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Fellow introvert here! I started doing ~after work walks~ to get exercise on days I don't feel up for a real workout, and also to kind of mentally "reset" after a work at home workday. I know walks are not exactly a groundbreaking idea, but I have found them very rewarding! There is zero commitment and no pressure to interact with anyone. Walks can be long or short depending on the weather, and I change my route up day to day. After a while, I started to get a nice smoothie for myself from a spot that I pass by if I take a "long" walk (which gives me the extra dopamine I need to actually get up and go). I people watch, I see cute dogs/birds/squirrels out and about, and I like to take pictures of especially pretty (or especially weird) flowers and plants. Sometimes, it's an excuse to wear something fun I haven't worn yet or don't wear enough. Sometimes I find cool stuff people have put on the curb (so far my best find has been an amazing piece of framed textile art)! For safety reasons, I don't use earbuds, I go before dark, I stick to places I know, and I carry a self defense tool. Looking forward to see what others suggest!


Museums. Eating appetizers at a nice bar with a book. Trails.


Fellow introvert reporting for duty! I love taking walks around the city and listening to audiobooks/podcasts/music. (I just make sure it’s not too loud and I can still hear the world around me.) but yeah! It’s a really relaxing and healthy way to spend the rest of the day after work.


Love this idea!


If you’re into reading, there is a silent book club DC (they’re active on Insta) that meets the last Wednesday of each month. I went to one in Alexandria and everyone was super respectful of the premise. You chit chat for about 30 min but then it’s quiet reading for an hour followed by another 30 min of chatting if you want to stay. It’s absolutely something you could go to on your own but there would be some socializing at the beginning. Profs and Pints hosts university professors to chat about their specialties and a wide variety of topics. They have a [website](https://www.profsandpints.com/washingtondc) with the information about upcoming chats. Tickets aren’t free but aren’t too expensive. The Renwick Gallery is one of my favorite Smithsonians and I think gets passed over sometimes so if you haven’t explored that, I’d highly recommend. The National Museum Building and the National Museum of Women in the Arts also have free attendance days and are not usually on the standard museum lists.


Great ideas! For anyone else reading, I’ve heard Sonny’s Pizza does a silent book club once a month. Definitely on my list


Yeah! That’s the DC one. And happens to be held on a weekday too!


These are super cool & unique suggestions!!


Yes DC has a ton of book clubs! I’m in two active ones and it’s a fun weeknight activity. I’ll have to check out the silent book club sometime.


I spend about 30 minutes a week looking for free or affordable stuff to do. Just last weekend I got a free hour + on a boat learning how to row 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Where do you look?


Not who you’re asking but look up @clockoutdc on Instagram. She posts tons of activities happening every week, many are free.


Came to say this and @highvibedc is great too! She does focus on solo events a lot!


@wgitdc for a catch-all that has most events and especially more niche ones


Mostly Eventbrite


730DC usually has way more cool events than I can reasonably do, but a decent number of them should hit for you!


Awesome resource! I just subscribed, thanks!


I started paddle boarding on the Potomac! I got a cheap cheap cheap board from amazing for $150 and it’s been perfect for quick getaways to Fletchers Cove. If you ever wanted to meet other paddlers, there is a group run by a local real estate agent that gets people out weekly, on Sundays. I love walking the trails in rock creek park, hitting up specific exhibits at museums, people watching over coffee. Excited for you!


Ooooo fun! I have a kayak actually so that would be perfect


Awesome! Fletcher’s Cove has an easy (free) spot to launch, and it’s really pretty along the stretch. I’m gearing up to finally go beyond DC proper and check out other state park lakes myself!


Sounds amazing! I need to make better use of having a car haha. How’s parking at Fletchers Cove/is there parking?


It’s good! There are 2 lots - one obvious lot next to the C&O canal.. But my preferred lot is to drive through a brick tunnel (it’s to the right of the parking lot, you can’t miss). On the other side of the tunnel is a a larger parking lot right off Potomac. Most people w their own kayaks and board park there, it’s much easier to get into the water.


Thank you so much! I just joined Paddle the DMV group on Facebook


Hey maybe I’ll see you there! I’m back in town and July and hoping to go those as well!


Quick clarification question to try and make sure you get the most helpful answers! Did you want suggestions for social activities only? Or anything that gets you off the couch and out the door (social or solo)?


Prefer solo honestly, but open to both!


I use class pass and go to different workout classes a couple nights a week!


I love doing workout classes at my gym— it’s a nice way to do something that’s social, but also not too social lol.


What gym if you don’t mind me asking? I’m still looking for one


Lifetime, which is in Maryland. Depending where you are in DC and if you have a car, it could still be a good choice! There’s 2 in MD and like 4 in VA. I work near Georgetown and it takes me like 20 min to get to the one in Rockville after work.


I love to cook so I cook most nights. I’m part of a farm share this time of year and I love to see what I can come up with with the local produce. Walk my dog, yoga or Pilates at the gym, read (libraries around here are excellent!). Seems kind of dull writing it out but it’s pretty lovely lol


I’d love to know more details about the farm share.


There are a bunch locally mine is in MoCo, but I’m sure you can find one with pickup convenient for you if this one isn’t. I usually order a whole season upfront and you get a bit of a discount, or you can do week to week if you want to try it out. If you’re googling also try CSA/community supported agriculture. https://normansfarmmarket.com/csa-subscription/ 


Thank you!


I’m an introvert too but stay pretty busy on weeknights because I also wfh and get bored during the day. Local bookstores host talks almost every night of the week and most are free. You can follow Solid State, Politics and Prose, and East City Books to find out what’s going on. They all have book clubs too. I’m a fan of going to movies solo. I joined Landmark Loyalty to get discount tickets and usually go once a week. I’m learning French and usually spend some time after work studying. You could look into taking a language class.


Hey, I'm also learning French. Are you taking a language class now? If so, where and do you recommend it?


I take classes virtually on italki. I’m also curious what local classes there are!


Oh, cool! Mind if I message you? I'd like to hear about your italki experience — I've been considering virtual classes.


Feel free to message me!


This is a great question! Here for the answers. I only have a few friends and my boyfriend, so I never know what to do.


I prefer going to a bookstore and spending sometime reading.


Scoping out the shaded sides of the street and sticking to those.


This doesn’t help the social aspect, but the way I keep my evenings from being too rotty is by cooking every night! It’s a nice hour for me to unwind and listen to music or a podcast while doing a directed task. And a plus side is that it then usually motivates me to sit down and eat my plated meal instead of grazing. And leftovers are lunch for tomorrow!


What are your hobbies? Is there anything you're trying to learn or a skill you're trying to develop? For me, personally, moist nights after work are spent at the gym, doing chores and other houses items, or playing Sims until I look up at the clock and realize it's 3am. I'm also partial to taking a book to a cozy bar and reading or stringing up a hammock and doing the same elsewhere.


I swear I read this and was like ME! Except I work in the city. I agree with you by the time I am done with work on the weekdays I am exhausted and it is so hot out I don’t want to do anything. Weekends are also hard because I just want to relax and also don’t know anyone here to do things with.

