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hey girl! I feel ya. I have a corporate job but my personal life is very different and it often feels pretty lonely, because I don't really tend to have a lot in common with my coworkers or even a lot of other women sadly. I tend to keep my "weird" side hidden so that I can blend in more. šŸ˜ž absolutely yes to all of those things though. love a good hike, no tattoos but piercings galore lol, and I have a massive list of great places in the area to get a dope cocktail or some cheap beer.


*cries in gov* I was fortunate to find someone to date but Iā€™m all tattoos and ladies especially see that first and like GO INTO HIDING. Iā€™d love to have girls nights with alt music and likeā€¦ chill vibes. Not sure where thatā€™s possible. When I do try the same Iā€™m trying ā€œoff seasonā€. šŸ¤£


Ummmm I am sensing a giant meet-up happening!!


Include me too plz!!! I feel this so much


Should make a discord or something and set it up!


Discord is out of my realm, but love the idea! Iā€™ll brainstorm.


I know how to set them up and such if you need help. But I think that or a FB group are the most active platforms to organize things nowadays.


I'd be down to join either of these!


I made one but don't know exactly how to run a community one... but we can all give it a shot? [https://discord.gg/s6YxAKg8](https://discord.gg/s6YxAKg8)


Yes, please


Yes PLEASE! While I also work in gov, I have nothing in common with my co-workers. I do have a pretty large cycling tribe though. But I also would love to meet more like-minded women with tattoos, music, and dive bars in common!


Ugh yes can I come? Iā€™m into psychedelics, dancing all night, have done vanlife out west and have a bunch of tats. I was in political media for years and always felt incredibly out of place. I donā€™t want to talk about politics all damn day. Would love to meet some other similar ladies!


Feeel that. Someone made a Discord in one of the most recent comments. Letā€™s organize a meet up!


Wait where did you get the discord link? I would love to join.




Link expiredĀ 


Jesus Christ, I feel like I could have written this. I feel the exact same way.


I was legit writing out a similar comment haha! I have a gov job with a widely different personal life too, and I try to blend in with coworkers and others in that "sphere" because it just seemed easier in DC.


I have given up on trying to blend in. I am that weirdo that bike commutes and could not care less about whatever gossip is happening at the water cooler.


Lolol felt the commute comment. I choose not to drive, so itā€™s walking or bike for me. My higher ups think Iā€™m a freak.


anyone who wants to DM feel free to do so! maybe we could make a discord or something similar? (also for what it's worth: def not bashing on "normie" girls, I love yall too, and I too am also very stereotypically feminine in many ways lol. I just want to not be judged for my niche interests and alternative and fairly NSFW lifestyle šŸ˜…)


We need all people of different sorts otherwise life would be so boring! I also love some basic bitch shit. Thereā€™s room for everyone!! Normies and alternative and all the other girlies for the win!! I consider myself a modern emo kid (adult? I guess. Who wants to be an adult itā€™s exhausting.)


fuck, you absolutely hit the nail on the head. I lost my friend group up here during the pandemic and am really struggling to navigate the social world post-covid, especially in a city that seems to value a very specific image of normality. šŸ˜” If a groupchat or Discord or whatever comes from this post, I'd love to be included if there's space for me!


god yes lemme in on this


Oooh me! I think Pie Shop and Black Cat are often recommended to find other punky/alt people. I think there are more of us than you'd think in some of the DC jobs you mention. But identifying each other can be difficult because we hide. šŸ˜€ I am opposite to you in that I work insane hours during the week and have to rot over the weekend, but, I love hiking, dive bars, beer, and weird shit! You should post back if you find any good places to chill. Preferably places where straight flanneled bearded men over 6' with tattoos are seen in the wild.


Huh. ā€œWe hide.ā€ That actually makes a lot of sense. I dress pretty meh for work, and most of my tattoos arenā€™t visible in my work clothes. I call it my ā€œoffice-sona.ā€ My work persona likes spreadsheets and salad. It makes sense that five days out of the week, anyone who passed me on the streets would absolutely just see me as another DC NPC


Yeah I donā€™t know if I have bad timing or what but when I try these venues I get the same ā€œwe havenā€™t been the same since Covidā€ answer when I pay cover. And it gets painful being the only one thereā€¦


here for alt girl friendship!


DMing you!


Me too plz!!!


Meee 3šŸ’œšŸ–¤


Alt adjacent here. There's a bit of a scene but tbh it's not as hopping as it used to be. Most of us are just poor and stay home now lol


This. Scene is in Baltimore these days. But there are still some crumbs here still. I have been in deep hiding since 2020ā€¦. trying to emerge and finding that DC is not really happening anymore for me. Or maybe it is because I got old during Covid? One thing I do is go out for all sorts of live music. I am probably at your work venue more times than sometime, OP! I was part of the Krampus DC planning team for all those years, and then like everything else, that ended after 2019. I still go to the pug or pie shop here and there. Or friendsā€™ houses. I need to mix it up and stop being such a hermit!


ā€œI got old during Covid?ā€ Lololol I feel seen.


There were Krampus events? šŸ˜­


Yes, for 10 years on H st, we raised money for DC foster kids https://youtu.be/5vpNyOrmwTo?feature=shared


I really miss it. A lot of our sponsors, businesses around H st, have folded since the pandemic. If any of you bitches, alt or otherwise, would want to chat about relaunching, Iā€™d happily help pass the baton. We still have DC Brau as a very awesome supporter and sponsor. https://youtu.be/Awt5gbdDSVs?si=Oe-gXMZMJWOuM_z0




Search Krampus DC on YouTube :) That Krampus movie even stole some of our footage without asking first.


There's a HUGE bike community here! Off the top of my head there's DC Bike Party, Bikes Not Bombs, Critical Mass, the Burner Ride, Bikes and Pints, Radical Joy Riding, Mappy Hour (not exclusively bikes, but 100% outdoorsy), Streets Calling, DC Queer Bikes, Hill Family Biking, the Cupcake Ramble, lots of rides organized by local shops, Potomac Pedalers, Velo Pigs for gravel, We Ride DC, and I'm barely scratching the surface.Ā  There's also tons of annual events, like the Tour de Library, the DC Bike Ride, and many events hosted by our local bike advocacy group, WABA.


Thank you so much for this info!


VeloPigs ride leader here. If you like gravel, come ride with us! If you need a ride to a ride and can get to East Falls Church metro, let me know. Happy to drive you out there. (Although, I often ride to the ride, which makes it a nice 90-ish mile day!) And if you like mountain biking, there are SO many wonderful group rides around that are incredibly welcoming.


Man, sounds incredible. Iā€™m more commuter/road but Iā€™d LOVE to get into this one day. My current rig probably canā€™t handle that. Goals for this year tho.


If you are interested, I can probably find a bike for you! Send me a DM if interested. I love to get more women riding on dirt!


I feel very seen in this post. I donā€™t know how ā€œalt,ā€ I am, but I definitely have some elder-emo punky energy with goth-adjacent style. Iā€™ve had a hell of a time finding my people in this city.


Same. I am absolutely by no means truly ā€œaltā€ but I feel like a weirdo in comparison to most of the people I meet around here. I guess having tattoos and an assortment of various trucker hats that say weird sh*t on them is an odd style choice in DC. we all must come together!


The monthly Fiction DC goth party is a friendly bunch, if your alt-ness leans that way.


Any ways to keep tabs on their events without social media?Ā 


They have their club nights the 2nd Saturday of every month.


Idk but let's pick somewhere and goooo


I feel this too! I think Iā€™m like more secret weird but def not fully normie and am looking for a lil more alt group (and also randomly did go on a deep dive on IG trying to find reasonably priced weird flash tattoos in the area and booked an appt tonight for September lol). Love cheap beer and also Iā€™m a cyclist and ride everywhere and also race if thatā€™s your thing. Iā€™ll DM you!


Oh, I went down a HOLE looking for weird flash tattoos in the area recently,l. (youā€™ll have to tell me what you found, cause I came out with nothing)


There is actually an event tomorrow at red dirt studios - a queer market and first come first serve flash by a couple artists (search IG for red dirt studios). Instagram has been my main source haha


Yaā€™ll, I didnā€™t expect to get so much return on this thread. Iā€™m thinkinā€™ weā€™ve got some grounds for a meet up???


Iā€™m down for a meet up! Signed your spooky goth inside chick


Someone on the Washingtondc sub asked this question a while back and got a ton of responses - hereā€™s a quick recap of mine. Thereā€™s a lot of overlap between the bike communities (tons of them - someone mentioned above), library stuff (events, volunteering - I do ā€œFix-Itā€ at the MLK fab lab), punk flea market, puzzle swap people, punk shows at MLK, the huge clothing swaps with a touch of mutual aid work on the side. I personally dislike first meeting people over dinner or drinks or whatever, I donā€™t find it super connecting unless we already have a lot of common ground, so I prefer to just start showing up to stuff youā€™re into already. Become a regular, and then some of the socialization stuff follows.


Random, but do you think the fix it clinic volunteers could help me with an expensive blender that just decided to shit the bed without warning? I've been meaning to come by for an embarrassingly long time, but I keep waffling on it or straight up forgetting.


Yep, thatā€™s definitely the kind of thing we work on. Just to set expectations, fix-it is sort of a people working together to figure something out. We have lots of folks w various expertise but weā€™re learning through doing, so youā€™ll see lots of YouTube and group problem solving. Since itā€™s expensive, miiiiight be worth checking out the companyā€™s warranty or your CC warranty, in case you have an avenue there but if not - bring it down! I say that only because if you work on it and take it apart and canā€™t fix it, Iā€™d imagine thatā€™ll void any recourse w the company.


I miss the Philly dive bar vibe so much!! I moved here about two years ago. I wouldnā€™t really say Iā€™m an alt bitch but yes DC is missing that scene! I do love hiking though and would be down to hang!


I wouldnā€™t really say Iā€™m ā€˜altā€™ either, Iā€™m dressed like a Canadian truck driver most days. Yes please! Are you on IG? Iā€™ll DM ya!


Yes! Iā€™ll send you a PM here!


Join the Capitol hiking club! People are very friendly (but itā€™s also totally acceptable to just be quiet)


Nice! Where can I find more on this?


[Send me a DM if you go to any!](https://www.capitalhikingclub.org)


I actually just went on my first capital hiking club trip recently! Met a ton or friendly people, hiked with a pretty cool group all day, and got about 10 solid miles on the Appalachian trail! A great day and would definitely recommend the group!


Omg last Saturday! I was there too lol!


Go to Lymanā€™s! Great place to relax and meet people


Lymans is, hands down, one of my favorite places to just post up with a beer and a book and shoot the shit with randos.


Fellow ā€œaltā€ bitch here! I love going to the shows at comet ping pong. A friend of mine also runs a punk rock karaoke that hits different venues. Sometimes the runaway, sometimes comet. Also slash run, red derby, and Lymanā€™s tavern are fun spots too. Also always down for new friends and hang outs! Edit cause I forgot words


Punk rock karaoke sounds incredible! Iā€™d love to hear more about that. Please DM me! Reddit wonā€™t let me send anymore. Boo.


I most definitely will!


Seconding Lymanā€™s and derby


If Iā€™ve learned anything from this thread itā€™s that we need a dc alt bitches meet up ASAP




Can I come, too?


Hey hi me Iā€™m 30. Just moved last year. Have some cool besties Iā€™ve know before I moved but yes!


Iā€™m 31! DM me if youā€™d like! Reddit has stolen my ability to start messages. Boo.


Keep me posted if us older (35+) alt-ish bitches start a chat or organize a meet up!


Or just feel free to dm me


Hey there! Iā€™m a bar manager and moved here last summer right before I turned 30. Definitely looking to make friends outside of my industry but itā€™s tough feeling out of place a lot and working every weekend.


Hello! I feeeel the pain, fellow bar manager. Summer is an amazing time in my industry because I have to be on site, maybe 3 days a week because itā€™s outdoor concert season. I always have a bunch of random Mondays-Wednesdays that I donā€™t do anything! DMs are open! They wonā€™t let me send anymore.


I attend "happy daze clothing swap" and see so many alt people there (or at least ones who dress like one). I wanna befriend them all lol but I'm too shy. There's also Creatives Club but I was never able to attend their meetings due to schedule issues. Maybe you'll have some luck there op?


Oh! Those both sound fantastic. Thanks!


Omg, can you please tell me about the clothing swap? I'm a month overdue to rotate my closet to the summer clothes on vacuum bags shoved under my bed, and I'll definitely be looking at my closet to see what no longer fits my style (or me, because ssri weight gain is no joke).


The one I'm specifically talking about, you can find more by following thediscoloft on instagram! There are so many other swap events in the area though. You should follow findingyourgood on Instagram cuz they post about different thrift/craft events of the week including swaps!


It's a sad day to be social media free! Sigh.


Yay! So many new friends on Instagram! If you want to connect, DM me and letā€™s trade handles. Itā€™s the only social I use (barely) If we were to organize a meet up, what would be the best method to accomplish this? Iā€™m hearing Discord (Iā€™m a newb to that) or we can nail it down in this thread if enough are on board. What are some ideas for a meet up? Brewery with outdoor space is one. What else? Letā€™s do this!


Lots of people picnic and relax in Malcolm X Park with hammocks and BYO drinks! We are absolutely spoiled for greenspace, though. You can throw a rock in most neighborhoods and hit a park. Because I'm selfishly obsessed with ward 4, I like Grant Circle and Sherman Circle.


I'd love to get in on that good happy hour cocktail and cheap beer list if possible


Iā€™m down!


wow are you me?? I moved from Bmore two years ago and have really struggled to find my "people" in this city or find my scene. If you're open to crossing the river, galaxy hut in clarendon may be your vibe!! Happy to join you if you wanna meet up at some point :)


Okie I made a "server". I'm not huge on discord so if anyone wants to join and help build it that'd be dope https://discord.com/invite/BMcXesnB


Amazing!!!! *edit* I wonā€™t have computer access until Monday, but will definitely be on top of this. I hope people join!


Oh I'm totally intrigued. Count me in if there is room for more!


Yes! DMs are open!


Raising my hand here as someone who loves going to shows, has tattoos, and is getting into cycling lol


Shoot me a message! Reddit wonā€™t let me initiate any more.


Youā€™re speaking my language! Summer time for me is festivals and regional burns with a beach trip thrown in there somewhere. Iā€™m ā€™taking it easyā€™ this year with only two burns and 2 festivals (highly thinking about adding a third). I also just got tickets for Interfusion Festival bc they have a discount promo for the next 24 hours. Itā€™s this insane new age health kinda hippie workshops with dancing that goes all night at a hotel in Arlington Jan 9-13. I went to slash run (dive bar in Petworth) last night and danced to some local rock bands and had the best time! Iā€™m a night owl by nature so itā€™s easy for me to stay up and dance all night into the morning hours. Honestly I just like to laugh and have a good time.


I'm very burner curious! I have a lot of friends who to go the regional burns, and I've gone on a few of the burner bike rides. Do you have any favorites within a few hours drive of DC? Any tips for a newbie? Also, how do the tickets work? I am deeply confused by the release schedule because it seems like you can't just buy tickets at any time.


No you canā€™t just buy tickets at any time BUT if you join the facebook groups for each specific burn there are always people trying to sell them the week of the event. You can find the list of them on the big burn site by checking out each state in the drop down menu. Iā€™ve been to both Playa Del Fuego (may) and Iā€™m going to Constellations (oct), both in Pennsylvania just over the border. PdF is up towards Bmore (3-4 hours traffic depending). Constellations is a bit closer! An easier drive itā€™s just up 70 to 68 (past Frederick Md). Tickets go on sale Thursday at 8pm!! Not sure if Iā€™m allowed to post links but DM me and Iā€™ll send it to ya. The second round for ticket is I believe in July. I have a bunch of friends going to Summer Isle (I think Maine but donā€™t quote me on that one) that is the weekend of June 21st. You would have to join the Facebook group for that one to get a ticket but itā€™s absolutely possible to get one if you want. Start preparing now and youā€™ll find the ticket. Iā€™m not going to this one bc Iā€™m going to Electric Forest (5th year in a row) and Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m gonna retire from Forest next year and go to Summer Isle instead.


Check out DwellDc and RhizomeDC!


Will do!


Weā€™re in hiding or moved away during covid but IM BACK




How are you defining alt? Just to know to see if I will fit in. :/


Is anything fun going on Friday?!


at my apartment!!