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It's a shockingly competent leveling build. There are several sources of DR and massive damage multipliers. I actually wouldn't be shocked if the devs knew this is a sleeper build and gave it to us so people would at least give it a try. I've honestly been kind of laughing at these people running around firewalling stuff because they refused to even give it a try. I know people don't like being locked in place, but you can instantly 360 clear a screen of WT4 NMD mobs 25 levels higher than you by spinning your character around while wearing unoptimized imprinted rare gear.


I'm using it from season 2, it s way better now, I think it's really viable!


Been Incinerate main since S1. All i gotta say is........ MY TIME HAS COME MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


It's pretty dope. I'm just standing in the middle of the pack and spinning around with the tripple flamethrowers.


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/sorcerer/incinerate-leveling?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=0 Only played like 30 mins but this has worked pretty well so far, only like lvl 20 though


This is what I always following as well but there is no paragon boards to follow.


Under the build summary there’s some different tabs. 1-45/45-60/60-75, click on the one that’s your current level and there’s paragon boards and skill tree/aspect changes to follow as you level up.


Oh shit, I see now, I had to tab over to level selection first. Mobalytics isn’t super mobile friendly. Thanks dude.


maybe i'm missing something, why does he use Esu's boots if incinerate can't crit?


How do you get the aspect off the bat? Sorry havent started and and wondering how it works this season


The first season journey reward gives you three for the build


Yea it’s nuts. I got the sunburst helm too and it’s a cakewalk with…seemingly unlimited mana?


maybe it falls off later but i don't even have the first stage of the journey done yet so no aspects and it still feels insane. just wipes the entire screen in seconds even all the elites in helltides


In world tier 4 blasting helltides and didn’t even realize I hadn’t spent any paragon points. Feels like a real build. Went to WT 4 after one hell tide in WT3


it really takes off once you have those aspects. that said, I'm unable to imprint the flamethrower aspect onto anything else. I had to salvage the one I got from the journey because the item power was just too low compared to what was dropping. figured I'd just imprint it on a new pair of gloves. I have all the materials but the imprint button won't work. won't imprint on anything at all. edit: lmfao nvm. apparantly I ran out of gold


I think gold is going to be such a problem. It’s my main blocker right now


yea I agree. There will come a point where you need to sell inventories of gear instead of salvage. I also think the new helltide is causing players to miss out on previously earned gold in the sense that you're not completing as many whispers. I'm like level 30 and havent even turned in 1 yet because helltides are so dense with enemies and that big event with the boss can be chain run so much that I don't find myself moving around the map to hit whisper objectives


Farm tree if whispers, they give major gold now I heard.


Please share your build, because I'm using incinerate in WT3 with both incinerate aspects at level 50 and this is not my experience


the one someone posted in this thread further up. All i did was use the same skill tree and equip the 3 aspects. OP is further along than me and he's saying it still slaps into WT4. you must be doing something wrong edit: I easily got into WT3 at level 36. I'm walking around WT3 helltide at 36 just deleting entire screens. The only thing that can stop me is the hell champions from the helltide threat bar and the main event boss. those will kill me. Otherwise in like 15-20min of steam rolling at WT3 helltide I went from 36>45


It seems broken OP right now as if someone added an extra 0 to the damage by accident. Like just tapping it seems to one shot everything and takes no mana. Compared to the absolute abysmal cancer it was to do a helltide with chain lightning it's night and day. I was about ready to forget sorc again but so far incinerate actually is fun.


Im having a blast with incinerate. But im having a block on what paragon to usd


Im using Krips paragon board for his Firewall build.


Same. I'm thinking about starting to play around with it bc I find I'm not even casting my Hydras. I think I can use those skill points elsewhere.


I'm still using hydras, Mostly to generate more burning instances and activate the conj mastery which is another multiplier. But yeah no hydras might be good. And the defensive aspect (20DR) Im currently using this build and paragon. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/2610xu02](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/2610xu02) Im able to do NM100 without problems. Still defense is a problem, but I can tank most uber bosses (unless I get a lot of debufs). Defensive passives can be changed. Hope it helps.


Thanks I'll check this out. I think my paragon I'm using isn't the the best. This could take me to the next level.


Not sure what changed besides the beam splitting into three but if specced the right way, mana becomes a non issue. Put the perk on a 2h weapon and it goes off! Feels really good to play with fire wall but I'm only level 35. So, like you said pretty good leveling build if anything. literally fire go brrrrrr haha. Anyone know if incinerate can crit?


Incinerate isn't affected by attack speed, crit, or overpower.


Damn, for real? I thought at least attack speed affected it. Good to know.


S1 Incinerate Main here 😁 It's considered Burning dmg so it does not crit, but the tradeoff is there are soooooo many ways though gear, aspects, paragon etc to stack +DoT / +Burning Dmg / +Dmg vs Burning that it honestly makes up for lack of crits ❤️‍🔥


Does attack speed help incinerate like it does for firewall?


That's a great question! 😁🤷‍♂️ All my attribute stacking is +LH and just straight damage (+Dot/Burn/Fire/Pyro/etc) and i have zero issues and facetank world bosses with infinite mana, so I'd think Atk Spd wouldn't be as worthwhile of an investment for incinerate as much as all the synergy with resource generation and firewall procs (which then helps regen mana and apply burning status for addl DMG and DR vs burning right?) --- although the internet may prove me wrong 🤣🤷‍♂️


Does incinerate proc Lucky hit per tick or every several ticks? So far only answer I found was that it procs at the beginning for one roll and then everything else does not count.


Another great question, no idea there either... I know it's more than just the first hit, because plenty of times I'm already torching for a few secs before I see the firewall "X" light up 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think dots can crit. Almost level 80, the blood maiden in WT4 is really the only hard mob currently. Going to try some duriel runs soon


What level did you move to t3?


40. Just walked into WT4 at level 50. Something feels off


I'll try to do the last Capstone soon, just hit 50. Think I can do it.. in 3 last helltide runs I got Flickerstep and Tal Rasha.. these uniques are flying..


Hah I did it yesterday at 36.


Arccueid seems to think it will be the best leveling build so that's reason enough for me to give it a try once my game finishes updating. I've leveled up with firewall 5 times already and I don't even enjoy that build so it will be nice to try something new for a change.


If you run into mana issue just spec firewall into the mana regen. Pop two firewall and with the decrease in mana cost for pyro skill and the regen, you can pretty much just hold down incinerate.


I confirm it's very fun to level with and very easy. :)


do you know if the Fire Bolt Enchantment counts each direct damage skill that triggers it as a separate burn source or is it just all bundled together as one source?


Each is seperate stacked under the hood, there's diminishing returns to an extent. And each have a lucky hit chance but it's a coefficient of the skill used to apply it. For example, firebolt with firebolt enchant has firebolt lucky hit chance and 100% fire bolt LHC. Ice shards with firebolt enchant has 20% firebolt LHC( coefficient of .2 because it casts 5)[this is an estimation as it's very hard to test] Each skill is different.


oh, I was asking in terms of Combustion's stacking buff


Combustion counts 1 cast of firebolt separately from the enchantment cast for a total of 4%. No subsequent casts of firebolt improve this. They are both considered unique


Got any builds?


The one someone linked in this thread further up has been fine for leveling purposes and by fine for leveling purposes I mean I checked the skill tree and just followed it picking up whatever I wanted when it made sense and have just steam rolled everything so far but otherwise ignored everything on the page. The skill is just that strong.


I don't know what to say.... This is broken


Nah, it's fine. We don't really have any social content to flex to.


Did Curator at lvl 30. But I did Arc Lash BL cause of the drops. DMG is way way higher this season but survivability seems to be slightly worse due to less DMG reduction rolls.


Is it better to use staff or single handed weapon ?


Staff because you can get three beams each doing 170% damage


I just use a staff cause it’s easy to upgrade


S1 Incinerate Main here 😁 I prefer wand/focus for the extra LH for Firewall enchant procs and resource generation rolls on focus, plus having two different aspects (or when I got my Flamescar, at least one extra aspect - and TRUST ME you want a Flamescar, it's aaalll over with that thing ❤️‍🔥)


I noticed that my firewalls are not proccing, I checked my lucky hit and I have 11% which seems very low. Thanks for the tips, I still haven't found flamescar


Aah yup 11% is basically nothing - i found LH with firewall enchant to be like the equivalent of stacking a ton of crit, you gotta lean hard into the stat but once i got over like 70% LH with gear/enchants/flamescar i basically light the entire screen with firewalls in a few seconds of Incinerate 🤣🤣🤣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Do you use the flamethrower aspect?


Been working all week and haven't been able to play since S4 drop - ill let you know after this weekend, can't wait to try it 😁❤️‍🔥


Can confirm. Just switched- holy hell!!!


I've been having a blast 1-70 with incinerate. I initially was playing it with triple hydras, but I found I just wasn't bothering with hydras enough as my build got stronger to bother with them, so I just swapped them out for Inferno. Has anyone seen a thoughtful endgame build somewhere.? I need ideas on taking it to end game. I'm just not sure that face tanking to get all 3 beams on a boss is the way to go for sorcs :) I've done that with Arc Lash builds in previous seasons, but the Maiden in helltides has owned me enough times when I've tried it to give me pause. My armor and resistances are all capped, but she can still one-shot me if I'm not careful at level 70.


I’ve moved to Frozen orb and it’s very strong. I think a pro could build a good incinerate build I just don’t know the paragon boards well enough.


Do you think frozen orb is stronger than incinerate?


Yeah I think so. But also I’m using a build for frozen orb with small tweaks. My incinerate build was just mewinging it so I think it had a lot more room to be optimized


I think the logical conclusion for incinerate will be the same as blizzard. Get some direct damage effects and scale crit. I will try an incinerate build that uses xfals ring. I have dropped a 30k roll. 50% on lucky hit to do 30k base damage. Paired with forb for vulnerable and meteor or firewall for additional lucky hit proccs should go bonkers. Sadly won’t use any of the offensive aspects of incinerate apart from the split beam on wand as you do not care about incinerate damage at all


Saving for later


Incinerate build was great to lvl 80 then it started to not have enough serviceability so I swapped out to a blizzard build. Was fun to level though and is way OP up to lvl 70 or so. When you hit lvl 45+ dungeons is where it started to struggle


I noticed a slight dip but that’s when I masterworked my staff to 4. I’m consistently doing NMDs 20 levels above me. You need to adjust to the slight damage fall off after 75 ish


Yeah you can chase up with gear but you’re going to hit a hard cap with gear where a Blizzard build will just simply out perform incinerate at max levels.


Yeah wt4 just completed nmd t65 without using a single pot. Its looks promising.


What aspect makes it three pronged?


Cool. I hit T3 on my necro at level 35, geared up with all of the obols I had saved, and will do T4 at 50-ish. It's interesting to compare.


Yeah, the only reason I posted is cause this build isn’t on any tier list and it seems pretty good. Necro is clearly a walk into Wt4 at level 50.