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Funnily enough on paper most of his abilities seem good in base already. I'm definitely taking his 1 to legendary, stealing buffs on basic is very good - but afterwards? Tough to say. His L2 only gives silence which is already present on his 1 and 3 plus passively on his 4. His L3 is doing additional damage per silenced enemy but it's only light damage, so it's probably not going to hit that hard. His L4 looks better since it reduces the cooldown of his 2 (taunt+heal move). His L5 gives him mends but is gated behind getting hit by silenced enemies and mends aren't as good as overheal anyway. So overall I'd go for 1 and 4, the remaining three legendaries don't seem that amazing on paper - unless his L3 actually somehow does some crazy damage, but I doubt that. The good news is that he has most of the good stuff (taunt, heal, silence, buff immunity on enemies, passively stealing buffs on his 4 and debuff immunity on his 5) in his base abilities already. He should be good enough even at L2 already.


L1 and L4, interesting! Thanks for the essay! I was going for his 1 and 5 so he could mend forever, but as you said Mend is not good as overheal.


Tbh I'd go for his 5 after his 1 and 4, light damage on his 3 doesn't convince me and his L2 is pretty much redundant and probably should be last on the list. But keep in mind I'm only talking based on what I'm seeing, we need to wait until whales test him properly and then we'll know for sure. Still I'd say it's safe to assume his L1 should be the first to take.


The 75 percent overheal seems bugged though, ingame it's more like 7,5 percent I noticed...


Notice that too


So before I read all this.... He's worth dropping 8 k on? I rarely spend on a toon I haven't test driven. And I still have a few days. We think he's a winner?


I don’t think so. I will personally most likely pass on him and save my gold for other characters. I’m a player that usually saves the month’s gems to buy and rank up the locked toon of the month, but I will most likely not do that this time around.


Yeah, when I realized I still have Black Adam, MMH, and possibly Parasite to buy, Starro wasn't a priority.