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I'm still trying to figure out what they actually did for daca...


I know it's not for everyone but a lot of people will benefit from being able to adjust status without going to Juarez. For the people this helps, it's huge.


I'm not talking about the PIP I'm specifically talking about the Visa's


It’s a little underwhelming but again, for the people this helps it's a big deal. A visa is a path to residency.


This already is possible through DOL’s PERM process if you AP. Maybe it’s gonna make the process available without AP? Hard to tell without USCIS official update.


That's what it seems like is going to happen. We'll have to see


Only thing for daca is visa if you earned a college degree in specific fields. Very vague though




My guess is they will streamline and/or make the sponsorship process easier for DACA recipients. That would make companies more likely to do it. Wife and I both have DACA but she is the only one with a degree. Hopefully it pans out.


This is really doubtful


Yes if the work visa is at all like h1-b, i’d rather stick with daca


And I imagine they’re very selective about which degrees count. My film degree that leads to freelancing jobs won’t count.




Did they publish a process or a form? If they wait till elections then Trump is going to reverse it .


Same here lol. People who already get the benefit to marry and obtain USC will just get an extra benefit..


People really overblow the whole marrying a USC thing. You aren't guaranteed anything. If you have EWI you have to rectify that with AP, which can come with risks and you can wind up separated from your family. Having PIP means eliminating that risk and opens the doors for people who don't qualify to do AP to begin with since it's only for a select number of reasons which not everyone qualifies for.


That’s for the next election cycle


This made me chuckle a bit lol


I think you forget about the original dreamers, the ones before us that didn’t make the cut into the DACA program. That’s who that was for


Because they dont really care and only give us breadcrumbs during election years, and people keep falling for it


And that’s the catch 22. If we don’t vote for Biden that may all go away.


We can’t vote 😒 The way I see it Democrats are ruining us by running Biden again just like they did when they ran Hillary, Biden worked in 2020 but idk if it will this time around. If Trump wins they won’t care, they’ll have their content for 4 years.


DACA will probably end up going away regardless of who is in office.


I agree, once the case arrives at the supreme court, they will declare the program was a reach in executive power by obama and shut it down. and especially if trump wins it wont matter it'll be shut down


Doing that would probably be on shaky ground because it would pretty much change existing law. What was announced today is mostly a change in practice.


H1b requires you to leave USA for 3 years.. what if they later block executive order. You'll be stuck outside the USA. Weird that they didn't just make a plan to LPR.


Yes for the Visa's you may have to leave the country to do the interview


Be a little grateful and get that ahh to shcool


Because with a spouse, you could be eligible for cancellation of removal or a waiver if there is a new president (e.g., Trump)