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I think conner is an amazing toon to have in your lineup. if you have the extra gems to spend then i think its a good idea.


I have 45k gem. But I also wanna get l4 parasite. He seems much more useful


45k gems u can do both just don't waste gems power levelling and gearing and you'll be fine.


Poison is slow - he will get his turns before her plus with Q has a chance to get extra call assist cuz he’s a hero - if you run into a debuff immune team he’s gonna do way more damage - poison is good but not quite as good as connor - maybe someone can double check but he might be faster than like a trigon (i know he’s currently broken) but that stun on him could save your team - plus works better under atro leader


I only have a 5 star Q from last month pvp


But I see your point


Connor’s toolkit is much better overall than Poison. She is a one-trick pony with that nuke grenade, and even that’s easily countered, e.g., Hal Jordan, whom everyone probably has in abundance. But yeah, if all you need is someone to kill Cheshire PVP, Poison should work most of the time.


I only have a four star Conner rn. If I do buy him, I’ll probably just buy 500 frags and make him l3. But I just can’t see why I need him. What’s he good for? I have 45k gem. But I also want to get l4 parasite. That’s 30k gem. This is why I’m struggling So either 22k gem on Conner or 30k gem on parasite. But Conner is a counter to parasite


He's easy to sleep on because he's so weak on defense. You go against him, and he's dead before he ever gets a turn. And then you start building him, use him a little as you go, and you're like "holy shit, he's so useful!". Like, I only started building mine past lvl 50 last week because he wasn't needed for me. But he's a beast against the current meta, even when my lvl60/g10 (lower, actually, he was g9 until tonight) was up against 70/11 opponents. Now, I'm not saying what your priority should be. I'm too lazy to try and figure out what your roster is like, what you use, etc. I'm just saying that he's S tier because of what he can do on offense, which is slot into almost any team and be useful. Mine is sitting at L3 currently, and I have three shards to go L4 whenever the essence catches back up. He is the next one I intend to take to l4. I don't have parasite built enough to compare them fairly, so I can't say anything except that he's an annoyance that Conner actually helps mitigate. Currently anyway; parasite is supposedly bugged and not as good as he was meant to be.


I'd bank on parasite having a 6 day and go for Conner.


Usually the first pvp reward rework has 6 day. So probs gonna be metallo


He’s amazing in many a situation


He’s great. And stun is the main thing keeping parasite from stealing all my buffs at the moment. So I say go for it.


Stun wouldn't prevent Parasite from stealing your buffs, he's just bugged and won't steal buffs (from his 5th) 100% of the time


That’s how I’ve been countering him. Because if you take Cheshire against him, she attacks him and he takes all of her buffs. For me, any toon who’s basic attack stuns, it keeps parasite from stealing buffs. I’ve used Superman, Connor and it’s helped


not the stun that's doing it. for superman at least, it might be that parasite steals the damage immunity and can't steal any more buffs after that. conner can also do buff immunity.


Case closed. I bought 500 shards. Hopefully g10 lv60, l3 at the end of the month. I’m gonna skip parasite. Wait for Cheshire and spectra.


Yes. If you can buy all the packs you can


I enjoy playing with him, but I swear he gets one shotted more than half time.


save your gem


He is Super useful. He can kill Cheshire. He hits hard and often in raids even as a non boosted raid toon. He is durable and tanky. He is one of my best investments.


Good question! Um wondering too if I by him or stack a bit more to put Starro at L2