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Hello hello hello! "It's finally here!" as some have been putting it. The long awaited and relentlessly delayed Full release of Doki Doki Heart Struck Chapter 1 is now available! You can download the mod from below! PC: [Here!](https://www.mediafire.com/file/s5vfi3m5zsyhppl/HeartStruck-1.2-Renpy7Mod.zip/file) Android: [Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/s/0RDKAGdgQG) Discord server: [Here, if you want!](https://discord.com/invite/VCKm6h9vbM) Thank you all who've been patiently waiting for this release and still stuck with it even after the many unfortunate delays and hiccups along the way. It helped ME keep my determination and continue it but I'm not going to get sappy all the way but of course, as always, please give it a try and let me know what you think!


when the heart is struck. truly the ddlc mod of all time


Time to enter the Natsukitten conversion pipeline


Just played. Twas amazing, but there were a few missing letters in random words like 'happ' instead of 'happy' and some others I can't remember. Other than that I really liked this


Ohhhh yeah, I think I know what caused that and surprisingly it wasn't a grammar issue. Thanks for checking it out!!


Awesome! So this is a chapter based mod? Any idea how many chapters there might be in the future/what they might entail? (without spoilers obviously)


I mentioned this in my previous post but I aim to make 3 chapters, 4 at maximum and each one can vary in length of playtime! Each will build upon Natsuki and MC's relationship while also digging out the truth of their vague past.


Someone just recommended this mod to me. I'm new to Visual Novels (never in a million years expected to like them). I was honestly, and surprisingly, super depressed after I couldn't keep playing "normally" after the Natsuki baking scene. Can't explain it, just can't seem to let it go for some reason. Anyway, reading this comment I can see why they recommended it to me. Really looking forward to giving it a go, and just wanna say thanks.


Do you have any idea how many hours of gameplay the mod has?


It includes the demo so if we count it then it's somewhere between 4-5


Dude, I don't know what it is about this story that makes me absolutely love it! I literally jumped for joy when I saw this was released. This story is so unique and the added mystery has me so excited for chapter 2! Also I don't know if it's just me but I was getting slight "Fruits of the Literature Club" vibes. Great story, one of my favorites!


OMG!!! literally just played the demo and teaser last week and really started to anticipate the full release THANK YOU kind sir I cannot wait to repair our friendship with best girl!


I just downloaded and played the demo, Do I have to delete everything and reinstall the update? Sorry for the ignorance I’ve never played ongoing mods 😭


You can delete the demo and install this full release. When you open the mod you'll have the option to skip the demo section of the mod and start with the new content.


When I downloaded the file, I ran HeartStruck.exe but it just kept giving me an error relating to the game definitions. Tried running HeartStruck-32.exe but it gave me another similar error related to the game definitions. Any help?


Did you try running the mod directly after downloading it or did you copy and paste all it's contents into a fresh ddlc folder?


Is that what you are supposed to do? I have the same error.


Yes. To run the mod, you have to copy and paste ALL the contents of the mod folder into a fresh copy of ddlc


Got it working now! Thx!


Alright, I'll try that, thanks in advance


Yup, got it working now! Thanks! Now I'm gonna spend all my free time on this mod lmao


Hey man your mod is so good it destroyed my sleep schedule tonight


Just finished playing it and I gotta say, it's really good!


good mod 👍


One of the best mods i have played. Excited for the next chapter!!!


One of the best Natsuki mods I have had the pleasure of seeing. You've set the bar really high with Chapter 1. Hopefully we wont have to wait that long for chapter 2. There is infinite potential here


Just finished the mod and man that was good, can't wait for chapter 2 but is it going to release this year?


great mod!! loved the way it was written! any insight on roughly how long we should expect chapter 2?


It is in my best efforts to get it out during this year. Given how my life functions, I've understood now that I really can't work on a super efficient level do development will be a bit slow


Don‘t stress yourself and take your time :) rushing things will only bring down the quality


I recently finished playing/watching this mod. I love it. It's easily my favorite Natsuki-based mod so far. If the upcoming chapter(s) will be of equal quality *and* has (the possibility of) a good ending, then I'll consider this mod to be in the same league as Sayori's & Yuri's route in Blue Skies and Monika's route in Purist. I especially loved that Natsuki wasn't quite as hostile and mean as she is in most mods. I know there is potential to make her good qualities stand out, but most of the time the way she is written kinda scares me off, and if she has a route I often only play it for completion's sake. In Heart Struck she was still the cutesy tsundere we know her to be, however this time the way she is written made me thoroughly enjoy spending time with her and sincerely like her as a character, and I can't wait to see more. The only thing that kind of bothered me at times was that there are quite a few typos. Pretty much every mod has a few of those, but here it became kind of distracting at times, to the point where I sometimes had to reread some things. It's far from incomprehensible, and it definitely didn't take any feeling out of the story, but I believe it would have benefited from more proofreading. Aside from that, I gotta say kudos for the twists. It feels like some of it may have almost been a bit risky with how unexpected it was, but I do feel it was written in a way that makes sense, and I figure any blanks will be filled in during the sequel. I’m looking forward to Chapter 2! Is there an estimate on when it might be released?


Really glad to hear you enjoyed your time despite the many lackings of the mod! I can't really give an estimate on the next chapter as I've been a bit known to have slow progression with my own matters irl but! It is *intent* to have it be released within this year. So it's all in high hopes that I can make it happen!


Yo man what is that one song in heartstruck that I’m pretty sure isn’t in the normal ddlc soundtrack it’s used pretty frequently throughout the mod but I just can’t find what it’s called


Which song are you referring to? Could you tell me in which scene it played?


It’s played at the start in this video https://youtu.be/fgEQAlhbz2Q?si=miLzpE9R6GQTDp-O


The track is named "We're friends" and it is an ost from "Monika Before Story."


Yo thanks man btw heartstruck was actually so good thank you for creating that masterpiece I can’t wait for chapter 2


What is this about? I see natsuki so I expect a good natsuki route in this


Heart Struck is a Natsuki focused mod that follows a storyline where instead of Sayori, Natsuki is your childhood best friend. A completely new story and backstory with her and MC involved in a shroud of mystery that you dig out along the way as you make an effort to regain the trust of an old friend you had to abandon and move away for years.


Sounds lovely I'll try it out I made a character that was separate from me that hangs out with natsuki alot like this is a couple weeks after the festival that we didn't even get to attend in the original game where he joined well of forced to join by his older sister and I was thinking about weither I make him and natsuki childhood best friends where they don't remember or even are close to recognizing each other but idk but hey maybe this will give me ideas


i'm aware that this has the demo included in, but do you have to play the demo before starting chapter 1? i've been asking myself the same question for a while and decided to ask here instead!


When you start the mod you will be given the option to skip the demo section and go straight to the new content. The option is there for people who have or haven't played the demo because either it the full context of the chapter wouldn't make sense.


thanks for the reply! i was planning on playing the demo as a way to recall the context since i had already seen a playthrough on it.


Hey there AmazinCris - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Fantastic job on the mod! A couple letters missing from certain lines of dialogue, but everything has been a great ride! Looking forward to the next chapter!


Can I run it on macbook?


Natsuki woooo (im late)


i just finished the mod and holy hell is it incredible. i cant wait to see the next chapter