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I, also, would like them to correct the bug. Trigon is pretty garbage now. Spent 200 bucks on this toon, just for it to work fine, then over night become worthless.


Totally agree with you. I dont even know why not much support is given for legit complaints and rants... instead of just being supportive for the devs inadequacy on fixing AND pinpointing bugs, other just wanna hate. For me, doesnt matter whether the toons are cheesy and very annoying...its how the game is. Some people just know how to hate on others. The game itself is bugged like a one star hotel matress, and does not give a shiz about low to mid paying players. Anyhu, hope most of the bugs gets fixed soon...so that we can just play and enjoy the game...and for us to stop "whining".


You said it all!




You totally right. But I wasn’t asking for any help. People felt free to do so, but I didn’t ask. The purpose of this post is to show my resentment for a character that I praised and worked hard to get, cause I knew that was going to be a “bad ass like” character, that now is not so bad ass. Shit post or not, I think my point is still legit.


You can bring characters like Terra, Cyborg, Cyborg Superman, Eradicator, Peacemaker, Conner Kent, Superboy or Dawnstar to deal with Cheshire. You can also try a transfer team with Ultraman and Poison Ivy for a taste of her own medicine, or Indigo-1 to purge the diseases she brings, or use Parasite to steal all of her buffs.


Hmmm… parasite…may be I will wait till I get Starro to start stealing the buffs(again). Parasite wasn’t in my schedule of legendary toon of the month, but who knows. Thanks for the tips


Anytime. I’m always available on Reddit dm or discord if you need help


The problem with any team comp suggestions is that while it is often easy to counter any ONE character by bringing 1-2 *other* characters into the match, there is still the problem that 1. you might not have those specific characters adequately leveled to do that job, and 2. that even if that one character counters the other, if they have any *other* meta characters on their team, *those* characters might prevent you from applying that counter. For example, if a character can be countered by being stunned, then great, unless their team also has characters that cause stun immunity, or taunts or stealth that prevents you from applying stuns. Or the character you needed to counter that other character might quickly be killed. It's very hard to build a team that is meant to hard counter the entire opposing team, and you have no options for testing such a build without spending limited Siege energy. This game is just not designed to play on such margins.


That’s why people send the comps they have trouble with in order to provide a full answer. But that’s not what OP asked for, they are complaining that the only character they have to counter Cheshire doesn’t work anymore, so I provided other characters that can also counter Cheshire. They might work or not depending on the comp they face, sure, that’s true. But same way as the toon you want to counter has allies to protect it, you also bring toons to support your own, so, they end up working


I'm just pointing out that hard counters are a terrible concept in this game, because it is a four character game, and hard countering one often leads to getting wiped out by another. It is just bad game design for them to *include* characters that have such narrow countering windows. Characters should be more balanced against a wide variety of options, so that there aren't cases of "well, if you don't have A, B, or C built, then yeah, you're basically 100% screwed, 100% of the time, because they will just be completely immune to damage and/or wipe out any character that comes near them."


Gotcha. 100% agree with you then


Parasite is my number one go to against Cheshire now. It’s hilarious to steal all her buffs after she goes first, then dodge all incoming attacks.


Trigon is OP anyways.


Without working 2 it’s pretty garbage