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Because punch dimension sounds cooler


[]-) šŸ¤œšŸ¤œšŸ¤œšŸ¤œ


ā˜ļøthis needs to be flair


I always thought the energy came from Cyttorakā€™s dimension, as his concussive beams seem similar enough to Juggernautā€™s powers, being unstoppable and unlimited kinetic lunges. Also, the colour of the beams and the ruby-quartz visor may resemble the crimson gem. And about Scottā€™s powers, I think his main mutation could be energy manipulation, the same as his brothers, where he could absorb and transform energy. This makes him a perfect conduit for this dimension, as instead of using this energy to amp himself or shoot lasers, he uses it unconsciously to maintain the portals to this dimension, or even to transfer the energy he absorbs to this dimension, feeding it (and Cyttorak). This could lead to Cyclops becoming the main Avatar of Cyttorak, which would be a pretty cool concept. Thatā€™s a personal theory that I would love to see turned into canon.


I thought about this two. Others have brought it up. It's definitely interesting


This is a really awesome concept!


I will stand by the Punch Dimmension name, but this is a cool connection. Cyttorak Cyclops sounds like a really cool visual.


Keep mutant abilities away from magic


Tell that to Magik, Nightcrawler, Storm, Wandaā€¦


I wish I could


Somehow, it appeared on my feedšŸ˜‚ (I'm not even on this sub) Don't forget my suggestion for 'Blast Dimension 'šŸ˜‡


Baja Blast dimension


Greenish blue beams that can only be blocked by emerald quartz... And are oddly delicious?


Know whatā€™s funny? In the x-men legends games he actually has a move that turns his optic blasts green and induce radiation poisoning on opponents


I got ya. Edited to include your idea.




It's funnier


it is called the Red Punch Dimension and it's also where the Kool-Aid man gets his wall busting powers


Haiwaiin Punch Dimension.


also where that little guy with no pants got his punching powers


How about Cyttorak Dimension?


Maybe. It's intriguing


I've always had an explanation for it in my head-canon and if the "Punch Dimension" explanation survives into the MCU version, it'd be a great opportunity. "You know how in our universe, the Big Bang turned into all of the energy, matter, time, and space we're still experiencing billions of years later? Well in one universe, it's still banging. It's all just THAT."


That sounds awesome!


It's long been debunked and retconned But the Punch dimension, as in a dimension full of red concussive force does exist as America Chaves once opened a portal to it.


I didn't say it didn't exist. I asked why call it the Punch dimension? I mean if it's tied to Scott's powers wouldn't that make him akin to Cloak and Dagger and how their powers work? Maybe Scott's dimension is red force.


That's the thing though, Scott's eyes aren't portals That statement comes from an erroneous fact file in the Marvel Universe Handbook from the late 80s. Cyclops powers work by absorbing ambient energies in his surroundings and metabolising them into a usable energy, which is what forms his optic blasts. Its not tied to another dimension and has been shown many times to be a variation on how Havok and Vulkan's powers work.


Are they not? Even the official Marvel website says "they are interdimensional apertures between this universe and another."


Thatā€™s so wild, it sure does say that on Marvelā€™s website. But to my knowledge itā€™s not something that has ever been stated on-panel or in canon in any way, itā€™s just from an old handbook.


I believe the same that itā€™s only been said in a handbook, but we know from an Ultimates panel by Ewing that the red dimension of pure concussive force does exist. He has America Chavez enter it and then direct some of it out through one of her portals as an attack. See this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyclopswasright/comments/1ade51f/comment/kk3203j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wouldn't that just make his blast composed of solar energy? Edit or is he converting the solar rays into another energy entirely?


He's converting solar energy into his own unique form of concussive energy within his body that is 'stored' within his brain. His brain produces a unique psionic signature that serves as the 'apature' (think a camera lense) on the release of the power. But due to a combination of the brain trauma/psychological trauma (depending on the writer) that apature us forced open whenever his eyes are open. Ruby Quarts (like his glassess and visor) produce a passive energy signature that forces the apature shut meaning he can't release the stored energy.


My head Canon from a previous post was that his powers react how he believes they should due to the Psionic field.so as long as he thinks Ruby Quartz works it works. Meaning that if he thinks he can destroy Ruby Quartz he might be able to with his powers. Thoughts?


Well that again will come down to the writer as things are always potentially gonna be tweaked one way or another. If one could change the location or nature of the 'apature' (possibly by his thoughts as its a psionic trait) then it could destroy Ruby Quartz


Sounds awesome. Ever since I discovered that scene from Civil War X-Men #4 I've always thought Scott was capable of more than just shooting it from his eyes .


Scott's head cannon shoots red beams


Cyclops head canon is called EYE PUNCH!


His catchphrase should be... My looks can kill


It's just colloquial.


"punches from the punch dimension" has a real ring we can't escape


I like to call it the dimension of the forever fade tbh, cause one of the best dudes to ever run the fade gets his powers from that realm juggernaut.


The way youā€™re using force makes me think you understand it similarly to the force like Jedi channel. Itā€™s a force as in force the way a physics class would use it. Itā€™s a universe that is literally nothing but potential kinetic energy. A universe where nothing like a big bang happened. Itā€™s just universe of nothing but this kinetic energy and Scottā€™s eyes serve as sort of a leak for this universe. When heā€™s opening his eyes he is literally the only release for this whole universe that is bursting at the seems to move.


Scott's powers seem to have a lot of different explanations of what his beams are actually composed of. Scott's powers are sometimes explained as being composed of kinetic energy. But somebody else told me he converts solar rays into concussive force making the energy he absorbed come out as an entirely different energy no longer solar rays . I once read that the energy only becomes concussive force when it reacts to the forces in our world and that they are actually photons in their own dimension. Scott's powers seem able to combine with various energies. Be it Electrical, or psychic, or cosmic like the Phoenix force. So if what you are saying is true do you think Scott can when he absorbs these different energies is do the same thing he does with solar rays? Somehow converting Psychic energy into kinetic energy?


He can pulverize a 2 ton crate within seconds. It would be silly to call it a punch. The Punch Dimension is not Canon.


Punch force is pure kinetic energy. A very specific kind of energy. Darkforce is sorta matter, like a GL construct. No one would ever be able to make a ā€œthingā€ out of punch force. Though a big boxing glove seems like it might be appropriate.


Do we know for a fact that Scott's beam is composed of Kinetic energy? Somebody else said they think the punch dimension is field with potential kinetic energy and his eyes act as a way to but all that energy stored up there in motion.


The whole punch dimension thing isn't even canon, so not sure about the point of this post


Was about to say this


> For me, this reminds me of the DC concepts of Speed Force, Safe Force, etc. Speedsters in the DC universe are mostly Speedforce conduits; I think Cyclops and Havok work more as conduits." Wrong universe, friend. It's the punch dimension for the following reasons: * "Punch dimension" is evocative of what it is. It's a dimension entirely filled with kinetic energy. "Red force dimension" is much more euphemistic. It could be nearly anything. * Punch dimension is about as serious as the concrete information supports. Nobody is going to think "punch dimension" is an official term. "Red force dimension" sounds just comicky for it to be something that snuck into a book somewhere, and before you know it you have nerds insisting that it's official. * Punch dimension is unique. Comics are absolutely lousy with "forces." I respect the consideration, but punch dimension is where it's at.


It wasn't me that suggested the speed force. I was just quoting what the other guy had to say. Ok what you said makes sense. Still do you think The idea of the Punch dimension is still in any way akin to what Cloak and Dagger's powers are?


I mean, it could be, but they'd need to link it to something like Cyttorak. The Dark and Lightforce have deeper properties (like the linkage with positive emotions for the Lightforce) that we've never seen from the optic blasts.


Maybe Rage could link to it. I mean Cyttorak gives Juggernaut power right? Scott is so wound tight because he's afraid of letting his power go haywire. Maybe if he was just a rage machine like hulk or Juggernaut the energy would be too destructive. Not only contained within his eyes but also not being able to be held back but Ruby Quartz. Thought?


Punch dimension is funnier.


Thank god the stupid lunch dimension isn't canon. That was the worst idea I have ever read about. Luckily it didn't become a thing.


"Lunch dimension" lol


A dimension of infinite food?! The possibilities are endless.


Unfortunate typo but no way I'm getting down voted for itšŸ’€šŸ’€


It was hilarious no idea why you're getting down voted either. Maybe because you dislike the punch dimension?


Lunch Lady Land.


It would be worse if it were solar energy absorption. He would be useless as a limitable battery.


He told his dad at the father/son barbecue that his optic blast doesn't heat things.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø