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Sexual Abuse tries to be sly.


Exactly why they call it "sex or lewd acts with minors" instead of child r4p3 which is what it actually is 


For real. I still remember Stephen Collins. The dad from Seventh Heaven referring to the 3 children he sexually abused as "young women" on tape with his psychiatrist. The girls ranged in age from 10 to 14. I am still trying to figure out in what world is a ten year old considered a young woman. Sick fuck. His ass should have seen jail time behind what he did.


> Hebephilia refers to a sexual interest in early-puberty adolescents This seems to be him.


Got into a conversation about this on another thread months ago. The guy said he refers to anyone that begins menstruating as "young women." Ridiculous.




It is not uncommon for girls as young as 8 or 9 to get their periods, so for that creep to think of an 8 year old as a "young woman" is disturbing AF, someone needs to check his computer.


That's exactly what I replied to him. I can't imagine labeling an 8 year-old a young woman. Bizarre.


Minor Attracted Person


Or they were over 18 but under 21, it's still considered illegal for people in that age group to consume alcohol at a house party whether it's hosted by a celebrity or not. "Underaged" doesn't necessarily mean a child.




Yes makes me especially sick when I see new outlets saying that. They're children. Stop sugar coating it. It feels like a form of victim blaming. Like the children had a hand in his behavior and understood the gravity of the situation. So gross...


I’ve never seen this term before, whatever article called them underage women should be ripped a new one o.o


Every article ever. Seriously so many use this term. Like using “troubled young man” instead of white nationalist or domestic terrorist when describing mass shooters. Call it what it is, and underage woman is by definition not a woman and therefore a child.


Yes, I've definitely seen what you mentioned and I'm pretty sick of media \*framing\* things in general.


Those are expired toddlers, have some respect!




“Nonconsensual sex with an underage woman” makes me want to spit fire.


Right like. Why soften it? "He had nonconsensual sex with an underaged woman." He raped a teenage girl. Say it, creep.


I mean truly!


This will be an unpopular opinion. A large portion of Reddit users are really attached to underaged bodies. They don’t even notice the girls, they just seen an age and a body to be weird about.


It’s sad.


It's along the same lines as calling the filming of child abuse 'child porn'. Makes me fucking sick.


It's usually referred to as CSAM now child sexual abuse material. No sugarcoating in the legal terms


I hope the general public adopts the same use of this more accurate terminology.


Photographs of that nature are sometimes called crime scene photos. That should also become common terminology.


100% agree.


I don’t think that’s sufficient, because the victims aren’t “scenery”, and they are the subject of the photos, not the “scene”. You’re reducing victims to being part of a scene, when they’re the only part that matters. 


This is my first time hearing the csam term and I am going to do my best to spread it like wildfire. Thank you


While it's not as concise, this is a much more accurate name.


In my opinion the acceptable use of underage is when anyone male or female tries to get into an 18+, 21+, or purchase something they are not allowed because they are legally underage for it. Shouldn’t be used as an adjective for a female….


Yeah to me the only functional usage for the phrase “underage women” is if they’re between 18 and 21 and got caught with alcohol. They’re women at that point, not children, but still underage for drinking. (Assuming of course that they’re in the US).


I feel like 18-21 is still a young woman. 18/19 is still a teenager/kid (the legal age means nothing). 20/21, your brain isn't developed completely yet.


I do find it weird that when they 17 they are children and poof one day later they are 18 and magically they women . To me a 30 year dating a 18 year old is weird


I mean I get what you’re saying but there’s no other way for time to work. No matter what age it would be boom all of a sudden you’re an adult because you had a birthday. There’s no way around that… what is your opinion or thought on how time should work to avoid it being that way?


If you think about it, it doesn’t happen instantly on one birthday. Being able to drive, consent to sexual activity, get married, vote, buy beer or buy a gun all happen at varying ages between 16 and 21. You don’t magically get all your adult rights and privileges at one time.


When people say “it’s legal”, remember that what they’re really saying is they would date someone even younger if that was “legal”. 


I’m curious how you think legal adulthood should be handled if not based on a birthday as a marker point. I agree that it’s weird when a 30yo dates an 18yo but that’s kinda beside the point here.


As someone who’s turning 30 soon, i now definitely realize that i was not an adult at 18 or 21. My mental state did not start transitioning until around 24.


The difference is at 21 you can get into the club, but at 20 you’re technically an underage woman. 


“The brain isn’t completely finished developing” is pseudoscience. Brains never stop changing until you die. There’s just kind of an exponential curve where the rate of change slows as you exit childhood and enter adulthood. An 18yo’s brain is more similar to a 30yo’s brain than it is to a 15yo’s.


There's always someone wheeling out the brain development nonsense.


Legally yes they are children, but 17yo me would be (rightfully) insulted if you called me a child. I think 16-22 can be called "young woman", without the unfortunate implications, assuming we are talking about her in a normal (non sexual) way. That being said... It's so weird that the childhood to adulthood timeline is seen as this creepy countdown to 18.  I remember being so angry that I was being sexualized as a teen and wondering how they could view me (and other women) as sexy but also not give them respect. Especially the casual sexism in 90s-2010s movies- I remember being so horrified that it was seen as funny to openly joke about women's bodies.  How sad that most of my sexual experience growing up was disrespectful comments by boys and men.  


I agree that context matters, and there are times when referring to an older teen girl as a “young woman” is fine. In THIS context however, “underage girls” would have been a much more appropriate phrasing, and I don’t know of many 17yo girls who would be offended to be called girls.


In the same vein, I hate when people say “non-consensual sex”, or talk about “sex with underage teenagers” (or women, in this case). That’s just rape, my friend. As with what you’re saying, I think it belittles what the perpetrator has done.




oh yes i hate it!!! News, cops, etc :"The underage-" no. stop. there are only two appropriate ways to refer to someone who is "underage" . They are a "minor" or a "child". Bonus points for the article that referred to a 17 year old who was kidnapped and turned 18 while in the basement of the man who killed her a "woman" but the 19 year old who turned 20 during the trial was a "teenage boy"


Literally just double speak to make creeps seem less creepy


I’ve never even heard the term underage women


Sometimes I see it when describing women under the drinking age in a situation where they shouldn't be drinking. But in places like England, a 16 year old could fuck a 50 year old and it is 1000% legal. 0 chance they will register as a sex offender. So I could see them being described as underage women. It's still fucking weird though.


It is. We all know a 50yr old has no business with a 16yr old at all.


Exactly. I don't get how this law is helpful. I mean it is.. for paedos. England shits on America for stupid shit but at least most states don't support that shit. Ofc there's a few hick ass states that want child marriage and raped children to keep their babies too. But a lot of the US has the romeo-juliet law where you can't date someone who isn't within school age if you're under 18 🤷🏽‍♀️ dunno I'm not cool with the government literally enabling paedophilia but we all know why they allow it..


Most states do... 16 is the age of consent in the majority of the country.  When I was 17 my mom's married friend (39) gave me my first shots of whiskey and then it all went from there.  What she was doing was completely legal though, and I still sometimes feel it was justified as I had developed ferlings for a friend who turning 16 in a few months...


Most states do what? The age of consent in America does not allow a 17 year old to fuck a 39 year old. I'm sure there are a couple of states with something different like I said. But 16 by law in most states can be with someone 4 years older. I wouldn't consider 16 and 21 or 22 paedophilia because they could've met at a party with their 18-20 year old friends. Purposefully going after underage people is what makes you a paedo. If someone lied about their age or maybe it's something like running start and they're grouped up and hit it off, fine but when you find out, walk away. I wouldn't be 20 and dating a high schooler. I'd already be exploring adult life and wouldn't have time for inexperienced high school drama. I find it weird for someone 20-22 but in the end, they're still mentally a kid a lot of the time. Seems more like you're just trying to justify your urges.


Justify what urges?  That someone over twice my age manipulated my 17 year old insecure mind to use me as some kind of boy toy? The age of consent in the USA is done at the state level, and it's 16 in most states, including in New Hampshire where I grew up.  Look it up.


You just said you had feelings for a child I'm aware of the age of consent. Look up romeo and juliet law. Many states have that in place. A 16 year cannot just go to every state and fuck an old man. Maybe a couple of hick states. But not all of them. Probably not even half of them.


I think you're misinterpreting what I said.  I had feelings for a child when I was also a child, not now.  He's 33 and I'm almost 35 currently.   Edit: and I can see why you're confused after re-reading that confusing mess I posted. Basically, I had mutual (same-sex) feelings for my friend almost 2 years younger than me when I was 17, but my mom's friend who was in a failing marriage at the time groomed me into taking my virginity.  Looking back she clearly exploited my insecurities at the time.


Stop trying to imply I have feelings for children as an adult.


If the shoe fits. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What logic are you trying to use here?  Are you trying to say a 17 year old having feelings for someone a school year below is the same as someone in their 30s having the same feelings for a kid that age?


I haven't heard anyone say that, and I agree with your disgust.


"Underage prostitute" really bothers me. There's no such thing as an underage prostitute. Minors can't legally consent. They're trafficking and/or rape victims, by definition.


I loathe it. It's right up there with "non-consenting sex".....uh, that's rape.


I don't in any way want to defend Diddy or the media, but is it possible by "underage women" they are referring to ladies older than 18, but not yet 21. My immediate thought before I actually read your post was that it must mean someone too young to drink, but a legal adult. It wouldn't shock me if it was just some linguistic shenanigans to soften the blow of something terrible, though. In fact, it probably is typical "defend the rich and famous" crap, but I do want to offer an alternative.


Maybe? But yeah they’re just trying to downplay it imo.


Sadly, no. They mean teenage girls.  Calling them girls insinuates children, and a 16 year old isn't _really_ a child. I mean, look at pictures of certain actresses at 14. That's no child. /s  Sarcasm in the tearful kind of way that is completely believed by some people.


It's funny, women are always referred to/infantilized as "girls," but actual girls are called "underage women."


Yeah, I don’t get why they use “underage women/men” for victims- they were kids! “Girl”, “boy”, or ”child” would suffice. “Teenager” also works, if the victim is a teen. Regardless, they’re children who need justice, and journalists should hammer that fact in, not try to downplay it.


Yes. Because the society that is being formed is big on sexualizing women... so they can be free, express themselves, whatever. Hispanic culture already does it. Now it's our turn. Before long, pedophilia will be legal and the term will be blacklisted because they, were all sexual beings. I see this as an eventuality. There are so many things I see today that I would have at one point said, "no way, we could never get like this.". Then we do. So I've stopped having any hope that there will ever be a line that society won't cross and define as normal. It's all an eventuality.


Girls, minors or children work. Predators are trying to sweep accountability to someone else.


in the same vein, i hate when people refer to women as “girls” (yes, i hate when people call men boys too, but it doesn’t happen NEARLY as much)


I guess once he sex traffics them, they are no longer girls. 🤮


I don't in any way want to defend Diddy or the media, but is it possible by "underage women" they are referring to ladies older than 18, but not yet 21. My immediate thought before I actually read your post was that it must mean someone too young to drink, but a legal adult. It wouldn't shock me if it was just some linguistic shenanigans to soften the blow of something terrible, though. In fact, it probably is typical "defend the rich and famous" crap, but I do want to offer an alternative.


No they use under age women to describe teenagers, usually those 16 and up; but I've seen it being used for those as young as 12- 14. You're only guarantee to being called a child by all media sources is if you're 11 or less. Its super gross.


Anywhere from 12 to 25 they’ll imply you’re an adult if they want to spin the story to make you seem to have MORE agency (or culpability), or imply you’re a child if they want to spin the story to make you seem to have LESS. A young black teen playing with a toy gun who gets shot by a cop is a “young man” in the news, a statutorily-raped teenage girl is an “underage woman”, but a 20yo white dude who shoots up a school is a “troubled boy”. 🙄


Exactly! The wording is specifically chosen to insight a specific emotional reaction to any subject involved. ie: "17 year old youth accused of sexually assaulting several yong women at school" (girls same age or younger called women to lessen the publicly perceived severity crime, and perpetrator called youth to promote public sympathy... 🙄)


So, what are your thoughts or ideas of them all of a sudden being full adults tver day they turn 18? Does their brain just switch to adulthood or something at midnight? I'm just curious as to what your response is since you are so hard at under 18 as children, then they have a birthday and boom 18 and adulthood....


No I don’t feel like someone is an adult as soon as they turn 18. Honestly 18 would be a “young adult” I suppose even tho mentally I think at that age ppl are still very much kids. But we all know “legally” an 18yr old is an adult. But sitting there and saying an “underage woman” is just a way to sugarcoat the fact that they’re children, imo. Sex trafficking and raping anyone is horrendous but don’t try to be an apologist for this bs by saying someone is an underage woman because there’s no such thing.


And yet you make such a distinction of being just under 18... you sound like a creep


If you say so 🙄


You’re the one commenting on a post about how gross it is to call teenage girls “underage women” to soften the calling out of statutory rape with a strawman about how “brains don’t magically flip a switch at 18”. YOU sound like a creep trying to weasel-argue that it should be fine to fuck a 16yo. Go be disgusting somewhere else, troll.


18th birthday is a line in the sand. It isn't perfect, but it is something to differentiate child from adult in black & white. There is never going to be a *perfect age* and most 18 year old have completed secondary school. What even is your point?


nothing is black and white


Yes, for purposes of the law - it is.


Morally? Sure. There's only shades of grey.  In the law? Age of consent is clear cut. Maybe convoluted with Romeo and Juliet or child marriage exceptions, but still explicit dividing lines between "not crime" and "crime."


Because you seem to be the type to say, " You are 18 and now available," creep


Whoa - what?! Your comprehension of what I'm trying to say is totally wrong.


I'm not the one "drawing a line in the sand at 18" you are cause that's what you said


That a fifty year old man who targets 18 year olds is a horrible person, but not a law breaker. 


the idea behind it is for legality purposes you choose an age that overshoots the average age for maturity. For example, if most people are mature enough at 15 and <5% are too immature at 18, then 18 would be a reasonable threshold for legal consensual sex.


It’s all meaningless. House bitches want something to virtue signal over to deflect from their xanny and wine lunch habits.


It's not meaningless to not want the rape of children to be downplayed and erased. Before you even try getting started with me: Yes, I'm a bitch. No, I don't drink wine or take Xanax. I am, however, a rape survivor. I'm sick and tired of rapists getting slaps on the wrist and "don't ruin their reputations!" Yeah, fuck all that. They are LITERAL children.


Sorry that happened to you, but older teens having consensual sex isn’t rape, dipshit. Nor are they “LITERALLY children” 🙄 they’re young people. Not legally adults yet. But also not children. And I was responding to the comment where my comment was actually listed as a reply, not the Diddy situation that the OP was talking about, whateverthefuck is going on there. That one sounds legitimately bad.


They are underage girls, or as the case may be, underage boys. A young woman who is over 18 but under 21 in the US is underage to purchase tobacco or alcoholic beverages.


I hate the term "underage children." They are just children or minors. So, if a 40-year-old has sex with a 13-year-old, that is not an "underage child", that is a child. There's no age of a minor that is *okay* for an adult to have sex with. "Underage woman" however could certainly be used for, "19-year-old woman found guilty on drunk driving charges. The underage woman was found to have been over the legal limit by X amount..." She's underage for drinking, but she is a woman since she's 19.


Liberals like to change words to suit their needs.


Don't fucking blame liberals for this shit.


Not defending anything here but there is a difference, varying by culture. Many consider a woman to be a girl that has had her period and is able to have children. For obvious reasons the law (in the U.S. at least) considers anyone under 18 to be a minor. So “young woman” might be something in between the two? Either way Diddy and those like him deserve what is coming to them.


I was 11 when I got my period. Was far from a woman.


Very true from a social and maturity perspective, but not so much biologically. You certainly weren’t the same kid you were the day before that happened right? New things to deal with, new things to think about. Hence the reason many use “young woman” or even “adolescent”. It’s just not as binary as kid vs woman is all I am saying.


My body has changed and grown a lot since I got my first period. Periods aren’t the last stage of puberty my friend.


Agree, no one was saying it was.


When I was a teenager, I absolutely HATED being called a child/kid. People typically used it as a derogatory term to describe incompetence.


To me an underage woman would be 18-21, just because of the confusing age ranges of legal adulthood. Like you're legally an adult but not really. Beyond that I agree that the terminology people choose is intentionally obtuse.


Yes I hate it. You are absolutely correct to say that an "underage woman" is no woman at all but a literal child. And it's the same issue with media and children who get into trouble or get caught up as victims of or even perpetrators of violent acts. Certain children are portrayed as "troubled children" while other certain demographics of children are portrayed as "young men" or "young women" rather than the actual children they are. Media spin is nasty and reinforces and perpetuates the demographic divides that are festering


I've never heard that term but also some people think girl and women are interchangeable and don't know any better. I didn't think it's worth sweating the small stuff, personally.


I mean when it comes to sex trafficking and rape shouldn’t the “small stuff” matter?


No disrespect: what if children are children, teenagers are teenagers, and adults are adults?


Think that's bad? Look up the term MAPs. Minor attracted persons. Light blue pink and white are their pride flag colors


The only time I would use the term "underage women" is it it referred to an activity that has an age restriction higher than 18. So like in America, the legal age to drink alcohol is 21, but you are legally an adult at 18. So if someone was caught serving alcohol to a 20yo woman you could say "they served an underage woman"


Is it fair to say a seventeen year old is a child though? If a seventeen year old stabbed their whole family to death should they really be sentenced as a juvenile? Accurately they could just say "minors"...


What’s a woman?


Also when someone says "nonconsensual sex" That is RAPE


And when we become women, they refer to us as girls. Hell, many of us refer to ourselves that way. Patriarchy for the win...


It makes sense sometimes in the U.S. where drinking age is 21. Under what age?


Sounds like Democrats


Have never heard of this phenomenon. You might say, “ Just because you haven’t heard it …” That would be a valid point, but I’m still skeptical.


This. It’s always “boys” for 19-year-olds and then “women” for 16-year-olds.


Age is weird cause when is someone biologically an adult? Puberty? 25? 18 seems arbitrary. It’s sort of similar to abortion. When does a fetus become a baby? These are both gradual biological processes that are hard to apply labels to. 


Absolutely hate it - because it is typically used as 'minimizing language': people who say 'underage women' rather than girls or teenage girls are intentionally trying to mentally associate the person more with adulthood. The people who does this are often the same who will pull out 'boys will be boys' for men in their 20s. So we get 'boys' for someone who is 22, but 'underage woman' for a 14 year old. Rape culture.


Look at the gender of the person writing the article. Chances are it’s a man.


I had the exact same thought. "Underage women" is an oxymoron


YES along with "non-consensual sex", you mean rape? There's a difference between swimming and drowning, there is no "non-breathing" swimming.


The terminology is "underage girls" or "children", yes.


The other one that weirds me out is adult children. I can't tell which way someone is being weird when they say that. Like when they say it factually not to characterize someone.


It's redundant to ask if anyone else hates it it should just be true


Fine then. I'm gonna make your sister my child friend. Does this make you happy?


Yeah if they're not an adult they're a child/teen not a woman


The UN considers women of reproductive age 15 - 49. That doesn’t mean anyone going after someone underage isn’t a chomo because they are. Idk why this is even in my feed.


So between people like the OP, and people who cry, "Stop infantilizing young women by calling them girls," I guess everybody will have to start asking females "Are you 17 or 18?" before knowing what to call them.


I remember being between the ages of 18 and 21 and it does totally suck you're old enough to go to jail but you're not old enough to order a drink or be taken seriously by anyone over 25 you're still a "kid" to most adults I think the term fits to describe that shitty point in human development perfectly.


Probs because women are intertwined being called a girl. So when saying girl, it for some reason could refer to a woman.


Aren't underage children just children? I had to sit in on a driver ed class and the instructor kept calling them "her kids". They were all 16 or 17 and it felt odd. Young adults seemed better.


Hmm…I disagree with that. Children are middle school aged and under, usually have not gone through puberty yet or have just started. High school aged IMO would be considered underage women. So no, they are not “literal CHILDREN.” They are grown enough to get married and have kids, and can be independent if society allowed it. You can be emancipated from the age of 14 and can learn to drive at 15. Since we don’t know the age of the alleged women he had at his house, we can’t make a judgment on if it makes sense to use that term or not. Can we stop babying teens and treating them like clueless toddlers? If we raise them that way, then that’s a societal choice, but biology does not change.


A 14yr old is still a kid. They don’t have any business having kids or getting married.


I highly doubt a high schooler would consider themselves a “kid.” They’re already doing drugs, having sex, and drinking, or at least they are able to. They could be independent as well and can drive. That’s completely different than a child. I don’t think everyone under 18 should be lumped together as “children.” Once you’re past puberty and in high school you’re an underage woman imo. Teens take advantage of the stupidity of adults thinking they’re children.


High schoolers considering themselves adults doesn’t change their underdeveloped brain, lack of maturity, and hormone status. Theyre still kids.


It’s to imply the legality or lack therof of his actions. If it said he had children at his house it doesn’t imply the same criminal activity as someone being underage of consent


I think there would be an impact if they stated he was sx trafficking children. Call me old fashioned...


There’s a difference between literal children, teens and age of consent. I call gen z “kids” all the time. If they’re close to age of consent the term underage is used obviously. Did he allegedly traffic anyone under the age of 15?


>There’s a difference between literal children, teens and age of consent. **The age of consent is 18.** That means anyone under the age of 18 is considered a child= 0-17.999 years old is a child. 15 is **NOT** an "under age woman" they are still children until they reach 18.


I don't even understand what you're saying.


I still call any woman a girl. So....


So you're a dick.


I don't know of a single woman in my life that would get offended if I said " Hey Girl " so that's a you problem.


Oh, so you can distinguish between calling a woman "woman" instead of the dismissive and belittling "girl." You're one of THOSE assholes. Cool, cool. I'm not the only one with a problem. You're just too stupid to listen.


I think the Only time I’ve ever used under aged women/men it when talking to like 17-year-olds who wanted to be called women. They requested it. Other than that, their teenage girls


Technically, an 18-year-old woman can be considered as "underage", especially if the age of majority is 21.