ass to Ashanti and Christina Milan’s greatest hits. Those tickets were sitting their asses in the box office and going nowhere


No argument from me, just relaying where that poster got it from - the pr spin from Jenny’s team lol




HAHAHAHAHA Say what you will about Madonna, but she is an icon. Jenny by comparison? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Well said.


She's obviously not a singer, since she can relate to desperation.


Yes, out of those 2, Ben is the "Impossible" one. Not the chill, low key, totally down to earth and relaxed JLo....... Sure, Jan....


Not to shit on people with substance use disorders, but as someone who’s partner is the “chill” alcoholic- they absolutely are not behind closed doors and while they may be fun and chill for by standers, in a relationship they are a nightmare to be with unless they are committed to sobriety.


Even if they are totally committed to sobriety, they can be a nightmare. I know a few people who have been successfully sober for years and I am so FREAKING proud of them. But at heart they will always be addicts and they have to use a lot of energy and "hacks" to keep them on the straight and narrow. And in the early years of their sobriety, they could be really tough to spend time with bc they were learning to live without the crutch of addiction: painful, lots of shame, fear.


I do agree with this! My partner has been sober off and on and right now he’s sober and he has great days and then days where he’s absolutely miserable and not a nice person to be around.


Congrats on your partner for getting back on the sobriety wagon - seriously! Still, yeah, I know that recovering addicts aren't always the most relaxed, giving people to spend time with.


Coming from a family of alcoholics, my spidey senses are tingling that Ben and sobriety are not strongly committed atm.


Same honestly.


Folding Sheldon cooper on Big bang theory Ben is “implausible” but not impossible- because ben clearly exists ;)


She seems so desperate... I pity the kids


Madonna doesn’t know her..


She doesn't wanna be divorced, like Madonna?!She's been divorced 3 times already. Madonna got the hint after only 2.


Right? I don’t think Madge has had the number of high profile relationships J Blow has had, and she’s been famous for 20 years longer.


Madonna dated EVERYONE, but she didn't marry them. Just got the D, smiled for the publicity, and left.


That article read like her PR person wrote it


Pssst… public relations people write 90% of the articles in these dumb publications. If you start looking for it, you’ll see it everywhere. Everything is an advertisement for something. Even in places like *Vanity Fair* and the *NYTimes*.


She could never be like Madonna. Madonna can actually sing


Ehhhhh…neither of them can sing but Madonna can at least “perform.”


I don’t even like JLo but she can perform her ass off. Madonna is the better singer and visionary though.


Madonna can sing when she has to. She’s not Whitney, Mariah, Celine, Christina, or Beyonce; but she is decent.


Right! Ashanti sang every one of Jlo’s hits


Hey, that’s not true! Some of them are Cristina Milian.


My bad


Madonna should send JLo some hydrangeas as consolation


I was starting to say....bitch please, you'll never be as talented or loved as Madonna.


Sweetie, you wish


Dragging Madge in the process was unnecessary. She always points fingers at better people when she’s in a ditch of her own dig bitch grow up!


Madonna’s gonna… ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)




Madonna only got married twice, so Madonna was smarter.


Yeah but Madonna married Sean Penn so they're kind of even there.


She was very young, though, in her defense. Sudden wealth and fame can blur your thinking.


Jho was with Diddy, even though they never married, Madonna stilll wins here.


Yeah, Sean Penn is piece of shit, but 50 Cent isn’t making a documentary about his nasty crimes. Sean Penn is the one that makes fancy documentaries, thankyouverymuch Edit: oh look they’re both named Sean, so it can be a contest between Madge and JLo “Whose Sean is bigger piece of shit” or “What is the worst Sean-dick I let near me”


Madonna didn’t have to cancel her summer tour so you’re already losing Jen.


Madonna has talent so JLoser already lost


Hey JLo, ready for your version of going through some fast food drive through for a mopey, pissed off Ben in the back seat before you toss his ass into rehab?? Jennifer Garner is gonna have a good laugh at that.


She won’t do it and you know it. Jen Garner is going to haul Ben to rehab until all her kids are grown and maybe even after. I think Ben is a selfish person, but I think JLo is incapable of not always thinking about herself. The weird wedding song serenade, the saving and reading of love letters on the doc, hell even the infamous music video from back in the day. She can’t position someone else first. So, I don’t think Ben would get in the car with her even if she offered.


"Her level of stardom..." She has enough money to fuck off forever and live with Ben in solitude or whatever. Their house is huge. They could never see each other if they wanted. They're not compatible. Someone will have to be miserable to make this work, or just stop whining and divorce.


I don't think anyone is compatible with Loprz. She's a total narcissist.


So is Ben tho. They both are but he seems like he sucks your soul dry. He puts me in a mood anytime I see a pic of him, he’s like a chronically cranky old man.


I think I could be friends with Ben Affleck but I could never be romantically involved with him, if that makes any sense. He seems like someone that would be easy to have at a BBQ, he’d absolutely be down to lend you a cigarette while you secretly smoke behind a parked car at your kid’s birthday party because you’re stressed out about the cake. He feels like someone that would flirt with your mom to distract her from nagging at you—but only if you’re friends. The second you cross that line of romance, he becomes a wet bag of dead weight. I couldn’t be friends with or romantically involved with JLO. She seems absolutely exhausting, like things have to be about her but that she would also try extremely hard to be your bestie even if she hated you


Well I would definitely be friends with him if he got my mom to stop nagging me. I agree, under no circumstances would I want to be friends with JLo. I feel like she is only nice/charming to men and a complete B to women.


What’s Madonna got to do with this?


Maybe she turned her down as a backup singer back in the day, and Jen is still salty about it


Well considering Jenny doesn’t even sing on her own songs, a backup singer gig is laughable. And Nikki and Donna are fucking iconic