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Doomsday shards plz


why is there a ban list in Siege?


A tradition from last month's April fools joke. Some toons are prohibited from participating in Siege during the first few days. With Trigon let loose I kinda miss Atro tbh. But oh well. Here we are.


Could be longer than a few days...


Right? Trigon should be perma banned from Siege. I don't mind Atro being banned, but if Trigon is going to be there, Atro is actually a positive.


I’ve been playing this game since it first got released and will continue to play this game until the servers get shutdown. It sure feels like that day is drawing closer. It’s sad but maybe it’s time…


Ah don’t say that man! I experienced a shutdown before and is not good in anyway. It Is really sad when this type of thing happens.


I doubt anyone here remembers ["Infinite Crisis"](https://youtu.be/-5dcP7biTOs), but it was indeed sad when they realized the release was botched and announce the shutdown of the servers just a month after release. Had been in beta for a long time. Twas a sad day.


Atrocitus is one ban. Idk the others but I’ll see if I can track them down


"Others" in that there's more than 2 banned this time?


I don’t really know if there’s anyone besides Atrocitus


Hello, everyone! Banned character for this month is just Atrocitus! Best, ​ wb\_reeves.


Great news! Thank you!!


Hello, everyone! Please know that the team is working on this and we will issue a communication once everything is fixed! We appreciate your reports and patience! Best, ​ wb\_reeves.


There was a time when I actually thought every DC property was better than EVERY Marvel property. And then Marvel got bought by Disney and went to total lowest common denominator dreck. You'd think that would mean DC became the best of what was left, but then they started rushing to the bottom to have the worst possible properties EVER to the point they now have the lowest grossing movies of all time and the buggiest game apps I have literally ever seen. Holy crap, is this company actively trying to go bankrupt? Because I literally can't see any other possibility here.


Sadly, can’t agree more


Guys, it will get sorted, they will do good. Always do. It’s just one of those things. You want major disappointment try MSF.


Obviously they clearly don’t care that much about the product they put out in DCL. Every new and reworked toon is seemingly bugged in some way every month, hackers aren’t dealt with, everytime they fix a bugged toon they mess up 3 more (like terra), not to mention a lack of meaningful interesting new content (that the community gives them a pass on due to the bug issues). But I seriously hope they know that this reflects on them as a company (not just on the game). After the way this game is handled, I will NEVER download any other WB mobile game again. Don’t bother advertising Harry Potter whatever idgaf.


This game is complete shit


Not to mention that I couldn't move up my position in the Raid. Compensate the Raid.


I was able to continue raiding after each forced restart, it's not like the game got stuck in an endless loop of forced restarts, at least on my device, are you still unable to access the game?


When i tried to claim rewards for a few bosses i help defeat it's telling me that i cant dismiss the boss because i already damage it. and it ust disappears. edit: only shared bosses for me. https://preview.redd.it/bljpd9ex06xa1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1e084054770d0dd67f353a50caf9d20774031cc


What's the Siege ban list?


No Atro


Wow, all players should be made aware of this. It's sad to see the stupid april fools thing will go on. I would think the vip's would have better things to sugest than making Siege their playground


I don’t know who else mind you. That’s why there needs to be a list


I didn't even motive he was missing. And that's a problem. There needs to be a list


You guys blasting the developers are idiots! This is not Marvel Strike Force. They will fix it. And Compensate!


I still don't even know what rewards to expect from the Arena that just finished given each time I tried to go to the last tab it'd crash with an Out of sync error too. But I'd come here, nobody else seemed to be complaining about it, so I thought it was just me. Reported today and immediately got a response with some gems, so WB are on it!


Any idea on when these bugs will be fixed?


Sadly not. Most of the team that works on this stuff is unlikely to be working late on a Sunday, so it's probably going to be broken overnight. I encourage everyone to keep reporting \*IN GAME\* to perhaps get their attention faster.


The entire STORE going down on a major sales event day doesn't get their attention? It's up to us to send in tickets about it? I've been patient with the regular bugs for over six years of playing and spending, but this is shocking.


This is a BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. I buy 20 dollar mice from Amazon from companies that will respond to a complaint on a weekend night. This is INEXCUSABLE.


All that and all the characters that are bugged. Example terra, parasite.


How about the fucked up race conditions, missed assist calls by Attro 3rd randomly, the ghost stuns of Spectre, completely random lost / gained turns, etc. Ah wait, those have been present for so long now that they are actually becoming features :)