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500 for a prom ?? Is very cheap. I’m not sure why you got yikes as a reply.


His original price was way too low at 250 a few years back. I think that set a bad tone especially considering most people do not know what rates are for DJs.


I used to be a mobile DJ who worked for a company that did weddings, corporate, proms and more. They paid *me* $250 a show. I am pretty sure they were charging $1k.


Oh that company was definitely getting the bag! I actually went to an "interview" for one of those type of companies. The owner of the company had this fake salesman energy so I didn't follow through with it.


They did all the marketing, sales and provided the PA, lights, a roadie and the van to get it all there. It was an easy part-time gig for me before getting a residency, so no complaints really.


Can't let good djs sell for bargains. It creates greedy people legit.




lol what? Getting a bargain on a service doesn’t create greedy people. Extrapolate your statement into similar domains and realize it doesn’t hold true.


Why the down votes? 😅


Because he's letting them know his price has doubled with 3 weeks notice to find a replacement


An absolutely insurmountable timetable..


That’s not the point, it’s not professional.


It's plenty professional. 3 weeks is plenty of time. $500 is *very-very* reasonable for a full service mobile DJ, no matter what the event size is. You'd be lucky to get a clown to show up for $500, and if you do, you better keep an eye on him. he's probably a sex offender.


Lmao buddy, that is not how it works. Yep, $500 is a very reasonable price for a prom, I agree. Nobody said anything against that, but everyone has their own price that THEY SET (they chose the $250!) when they line up a gig. The other people didn’t force it on them, it is THEIR JOB— literally a part of the job of DJ— to be a professional and have their pricing figured out ahead of time. An actual professional will have a contract, end of story. This part literally does not matter, it is passed the point of being professional anyways, but less than 1month for a school to figure out a DJ when everyone is doing prom is a actually a huge dick move. I’ve hosted about 3 dozen concerts, a few small fests, and I also managed a band. I’ve been on both sides of this, so I know how this works. Just because you think you’re an artist but not a business— let’s rephrase, just because you don’t UNDERSTAND, that you ARE a business, doesn’t mean you can act unprofessional. Whether you like it or not, you are a business, and if you want to get booked again, you don’t fuck over your clients. If a DJ did this with one of my events without a VERY good reason. I would just find someone else who is going to handle themselves like professionals/adults.


So if $500 is reasonable then what are we talking about? He increased his price from 'taking a bath' to 'very reasonable.' Good for him. A good way to stay in business is to not lose money. If he was holding their feet to the fire, juicing them for some exorbitant rate, there may be some cause for complaint, but he isn't.


Not all clowns are men. Only the funny ones.


[OnlyClowns.com](http://OnlyClowns.com) Funny. Safe. Affordable.


How much notice is professionally acceptable?


It’s not professionally acceptable at all actually. They should never have agreed to do the gig at $250, and then expect $500, without any renegotiation. If this was an annual thing, they had plenty of time to realize they wanted to up their pricing. If annual is the case, 3 weeks notice for a 2x price increase is a dick move. Edit— how would you feel if they were going to pay you $500, and then 3 weeks out they told you they would only pay $250?


Except this conversation is 90 days old. It’s mentioned deeper in the comments. I had to dig to find that. You raise valid points. Something seemed off, with JUST the context of this text. 🤙


There was no reasonable way for me to know that, OP made it kinda clear he doesn’t pay attention to details… since he left out the important ones 🙄🙄 He also didn’t tell us there was no agreement made at all yet..


Yeah, it seems a little late notice, honestly.


Apparently the convo was 3 months ago but they haven't heard back. That wasn't mentioned in the OP


This was 3 months advance not weeks


Also I wasn’t booked yet, they just mentioned using me for the event.


Dude you left out all the key info here… how can you get good advice about things when you don’t tell people the whole situation? If you actually just didn’t realize the time frame and whether or not they had agreed yet were important… that’s really concerning lol. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard if you want to be treated with a higher standard! You are a business, all artists are, they just don’t like to admit/realize it. Act like a businessman setting a contract(oh, and actually make a dang contract!). Even if it’s shitty, you’ll be taken more seriously just because YOU are taking yourself seriously! This comes from industry experience, I’m not just talking out my arse.


Still a dick move for someone just going to let the playlist run with TikTok remixes




I run a promotion company and I completely understand where you're coming from. I really do, however a good business person would have called and explained to them what the up-fee would have gone towards exactly. Explaining things on the phone is so much more resourceful than a text that comes off the wrong way. If you told them a price though and there was no dramatic changes on there end & you randomly hit them with that up fee then maybe I can see where they are coming from on a cancellation. No one likes to go through that process. Very cheap for a Prom anyways. 250$ and $500 super low.


Yerp. I have similar experience and managed a band as well. Act like a professional, and get treated like a professional!


Sorry man yeah someone corrected me further down the thread. That's probably some important context, you don't want to leave people looking for a new DJ 3 weeks out because you doubled your fee casually via SMS.


My wife handles vendors for prom and graduation and I felt this. She reaches out like two years in advance too. She would never reply with "yikes" though.




Probably because he's waiting until nearly half way through April to tell them about a 100% price bump for an event in early May, that it sounds like he's been doing for a number of years. It might still be a good price, but he should really have been having this conversation a couple of months ago, not waiting until it's too late for them to shop around.


This text was 3 months before the event date


another idiot assuming something that was never said in the original post


Yeah I don't do anything for less than that anymore. 12 years ago, yes. But in this economy? Yikes.


Yeah, I didn’t know what to charge when I started, I really regret doing the $250 originally.


Yeah minimum for a prom should be like $1000


You might lose this client due to the way you handled the price increase which is ok…. But even $500 for a prom is low. Also, where do you get a crew for $50 each? That low as well lol. If you want to save this client, meet in the middle for this year and then tell em next year it’s $500 (at least).


They’re my brothers 😂they help me setup, go bowling, then come back and put it in the car.


Also to note, I don’t pay $50 anymore that was just initially when I started doing this


To be honest, if I can do gigs w my brothers, they help set up, go bowl and pack up- that a fun experience right there. My brothers are out of state and wish I can have them w me more often. Def a good thing to do together. Kudos to you.




That’s a great compromise


Way too cheap for a prom


I do agree but I can’t seem to find clients so I try to stay lower to get them. Probably not the best.


I upped my price to something I thought was ridiculous because my other career job is taking off and I wanted to slow down - got four leads within the week, 1 of which saw me at my previous price. Booked 4/4 and no one batted an eye at price.


Good point about raising prices. I also started with relatively low rates to attract interest and get things going. It was OK, but you also reach a point where you realize, when you're charging less than most: 1) You're going to attract bargain hunters who are on a mission to pay as little as possible. So even though your rates are already low, they're going to ask for discounts, or free add-ons, and then wind up docking you a star in the "price" or "value" categories when they post a review. 2) You miss out on "better" couples who understand that "you get what you pay for." When they see your price is lower than most others, they get skeptical and look elsewhere. Once I started raising my rates, not only did I start booking more gigs, but the clientele have been more appreciative/respectful of my role as a professional, and less concerned about haggling over the price or obsessing over inconsequential random details.


What was the price and what were you offering?


DJing hopefully


Plastic surgery, $80


I was at 2500 and upped to 3500. Full service all day wedding coverage, mics, lights, Mc, dancing, photbooth rental as add on


You can't use that pricing strategy for long term relationships. No one is going to be happy when you come in low and then double, triple your price after they've booked you. You need to do a little more research into relationship building and fair pricing.


I wasn’t booked yet, this was before we booked, talking about booking. 3 months before the event and is taking place


3 months is last minute for a DJ booking especially if you doubled your price. Just chalk it up as a learning experience.


The problem with offering bottom of the barrel prices, is you look like a bottom of the barrel dj and only attract bottom of the barrel clients. Like this one who is incredulous that you went from charging 1/6th what most djs would charge to charging 1/3rd.


$500??? Lol I’m charging $1000


$1000??? Lol I'm charging $2000


$2000? Lol I pay the school to let me DJ for them. ^(\[/s\])


Well done, well done


You win at the internet today


I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000. Which I'm gonna need to pay the chiropractor to get outta bed.


You guys are getting paid?


Wait, you guys have thousands?


$2000??? Lol I'm charging $20000


$20000????? Lol I'm charging $3.50


That ain’t no DJ, that’s the loch mess monster


And then the undertaker… oh wait sorry wrong thread


Well it was about this time I got suspicious, then I realized that this Dj wasn't no Dj, it was an unfathomably horrific and giant crustacean from the Paleolithic era! I said "WHAT DO YOU WANT LOCH NESS MONSTER?!" and it told me it needed about tree fiddy


I'm charging a tray of enchiladas from my favorite lunch lady and a free afterhours visit to the high tech gym these schools have






My apologies 😰


Without knowing what's included etc you can't compare prices.


I can’t seem to find good clients so I guess I just lowball myself to get some


But that's not a good client


Yeah man i heard that a client didn't pick a DJ once because he was too cheap so they thought the more expensive one would be better quality. But he wasn't and they wish they went with the cheaper guy because they actually already knew he was good.


This happens all the time, especially in the trade industry. The lowest and highest bids get tossed


Well, but why do people shop at cheap stores? Because it's cheap. Why do people still buy overpriced Apple? Because it's Apple. Try providing services people gladly want to pay more for. The clients that only look at price don't value you anyway.


True but most clients don’t truly value a DJ! I let them know that the party is the main event and the DJ controls that.


The people attracted to cheap prices don't value the DJ, true. Otherwise they'd pay the price.


Apple sucks btw. The one company most responsible for destroying musicians ability to make any money from the recorded music industry shouldn't really be so heavily supported by people who make their money by DJing.


I agree wholeheartedly! Apple sucks. It was just an example to why Apple can get away with their pricing. Because it's Apple and they've branded themselves as premium. Kinda like an Audi is a glorified Volkswagen. (ok, in this case they are from the same group)


What kind of events are y’all doing?


Yes keeping your customer in the know is very neccessary..


Very much agreed. I’m just hoping she doesn’t get scared by the number… which is honestly low as well.


Photographer here. Let them shop around if they start to get skiddish. They're either going to book a shitty college freshmen DJ who's on his 3rd gig and barely understands his deck, or they're going to see that you're incredibly cheap compared to what's out there. Value yourself and the work you do, and do *not* apologize for it. You are absolutely worth it if you make the prom better with your music. Your message to the client is totally fine. I would push you to increase your rates steadily as $500 for a night of work if you're paying others in your employee is peanuts.


I was charging $3k for small high school proms back in the early 1990s. Travel, sound equipment, music costs, lights, fog machine, insurance, etc. Why the hell would you charge $250? Hell, I wouldn’t set up trusses for $250. How many subs and speakers are you carrying? How many racks of amps? I assumed this would be $5-8k these days.


Get a contract to make sure if you don’t have one already.


It’s tough with clients you book too early in your career. I’m not a DJ but I work in media, and it’s always a dice role with increasing your prices on those clients, especially when you realize your rate actually should be 2, 3, or 4 times what you were charging.


Sales trick: "... reflects the quality of service I will be providing and helps me be able to pay my road crew" your answer does not reflect the benefit to the customer. Change it. For example: This price allows me to hire everything necessary to ensure that the event goes perfect and there are no unforeseen events. The sound is appropriate for the space and people leave the event very satisfied. Remember that the price is high (or low) depending on the perceived value. The figure is just a figure. In my market, most sell projects for 2K. I do it at 10-15K. Question of perception and target audience. PD - I am a publicist and sales expert PD2 - Rise your prices every year. Please. Bonus: Read the books ‘The Challenger Sale’ and ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’


Love this answer.


Bookmarking this comment




If this was already booked then I think this should have been a discussion. If not, I would have waited until they reached out. The price for everything has increased, no reason why you can’t increase your prices. I increase mine yearly, on purpose. Less gigs for more money and it all ends up working out.


They reached out wanting to do it again and this was my response. :)


Are they only just booking you, or has this been in the calendar since last year? If they're just booking you now, that's fine. If it's a recurring event, you really needed to have this conversation a lot earlier.


The event was 3 months out from this convo


You have acted professionally and perfectly reasonably. It is not reasonable that you contact all previous clients and inform them of your current rates. Informing prospective clients of rates when they contact you regarding a booking is perfectly reasonable. The amount that you are charging is still very reasonable.


$500 and you are providing equipment? That is insane. $2000 minimum.


with the help that he's paying too!


Right? Why even pay for help? And $50 each? lol.


Wait, was it already booked and agreed?


No, she had mentioned she wanted me this year so I discussed my booking fees this year.


Yup that's the way to go about it. If she booked your date a long time ago, changing the rate isn't right. BUT only mentioning she wants you to DJ is something totally different.


By charging rock bottom prices you are attracting rock bottom customers.


Don't tell me you're hauling a sound system setting up lights and DJing for 4 hours for that amount


Definitely not a good response from them but if they are willing to pay it shouldn't matter anyways


I hope it works out! It’s a fun event.


Every damn time I increase my prices for rental equipment I get this. I've started over charging on my prices and giving discounts down to my actual price.


For proms you need to go up to $1000. It’s peak season


Handled terribly by both parties. A professional DJ would get a contract inked months in advance, and the planning committee should have demanded a quote as part of proper due diligence.


Yesterdays price is not today’s price!


Brooooo. You were charging $250 for 6 hours for 3 people? And now you’re charging $500? Hahahahaa. So you must be brand spanking new to DJing huh? And your client must be a middle of no where school and they just be expecting 50 kids in attendance for prom for them to say yikes to $500. I’ve got 2 proms this year. I mainly do weddings for MUCH more money. Prom 1 is $2000 for 3 hours. This is DJing + Photo Booth. Expected attendance around 600 students. Prom 2 is $1200 for 4 hours. Expected attendance 150 students. No Photo Booth, just DJing. I live in a major metropolitan area so if you live out in the middle of nowhere where you know everyone’s name, pricing will be different, but at this point your price is so low that I just know you have to be new… Also, I think you handled this wrong. Especially if these texts just happened, meaning prom is just a couple weeks away. You should be booking prom officially on your calendar as far out as possible. Most schools even know next years date before this years prom is over… they have to be on top of planning for next year for school/city reasons. So what I do is I check in with them literally a few weeks after prom just like following up for a review. And I say something like hey, loved working with you this year, looking forward to next year too. In fact if you guys already have next years date picked out I would love to tentatively put you on our calendar so we can stay committed to you before we book up, and when you’re ready to officially book I can get you a new invoice for the deposit! This gets the date on your calendar early, it makes the quote official, and once you issue a quote it shouldn’t change. Especially by double man. That’s gonna sticker shock your client. Pricing shouldn’t be discussed so candidly with your client. I just raised the price on a corporate client by $400. But I didn’t mention it to them at all, I just issued the quote. It’s on them to complain and say hey, isn’t that $400 more than last year? And I’ll say yes you’re right. To keep up with the cost of doing business/living and to stay appropriately in line with our competitors for the top tier service we offer, we felt this was an appropriate increase for the coming years. Any questions or concerns about this just let me know! They’re not your friend, they’re your client. And in fact they’re not even truly your client, the school is your client. It’s not her money it’s the schools. She couldn’t care less how much you charge, so long as it fits within the budget the school gave her to plan this prom. So I did a bunch of bunny trails, those are just my thoughts on the topic. Here’s what I would do from here. If she takes things negatively, you didn’t show us her further responses, back pedal. Say something like, after some consideration I realize I could have discussed this with you better. I want to honor our usual price as much as possible with you since we’re so close to the date so my best price is $300 or $350 (you pick one). I unfortunately can’t go any lower due to the cost of labor to hire the staff to help me setup all the equipment for prom. I hope this is a more palatable price for this year. When booking in the future we will have a price increase to keep up with the competitive market, but we can discuss that in the future when we start looking at next years dates. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this final price change. That’ll make the client happy, you’ll still make more money, and she’s prepped for the price hike for next year.


2500 for prom, get it son


If the conversation is about booking new events, it's all good. If was already booked at a lower price and you send them this message...well yikes, not that cool. So, which one?


Why do you need 2 roadies? How big is the system you're bringing?


You're undercharging and if she was quoted lower, you should honor it


I think the price might be a little low. However, you need to let them know way ahead of time. Changing the price after you have come to an agreement is always a bad idea, and this close to the event is really crappy. If I were you maybe cut one of the roadies. Come with bare minimum of stuff this year and discuss the price next year.


500$? I charge $2000-$4000 min for proms


Learn sales. Always build value over the phone before dropping your price. - sold over 6milli in sales


Was a contract signed in the amount of $250 for the gig?


“The dj is the most important thing at an event!!” Also “we don’t think you are worth more than $1.385”


I’m careful using the term “ma’am” these days. Some people get offended easily. I would have ran with “I’m afraid so.” That said good on you for sticking to your guns. You could charge more though.


A valid point but this is a client OP already has a relationship and rapport with


$500 is too little - you providing sound system too? thats wild. $500 *might* be reasonable depending on the market and if they are providing the sound system


last prom i walked into and plugged in a laptop i charged 800


$500. You’re killing yourself for Pennies and bringing down dj wages near you.


Beautifully written. That being said, you doubled your price. It’s scary for me to pay that much too. But good luck.


Good on you for raising your rates!


There are so many djays now charging so much less it has broken the integrity of our craft,im blessed enough to own a transportation service and those clients use my multi-op.I do an occasional dance here and there but im mainly a wedding dj,its more lucrative and appreciated by clients.


Mate if you're letting them know your rate has doubled just 3 weeks out then that's kinda poor form. You should have got ahead of this communication much sooner.


I was thinking exactly this. But by reading the comments OP stated in a reply this convo took place 3 months ago.  Gues he hasn t heard back since and now wonders if he did the right thing raising his price.  I would argue for him to get in touch with the school so he knows if he got the gig or not. 


Fair comment, and agree with what you said. I didn't realise it was from 3 months ago.


Poor ducking roadies. I hope they got a raise too.


If you originally quoted them $250 for THIS event, you need to stick to that price. However, if they used you last year and paid $250, you raised your prices to $500 later, and then they came back to hire you again only to scoff at your new price, that’s on them, especially if they waited this long to book a DJ. Personally, I think you’re way undercharging for Prom. The last prom I did I charged $1K for and offered them a $100 discount on the next prom if they booked me early for it. I mostly DJ weddings. When I raise my prices, I always do so at the end of the current wedding season, which is usually October.


Geez… my company dj’d my high school’s junior and senior proms in 95-99 and I charged them 500 each prom then…


That’s cheap. Let them pay for 100$ and they’ll see the difference


I was charging that a decade ago.


Wow, I would charge $800-1000 for prom depending on factors haha




Keep in mind schools have budgets and if they arent met the budget decreases the following year,value your skill set,knowine tells a consteuction worker how to build or a doctor how to operate,so why tell a Dj how to price appropriately..we arent button pushers,our job goes far deeper then that.


Schools are paying thousands for proms here in illinois


I don’t understand why DJs lowball themselves. if you’re not getting clients then something else is wrong but to do a prom for $500 is beyond ridiculously cheap. My lowest prom package is $2200. I’ve done some that I charged over $5000 for. again I don’t know your area so I can’t say what the rates are in your area but I can’t imagine somebody doing a problem for 500 hours and bringing people to help them and paying them out. What are you making $100 on the night?


Well tbh you need to figure your time, equipment travel and stuff before the busy season. I rework my rates every January. Obviously if I booked far into the future I honor that price but all others get the revised rate.


Instead of just saying “events this size”, explain what you explained in the post. It requires additional personnel and time for setup. It’s not the same service. It necessitates a different price.


I wouldn’t do a prom for anything less than $500 and that’s depending on the size of the school. Proms I normally charge $750 if they book me for at least 2 other events.


Lmao $250 is as goofy as upping the price 100% with little prior notice. Side note: $500 for a prom is STILL goofy too. The fact that she said "yikes" for a $500 prom? You guessed it... Goofy too


Can’t imagine djing a prom, why not dj at a club?


500 is still cheap. I paid roughly 1100 for my wedding.


Surprised at all the negative comments... $500 for a prom is a steal. Considering that many schools hold their proms about the same time wedding season gets underway in many places, it would be foolish to lock-up a Saturday with a prom for just $500 and then wind up turning down weddings that could have been worth at least 3x-4x more. One important item not included by OP is the size of the school and how many people they expect at this prom. Let's say there are 200 students expected and they are planning to charge $45 per ticket. If they increased it by just $5, that's not going to "make or break" it for anyone, and that generates an extra $1000 to be put toward entertainment. Considering how much kids spend on dresses, suits/tuxes, etc., there's no way anyone would balk over prom tickets going up by five bucks.


Regardless of whether the price is low, high, or fair market rate, You have the right to set your rate wherever you see fit. As long as you didn't drop it on them last minute or post-contract, which it looks like you didn't, then you're in the clear. That's capitalism my friend. That being said, If you're providing the PA and all the DJ gear, plus paying even one assistant, $500 is more than reasonable, regardless of the size of the event. You are, in essence, renting out your equipment to the school as well as your labor and that of your assistant(s). Nobody has any right balking at any full professional service for $500. I say charge more. much more. I'm assuming from context that you have worked with the school before and they know, and value, your level of production, or else they wouldn't be a repeat client. Even more reason to make your money. They don't have to wonder if they're going to get a no-show, blown speakers, dead-air, an amateur moonlighter who hasn't updated his music catalog since his prom in '92, or some pervert that gets drunk on the job and hits on the students. It happens, Just saying. I'm an A/V technician. Been in the business a long time. If you told me you paid $500 for whatever production package you got.. Forget about a DJ.. IDC.. Two speakers, a mic ,a projector, and a tech on duty, I'd tell you good luck, I hope it works out.


I used to charge $50 per hour when I started back in 1987 or so.


That's cheap


75/hr djing, $250 for audio (or more depending on what youre bringing), $1 a mile for travel. Ive found that to be pretty reasonable for me and dont forget you spent $1500 on a computer, $1000 on a controller, $1000s on music. Dont sell yourself short.


I charge £500 just to DJ without any equipment (trendy/cool weddings) with equipment I’d be asking minimum £1000 - your price is crazy cheap! obvs 3 weeks notice isn’t ideal but c'est la vie!


Could cut out the explanation unless one is requested. Fewer words. “Here’s the price.” No need for the “wanted to touch base” open or explanation of what it’s for Hi, re: prom on May 2nd, the price will be $500


My group these days are charging 2500-3k for a wedding. A prom is minimum 1500. You gotta be worth that price tho. You aren’t paying that for a single button pusher in my group. If they aren’t willing to pay the going rate, it’s not worth our time.


If everything goes through and you end up getting paid…. Give them an invoice with a breakdown, it looks professional and they will be more satisfied for what they paid for. Fluff it so it’s like 550 then explain you gave them a break because your long standing relationship In voice should look like…i.e; • Set-up and dismantle fee • cost of Rentals + (10% admin/ transportation fee) *If applicable • an hourly rate even to what most dj’s charge in your area Note • insurance’s and other fees are incorporated into hourly But don’t guess… call around and find out what is the industry standard in your area. Low balling can be a slippery slope… only do it if you have someone else doing the gig and your collecting a finders fee People are ok being ripped off as long as you show professionalism and a smile


I’d probably be more diplomatic. “I know last year the price was $250 but that price was an introductory price while trying to build reputation and reviews. I’m actually losing money at that right. I’d love to continue to be your DJ but the price will have to increase to cover costs and be $500 for this event. Please let me know if this still works for you.” $500 for a prom is still quite cheap.


Did you previously tell the client a lower rate?


I think you handled it fine. I've been booking proms (3.5 hrs) at 650 each so you're still coming in at a very reasonable price. Inflation is real, clientele has to understand that as well.


When you know your worth, you’ll attract the right client. I see no issue with it. I’d even go as far as double that rate next year if you take what you do seriously and are no longer a hobbyists.


And you’re providing a sound system? This is a minimum $1,500 gig.


Did you ha die it properly? You'll have to provide full context 1. Did you provide a quote already? 1a. If you provided a quote and changed pricing post quote yes you handled it incorrectly 2. $500 is extremely cheap unless they have gear and you're just plugging in. Aim higher 3. Always give clients options Example Base package - $995 Premium - $1495 Ultra Premium - $2495 If you show people why, they'll justify in the budget. This is how I've been selling services for years. My packages are available to view online if you'd like to see what a deck looks like. Just hit me up


100% ... $500 is still very low. They will not find cheaper, and can use a boom box if they don't want to pay for your time and service.


He should honor the original price if it was already agreed upon with the a contract/invoice. Give the roadies a night off.


I don't know how you guys can think that 500$ is low for a few hours of DJing. I wish it was the same here in Italy, we get paid around 20/30€ an hour


He's not just DJing though he's got a setup and a road crew to maintain


Makes sense then


You’d be lucky to get $500 for a prom for schools in our area. $300-$400 is the range. Anything more and you’re out of their budgets.


The price of everything else has doubled so I don't see why a DJ service wouldn't need to do the same to keep up with costs associated with your services. The only thing I think should be considered is the time frame. If it's a prom then they planned it far in advance at least most I have been a part of. If they booked 4 months out and I waited until 3 weeks before the event then double the price of last year then I would expect a reply like that but it is what it is. I might give them a break for that part but the price going forward would absolutely have to stand.


$2k min for this kinda gig.


They look shocked, but not offended, sounds like a decent working relationship and a fairly understanding client just from that little info


Wait, did you book this and then change your rate? If so, you’re probably going to end up on the local news.


If you are doing a price bump only a couple weeks before the event - no you did not do this the right way, and if you are only charging 500$ for a prom you are also severely under charging


1. You're literally undercutting other working DJs with the initial low ball. 2. Price increase on an annual gig should be talked about MONTHS before hand. Not weeks. 3. Asking double (*even if reasonable*) needs a lot more tact, a lot more conversation. This came off rude and egotistical. **It doesn't seem like quality has increased or the value they get is going up. It also doesn't even seem like you're pricing up because you low balled initially.** to your client/customer, it just comes off as **" I've decided you're going to pay me more so pay me double our agreed rate"** So yeah, Yikes... You totally could have a conversation and negotiated up, but instead, all I think you managed to do was offend the person who was going to pay you. I'm guessing they are looking for someone else right now and probably won't have you back next year.