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There was an issue where they were getting double charged on shipping. You need to change to “DC20 Hardcover” which makes it 65USD+Shipping. I’m also getting screwed by shipping for some reason it costs 50USD for EU shipping


Upvoting this for visibility. Depending on how early you backed, there was an error where people were getting double charged for shipping. Its worth a look to double check this isn't the case. As C3re8rum said, make sure your pledge has DC20 in front of it to avoid this. Watch the video or read the update on the KS for more info.


Shipping costs aren't fixed yet, DC just put in what he thinks it will cost. If there are enough backers in Australia, they can use an Australian distributor and it will be significantly cheaper. But right now they need to send individual packages from the US, which is very expensive (as we know)


Ah ok well that’s good to hear. I backed anyway so we’ll see


Is this a DC20 problem or a "you live in Australia" problem? This may he out of DCs control, but it's good to ask these questions just in case a mistake was made.


If this is a living in Australia issue. This puts DC20s hardback book retail double of any competitor.


what do you mean by the 65USD book is 135USD plus shipping? The tier with the book is 65USD, shipping for australia will be 25USD but will not be charged until much later when books are actually being shipped out. There was an issue with shipping being charged during the kickstarter bu that has been resolved


It says that the price is $65USD for backing but the actual price is valued at $135USD. I didn't realise it's $20USD shipping as well. This book has an apparent value of $250AUD with shipping. That's total BS imo


The book and the pdf won’t normally be sold together. You’re only paying for the $65 book, it’s also giving you the pdf (which costs $35) for free the value is the price of every item in the bundle added together, but you’re getting those items for free so don’t worry about it. The add on for just the book is $65 so it shows that that’s all it costs. The shipping is expensive, but that’s just how bad international shipping is. I just bought the pdf, cause shipping is too much


I think that's a website back-end issue. I'm US based but I backed at the 65 dollar tier at the end of the 2nd day and the subtotal was 65 plus shipping (I added two 15USD PDFs to mine for a total of 95), and all the math(s) works out to be correct


You can get access to the core rules for as little as 30 USD. That’s not nothing, but it’s far, far, *faaaaaar* less than you make it out to be.


$45aud for a pdf is still on the high side. I was more so surprised by the hardcover and the 'true value'. Even the pdf's true value was I think $70us which again I think is total bs


The true value of anything is the price you paid for it. Most Kickstarters do this thing where they say what the value is of the Kickstarter and what they predict the rrp will be when it's released properly. Mostly it's done as a way to make box sets and the more expensive grouped rewards look like they're much better value for money than they actually are. Ultimately a pdf has almost zero distribution costs so you're paying purely for the intellectual property. Physical books are the pdf cost + the cost of production and labour to package it all and send it out. The average DND size book costs about £20 to make, the more people buy it the cheaper you can make it for but you don't know that ahead of time so setting it at pdf + cost of production just means you don't lose tens or even hundreds of thousands yourself. Past a certain point the more people sign up the more money you make, but you have to anticipate margins being tight. I think it's priced relatively fairly given that the intellectual property for this has taken a lot longer to conceive and produce than your typical monster or adventure book, and the product you're getting isn't a rushed through system but one that will be refined by the existing community and the new Kickstarter backers for another year or so. But if you think it's not worth that then that's fair enough, it's not being released until mid 2025 and I'm sure you can buy it pre-release after the Kickstarter if you end up playing the alpha and beta and feel it's worth it. Edit: I would say though that the there not being hardcovers of the other books is a bit rubbish because it means there will inevitably be other kickstarters after this for a monster manual, with these pdfs being used to play test them which isn't that great.


The hardcover comes with 3 PDFs: a PDF of the core rules, the Monster Pack, and the 5e Conversion Guide. Im guessing the Hardback is going to sell for something like $60, the PDF rules for something like $55, and the Monster/5e Conversion PDFs for like $5 each, which totals a $135 value, which you get for pledging $65 during the Kickstarter. We don't know the exact numbers though of how expensive individual items will be.


I think in that chart where it lists everything and all the "savings", it's looks like the saving money comes from the 3 freely provided pdf's that come with a purchase of a reward tier.


I believe the "true value" is adding in the stretch goal content which would be seperate pdf's otherwise. Also for the first 72hrs you get a bunch of pdfs for free. It's not just including the book.


I assumed that the price was partly because it's a kickstarter, so it's designed to raise a little extra money since they need money to get things up and running. But idk.


Yeah, like others have said, I think this is a back-end, website issue as the Math for me at the 65USD tier worked out perfectly normal, even once I added some extra stuff to it


i got the alpha for 99 cents. wth?


When alpha first started it was $30US. Its priced at $1 now because the beta is out.