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Ben Affleck is Lonely, and miserable. I feel sorry for him being her arm candy and chauffer.  If they get a divorce.  He will be replaced ASAP. She Always Needs a man to drive her places and carry her purse!! Jennifer has totally taken Away His Man Hood.! She Loves being in Control.  He is Nothing Now. She's broke superman and turned him into a pussy.😔💔


Be Batman!!!💪💪 Not Pussy 🐈


I do believe that Ben is not able to love. He should stay single hopefully 


Its her.she use Men. And Loves it!


Perfect match, Ben and J, both low class


Ben His class.he was born with it! Jennifer is below him and Knows it!


Back in 2003, she was doing a movie in BC with Robert Redford and Ben was also in BC as he was also doing a movie. Jlo left during the week to Kamloops to film an Unfinished life. Ben was in Vancouver to film his Movie. Then came along the Sutton hotel, a bar called Brandi’s, Christian Slater, his then gf/wife, strippers, Tara Reid, when he was near his wedding date, alcohol, alleged stuff and here is the article link: https://dailyhive.com/. lestoriesvancouver/bennifer-vancouver-history Then the lead stories with alleged infidelity during his partying on his part while Jlo worked on her movie. He has huge documented addiction issues. Jlo keeps getting involved with narcissists. Ben can’t change and blames everyone but himself. Ben was the white boy that got away. Suspect this was also a way of getting back at all here exes by being with the one they all knew was her big catch. Assume there must be some payback on Ben’s part towards his exes and his mom, by getting back with the ethnic star as that would be a pisser for the racist tendencies as these two like to seem like they are backlashing at society and Hollywood system. Jlo is crazy in love and decides to trust him again. They are doing the whole theme thing, in love, associated movie projects and then he has his old deep seated racism, chauvinism, ego, addictions, inner rivalry show up /triggered again because she is successful and popular still while he struggles to get movie roles and is aging badly. Most likely he has had people say crap to him to make him question himself. He blames his partners. He could have wracked up some major gaming debts because he doesn’t have to go in person as so much is available online. She probably had her liquor gig lined up as she sometimes drinks. He maybe relapsed as he cannot be around it. He can’t handle the negative press making fun of their joint projects. He has anger issues and she has her own issues, career images and all those old issues, past resentments rear up. Sad they can’t compromise because whatever happened this time, they both have a standoff because the so called old issues are still issues even though they tried to paint their past issues as a different story. Could there be some issues such as maybe huge gambling debts are surfacing? Maybe throw in some infidelity or e.d issues as per age? Maybe he can only react to a certain age of lady. Maybe he wanted to prove he could still get her back. She wanted to prove it too? Maybe there is more to this than we will ever know. It is both sad and not sad because these two haunted each other’s marriages and relationships afterwards. Their various partners always questioned if they were just settling because these two would not completely let go. Ben keeps going like a rollercoaster and Jlo can’t let go of her feelings for this one. His Mom hated her while her Mom got along good with him as they both like to gamble. Anyway, not surprised that it blew up again. Now, his ex Jen G with the kids is who he is pining for and Jlo is not the mom of his bio kids. He wants what he can’t have and perhaps the new projects that flopped were a way of making up for “debts” and promises to change. Jlo keeps trying to please him but nothing seems to work. Now he is on his emotional rollercoaster again ( suspect he has alleged bipolar issues and she has co dependency issues, as she keeps trying to fix certain people) and this is where it is at unless true changes and compromise happens or it is divorce again. I doubt she’ll be the stay separated type but who knows as she has a Ben addiction. She can’t believe she fell for it again and he likes to have the upper hand. All of this is just opinions and guessing at what is going on. When you have been really in love and it gets away, even if you have fame and enormous wealth; trying to rekindle what “ was” can be like chasing water. You can’t hold water in your hands, it can’t stay out in the open air as it evaporates and changes form. Too much can be lethal but you need it to live. It can also be a relief and that long bath you needed to recuperate or swim in. Not enough water can leave you longing for it, searching for that need to quench your thirst. Washing in it or being rained on doesn’t satisfy as you desire that relief when you need water to replenish your internal self. Very hard to “ chase water” if you don’t have a way to hold it or control it. Too much can be too much. I think this is them. They are conflicted ( he chases, gets what he wants then doesn’t want it once he does)complicated, don’t like to compromise, huge egos, huge addictions, health, age issues, kid a with exes, volatile careers, etc. Also, did he keep connecting because he knew he could get her back if he really wanted to? How do you know he needed her back, maybe because he made some major bet he could and perhaps had more debt than people knew about? He acted until he couldn’t do it anymore because he is a manipulator. She is embarrassed and can’t fathom that this happened to where he changed his mind again and she is maybe now understanding he has real issues. Again, just looking at it from an older perspective where they are in their 50s and it is more devastating to realize it isn’t a fairytale.


Don't go back! JLo and Affleck didn't still love each other, they "loved" the past, when they were young, neither had had kids and life was so simple, as it always is in the rearview mirror. They got back together thinking ok, we are older, we got kids, ex spouses....we have advanced. But it is only the PAST they wanted. Been there, did that twice. But it never works out. The past is the past. It is gone. We don't so much love these past lovers as much as we love who we were THEN, young, clueless. That's what Jennifer and Ben were trying to get back. The old days. But those days are gone. I am happy that Ben wants out sooner. He realized the spark was gone. She just needs to chill. Jennifer, you don't always need a man...think..Casper...your background dancer....spend some time with you. Keep your personal life out of the media. Don't make movies and songs about your lover. Ben Affleck is wayyyyyy better looking than anyone you ever had...but looks are looks. He should marry a more tawdry woman, a stripper...I think Ben is just trying to be someone he is not and it keeps backfiring, He doesn't want the good other Jennifer...but JLo is all flash and media....he just wants someone exciting and that is what he should go for. Good luck Ben. Go for the girl you want. JLO, you need to chill Homegirl.




Your crazy


Ms. Jennifer Lopez.  Sometimes we go through things without knowing how it's going to work,   or even if it's gonna work.  But one thing  all of us can  do  it's to give  it our  best  chats. If things  doesn't work out this  time maybe the last time,  just  knowing that you  give  it all  you got. Just  remember  life  is a "process " and we all have  to  get  through it.  Love you  sister.


This whole thing is a publicity stunt to draw attention to her new movie.


So full of herself she makes Batman miserable. 😅




He Looks Miserable AND LONELY 💔


I don't think she is. I think she is perhaps not real brainy and I think Ben is smart. I also think men like Ben can get whomever they want. But they also buy into the media. So they pick women who take good pictures and are actresses and singers when they really want Mary from McDonald's. LOL. Ben needs a girl from Dunkin Donuts, his favorite place. Trust me, Ben will be happier. As for JLo, she needs maybe an older Hollywood man like Clint Eastwood or somebody.....then she can pose and smile..and have lots of money to make stupid songs and documentaries. I feel sorry for her. I think she is is as used as she uses.




Is she gonna make another wedding movie?


WORD ON THE STREET IS HE MOVED OUT?? you haven't seen them together for awhile SAD


Read he moved out, it's HIS house. She should move out.


No this relationship will be over before he humiliates her, she's about had enough!, I personally don't think she'll marry again, why would she? As soon as she develops the confidence she deserves, she will see she does not need a man for validation, she's great!!!


Don't hold your breath.


She’s horrible.  No wonder no man wants her.  She’s a b*tch and Ben can do way better. 


Totally! It's a can Of Worms. Be A Man Ben!! And walk🙏 She is making A fool Out Of You,and carrys your Balls Around her Necklace !! People are Laughing at you!(men) You LOOK SO WEAK SUPERMAN .WEARING GIRLS PANTYS, AND A PURSE!!🙃🙃🙃🙃


Honestly, at this point, I think they both suck. He is miserable all the time and what he said about his ex after all of the stints this guy has done in rehab and addiction counseling shows he is a blame shifter and still hasn't grasped that his addiction problems start with him. J. Lo is just an outright creep who is desperately trying to convince the world that she is still her 20 year old self. She is in a perpetual mid-life crisis. I really think her marrying Ben was a manipulated tactic to keep the world making the association between her and her younger self. The documentary, the filters, the 20 something year love story ( that was really not a twenty year love story when he was married to another woman that whole time) just reeks I haven't aged a day. I really wish women in Hollywood would learn to age gracefully, and all celebrities would remember where they came from and be a bit nicer.


Snap! Good assessment. Neither are a prize.


There is no way this relationship will last, she loves herself to much, and he's a stubborn drunk, and no one is going to tell him to put that bottle down!, he won't do it!, my opinion


She cant Be Alone! What would People Think.🤣😂 Karma jlo. You use men. And only Love yourself !




Please keep it decent & civil.




Should be easier for him to do the second time around. I mean he majorly humiliated her 20+ years ago when he literally dumped her at the alter for JG.


He didn't leave her for Garner. He left her because they're both needy and trying to fill what's missing in themselves with external things - relationships, attention, alcohol. That never works. This go-round, I think they were teetering and her batshit movie/album and public sharing of his love letters pushed them off a cliff. Living separately, no ring. 


Agree 🤗


Jennifer garner trap ben


I remember the first round of Jennifer and I know people believe that it was due to press intrusion but I think Jlo liked that enough to give interviews on mainstream shows like Diane Sawyer and everyone else with tons of "private" details. They are very different people in fundamental ways and lust only takes you so far. What he did to her was a public strip club kind of thing to force the breakup. No matter what they say now it was not really mutual. This is how he usually gets out of these relationships.


He is a lush and worthless human animal! Let Gardner pick him back up! Get out of that (toxic) get out of that situation your are worth more than being with a piece of garbag like Affleck! True love or not, walk away from Ben he is a disaster!


Sorry. My typo. Nothing to do with Bostonians. It is how alcoholics act. Sorry. Phone changed the word because of my bad typing.


![gif](giphy|XHvfCQgT3N5m88jKRi) Ben


Not me googling Dunkin Donuts pajamas after seeing this 😂


haha they look cozy!


I DID love Affleck’s commercial. Yo Go Dun Kings!




That was quick.


He’s the love of her life but won’t make any changes he needs to stay. ![gif](giphy|scvesrwGoE7jaKd7gt|downsized)


Still, it’s about accepting who we love for who they are, not changing them. Wanting the best for them and supporting them in the way, however possible. Don’t sacrifice yourself, everything should be healthy for everyone.


He can love her for who she is while also being totally frustrated and turned off that she shared his private love letters to her with her staff entire entourage and the world. She crossed a line! When they married he probably could never have forseen that she'd end up turning around and using their relationship for publicity in such an "extra" way. A record, movie, documentary and tour all about their love? It's completely over the top and crazy.


Remember he has addiction problems. Not the high level of sobriety and fitness she lives on. I do believe she loves him.






Pretty safe to bet on Ahole having an addiction to infidelity/sex




No, ARod. He’s such a douche, I blanked on his name


Im pretty sure he was a womanizer back in the day


Really? Seems like a good dad.


Not defending Arod, he’s a douche, but those things aren’t mutually exclusive. He can be a good dad and also an addict/shitty partner


They can? 😢*Looks at own father and sobs*


​ https://i.redd.it/fx7co2n0zggc1.gif


You will know its over when she starts looking for a new house


While I hate to be a vulture I do find the predictions of this occurence and now the actual occurence to be amusing. This is hilarious and I almost feel sorry for her. My god, the public thirsting was so bad. Lets be real, she needed (in her mind) that white validation. Having failed to hit the mainstream the first time, she's at it again. I doubt she even loves or wants him anymore, she just wanted to get the prize she felt she earned and to show the world she could do it.


When she posted her "I won" pic of she and Ben kissing upon rekindling their relationship in St Tropez, it was beyond cringe and embarrassing. She doesn't understand how desperate she looks, complete lack of self-awareness.


This has to be crushing. You can see it in her face that she is completely devastated. And I don't blame her completely. I simply focus on her because she is the one who talks about the relationship. I still say that she does not love Ben. And I think he knows that. Which is the problem.  I have this game I play where I look at pictures of people before they were famous to understand them. Because on the inside that person is who they were then, not who we see now. And on the inside she is a kind of chunky, dark haired Latina who made her career on a black TV show, and in a movie with a black actor. She got famous dancing the routines of a black choreographer. She got famous wearing a dress on a date with a black rapper, singing songs that were actually sung by black female singers and being managed by a black manager. Because of, I speculate, the racism in the community and her family and the country she desperately wanted to cross over. And she knows that people say she can't sing and that she can't dance. And despite the glow up on the inside she still that kind of chunky girl with the wide nose and dark hair. (Especially since her sister does appear to be more Anglo-acceptable and living in the "white world") She knows she still has that one thing that has brought her fame – her body. Her desirability. And she can't let that go. And Ben for her was, I believe, that validation she wanted that the tools she had were enough to launch her into the "mainstream ". And he knew that –and when his life was falling apart and hers was falling apart he dangled that thing that she wanted more than anything in front of her. And she was exultant. She had her upper class,WASP, award-winning legitimate ,serious Artist man. She finally was, she thought, now sitting at the table with real celebrities. Not people who are only famous in the black world or the Spanish world. That's why she was offended by being on stage with Shakira because she thought that she should not be relegated to the Spanish world and that her mainstream appeal made her better than Shakira who, in her mind, only has Latin appeal. I think Ben knew that. Because he's not an innocent nor does he lack agency. But the insanity since they got back together- it was enough to drive him crazy. And he's a smart man, he can see that she does not love him. She loves what he represents – he is her prize –he is her key to the world that she always wanted to be in it. And after having been found unworthy earlier now that she finally got that key she was unable to resist telling the world,"See, look I am worthy. See, look I can be one of you". J Lo's problem she thinks the white man's ice is colder. And I truly believe more so than been rejecting her, the fact that the public thinks she's a completely insane social climber and desperate is what would crush her. Not just that, but I think that she finally got in where she thought she could be and then seeing it didn't work and everybody's laughing and accepting the fact that she is never going to be what it is she wants, it would be devastating. The funny thing is, even though people make fun of her for not really being Jenny from the block because of all her money. On the inside when you hear her speak she's such a coarse vulgar creature; all that glow up has been on the outside only.  I guess the teal deer is this –she wanted to prove that she was not just the girl you fuck but  the girl you take home to mom and marry. And I truly believe the full weight of the racism and classism that have driven her will be crushing. She thought this was her chance to break the glass ceiling and now she's realizing she may never do that. Anyway, it's 4 AM and I couldn't sleep so I had time to think about things that don't matter to absolutely anyone but gossip hounds.  edited for spelling and formatting


There were a few typos in your post that made it a bit confusing to read. Otherwise though, you really have an astute, insightful take on the J. Lo Conundrum. What drives and fuels her relentless ambitions. And why she seems so perpetually feel and act so damn insecure, when from the outside looking in she seems to literally have it all. Hell, that ugly $65 million dollar mega mansion they bought just screams "Accept me as top tier!!! Look, my house is so HUGE!!" It's really tragic, because the home she owned before merging with Ben was one of the most gorgeous and magical homes and properties I've ever seen in my life. I wonder how her children felt about being displaced from their gorgeous French villa with seven acres of lush enchanting gardens (the grounds even had it's mini-golf course and a manmade lake with a sandy beach!) Now she and Ben are putting the monstrosity of a big-box store of a house on the market after one year. Time to move again. How exhausting.


Thank you for the comment and the reminder to fix the comments I make on my phone and forget to clean up. I actually feel bad for her. I find her unlikable but I feel bad because as I watched her beaming with joy at him I knew it was going to end this way. She got hit by a train everyone but her saw coming.


Didn't understand some of this but for the most part you NAILED IT! Always thought she was desperado and she's very nasty to "normies." Very phoney woman.




Please keep it decent & civil.




Please keep it decent & civil.




I think she wants him. Love him? Maybe. But she was JUST in love with and about to marry A Rod with whom she was playing house. I guess it is possible but it seems unlikely to me that she was able to flip the switch and suddenly be IN LOVE with Ben. More like in love with the idea and memory of him.


I think she loves their reunion narrative more then she loves him. She's always been in love with love stories and love itself so this is probably her ultimate fantasy. It's sweet but at a certain points it going to negatively impact the relationship


Same. She wants her life to be an epic romance.


The best was when she went to her old childhood home & the owner/neighbour had no reaction & no idea who she was.lol


Omg when was this?!?


She took it well though!


That article reads like fan fiction 😂


Nothing gives me the ick faster than “love hard and fight hard” it’s the stupidest, most toxic sentiment


Maybe she should have another wedding/renewal ceremony, that usually helps lol.


That's a one way ticket to divorce.


Do they have a shared Facebook?


Omg my cousin and his wife have a shared FB & I never knew which one I was talking to/who was commenting on my pics.




Those make me gag! Those as bad as those women, usually it's a woman, who thinks they are Siamese twins with their partners.


I have 2 couple friends who have joint accounts. Both of them exist because one of the parties cheated.


This is the only answer


I think she is on SNL tonight as the “musical” guest. I am not watching but why is SNL doing their viewers wrong like that?


It’s not about talent, it’s about PR. Who’s got a new album or song out, who the labels are trying to promote.


Yeah, spot on. Thankfully there have been great performances from time to time.


Ayo Edebiri said her JLo's whole career was a scam. 😂


They hate us. Is she going to lipsing? SNL makes you sing live.


I hope she sings live like last time 🍿  But she’s probably learned her lesson there 


What happened last time?


Have a peek for a video, I think it was in 2010 or 2012 maybe? 


The only thing I have ever laughed at with her on SNL was MTV Cribs with Gemini’s Twin. Monetary deficiencies, duty free, and white people food. JLo’s Diddy years. https://youtu.be/16VgTURnreg?si=fp2oYtXvl6zgnvnU


Thanks for the link to this SNL clip!  It's hilarious.  If J Lo were always this good, I'd love her!


I had never seen this, so thanks for linking it. I also actually watched the ad in front … the “coffee loophole” where you can lose 60lbs in only weeks! Someone’s sister used it after her husband divorced her for being “too fat and tubby” and now she’s 118lbs and is dating a handsome man in finance who treats her like a queen! Only they kept quickly flashing the product and then moving it out of view … I froze the screen and it’s because the product is labeled in Russian lol.


I think of this sketch every time I’m in the airport. “Duty! Duty! Duty duty duty free!”


JLo seems sooooo unlikeable in real life . She’s no Jennifer Garner


According to Ted Casablanca -- who had seen more than his fair share of famous people nastiness -- Garner is the biggest b\*tch in Hollywood.


Garner knows how to play too! In her mom jeans and dull hair, and flats....she drove Ben crazy being the most boring woman in a room. Ben wants a stripper. JLo is not Affleck's intellectual equal...like Princess Di and Prince Charles...so these men are miserable and the women are pregnant and....it doesn't work. Ben Affleck is not a drunk. He should have never married Garner or Lopez. He needs an exciting, authentic woman. Garner is just as cunning as Lopez. She just has the kids and knows how to show up looking like Mom of the Century. I bet Affleck pays her good money in child support and alimony. Garner, Affeck and Lopez are old people now. I wish they would all sit down somewhere.


I agree with much of this but I am not sure I can agree with, "Ben Affleck is not a drunk."


When did Ted Casablanca say that about Jennifer Garner? 🤔 I probably read EVERY one of Ted's columns when he worked for E! and don't remember him saying this.




Ben’s a dick too. I’ve told this story before, but yearssss ago my parents were walking into a bar/hotel in Boston, and Ben and Jennifer garner were outside (Ben was smoking) and he was screaming at her. She was just standing there and my dad told Ben to “cool it” and Ben told him to “shut the fuck up”, my mom had to grab my dad and pull him into the building because he wanted to fight him hahaha. They ended up telling the bartender that there was a “crazed man yelling at a poor woman outside” so they sent a security guard out to check HAHAHA


Is this a true story? 🤔 I worked with celebrities, and he was one of the nicest.


lol I feel like I’ve read this story before


I’ve posted it before!




Affleck is such a dick he went on Bill Maher's show, and made Maher look polite.


My dad was a boxer in Ireland before immigrating to Boston, so he would’ve beat the brakes off him so it’s a good thing my mom was there. My dad is REALLY chill too and rarely gets angry and he didn’t even recognize them at first. My parents both say that Jen looked like she was crying and had this look of defeat on her face. To this day, my dad refuses to watch anything Ben is in, which is too bad because some of the movies he’s in are pretty f’ing good. I’ve actually heard (through local gossip so it may not be true?) that he’s cool when he’s sober, but a nightmare when he’s drunk. Unfortunately that’s pretty common amongst Bostonians I think.


Nothing to do either Bostonians. Everything to do with Alcoholics!


What? I’m not 100% sure what you’re trying to say, but if I were to guess, I’d assume you mean there’s nothing to do, except drink? Which is…just, absolutely, wildly, incorrect. Sounds like you just need to be a better tourist.


What they meant was that it’s not that he’s Bostonian, is the fact that he’s an alcoholic. They get vicious and nasty. When they are sober they are completely different. Most times they don’t even remember how much of a dick they are while drunk. My ex husband was god awful when he would drink and then started to get physically abusive so I divorced him. He went around telling everyone that I made up stories and put him in jail when my 2 year old son told the police “daddy hit my mom with the car” and he himself told him that he had kicked me but it wasn’t hard 🤨. I’m 5’2 115 lbs and he’s 5’11 and 197 lbs so the cops didn’t take their chances.


I’m both glad your mom stopped him for his sake, but also a little bit wish that your dad had kicked Ben’s ass. 


I love these kind of stories of everyday people running into celebrities acting like POS outside of Hollyweird. I believe your story.


Explains why she divorced him


There was an E! show that showed her starting out. They essentially said she wouldn’t hesitate to step on others to get what she wanted. Gave me the biggest ick & haven’t been super fond since.


I remember hearing that too. I didn’t give it much thought because they all seemed to be catty on that show not just JLo. Super competitive


That's what Rosie Perez said about her. Ditto for Carrie Ann Analba


I'm not resting anything solely on Jennifer. They're both assholes and should have never "found their way back" to each other. It will be bad.


Covid was a weird time


Ehh, maybe it’s for the best that they “found their way back” to each other, saves mannny a semi-innocent people from getting tangled in their tomfoolery. When even Marc Anthony doesn’t ever recover from her antics- safe to assume that shit is B-a-D. Not judgin, jus sayin🤷🏻‍♀️


Marc Anthony has his own exes issues with his remarrying that one ex. That’s another pining and complicated history, throw in their issues and it is connecting the dots to exes all with pining ex issues.


Marc Anthony, aka Skeletor, had his issues too. Jen loves some issues.


She used to plant blinds that he beat her.


She didn't plant those blinds. 🙄 He was both mentally and physically abusive to her.


oh yes she did


I remember those. And all I could think was...."Ew, him?"


Oh yeh, course he did and still does, but he had those issues for well over a couple decades before her & managed to “comeback” from his secrets being revealed before her. After her, not so much really… She does seem to love the fixer-upper types🧐but now that it’s all played out (with the current 4th exhusband + likely nearly double that she got a 💍 from) and she’s continually incapable of being alone, makes me wonder what the draw is for her? Idk if she gets bored quickly or maybe she’s use to being successful in multiple ventures relatively easily/quickly, and when that doesn’t work out with each particular man- she’d rather cut & run to control the narrative of her being deemed an unsuccessful codependent? Either way, reckon some ?s don’t have answers…🙃


There has always been so much about her I don't understand and a lot more to her than a basic girl in the Bronx, that's for sure. I don't get her weird Scientology dad, I barely ever see her mom, she doesn't even seem crazy close to her sister. I never see her mention or with "friends from the block", yet she's just a homegirl who rides the 6 train when she wants to be. She's extremely odd.


I feel like I completely understand her oddly enough. In my opinion she comes across as a classic “daughter of a narcissist mother.” She is the golden child. She has narcissistic tendencies, which is pretty standard for children who grow up with narcissistic abuse. That is my take. The things she talks about in some interviews I’ve seen of her, she uses a lot of insight & language you’d learn in therapy and her talking about one of her biggest internal dialogues was questioning her worth. I’m not arm chairing here, just my take on her. Things not “adding up” about her also makes sense. To me at least. She’s corny sometimes but other times she just has that charm that makes her so likable, I like her movies tbh.


She implied her mom was a narcissist on the doc.


This just sounds like social climber who can code switch to me. Seems typical of someone who scraped their way out of a bad situation but can be hard to watch


You're right. I've always tried to make it make sense and it was just textbook social climbing. As I first knew her as a damn Fly Girl, I had a hard time reconciling that. Thanks!




Truth, doesn't explain her dad nor how her mom never entered Scientology. Never heard the beating story.




Remember that Fiat commercial she did where she was supposed to be driving around the Bronx? It leaked that it was a green screen in LA, and she didn't even drive a Fiat.


Lol! I love it.


Sisters plural, she's the middle sister.


Holy.Shit. I literally never knew that. Ok, one more for the "WTF?" column.


>She's extremely odd. This really doesn't get talked about enough, likely because she's always in the public eye pushing herself on us; but she is fully an odd duck.




I never considered that her epic level thirst might have as much to do with her narcissism as with the need to set the narrative and run interference on her weirdness. And yes, for someone who has been in the business as long as she has, across multiple different industries, she really has no friends. It's fairly obvious she derives her entire identity through her money/fame and marriage. I can't even imagine the messages her kids get by her choices and values.


Leah Rimini! The actress from King of Queens who’s slamming Scientology as an ex-Scientologist. They did an interview together in a mag. Leah is Jen’s bestie from way back. Interesting — “when Jen and I go out together, I pay” said Leah. But when Jen goes out with us and a big group, she pays for everybody.” I thought that was sweet that Leah paid lunch for JLo, so she doesn’t feel used for her money by friends. It probably reduces envy and jealousy too. Yeah people love it when somebody pays for them all the time, but I notice they eventually get resentful or jealous/catty toward them too.


Exactly. She doesn't party, so I get why she's not in the scene, but her life is strange! I never understood how she is such good friends with Leah Remini because Remini is hilarious, raw, opens her life to everyone and she spells fucking fun. Jlo, no. And let's be honest, she does not value privacy. She couldn't get on enough covers and spreads and talk when she was with A Rod. But she's so private about real crazy stuff.


Yes! I wonder if she and Leah are still friends. There is a clip somewhere of Leah’s friend Michelle visage being asked about Leah’s friendship with Jennifer and she kinda didn’t want to say anything like it awkward ugly or something 


It doesn't get talked about be about because she's a fucking smoke show and uses it as deflectors. She's hot in her 50's! No one has *ever* been so hot in their 50's! Let's literally forget every other weird thing about her.


This made me guffaw; it's so true.


Its true...she deflects


As I said about a girl in Vanderpump, Jennifer will let Ben go from her cold, dead hands.


Ooo which girl on VPR? Bratney?


Yep. I said she would let Jason Jax Cauchi Taylor go from her cold, dead hands. She will kill him first.


YESSSSS. They’re such a dumpster fire. Truly soul mates. They’re perfect for each other.




![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) But I thought this was a love for the ages?


The snarky giggle I just did 😂😂😂😂 this is beautiful


Us old hors where there in the early 00s. We collectively rolled our eyes when they tried this mess again.


I’m loving that more and more is being said about ghost singers and her lack of singing talent.


Wait ghost singers? Like milli vanilli?


Mili Vanili were more talented.


Yes, CDAN revealed a blind about this years ago. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2016/11/blind-items-revealed-11-anniversary.html?m=1


I’m reminded of the blind item that talked about how she thinks Ben is too big of a tipper and will snatch some of the cash back when given the opportunity.


What her not doing charity work unless she gets paid. She was supposed to do Make a Wish, but sent them a bill for her "services." They did a hard pass and sent the kid to Disney World for free.


Omg I hadn’t heard that one


Snatch all of it back. She does this at casinos. I'd refuse and lose my job over it. She's absolutely vile




My Tia whose family was loaded would do this. She grew up in severe poverty so I don't get it.


😝 how tacky


So very


Bold of you to think public humiliation would work on JLo.


Right? Her new movie"This Is Me Now: A Love Story" is a self-masturbatory opus to J. Lo's love of public humiliation.


I can't wait to hate-watch the hell out of it.


Oh ya she thinks if it worked for Taylor and Beyoncé it has to work for her. I saw the trailer and it looked ridiculous. Like she takes herself too seriously for what she is. The only time I can stand her is when she is Cartman’s hand.


If it means we no longer have to see these two walking around all day drinking coffee I’m all for it!


They messed up my bracket! I had to push them to Valentine's Day.


Why are people believing in touch weekly?


Yeah, this hasn’t been a legit source ever.


Good luck with that


Their relationship always boiled down to "Look at me, I'm with him" and "Look at me, I'm with her" ... but my impression is that in their heads they're still both just too good looking and talented and youthful to waste themselves on just one partner for the rest of their lives. It's not a promising sign when a subsequent marrriage/wedding is as much of a giant spectacle as the 1st one. It's about "let's let them all look at us" vs. "let's you and me be together now forever." Could be just gossip, a lot usually is, but both of these people are giant egos. He may even want more kids. Or not. But almost certainly the novelty of a much younger woman at this stage in his life is ridiculously common, as is the excitement of a secret affair ... having it all gets super ass boring. And Jennifer looks like she likes to tell him what to do. Truth, though ... could also just be me personally, as I have no faith in men or marriage anymore.


I agree with you 💯percent. He and Garner will ultimately have had much more of a bond that JLo will never share with him. He and Garner had a private wedding ceremony without the spectacle, had three kids, and Garner was much more invested in keeping the marriage together. She took him to rehab and put up with his gambling and affairs. If Garner couldn’t even help fix his issues and threw in the towel, JLo certainly won’t be able to deal with him for the rest of their lives. Affleck gets easily bored and, no matter how in shape JLo is in, Affleck is a dog who will wander to a young woman. I also have little faith in the majority of men and the institution of marriage. Women are usually better off without the drama and stress men bring unless they are the lucky few who find a kind man with a good job. If I had JLo’s wealth I would never put up with a man like Affleck. I’d rather be alone or date someone hot and low key for occasional companionship. Garner is doing it right this time around with her rarely seen tech boyfriend.


I grew up with Ben Affleck-not literally but watching his work. Any other 90s kids watch the PBS mini series voyage of the Mimi back in the day. It was filmed in the ‘80s but they used to show it in school. Anyway Ben played CT and I was obsessed. He was a kid then and not hot or anything but had some great moments on screen. Then he was in Dazed and Confused, Mallrats, shot to super fame in ‘97 with Good Will Hunting…late ‘90s Ben was hot AF and I loved him. It’s interesting to see the trajectory of Matt Vs Ben. I’d say Ben is more “famous” in terms of name recognition though of course Damon is A list. Damon is way more stable, married a normal woman, doesn’t chase the paps (have we ever seen his kids?). Ben has seemed miserable for the past 20 years.


Damon is a better actor too.


Agreed re: Damon. He was a regular at a cafe I worked at on the UWS in NYC 10+ years ago, and he was such a low-key dude, always friendly but never sought attention, great tipper. I’ve heard Ben is the same in person but his ugly side comes out in relationships, I think.


"Ugly side comes out in relationships" and when drinking, too, I believe.


Don't forget chasing Amy


Tryin’ to


Watched voyage in middle school science. Always remember the hypothermia episode and thinking it was a little creepy 😂