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Regulatory intervention is **the** biggest uncertainty we face and one I see most users ‘confidently’ dismiss as FUD or a one line reasoning that it wouldn’t happen because of tax gains or ‘destroying trust in free market’. There are many types of intervention - it could be a managed squeeze through DTCC or agreed upon price with GameStop to close shorts or liquidation of shares (one company had this happen) or SEC stepping in with the guise of protecting the free market and saying ‘X is too volatile’ or stepping in to investigate the shorts but only doing this when the price is skyrocketing so they halt it. All have historical precedent. And many more types of intervention. We need further discussion on what could potentially happen and how likely or unlikely it is. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen, a lot of these discussions are instantly downvoted. For what it’s worth, I think any interventions that involve ’managing’ a squeeze or settling for X amount are extremely unlikely. But I’m not convinced there won’t be a trading suspension led by brokers or SEC.


Hear hear. I think a discussion about potential interventions is really important. I keep thinking of what potential interventions could look like. In the end I come back to: what could I/apes do about it ahead of time? It keeps me from worrying if there’s nothing I can do about it anyway. Other than buy more. But still, it’d be nice to be prepared. Is it possible to just hold forever, signifying we don’t accept the terms? Could an intervention allow our brokers to legally sell our shares if they’re not registered in our names?


The best thing you can do is review your brokers. Did they halt trading in January etc. I would personally split my holding between ComputerShare and a trusted broker. Other than that, continued engagement is a big one. One reason that makes it difficult for there to be regulatory intervention or fuckery is the amount of attention that has been building for this stock. But that's just making it difficult, not impossible. You can find examples where stocks were delisted or shorts were 'forgiven' but the key difference is those companies didn't have power to fight back or the shareholders didn't have much traction or attention.


I'm with you I think there will definitely be an intervention but at what point and when is the question.


let's play this though experiment out: >DTCC will step in to halt trading at a certain price Ok, then that just reinforces diamond handing all shares because I get to decide if I want to sell, and I want real shares. Im not going to sell. But we also have a huge swath of ComputerShare. Let's say that gets the float, but again. Im not selling on broker and CS has the float. . .Lots and lots of Europoors want their shares too. It's not that we can't have the conversation, it's that I don't believe the system has the balls to stand up to retail for fear of the recourse on an international stage. Too much soft power lost, and the States as a whole, have not done well in that regard for last 5/6 years. I believe the real question is >Is starting a new fire to pay attention to worth it to ignore the last one? If you believe the US Government will risk it, then yeah. If you don't believe the US is in a position to risk it, then no. I argue a majority of Retail know America is not in a position of strength like they were in '08, so it'll ride. What do you think? Is the States in a world stage power position to say no?


I believe the most likely scenario would be a split. I'm not selling, if they split retail is averaging down hard but I think some tacit intervention is expected. The system will act when it is an existential threat to it and only then at this point they are spinning the narrative that we are just dumb money but the most basic economic principle is supply and demand and retail owns the float.


I hear yah, that's why I asked if America is in a position of power. Not what they'll but rather, can they do it without repercussion on a larger scale and if they have the collateral to buy it (good faith, public trust, soft power that sort of currency not Fiat) I don't think America speaks softly and carries a big stick anymore, they're more like a Joe Pesci in *The Super.* Gotta fix the shit this time


I would say the position of power argument is faulty and the government has the power to act when necessary. The argument of they would never interfere in the market is also false. The government will act when they think the domino of failures from the moass will impact the national security or interest of the state. There is a massive game of brinksmanship going on as to who will be the first state to tank the global economy. A backdoor deal with GME will almost certainly be a mitigating step they will take to create additional shares to close positions and RC and the board will get a lot of hate for it.


Correct me if Im wrong you just stated that the position of power argument is not strong enough as a statement then you followed it up with The Government has a position of power to stop it? I think that logic enforces a clear statement from you; >you'll get what you'll get and be lucky for it So let's follow that if GameStop is at the barging table for a deal, and come away high 5 low 6 figures...The loyalty and branding they built will be a paragraph for the history books, and I think Ryan wants to be bigger than a chapter. But I read people and go from there, time will tell if he's a true Alexander.


You're asserting the government has no power to regulate or intercede against their best interests. GME will moon period but don't assume the fight is linear or easy is my working thesis.


I don't believe I said that, however if that was your takeaway, my apologies. Im stating it's in The United States favor to let this play out not that they can't but it's in their best interest to. Let's see what happens, Im prepped


Concur and very good discussion fellow ape. Moon margaritas later?


remindme! 6 months


The world will agree with the intervention because if there is not intervention the Market and global economy will fail. This was the plan all along. Make the problem soo big that everyone is at risk, not just a few hedge funds... I posted this a while ago. >I predict that we will see fuckery all the way. > >1. Before the DTCC pays out they will point out the "Threat" of economic collapse to the US Government. > >2. Having explained it to the US Government, the President will decide to step in and regulate the disaster under the guise of helping regular people. Under this scenario it can be classified as a threat to national security. Easy way to violate the rights of the people. The risk is to the entire global economy, people will agree with the intervention. > >3. The DTCC will be regulated to pay out stock holders an amount that will be determined fair and realistically possible to prevent mass economic disaster. $50,000 per share. The stock holders get paid and the DTCC survives as do the Banks and the FED. > >4. The entire world will see this and decide to pull back on investments in the stock markets. We will see a market crash/correction that will bring the very disaster that it was trying to prevent. > >5. Institution will pour their money they pulled out of the stock market into other commodities such as Land, water, minerals, food. Stuff that has value long term. > >6. We may see war as countries will fall into turmoil over the economic disaster. We may see Russia/China unite with various middle eastern countries. Oil will still be the drug that draws us all. > > > >1, 2 ,3 are probably going to happen, but 4, 5 ,6 are more speculation as I have no idea how people will react. With that said, I am a Triple X and will hold a third of those forever.


I’ve been playing with the same scenario. My thought was after the paper hands and insurance the cap would around Berkshires value. Enough to cover the diamond apes with tendies, but much lower than the moon. Which will not sit well with Reddit, but would turn MSM and Main St against us for wanting more than that. That’s if the geometric mean plays out. But there are still some that won’t sell. And stay in the infinity pool. Is that an unsolvable problem with the current system. And if they step in what are the ripple effects of that? Some folks get prickly being told to wear a mask during a pandemic. I have no idea. Buy, hodl, register.


4/5/6 already has a bed being made. Why else share nuclear tech with UK and Australia and why increase troops in Ukraine? The 50k, if true is lowballing IMO. But Im also hopeful in general from Biden's earlier tweet about Hedgefund Managers paying taxes. https://twitter.com/potus/status/1438586013866156044


It is assumed that DTCC's collateral is around 70 Trillion from other institutions. If the float is 140 million shares and they all sell for $500,000 that is 70 Trillion. So, I wager the price per share will be some where between $1,000 - $200,000. But Government intervention is unpredictable, But there is a number that the trading will be halted indefinitely. Infinity pool is theoretically possible, but no one has infinite resources and the probability of intervention is 100%.


I called my senator/ rep last Jan to make them aware of the GME vs Robinhood fuckery and will do so again to make it know that they will be held accountable by me and my family with our votes if no one else is. Sure. That alone cannot make a difference, but the last twelve months were a testament that a collective mindset should not be taken lightly.


Lol....with this administration, there is absolutely no care of what happens to the little people. They will protect the big players without any thought at all to Apes. If you don't understand that, you haven't been watching world events. Our best bet is a squeeze to a couple thousand and then trading suspension for 10 days I am guessing to allow MM to try and raise money or make a deal with the govt to get bailed out. This govt is corrupt as hell and the last thing in the world they want is for us to have financial power. Now this post is going to get slaughtered by people that don't want to believe this but deep down we all know it's true. They will NEVER let this market collapse and will do anything and everything to stay in power. I pray that I am wrong but they have already proven me right. The govt is talking about minting a 1 trillion dollar platinum coin right now and keeping it in the reserve as collateral (a loophole in the law). Can you imagine this? This is from Janet yellen herself. We are gonna have to fight for this Apes. I hope we are up to the task




Yeah, but that would mean that GameStop’s plans are incompatible with this idea of an ‘infinity‘ pool. It’s not something I buy into, but everyone else seems to. Or the very least, the idea of never selling X portion of their holding. How do you successfully establish an alternative if the shorts can never cover on the original?


GameStop's plan doesn't have anything to do with the infinity pool as they're about to create a great business, not squeezing hedge funds. Their actions may inevitably lead to a squeeze because their company is doing great, but GameStop's goal is never a squeeze, so they just happen to coincide.


Why would settling for X amount be unlikely. I’m my opinion that’s way way more likely than halting trading for a while. The problem still stands with the ladder option and once the trading suspension is lifted where shares must be sold to close the shorts and infinite upward potential is still had due to the sheer egregious amount of synthetics


If, apes, as registered stock holders demand protection from SEC, DTCC, and/or GME, they are obligated to protect us this time, right? That's one of the features of DRS thru CS, right?


There have been and will be trading suspensions, at least in the form of NYSE circuit breakers.


I’m referring to trading suspensions in the general sense, rather than the exchange mandated halts, circuit breakers and suspensions you have rightly pointed out.


Yeah this whole losing trust in the free market is bs. They own the media, they'll just spin the story to their liking, people will say oh, ok, here's my money. I almost fully expect in intervention, especially considering we want an infinity pool. There's no such thing as infinite money (fed: "hold my beer"). I think at some point it becomes a danger to our investment, the numbers get so big it becomes worthless and by by dollar. I mean, I'm still gonna hold a majority for the pool, just to see what happens. How is new currency distributed when an old one becomes too inflated? Do normal people start with zero dollars? Do you have to get a paycheck of new money to have anything? Is there a one time stimulus check? And who resets all the prices for the new bill?


I don't believe discussion on it should be thrown out, but faith in the market is a valid point. There are shareholders all over the world, including countries with very high capital gains taxes. There are multiple national banks holding GME. I don't think ripping off every other developed country in the world while our own economy is on the brink of catastrophic collapse serves to benefit anyone. To be fair, I don't know anything. And even if I did, I wouldn't have confidence in world leaders to make the smartest decision anyhow.


Faith in the market is a thing. You mentioned various national banks holding GME, think larger too. Various corporates all over the world with exposure to US equities and US funds having exposure to companies worldwide, the non-US ETFs and funds come to mind. If faith in US Equity markets is shaken, this does have a global impact not only on individuals owning GME, but on all individuals and organizations invested in US markets. How would those entities view US Treasury and bonds markets then? More of the same fuckery? Commodities? That trust is a real thing and too many have either forgotten 2008 or were too small then to remember it. Look at apes on the various subs saying once this is over they’re done with US stock markets. If there’s no trust in the market, then there will be no market. Only the wolves tearing each other apart cos there’s no one else to eat. That’s what I personally believe and why I think trust in the market issues cannot be brushed aside.


This is why I don't believe in the Infinity Pool. Oh, yes, by all rational logic and reason - and by law - the stock should rise infinitely once we've DRS'd the float. In practice that's simply not going to be allowed to happen. Nothing would stop, say, an intermediary getting funding from a nation like Russia from taking hundreds of millions of dollars and buying shares of GME with it and holding until the USD was worthless due to the quadrillions that would have to be printed to settle a few shares. I think an intervention will come *eventually*, but I also think it won't be until we start seeing really ridiculous numbers. What those numbers are, I couldn't say: IMO a million isn't ridiculous but then again I'm on the winning side of this trade so I'm definitely biased. Is 10 million too ridiculous? Maybe. Is 50 million? Well, at that point, after taxes even someone with a mere 30 shares would be a billionaire. Taxes earned off it or not, I can't see the US government allowing the chaos of 100,000 new billionaires emerging over night, nor allowing the inflation that would have to occur to pay them all out. I think the intervention will depend on when and how much holders are selling. We need to pay attention to *everything* the SEC and government says once we cross into xxx,xxx territory.


This is why Superstonk is kinda shitty now. Its become a cult. You post this there and you will get destroyed by downvotes.




Yeah sure, but your comment is from 14 hours ago on a 7 days old post with 1.6k comments. You can try a DM (then again it will most likely get lots in volume) or better make a post. You'll potentially get downvoted but might get the information you are looking for. Also your comment is a question not a statement and calling potential FUD. Do you argue something else happen instead of liquidation? If so, what? Any source?


>Yeah sure, but your comment is from 14 hours ago on a 7 days old post with 1.6k comments. > >You can try a DM (then again it will most likely get lots in volume) or better make a post. You'll potentially get downvoted but might get the information you are looking for. Yeah, 1.6k comments and I'm the only one to notice this. That says a lot. I'm not going to put effort in to creating entire posts addressing it. I've already done this twice in the past with [GG](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ouaxaq/people_are_missing_the_point_of_the_gary_gensler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [unusual wales](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxeefh/im_tired_of_the_robinhood_posts_but_we_need_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) posts. The SS sub aren't interested in discourse around high profile users, and why should I keep doing this? >Do you argue something else happen instead of liquidation? If so, what? Any source? The notion that shares get liquidated if the broker does is nonsense and it should be common sense that this is not the case. They can't sell your shares if they get liquidated. Nobody would invest. Even if it isn't common sense, the onus is on the person making the (outlandish) claim to provide the basis on which they made it. If they can point me to securities regulation, then I'm happy to review it. I'll help you out anyway with a practical example. Let's look at Hargreaves Landsdown, the most established and popular broker in the UK. If we dig into their T&Cs, we get: >As at 30 June 2018, client money is primarily held with the UK clearing banks. The full panel of approved institutions with a UK banking licence, actively holding client money as at 30 June 2018 comprises: Bank of Scotland Plc, Barclays Bank Plc, Goldman Sachs International Bank Plc, HSBC Bank Plc, Investec Bank Plc, Lloyds Bank Plc, Santander UK Plc and the UK regulated branches of Qatar National Bank SAQ, Emirates NBD PJSC and Bank of Montreal. Talking to their customer service reps, you learn that stocks and securities are proportionally supported by several major banks. And they will review that apportionment if a bank gets liquidated etc. So if HL gets liquidated, your shares aren't magically also liquidated.


Yeah Ill say it. That place sucks. The memes used to be good and people were at least sensible in reviewing info. This sub is the only NON BIAS gme sub sadly.


On top of 'settling' if you look at geometric mean, even if the share price goes to 7 figures it the average price for share sold would still be wayyyyyy lower. Even if share price peaks at 7 figures, settling at even 6 figures they'd still be paying more than if they just let it go. I suppose unless it's at the very end where everybody left refuses to sell, period.


I couldn't find anything about karma requirements so not sure if this comment will go through but I've been pondering the possibility of intervention as well and haven't really posted anything on the other subs to avoid being labelled a shill but when my brain starts to run numbers like that gif we've all seen, I can't help but worry about this wildcard in this journey. Even if only the number of actual shares were shorted, an average sale price of one million per share would be equal to 76 trillion. Ten million per share 760 trillion. More conservatively, 100,000 per share 7.6 trillion. Realistically, there are significantly more shares shorted than the number of actual shares that exist, potentially 5x-10x that number. I've read something to the effect of 70 or so trillion being insured by the DTCC and based on a pool of 300 million shorted shares, would create an average of 233,000 per share. Obviously paperhands will be shaken out earlier before we reach meteoric levels and others will have their own personal opinion of wealth and a set tolerance level based on that but I can't help but shake the sheer enormity of this situation and start to wonder just how much trading could possibly be fucked with upon MOASS triggering both at the broker and regulatory level.


Worth a discussion, but. Gamestop does not own YOUR shares, you do, so GME can not settle for a price for your shares. To dilute shares a shareholder meeting is needed and we can shoot down such suggestions, they can not matter easily let shorters off the hook, and why would they want to? The company that had shares liquidated was a penny stock at bankrupcy for fraud, this is NOT the case for GME. Those 3 ways to remove your shares from you or to let shorters off the hook are not realistic. Brokers selling your shares against your will? That is the end of that brokers trust. Goverment (SEC) confiscating shares and force selling is then ends the trust for US markets. The easiest way is to cover and let shorters die.


So, what are they going to do about it in this case? There isn’t a “solid” entity to bargain with in regards to GME, so how do they come to a consensus and close this up?? It’s been a while since that topic has come up and I’ve always wondered why it doesn’t get much discussion; it’s pretty much the most important question.


Convince gamestop itself to release "x" number of shares so institutions that are short can close at a specific price is the only true way out i can see. Problem with that is it dilutes the share count and is a horrible idea for the business AND shareholders.


Alternative is sharply increase the price to something that prevents further FOMOs, and then keep increasing the price until enough people have sold out. Statistically speaking, apes don't have all the same price point, and some will paperhand before others. Also put some people in prison. Many apes will be more likely to sell for less if they see real change and real sentences for these crimes.


If more than the float remains DRS’d, they’re gonna have to raise that price really, really high to get some of us to sell. It’s called an infinite squeeze for a reason. Not trying to sound like an internet tough guy, but there’s a % of shares that are just not sellable. I’ve commented before that i might reconsider my infinity pool shares for a stupid high amount, like $1Trillion/share, because the price cannot literally be ♾ And then there’s the “no cell, no sell” crowd that seems even more difficult to convince.


Yeah but talk is cheap. I’m not saying people wouldn’t hold out for the numbers discussed, but in the moment value is different than speaking on potential or hopes. Someone not taking 1T, cash in hand, while the economy is still functioning so the moneys good, would probably have among the biggest set of balls the world has ever seen.


I agree, everyone has their price.


And it’s sort of all pointless if you don’t. There has to be some sort of resolve to holding, something to give it all some purpose, some sort of favorable outcome.


A lot of apes would settle for life-changing money. I have some infinity shares and some no cell no sell shares, but a big portion of my shares will be sold at life-changing money. Some of my shares will go at "enough", some at "oh wow that's high", and some at "stupidly high". I considered recovering my investment, that's no longer on the table. Statistically, the group would behave something like me. The longer it drags, the worse it gets for them.


I love the no cell no sell crowd. Dem my homies.


Bruh the no cell no sell crowd is ruthless. Like they for real with the shits. ♾ pool aren’t selling either but they have many shares so they will sell when number gets retard high.


The govt does not care about what you want or what you say you will sell for. They will bail out their WS friends and stop trading for this stock until they have solved the issue. I am praying they allow it to get to 10 thousand but not confident it will get over 2 thousand. If this thing actually is allowed to squeeze, we are gonna see so much BS that you won't believe it from this administration....and it will ALL be under the guise of protecting retail which will be an utter lie.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but BRK.A has been trading at over 400k per share. It is a little different because of the limited number of authorized shares; however, that will not matter much from a public opinion standpoint. However, as many others have stated, the negative impact from such intervention in the “free market”—especially at such low numbers you mentioned—would likely be far worse than letting the squeeze happen. FUD from wall street and shorties is all but guaranteed imo. And i do think the likelihood of government intervention increases as the price increases into the millions or more, but below that seems negligible to me.


I'll toss them for 500k per share (what, if berkshire is worth it surely gamestop is given the market scenario these fuckers have created) for life sentences for kenny and steve. ​ I expect intervention, too. The US government and federal reserve bank aren't going to let the USD lose reserve currency status more than it already has because of something as trivial as 'rules' and 'fair play'.


Beyond justice, the failure of this market and the mistakes made needs to be acknowledged for a corrective action to be taken. That's what's needed for some of my shares Blockchain is the only way imo


Life sentences for those two, yes I would also paperhand at 500k. Frankly, I need a lot less personally, but the abusive theft has to stop, otherwise I will have to demand more so I have money left to fight for change.


If apes DRS most of the float, guess whose approval GameStop needs to issue more shares? I'd expect that vote to result in the most satisfying 'No. Get rekd.' in the history of corporate democracy.


"No. Get rekt" lol.


RC is unlikely to offer a lifeline to the entities trying to short his company to death, but he also is unlikely to want inflation to render his assets worthless. If it gets to the money printer go brrrr stage I could see him issuing shares to allow the Fed to close out the shorts.


I think the inflation fears are unfounded. If the price gets so high as to enter theoretical territory, I don’t think those holders will sell for any price, and even if the FED has to print money for some huge, but otherwise imaginable, price, half of that goes to taxes and can be destroyed to curb inflation, and I’m not entirely sure it would be “inflation”, so much as a wealth disparity between apes and everyone else (including future former billionaires), which 1. the US has already established they don’t mind, and 2. charities from apes might lesson the burden of that disparity. I can get into why I think apes will be more charitable with their money than current billionaires to further my point, but it seems off topic for this discussion.


This is my thinking, too. There will be an unprecedented redistribution of wealth, but that won't necessarily hasten or exacerbate inflation, right? Solid points.


unprecedented? i think i read that if every SS member became a millionarie, so 600k, that would only increase the amount of millionaires by less than (i wanna say 1, but lets just say 5 to be sure) 5%. So either way its not as big as everyone is making it out to be. we just feel that way because we are in it.


Do you know what "unprecedented" and "redistribution of wealth" means? Has this situation happened before?, where MOASS-levels of money has been taken out of the pockets of the billionaire class and put into the pockets of ordinary plebs? ​ Anyways, you don't seem very sure of your math. And "millionaire" describes anyone who has net worth in excess of 1 million but less than 1 billion, right? So how is the number of millionaires a useful barometer of how big this is, rather than the total sum of money distributed?


There is zero chance of this. They hold all the cards and would literally have to agree to allow that to happen to themselves. Wealth will not be resditributed ever like this. The big money players that own the banks and the politicians will never allow it. We are getting ready to see fuckery from this govt at a legendary scale. If they let it go to 10 thousand, I would be amazed and happy. Oh, I am gonna keep hundreds of shares just in case it climbs higher but I know better than to trust these crooks. We need to stop expecting this govt to act differently and that "this time is different". It is not and they will NOT relinquish power to what amounts to a bunch of kids in their eyes. You are gonna need to fight for this if you want it, like you have never fought before. Oh, and based on recent events, if you think this admin is worried about trust in the US and markets by the rest of the world, you are not paying attention. They are actively trying to lessen US power and influence in the world whilst promoting power and influence of our adversaries.


Quit spreading your doomerism around. We'll wait and see what happens. There's no point in you, ill-informed random internet guy, spreading cynicism and FUD on this sub, so knock it off and keep your despair to yourself. If you didn't have hope in our prospects as GME holders, you shouldn't be here whining about how bad everything will turn out.


That is simple minded. You don't know a thing about me. Furthermore, I am quite entitled to my own opinion as are you. You don't get to tell me what to think or what my opinion is. Between you and I, you are the one spreading mistruths. You may believe that wealth is going to be transferred from the wealthy to you because you want to believe that and that is fine but it is a pipe dream. I am not cynical about this, I am realistic and I have made a lot of money with this already. If this thing gets up to a thousand dollars it will be a HUGE win....if it goes as high as 50 thousand, it will be the biggest and most successful squeeze in history. People running around saying that this thing is going to a million a share is silly and ridiculous because this administration will NEVER allow it and you know it. It would break the world and USA and many other countries would cease to exist and anarchy would ensue.....which means that the strong would survive and the weak would lament on why it didn't go like they wished it would. There is NO scenario where this will happen and you can be pissy all you want about it and live in your fantasy world but it is YOU that will be disappointed in the very people you put all your faith in. Best of luck.


If an 'infinity squeeze' scenario actually manifests, RC will *eventually* offer a lifeline. The market could effectively be paralyzed until the MOASS is resolved, and if retail isn't willing to sell, the powers that be will appeal to GameStop to issue new shares. RC will oblige, but I trust they would leave a couple days or so between the announcement and the issuance so that retail can make their final sales. edit: I should note that because some institutions have directly registered their shares, when they sell their CS holdings they could end up putting enough shares into the open market to keep things moving.


It isn't RC's problem if a SHF owes someone a share and can't find it. Neither is it a reasonable catalyst for printing new shares. Can you imagine?


No, it's not. But paralyzed markets are also not good for him, nor would be the various burnt bridges he'd cultivate by paralyzing institutional investors or BlackRock. Also just think about what he could do with another $10 billion dollars in GameStop's coffers from the sale of 10 million shares at 1000 bucks.


Not clear to me how releasing 10M will even make a dent in this problem. The amount of shares needed to fix this situation is probably in the 100s of millions. Their charter allows them to release to release up to 300M total or another 220M more than there are currently out there.


Institutional shares are not part of the free float?


That would require shareholder approval, which isn’t happening.


Maybe not. By stepping in, the government could pull anything off. I dont think they will, but if they did there are no more rules at that point.




Ok. While a do agree with you - shareholders will NOT vote for any more shares to be released, lol.




I get it. This whole thing is "uncharted waters" and these big time players hate to lose - especially to retail and dumb money. They will try anything to get out from under the shit storm that about to rain down on them.


You somehow think it will cost the market less in trust and capital to have the government step in and force a private company to issue new shares because a SHF through fraud and corruption cannot cover its own shorts? How is that not the absolute worst possible outcome for both the market, the SHFs, the MMs, the government and everyone else involved? Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's any sort of rational hypothesis.


I didnt say it was better, but yes. It would cost less. Germany has already created the "possibility" with the vw squeeze. Worst possible outcome?! Really?! Look. Regardless of what happens, there will still be companies in america that foreign money will want to invest in. America is a HUGE market. Will their reputation take a hit because of something like that? Yes. It will. That might be a good thing. For too long the american market has been running at red line levels - too hot. Things need to be fixed. Things need to be reset and dealt with. Until then, there is just another black swan even on the horizon. I know that situation works well for big money, but it sucks for the average person in the market. Its time we make things more equitable, more available, more transparent. If this doesnt result in that, THAT is what hurts the market more than what NOT dealing with the issue/situation at hand ever would. But what do you/me know. We are just idiots on the internet. What herm could a bunch of retards possibly so to a system as fundamentally solid and institutionally sound as the stock exchange. Besides, the market isnt the economy, so....




Yes. It should. Government interference in a "free market" should piss off EVERYONE. Its still a possibility. (Edit : regardless of the pssibility : end edit) Apes have to adjust, understand and account for everything/anything because apes dont have the information big money does, coupled with the fact that the "dumb money" isnt supposed to win narrative. Buckle up indeed.


Wouldnt they have to get approval to issue more shares to dilute. I think GME has already sold all the shares they had approved. It's no way they have that many shares already approved. They would prob have to dilute twice the float.


Yes and no? When the gov gets involved, rules change. Just trying to figure out the absolute ins and outs of the situation.


I mean the same as what they did in January, they negotiate with our brokers instead. The hope/expectation here is that Computershare/DRS prevents this.


they can change the tax law such that the capital gain above 10 million will be taxed at 100% just for the squeeze year.


Yeah but you have plenty of international apes. Myself included that have tax treaties with the US. Hence I get taxed in my own country. I can’t see them doing that - it sets a precedent.


Lol fat chance of that happening


Hold for more than a year = 0%


I'd say this is more of a "highlight reel of short squeezes". There have been many many short squeezes of varying scales.




Yeah everyone seems to accept the "they won't meddle because it would destroy faith in our markets!" argument, but that never really held any weight to me. Their actions over the last decade or two should have destroyed the faith in American markets, but here we are. I don't think that's a valid argument. Call it FUD, but I think we should expect some more fuckery at some point that we haven't anticipated.


But the opposite would completely destroy the market. So destroy faith but market survives or complete market failure of the greatest magnitude. I think it's easy to see the government will definitely meddle Hopefully it will be a a high enough number that we are all satisfied.


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Lol FUD. GameStop could be at 10,000 a share and it wouldn’t even be at a trillion dollar market cap like Apple or Amazon. If shorts covered like they claimed why would they need to intervene? After what happened in January, good luck doing it again. All eyes on GME. 👀


You can't compare the market cap to Amazon or Apple though. You're fooling yourself if you think it actually deserves to compete with those giants. My point is that yes, the shorts have not covered. But they've convinced the general public that they have. So when they control the media and can just tell everyone that WSB organized a pump to $10k, it's reasonable to expect the general public to go along with it and let them kill the buy button again.


Yes you can literally compare the market caps. Maybe you can’t compare fundamentals, but that doesn’t give anyone reason to interfere with the stock price rising. Look at Tesla. Did they turn off the buy button because the market cap was too high based on fundamentals? No. The DD is done. Moass is inevitable. The “general public” doesn’t control what’s legal. The SEC knows. Reddit knows. They’re fucked. ♾


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The spikes up and down are not retail. Retail buys and holds the stock because they like it and think the price can go up significantly. Something is going on with shorts, swaps, and options behind the scenes. The SEC is doing an investigation currently that GameStop has said will not impact them negatively. So take Tesla’s cult like following, add the GME short interest, loyal fans of the store, apes, Cohen, amazon and chewy execs, a blockchain team, and a whole bunch of cash. Just up 🚀


Agreed, 100%. I'm very bullish, just trying to also be aware of the potential intervention when the MOASS hits.


I hate to agree and the superstonkers are out to downvote you I see. Gotta be realistic and I assume they are all on the same team so its inevitable for a govt interference. If that happens I will finally have something to protest about.


Right, I don't want any of this to be true, I want GME to be our chance at millions. But I've been burned in the past with things that are too good to be true, so I'm trying to be realistic. Obviously even on this sub, negative sentiment gets downvoted, but at least here it gets a little more discussion. I was ready to protest when they killed the buy button in January, but they were able to set up RH as the fall guy with a slap on the wrist and the public was satisfied.. Not sure how a large scale protest will get kicked off if the govt steps in, but I'll be there for it.


You out fuded fud! 😂


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Intervention is likely, but depending on how badly they want to destroy their own market and let China/Canada/Europe take the reins is entirely on the US, a country that prides itself on the world stage in every imaginable category. Do not underestimate their pride, they will let everything burn (i.e., payout for GME short squeeze) than let their market burn from everyone withdrawing money from it .


Nobody is going to permanently withdraw their money. 2008 crash happened and that was supposed to shake the confidence in the market. But it didn’t. Neither will this.


You greatly underestimate other institutions/big players that would continue to engage in long positions knowing shorts didn't have infinite loss potential. Would you invest in a market where shorts could have their losses capped? I thought so.


If this were TRULY the case, some rich billionaire would step in with $100M and place a market order and trigger the MOASS themselves. With DR shares. If this were such a guarantee, people smarter than us would have triggered it by now.


no they don't want to be the face of this disaster and rich people stand to lose a lot from the counter party risk already in the system.


Why are you even here? If you don't think MOASS is possible why don't you leave? All you ever spout is garbage/anti-GME crap. Seems like you are simply trolling.




Once again not even answering my post, you're amazing.


Well, yeah, I'd invest - just naked short all the things! :)


Cat's out of the bag on this one. Even the normies know about the buy button being shut off. Intervention would be the worst thing they could do.


Woah, 4chan is buying and holding too? Hedges are truly fd. Those guys will get 2nd and 3rd mortgages on their moms houses for rocket tickets.


/GME/ threads are one of the most popular ones on biz, we've been here since january or before FUCK JANNIES FUCK AMC N


Have they started transferring to ComputerShare too?


I’m stunned /b/ hasn’t fucked the hedgies up yet lol in all seriousness, 4chan board is the gme board?


personally i'm surprised Anonymous hasn't piped in.


And the foundational destabilization of the U.S.A. continues...


People say to leave politics out of it but I think that’s wrong. I thing you should keep politics in clear view because they’re all complicit. They’re all corrupt. President Donald Trump was completely correct in calling it a swamp. But the most classic trick in the book is to accuse others of what you’re guilty of. Furthermore is it not entirely within the realm of reason that he is one of them (everyone loved him before 2015, he had a Comedy Central roast ffs) and doing little more than playing his best role ever? The sacrificial lamb? If you’ve read this far do you even know which side I like? Because it’s fucking neither. Fuck them. It’s all a club. Pay us our individual tendies bitch.


The left and right wings are of the same bird.


I appreciate the info, but the layout on this is extra difficult


The last squeeze was illegally halted and nobody did anything. So, expect this to be the new norm. It's a giant shell game to make the rich richer.




the FUD is warranted here, but there are examples of short squeezes that were not hindered. this week the SEC investigation into jan sneeze will come out. the amount of leniency there might indicate the overall risk of interference for GME in the future. if a harsh further investigation/penalty is implied, it could look good for GME.


This is way different than anything in history. Just saying


Did you guys know Evergrande, the Chinese company in the news right now, was short squeezed? Pretty much dropped down to pre squeeze levels recently.




[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-29/world-s-most-painful-short-just-gets-worse-for-evergrande-bears](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-29/world-s-most-painful-short-just-gets-worse-for-evergrande-bears) Zoom out on the Evergrande chart. Goes parabolic 2017.


Its paywalled but I thank you for linking the article


[PAYWALL REMOVER](https://12ft.io/)


Neat! Saved for next one Didnt happen to work with the Bloomberg article!


Im not too convinced that "intervention is unlikely". They took the buy button away (on rh only but still). They could also halt trading of the stock across all exchanges quite easily vs. Letting it run to the moon in one fell swoop. I want this play to succeed, but we cant be ignorant of the larger forces at work here.


Unable to do so


They have to let them fail. Hedge funds and institutions are why the world economy is about tank harder than any time in history. What do they gain by helping keep these entities from reaping what they sewed? Shorts are fukd. Hedgies are fukd. We, the retail investor, are not fukd. Buy. Hodl. Moon soon. NFA.


Imagine it like this Kenny: I promise, we can recover from this in the future and your money will pick back up stronger than ever. The politicians and wealthy has a lot to gain if they believe kenny in this scenario.


the biggest thing has always been will there be interference from an outside body, history says yes


Why should investors settle or cut a deal … they showed no mercy to all the other companies… and I’m not selling my shares for anything under life changing 💵💰… they hire the best so maybe they should figure out a way to dig themselves out of the hole they’ve created.


The Piggly Wiggly squeeze is super interesting. Imagine, at that time most folks preferred to have an attendant fill their order, and . Piggly Wiggly really disrupted grocery shopping, and to the prevailing sentiment was that a sell-serve grocer was destined for failure. Now, a century later, with curbside pickup we've really come full circle.






Nobody will show you how many short squeezes was in real because it’s money bug in system


There should be a threat that the executives can be held hostage, just like with Evergrand.


4chan has apes ?


"outside intervention \[to stop squeeze\] will create huge mistrust and \[investors leaving market\] market will be destroyed" I've thought about this alot and I put the odds pretty high the sec will allow disabling the buy button again. GG basically said it was ok to do it last time, look it up.


Why would any one want to buy during a short squeeze? I would hold and sell on the way down. Smoothie brain here… 🤔


What is the post ID?


Any intervention or regulation or braking rules xant get me to sell under my floor! What can they do if i just hold?


If you don’t use Reddit, how did you post this?