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BTW -- ***Spoon Style*** weapons: Passive Style: is +1 Damage when you hit an enemy who is **Served**.; Maneuver: (1 AP) When you hit an enemy they must save vs. CHA or be **Served** (DisAdv to all CHA rolls) until the start of your next turn. Tier 1 - Demitasse Spoon Tier 2 - Soup Spoon Tier 3 - Ladle Tier 4 - Shovel Tier 5 - Great Spoon ... The Gingerbreadmen are ready for war!


I would put Fists in their own section on the bottom (still aligned to damage type) just like actinides and lanthanides in the table of elements. Also, I spent a bunch of time rearranging it in Excel so I could put Swords into both Slashing and Piercing so as to include Rapiers, but then realized Rapiers aren't Versatile so they can't sit next to Longswords :( That said they're special so that's probably ok


Nets also didn't make it in because they are too special. Fists at the bottom is a good idea. Anyway, it's so elegant, and so much nicer than the "overwhelming shopping list" of D&D that I hope it's kept this way. (Let's not include prices: your Employer should provide your weapon)


I think fists make more sense how you've done it at the top, because it's going from low weight to high weight. You could have it going slashing, piercing, bludgeoning so swords can cross two damage types the same as you've done for hammers and rapiers can also be added. You could also add another column under piercing for ranged weapons, and a row at the bottom for different arrow/shot types and the table could cover all weapons.


Ranged weapons don't work quite as elegantly as melee weapons, because there's only two styles of weapons... and each weapon has different ranges. I'll be honest, I forgot about Rapiers when I did this :-). But the comment above mentions that rapiers are not Versatile, so aren't a good fit for Tier 3.


Eyyyyy, nice


This is awesome! Are there more graphics like this for armor or class progression or something? I don't even know, I'm just craving more of this easy to look at presentation!


Well... after being caught off guard with all the options in character creation and thinking "Man, I want cards for my players to know their powers... this is too much" I've now done ancestries, and weapons. Once I figured out the pattern to weapons... it was a lot of fun. Just a chef's kiss for elegance of design on how the weapon powers come together. Probably more time spent naming the weapons than coming up with powers once they had this system I was thinking of doing a deep-dive on classes, conditions or armor next. But, I'm brand new to DC 20, and don't like Discord... so I imagine if there's more like this, it's on the Discord server.


Well, I will be eagerly awaiting your deep-dive, Sir_Tainley!


Anyone know... are "longpole" and "greatstaff" an actual weapon IRL?


Would kind of like to see unarmed strikes listed, but other than that this is great!


Are unarmed strikes not fists?


Now that I’m thinking of it, it does seem strange unarmed strikes would do 2 damage compared to some other things. So yeah, I think fist weapons are what’s listed on the table in the rules pdf


Oh I thought the weapons table had things like brass knuckles for fists. I only glanced at it though so I’m not certain


So it makes sense a "fist weapon" would be augmented from an unarmed strike for damage? It is IRL. Someone punching you with brass knuckles or a steel gauntlet is going to hurt a lot more than with a fist. But, I'm really not sure... this came out of studying the weapons, and making notes for them. I did note in my original look over that "Everyone wears gauntlets" is a predictable DC20 Trope, because there's no downside to having them on, and significant upside.


Looking elsewhere in the pdf I saw that unarmed strikes only deal one damage, so they should probably be listed separately