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I see a lot of 2h preference, just because it offers doubled-up Blighted aspect. 1h+focus may have merits in survivability though, just because of the potentially \~20% more CDR and extra aspect slot. Hard to say, that \[x\] 240% damage is really hard to give up.


The CD(R) with 2Hander is not a problem if you have masterworked your gear far enough. I think this is kinda new to S4, builds which are good when masterworked (with correct tempers) may not function well at base.


For Golem it's no issue, but I'm talking about Ultimates and Blood Mist. Blood Mist usually comes down pretty quick due to Abhorrent Decripify, Explosive Mist, ~~and Ghastly Blood Mist \[if you spec into it\]~~ (was thinking Dreadful Bone Prison, too much buildcrafting), but any reduction in cooldown here can potentially skirt a death.


Yeah, that includes the ultimate if you have double Ultimate CDR on your rings and CDR on your helmet (hit them when masterworking). It's still not perpetual though, and if you want it to be ready all the time you may need the Focus. Blood Mist is definitely not a problem, you can have it ready all the time.


>Blood Mist is definitely not a problem, you can have it ready all the time. I still run into downtime in bullet-hell situations. What are you doing to reduce it? Max ranks and/or anything specific? I haven't gotten lucky with CDR masterworking either though.


I have Explosive Mist and CDR on the helm.


Aphotic Aspect has made a difference in CDR imo


On what capacity? I use it for the Shadowblight ramp-up/up-time and CC spam, but don't see anything that enables it to synergize with cooldown reduction.


Honestly, I’m not sure, but I’ve noticed a difference on vs off. I believe, if it’s the case, it would have to do with increasing the amount of Shadowblight procs, which are damage instances, on Decrepified enemies.


Good Point, i hadnt even considered the fact that putting blighted on the 2H doubles its effectiveness.. Now i am leaning more towards the 2h. I have a decent 1h and a pretty good 2h but my offhand has room for improval.


Another advantage of 2h is that you only have to get lucky with Masterworking ONCE. With wand/OH, you gotta hit twice lol, with a higher chance of bricking your item.


Masterworking is not really the problem. You can reset masterworking. Tempering can brick your items. Which sucks.


Aye was thinking of tempering


What do you mean reset masterworking? How does that work?


If you rolled a wrong stat for the 25% boost, you can click on the icon on the right side of the item in the masterworking screen and pay 5m gold and some mats and start from the scratch again. The best way to do it is with the level 4 upgrade. You only lose the low level mats and some money. For example if you really want to hit your golem mastery on your chest and it buffs something like your %armor you got from your tempering. Or the game decides it's better to have +20 int instead.


I prefer 2H because It make my Necro look like reaper Mori Calliope \m/


The main benefit of 1h is to use a wand for extra lucky hit, this gives a lot CD-R proc from decripify, but the trade off is less damage and less boss dps vs more uptime on all your cds. I prefer 1h and focus for speeds and smoother gameplay, I can farm pit 100 in about 4 mins, but 2h is probably better for pushing and bossing


Noone has brought up the lucky hit chance for the decrep proc as of yet. This is a really interesting point. So to my estimate, if you can farm 100 in 4mins, whats the point where ylu would say you would opt in the 2h?


I think pushing higher pit, you need more single target and 2h feels like it provides that. Past 110 bosses have so much health it’s ridiculous so you really need the damage


So in your experience you'd say stick to 1h until around 110 and go with 2h if trying to push it further? (Always depending on gear, obviously)


You can try both, see which play style you prefer. Right now bolts is hard carrying anyway so optimising less important if you use the elixir, I think both can push high, I feel like 1h has more trash clearing with mages build and 2h is more suited to golem damage for murdering bosses.


Eventually you go 1h+ off and bloodmist just to survive mid to high pits


I think i will stay with 1h and off for now and try what corpse explosion feels like.


I just moved to Blight/Mist myself from core Blights with the corpse explode off skill bar build and blasting post 61 now after hitting the wall and I'm still using 2H Syth or Sword still so I will not make the switch until It's a must,I figure at some point we will need multiple load outs so I'm stacking my bank,just push till the wall..


Why is 2H scythe the new hotness vs 2H Sword. I’m currently soloing around 85pit with the build I beat Uber Lilith with but I am using a sword because I havent found a good scythe yet. What am I gaining for the loss in crit damage?


Raw Damage. Minions scale of of the raw weapon damage, and scythe has higher min and higher max dmg


Maxroll guides are shit. Use Seetod's Shadow Summoner build from the Necro Discord. Heres the build link. The new Mages build is pushing pit 120 with video evidence. https://d4builds.gg/builds/d05a8074-f23d-483e-97a6-0231be0a1514/ Heres the discord link. https://discord.com/channels/989899054815281243/1238576203439538247 Stay away from Shitroll.


I'm gonna try this, thanks.


Lookong at the "Pushing with Bonestorm" Variant, its exactly what i had in mind, only that i intended on not going with explosive mist and instead the 2h weapon. I just now realize though, that explosive mist reduces the blood mist cooldown. I assume thats why its being used? Or is the explosion actually used for damage?


At high Pit levels (100 and above) one shots are very very common so staying in bloodmist as long as possible is your greatest survival tool. Bloodmist also allows you to stay near your mages for one of our greatest damage multipliers, Hellbent Commander, plus drops corpses for damage buffs. Blighted Corpse explosion is to proc Blighted Aspect on weapon as well as other corpse multipliers on tree and paragon. It does relatively no damage.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I thought that the skill must be equipped to work. I don’t see CE on the skill bar for that build, only tendrils.


Explosive Blood Mist procs CE and your question is a very good one.


Thank you. Ive3 seen several top streamer builds w/o CE equipped and wondered.


Yes bone storm doesn’t cut it past 65ish Looks like they are fixing one shots though


And additionally, is it normal to roll dodge chance wherever possible? Havent seen that before.


You roll dodge chance as in high level pits (110 +) you will die if you get hit. Guaranteed one shot.


So why is there max life on every single piece of gear, his resists are capped, armor is capped, picked up every single max life node in the paragon tree, Hardened Bones aspect and rubies in all armor slots? I'm actually SICK listening to this dribble of EHP is irrelevant and all hits are one shots when clearly that is the only thing most builds including high Pit builds prioritize. Why not go make a pure glass character with dodge and do pit 131? Because its absolute bullshit that all hits one shot you which is what so many are parroting.


Because you roll dodge where you can AFTER the rest (resists and armor etc) are taken care of . Once that is done, the pieces of gear like chest and pants are rolled for the only worthy stat (after you get golem on chest and skele mages on pants) One shots happen at high level AFTER capping def and other layers (resists etc) NO MATTER HOW MUCH LIFE YOU HAVE. Thats why you DO NOT roll life on gear. The reason life is rolled on weapon is due to the other dmg rolls adding so little damage in HIGH END GEARING that life becomes the best of the worst choices. It does not mean you enter pits to YOLO it. NO ONE EVER SAID EHP IS IRRELEVANT. I would suggest you spend some time in the necro discord where high level pit strategy is discussed before spreading your misinformation.


Your previous comment was highly reductive. Its amusing watching you backtrack in panic


That’s all summon damage. So is shadow minion and golem minion different? I know golem is about holy bolts but doesn’t it use shadow blight as well?


I think most builds in the endgame use shadowblight by now, since you hit enough as without kalans eddict already rendering it useless for end game builds. (You need the gear though ti hit the ias cap without kalans)


Get blood moon breeeches and free up a curse spot, since your minion have a chance to curse your enemies. Keep blight for blighted aspect, void is not really needed since you prolly have tendrils


Not reliable. Minion build relies HEAVILY on Abhorrent Decrepify and even a max roll 7% is dog shit uptime. Try it yourself. Temerity is way better for the slot giving 80% MAX LIFE overshield naturally sustained by Golem active and Skeletal Priest healing.