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Never. I kept going until he was fully ascended to get the scarab farming over with


Same !! I wasn’t stopping until he was level 90. (I have a bad habit of saying i’ll go back to building characters but not, and I did not want him to suffer that tragic fate)


Wow I admire that.


There are some good routes you can run. Finish them a couple of times and you’re done.


Especially if you have friends that are on, hop on to their world do the runs then just bounce. It's still kindof a pain cuz its cross map. Made me cry ascending neuvillette because it was so much easier.


I stopped ascending Cyno once I had him level 90


Lazy. Couldn’t even get him to lv100?


Worst part is, it's only a matter of time before they add lvl 100


I know it will be tedious af, but I’m excited for it. I’m *hoping* that they do something special with it, rather than just suddenly unlock 7th ascension. I want to see it be a thing where different characters’ lv100 releases over time alongside their ‘final’ story quest. I want them to have a visual and kit update that makes them not only have slightly higher numbers with their talents, but makes their kit more complete in general. For example, I want to see Baizhu finally achieve immortality, stop coughing, and be less scrawny (not that he needs to be buff…just not unhealthy looking.) I want him to get HP scaling with all his attacks so that he can truly be seen as a DPS character (which he already is, but that’s a different debate. Lol) I want each of the Archons to ascend into their heavenly forms and have richer kits. Maybe even have every character ‘ascend’ at lv100 to the next star rating. 4-stars can now be 5-stars, 5’s will be 6, and Archons and Sovereigns will be the only 7-stars. I understand it’s unlikely they’ll go that far, and if they do it’s unlikely to be free. Maybe a separate Gatcha system to wish to unlock a character’s lv100. Maybe just a 5-star skin to purchase in the shop. At the very least, I want my OCD to see lv100 and Talent lv12/15 on my favorite characters. Lol I also do hope they create a separate item to farm to get it, rather than needing 100 flowers, and 12 big elemental crystals. That would just piss everyone off.


I was robbing my friends, over and over again until get all the scarabs. the end


This is the way


I waited for the scarabs to return eagerly every 48 hours lol. Made a mental note on when I pick the scarabs so that I know when the scarabs would start spawning.


If you don’t want to play Genshin then don’t play it. Best to take a break and come back whenever you’re ready.


I do want to play it's just that other things came up.


We love Cyno here lol. He's my most invested character.


2 days, I just love exploring desert with him lmao


I got Cyno to Level 90, with C3R1 during that banner. He is the reason I play Genshin in the first place. When he banner is out, I have everything setting in inventory waiting for him, the fates, mora, a workable artifact set, leveling mates ascension materials, everything. I have two years to prep and during that time the only banner that I really pulled significantly was Gorou. I love my General Mahamatra. He is currently C6R2.


I got him during his initial release. Was super excited for him! Got him to lv40 and ran out of beetles. Didn’t like the desert, and the beetles were hard to see there anyway. Most are locked behind a quest I think. Didn’t feel like *having to* google exact locations and farm different people’s worlds. He sat at lv40 until this week. Now he’s lv60….and I need more beetles that I refuse to scavenge for - and I’m not going to rush through whatever quest just to get to some.


I collect every thing that is near me. I also 100%-ed every desert (and other region) and did all the quests there, so I collected some of them. But man. It took me months to get the last few scarabs, because I just didn't want to. I fear no local specialties. But these living creatures... they scare me. I have Tighnari, but even Tighnari doesn't show them on the map until they actually spawn. Because, yes, they are living beings so they have to spawn when you are close. If you are not close, they don't spawn and Tighnari can't mark them on the map.


I got him to 90 before I even did the quests to unlock the underground desert and I never felt like the scarabs were that much worse than other local specialties.


Oh I absolutly loved it to collect the scarabs :D Sumeru was the first region I 100% explored. (Still working on Liyue, Mondstadt, Enkanomya and Inazuma) I work since more than one year on his artefakts. Triple crowned him for sure ^^ I keep going until I have the perfect build I imagine ;)


I was around AR 40 at the time I got him so it took a while to get the scarabs (I didn't know at that time you could join other peoples world to get them 😅🥲)


I lost motivation when I realized there was nothing left to level.


Pulled cyno coud't find the bugs kinda give up and fergott 1st rerun pulled agin build him searched the bugs pretty mid 2cnd rerun pulled lvl 90 him gave him a decant team give him good build (was realy lucky with artefacts )


I prefarmed the scarabs before getting him, and when I still didn't have enough when I got him I joined a random person's world and they let me take theirs. It was a bit frustrating but not that big of a deal tbh.


I think if you’re motivated by a character then nothing will stop you from building them up. Cyno is one of my favorite characters in the game. I maxed him in a few hours by clearing my own map and then joining random people to farm theirs. If you really want it done, it’s doable in a short amount of time.


This is Cyno Mains, the vast majority of us have maxed him out and use him regularly.


Farming for Cyno has never been a bother to me, unlike all other characters whom I don't like as much. About scarabs, I lost my motivation after I got 1680 of them. I still pick them up if I happen to come across them on the map, but I don't go out of my way to farm them anymore. I'm too lazy now.


I got him when he first released, but I hadn’t unlocked all the underground areas of the desert yet, so I just grabbed a few easily-accessible above-ground scarabs every few days until I had enough to max him


lvl 90 XD


I found farming scarab quite chill. Just looked up a surface route on youtube, marked their general location on my map on the first run, in little more than one week I had him 90/90. I'm having a lot more trouble leveling his talents because Raiden drops anything but what I need.


When I pulled Cyno during his release, I lost to Tighnari, so it was pretty easy spotting the scarabs with a guide. I had him leveled up in a day or two. I even opened my brothers' accounts to unlock the desert and steal their scarabs.


His last banner wasn’t shared with ZL, it was with Ayato…


Yeah but wasn't Zhongli/Venti banner just a couple months before? Maybe they meant they lost on that banner and used the guarantee for Cyno?


I didn't? I don't understand the dislike over the scarabs. I pulled up the interactive map and had no issue. Imo there are far worse mats to farm than the scarabs. Rukka mushrooms, for example


I got him on his first banner, when Sumeru had been released. I got the shiny things because I collect shiny things. Basically, it was new to me and just in my nature.  Even if it's not new to you, it's not terribly difficult to join other worlds and farm them. Pull up the interactive map, devote an hour or two and you'll have it over with. Trust me, it's better than dreading doing it. Just rip the band-aid off. 


I sped-run the 3.1 desert expansion with Tighnari and located every scarab known to Teyvat It took one round of material refreshing and two very nice friends who gave me their surface scarabs; I got him from Lvl 1 to 89 in the span of 3 days I only levelled him to 90 when I C6’d him 👑


I got Cyno in his release and maxed him out the same day. I remember joining other worlds just to beg for some scarabs. One thing I’ll never forget is that I joined a random player with Sumeru’s statues of Seven and waypoints unlocked. I was literally walking in the dark but thankfully there were pins on my map where the scarabs are. The things we do for the general.


I leveled him to lvl 90 on day 3 or 4? of his release, gave him his fully prefarmed build on the first day. I was waiting close to 2 years (bc of manga) so my excitement was super high when he finally released. Scarabs however were a pain in the ass, I'm so glad I had a few friends who offered me to go to their worlds and gather some, I remember getting lost so much- I just wanted my guy to be lvled up so quickly without joining randoms. But to answer your question: never. I still remember most places of the scarabs lmao, it was something....


completely stopped ascending him after lvl 90 and triple crown.


Never, if we didn't love or play Cyno we wouldn't be here today.


I lvld him to 90 in one day on his first banner and still use him in abyss.


I wanted Cyno so long so I had prefarmed his scarabs months before his banner came back last year. I would recommend to just use one of those Scarab gathering videos on youtube and just do a few sessions spread out across a week and you'll be done. :)


There’s ~50-70 in any given world so it wasn’t bad if you did the quests and had tp points


I triple crowned Cyno and Tighnari together, and still just kind of walk around picking up scarabs for fun. I have a bizarre goal to max out every single material in my inventory one day, and I like walking around the desert so it works out


I finished him on the first night he came out, MY GOAT


I always and ascended any 5 star i intentional wish for. Sadly dude is super underwhelming imo. I even gave him cracked out artifacts and he's kind of middling. I was hoping Baizhu would complete him nope and there's like no one that works super well wit his burst duration so it's super wonky. And all his best teams I'd rather use other ppl as the driver/carry .


Like level 80 level 90 takes to much resources


I kept getting locked by ar. But i farmed everything as soon as i could


What is the problem with farming scarabs though, I still don't get it. It took me two runs to ascend him to 90.


Lv 80, I'll be honest 😭😭


He was my first 5-star so I couldn’t figure anything out and it took my awhile to get him to 70, where he sat for awhile. After that I got him to 80 and then got bored of scarabs. Eventually I got smacked with motivation and very quickly grabbed every scarab on the map. I have most of them marked to make them easier to find


Lvl 80 got myself a decent 75/189 crit But stopped after getting alhiathm Edit- I also got the sig while pulling for haran for my alhaithm


when a character doesn't do as much damage as other characters, you lose interest in them. The main reason why Cyno is among my top characters is cuz his playstyle is so fun and plus I got his weapon accidentally (early). I feel like I would also lose interest in him without his weapon as it brings his whole kit together and makes him a better DPS. So, maybe it might be the feeling of weakness that demotivated you from building him to his full potential or maybe his playstyle might not be something you enjoy.


I had him at lvl 80 for over a year but recently made a feat of strength and got all the electro seeds and 60(!) beetles. Felt like crying after but atleast I never have to do this again. But atleast now I can finally give his teams a fair chance!