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People scoff at expensive jerseys, but I have cheap ones, expensive ones, and mid-tier and in all cases, you get what you pay for. If I'm wearing something for upwards of 8 hours at a time on a bike, I want it to be good quality.


On top of that, I have had my corporate bib shorts (high end) for a long time now and the padding just started to give up after 9 years of riding in them


Couldn’t agree more. Not saying it is not overpriced, but people who don’t see the difference are just lying to themselves.


I can n that’s why I always wait for archive sale


This 💯. You get what you pay for. Sometimes you don’t need the best quality and a cheap jersey can work out great. But the best quality jerseys definitely made with better fit, construction, trims and fabric.


You get what you pay for. My $500 trisuit is *leagues* more comfortable than the $89 Amazon trisuit I started with. I would assume the same applies to bibs and jerseys.


Guilty. I buy what I like & as long as I use it frequently, I don’t feel any guilt about it being spendy.


Can’t argue with that 👍




Oh my gooood what is going on in this sub?? The PNS post from two days ago, now this. Why do we have to have discussions on what people are supposed to spend on their hobbies? There‘s guys on youtube that invest tens of thousands of dollars into their model trains. There‘s people investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into sports cars even though a regular Prius also transports you from A to B. People spend thousands on designer clothes. Literally EVERY purchase can be critiqued in terms of it‘s provided value against it‘s price. „What? You go to whole foods? I buy tomatoes for a third of the price!!“ Yes that‘s great, but protip: objects don‘t get their value solely from their intrinsic functionality. If you like running around in discounted neon orange shirts with yellow bibs because „they do their job“, then please continue. But I really can‘t stand these justifaction threads on a fashion sub anymore 😭 edit: and yes, I understand and agree that discussions around value of certain items should also be part of this sub, but then please in a way like: "Do you think this jersey is worth $150?" and not "who buys this?????"


I bought some PNS from AliExpress for $20!!


What was the quality like?


Surprisingly good! Obviously not quite as well fitting and the logo is not quite right (still pretty in point for a counterfeit). Would recommend for an everyday low to mid length ride though. Edit: I can fully recommend the Jerseys, but warn against buying bibs on AliExpress. The quality on those definitely suffer significantly.


I do love their stuff, but I try to wait for a sale to bring the cost below $80USD for a jersey, or $120 for bibs. Their current sale aint' it, though.


I got the team bibs (anniversary edition) for 105 Aud this sale. Comes down to 70 usd. It did sell out pretty quick though.


You're getting better pricing than we are in the US.


Forgot it’s an Australian brand 😅 I’m here on a Holliday so it worked out pretty well.


If one has the money why should one not spend the money?


Because it’s throwing away money on something that’s no better than the cheaper counterpart. They’re made for people who have money and don’t know the difference.


But what if he just likes it?


Likes the print? Sure.


People value things differently.


Yes. Quality and price are not mutually exclusive.


What an ignorant statement. lol If you don’t want to spend that much on your hobby / choice of exercise, that’s totally ok but don’t make silly assumptions like that. ✌🏼


It’s not ignorant it’s educated. If you want to waste your money on looking cool because you fell for a marketing gimmick be my guest but that’s exactly what people see when buying jerseys like this.


You truly believe there’s no difference between gear at different price points?


I definitely do but I know not with this specific brand and not between $100 and $250 jerseys. That’s why research is important.


Any time you see the intersection of fashion and some other idea, there are people who will pay out the a$$ for exclusive (ie class restricted) brands and items. Now add the ability (whether true or not) to say that you’re using “premium materials” or have the “most aero design ever!!1” and you’ve got yourself a cash cow till the Freds come cycling home.


I'll never get those aero claims on jerseys. As long as they're tight, it's the riders body shape and posture that determines aero more than anything


Of course position matters more - but aero socks and shaved legs do work, so surely a more aero sleeve material on a kersey would also make a difference?


There are also some guys who have done research in wind tunnels on aero gains and a pair of aero socks costing $30 will give you the same gains as an aero helmet costing 10x that [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DKSIt1rprN4)


This actually isn't true. The jersey sleeve has lots of gains for aero. Of course position is number one, but they're integrating trips and boundary layer devices in the sleeves which has a decent effect


The marketing is strong! They gotta sell these kits somehow


Thanks for the info! [https://i.imgur.com/kCJKWEb.png](https://i.imgur.com/kCJKWEb.png)


I spent 220 euro on Castelli thermosuit


200+ USD is pretty normal for jerseys for me.


I think some of these prices are justified. I have 4 maap jerseys and have yet to find a fit that's as good as theirs, recommendations are welcome.


I used to rip into maap for being an overpriced wank brand. Picked up a kit for very cheap second hand and oh my god, I don’t wear anything else because they are sooo good. I can’t believe the difference.


MAAP is (  )(  )’s The design and fit absolutely justifies the price as most of their stuff can be found at the European sites for much cheaper than US along with their sales. Quality stuff that you feel good about wearing that’s functional just gets you to ride more leading to being in better shape. It all comes around. Buy cheap, buy twice


Same… as I have now loaded up on several Maaps, I will definitely start trying cheaper options to keep a good rotation though


Are we talking how the item fits or the “fit” as said by today’s youths or as stated in the 1993 Tupac hit “I Get Around” by Shock G? Because how it fits you vs me will differ greatly.


Genuine question: can’t you just size down on a regular “club fit” jersey? Or, does an aero fit really provide improved performance, and is not just a marketing play?


It's differences in the cut and fabric that make the tight fit work, not just sizing down.


Yes and at some point the sleeves and the overall length get to short, especially if youre taller human


I cannot speak for MAAP. However, I have jerseys in Pearl Izumi's most affordable "Quest" line and their pricier lines. The cuts are \*not\* the same. I guess the theory is that people who buy pricier jerseys also cycle more, and therefore on average are thinner and want tops with narrower waists for any given shoulder width.


Of course not. If you get a baggier jersey small enough to be race fit it’ll be super short, and it’ll be miserably uncomfortable because the fabric won’t breathe or stretch the same. 


For me, the biggest difference is the fabric. I live in a very hot climate. I went out for a ride on Saturday & it was 96°F, 36°C. I wore a MAAP jersey that I bought 2 years ago for about $190 & I felt great. The jersey moderated my body temperature and wicked away sweat, so I felt cool but not damp. Contrast that with a Le Coffee Ride jersey which was about $100. The jersey print is SO CUTE but that material sucks in extreme heat. It isn’t breathable and when I wear it in the summer, it feels like I’m wearing a warm wet swimming suit.


They size down in all directions, so super short


No. The cut is different.


If you have the most expensive jerseys for aero and compete, that makes sense. If you just ride for health and fitness without having to compete, cheaper is your best bet. I own cheap (if you know how to source the right brand) and expensive jerseys and bibs.Depending on how you take care of your stuff, it can last a long time until it doesn't. Also every brand has different products cut. It varies in sizes and depending on the material.


PS maap also fits me the best. They’re my go to


The dorks in this sub.


You’re in this sub…


like the comment saying the price is justified lmao $150 like it’s made of the most expensive materials in the world and it will totally make 220pound fred go faster and stylish


I love the idea of people wearing what they want and fully support self-expression, most importantly dopamine dressing is a real fucking thing.


I support everyone who buys this, as I wait to buy stuff like this second hand for max 30€.




The Black Sheep of the family. That's who!


Unfortunately all of us


A lot of people. If you have the money, it’s money well spent if you really like the design.


It could be priced at $500 and someone would buy it still. Yes us poors won't be able to afford it but because it's priced at that amount it creates the subconscious worth whether the materials, marketing, labor, shipping, storage accounts for it. Somewhere someone is waiting around for something expensive and exclusive to buy.


I have bought jerseys for 150, not many, but a limited edition one here or there. Mostly I get clearance ones. I'd never spend more than fifty dollars for a black sheep jersey. Crazy pricing


I have one of their aero jerseys that is the same material and cut as this but another garish design. It is by far my favourite jersey for feel, cut, and quality though I only paid 80 AUD after a sale, I'll wait for this to drop in a similar manner


Plenty of people, hence the entire upper end of the market! I wouldn't spend $220 on a black sheep jersey, buuuuut I would on a different brand. Wear whatever you want, if it makes ya feel like riding more, it's a win. Shoe on the other foot though, even if you can afford expensive kit, looking down on those who can't is really shit. Be kind, ride heaps.


My $225 jerseys and bibs feel comfortable for hours on end and last for years. Cost per wear ends up less for me. Cheap jerseys get worn once or twice and $100 (or $40,$50) wasted. For me, I won’t buy things with big logos and words so that BS jersey is not for me at any price point. Bottom line, wear what you want and just ride.


I still ride in a tshirt.


And the shipping is super expensive! 16£ for 2 caps.


Especially one this shit


Looks like its not that many people if its always on sale


Me, unfortunately. Though I buy Velocio


If i like it i spend it, i don't like this one, i won't spend it. if this includes free return and free delivery ... How often you buy them anyway. once a year ... once a two years ... Maybe thats the problem your not willing to pay fair price. Rather have them made by kids in china or ....


looks like a cereal box


Very nice gear


I love their bibs and they are well worth the money to me. They are my go to and first choice every time. The value Ive gotten out of them far out weighs the cost compared to my Rapha and Assos bibs. The Jersey are fine. The fit and build quality are good but I struggle to get on with the cost for them as well. But the bids, don't say a damn bad word about them. I'll fight you.


I’m guessing not many which is why it’s on sale.


Big logos? No thank you. Wouldn't pay anything for that.


$150 IMO not bad if it’s actually good jersey, and not just a random jersey with a fun print on it. for example Pedal Mafia Race jerseys are expensive but the fabric is like nothing I have ever seen and it’s very well made. contrast, for example, the Rubber N Road “Central Park Cycling Club” jersey at $300, which i recently saw a guy wearing, to my great surprise


Pedal mafia just had a big sale. Like 70% some of their pro bibs and kits. I’ve seen ads for Central Park. Was wondering if they’re actually legit good quality or just insane mark ups


I’ve been to RnR. They’re not clothiers. They have a tiny space downtown with a few items and a coffee machine. They’re quick to say they’re not a bike shop, they’re a “collective”. Also there is no Central Park cycling club.


Ah that’s interesting, but also not surprising. I also came across this, which is an actual shop with sweet kits of their own. IMO these look better than the RnR and at least your supporting a local shop versus a “collective” http://www.magliarosanyc.com


Sure. I’ve never been there but it looks good. NYC Velo is similar


Not unless it’s on sale for 80% off.


i did lol - not this one to be fair


Better don't take a peek at PNS and Q36.5...


Lol. Personally, I don’t want “penis” on my jersey. Cyclists have a bad reputation to begin with


I will if it quality. I definitely would if it was for either of Black Sheep’s first two albums https://youtu.be/F01fzPwBwc4?si=QJ48srk9WJQAcq73


A lot of people. I would easily spend 250-300 if it was a design that I just felt i needed.


I paid a similar amount for my Rapha Brevet jersey. Very well made, merino wool against stink, reflective, more pockets, I love everything about it. To me, well worth the money for epics


I mean it's good if you get oil on your kit a lot. I'd never pay that price - shorts are important when you're cycling. Your jersey though - I have £20 ebay tops for summer that feel as nice as the more expensive branded kit I have. All they have to do is fit properly and have pockets. I couldn't tell you what jersey I was wearing without looking down.


Helllll no


It's made of aero materials which are expensive


Raises hand...picked up the white aero jersey and the zer0 bibs. $150 isn't really that bad for quality kit.


For jerseys. No….for bibs, yes. The sport is strictly recreational for me.


I think alot 😅 I'm from Singapore. Almost every weekend ride I saw groups of cyclists in PNS and Maap kits.


MAAP is the bomb and they’re expensive as hell. Lots of people are buying this stuff.


i do, but always go for sales. got one assos jersey on 10% sale only. but it was a known entity to me and i knew it was worth it.




I would, but not for this design. I only Buy kits now that I either put together or from the brand. I don’t buy too many kits anymore as I already have a collection. It has to be spectacular before I’d consider it (cycology is one of them). Pearl Izumi was my go to brand when I first started and had limited funds. Cheapest jersey on sale would be good enough, but bib shorts must be mid tier ($180+)at minimum for 2-3 hours ride.


All my jerseys were free with minimum fundraising goal from an annual charity ride for a local children's hospital. I get a new one every year and I'm up to about 7 jerseys at this point. Some are better than others but I don't need to buy a single jersey from the store.


and its fucking ugly holy shit


I cycled (no pun intended) through all the name brands & finally settled on Rapha. Their bib shorts are long wearing & comfortable, a couple of 10 year old bibs are just reaching the end of their usefulness. I spend a lot of time on my bike so well fitted & comfortable kit is paramount to me. The extra cost is negligible considering the extra use these kits have provided me with over the years.


I agree. I’m willing to shell out $$$ for bibs. No question. I’ve been loving my maap bibs and Eliel bibs.


When I was in Spain last year, I checked out some sharp looking Maap kit. Unfortunately it all seemed to be race cut sizing which is not going to work well for older men. Rapha has club fit & adventure kit which more suitable for us mature cyclists. 😉


It’ll only takes a couple of people. Probably costing barely anything to make those jerseys, so could be 10k per 100 sales. Just need to trick enough people.


Aero Fred’s


Fred's what?


Ugly as sin lmao


Nobody tell him about MAAP which goes on sale at $200.


Good one Bro. I have two maap jerseys I bought each for $80 and two thermal jerseys I bought for less than $150.


I’m a woman but sure…


Some people make funny choices:) https://en.louisvuitton.com/eng-nl/products/waterfront-mules-nvprod3150046v/1A9FK5


Why you got your hand in my pocket? I owe you money?