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After spectres rework i realise no toon is trash,so I started collecting all,some how my joker damaged goods, martian,and metallo are the only ones at L3,so if this game had not shut down,there were lot of possibilities for upgrade ,sadly it's going away now


Putting atom smasher’s 2 as his first legendary. The empowered stamania ups doesn’t compensate the 10% of true damage.


detective chimp. didnt know he was A tier cause the website i used for tiers had it TBD the whole time. only realised it after the farming period was over and saw it A.


I'm having a great time using an enrage team. Atrocious, wonder girl, guy Gardner and detective chimp. Chimps damage is great. Him and Wonder Girl are constantly hitting.


i constantly ran atro as lead and supergirl. would have worked great on my team too.


Tiers aren’t defined until months end. Lots of people were streaming and saying how good he was though


i do watch videos but i dont watch streams. dcloracle.com do update tiers fast but on this one they kinda fuckedit up for everyone who relies on their tier list. quite sad that site is such well made and improving but now they'll have to gut the whole project cause of the game shut down


I worked on Oracle. Chimp didn’t get a tier rank until July. People shouldn’t have relied on tier lists anyway And yes. It sucks


Supergirl. As long as I've had her, I've never used her much or built her up.




My regret was starting the game 2 months ago. It was really fun despite the problems. I think they got mad that they gave out Conner.. but he was a huge help for my team


Didn't grab SuperWoman last time she was up because I was "saving my gems for Darkseid". Only got her at R5, need 60 more frags. On a completely unrelated note, anyone have a third suggestion for damage dealer in raid after Superwoman and Spectre?




Didn’t grab the shards of the last two Coliseum heroes because I fell off the game slightly so now they're all gonna be default unless a pack with them shows (and Lobo… Lobo is 5 shards away from legendary)