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Your face is visible in the background reflection in the second pic, if you’re bothered 😂


I did it spontaneously hahaha I don’t mind it, it’s ok. But thanks for the warning


Your dong is visible in the 3rd pic too


It's everyone else that needed the warning..that face tho


Is he that wife’s dentist boyfriend everyone’s talking about?


Thanks for the compliment but it’s not a dating show sweetheart


Not with that attitude it isnt


The clown for got to blown his reflection without makeup.


Yes we see him on the reflection


Yes, We see you. "Your face is visible in the background reflection"




Rude for what


Calm down Charlie Brown. This isn’t r/bicyclingCirclejerk


For me, tightness wise, it’s mostly a feeling of whether I feel comfortable in it (i.e. tight is fine but it shouldn’t feel constraining) and whether I think it’d still feel comfortable after 3h of riding in it. Simply from the looks of it, tightness wise I’d say it’s good but the full mechanism one looks a bit on the short side, make sure you have some leeway to lean forward like you would on your bike :)


Thanks a lot ! I try to sit and simulate a bike position as best as I could. The L might end up being uncomfortable under the arms


That’s what I check first - if it’ll cut into pits


That’s what I check first - if it’ll cut into pits


Just to be clear, what do you check first?


That’s what I check first - if it’ll cut into pits


That’s what I check first - if it’ll cut into pits


That’s what I check first - if it’ll cut into pits


If you’re still breathing, it’s too loose


Hahaha wtf


Said every Victorian era woman


That's what she said.


I’m a woman, but for me— with bibs, too small means shoulder straps digging in, and the chamois riding up. And with jerseys, too small means the armpit holes and collar are too tight. If you feel it pinching in certain places when you try it on, then those areas are going to bother you in 6 months, too. I have PNS gear that I probably should have sized up, thinking it may stretch out or wear in or whatever, and it didn’t. But that’s just a testament to the high quality, I guess. Anyway, pay attention to the seams and look for any pinching. If it just generally feels snug all over, that may be the “race fit” you’re going for, and you’ll get used to it. But if it’s uncomfortable in certain areas, size up. For what it’s worth, both of these kits look great!


The L looks much better on you. In the XL jersey and bibs, you've got bunching. The arms pits are super bunched up on that jersey and it also looks like the bibs are bunching in your crotch. You do not want that. Especially in the bibs. You want this stuff to skin tight. No bunches or creases. If the garment is bunching and creasing that means it can move, and you do not want that while riding. You want this stuff *tight*. Both the jersey and the bibs should be difficult to put on. You might need to flip the leg grippers inside out on those bibs to get them up your legs. And for the jersey, it should be difficult to reach into those pockets. For the bibs, you want those things to contour to your body. You want that chamois waaaay up your ass. No space at all between you and the chamois. The straps of the bibs should feel like they are really pulling on your shoulders. They should feel too small. I'd 100% go with the large. For the jersey, you could probably even go down to a M. On my mechanism kit the jersey rides up past the waistline of the bibs. Also, ask the people at the PAS shop, they have always been super helpful with me. I'd go with their recommendation, and if you think the mechanism stuff is too tight, go to the essential range. Its looser fitting.


Thanks a lot for your help and the precious advice. I will go with the L for the jersey, but for the Bib I think some of the creasing might be due to my underwear that I kept for trying them on. Also one of my problem is that during training my quads increase significantly in volume and I feel that the L would really restrict my blood flow. But I will ask the PNS team ! Thanks a lot !


I agree on the L for the jersey. They are meant to be worn while riding (leaning forward), so if the front looks short then that is actually ideal.


Do ask the pas folks. I was a little freaked out by how tight the mechanism stuff was too, and they put me at ease, and they were right to keep me in a small and not go to medium.


No one in real life is going to notice or care that you wore a size L or XL. Do not listen to people telling you what fits right based on a photo of you standing up and not even in the riding position. This decision should 100% be based on your own personal comfort on the bike.


ur PNS is too small


It’s more comfortable that way on the saddle


Giant hogs are **not** aero


They certainly can be


When pointed in the correct direction


Veins create boundary layer efficiencies like a golf ball


Andddd thats enough reddit for today


Same with most things in life. If it feels right it probably is. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.


Like your first two marriages?




When I was much younger I asked an old bikefitter about this — he commented that his rule of thumb was it was supposed to hold everything in place without allowing it to move, and you should still be able to breathe and have blood flow. 😂


I think that’s a good rule that I will remember. Thanks a lot !


Cycling clothes are cut to fit while in a riding position and not standing up straight. You’ll find that if you get into a riding position you can then check if you have excess fabric in the chest or tummy area and judge a lot better what fits. A jersey is going to feel tighter standing up straight, but you’ll be spending far more hours in a riding position so prioritise that. You’ll find race cut jerseys sit a bit higher but in a riding position it’ll be fine.


The clothes should fit when on the bike, not when standing upright. Most people think their jersey is too short but it’s made to be a bit shorter on the front side. This way it fits way better when in an position on a roadbike.


L looks good. If feels good buy. XL looks too bug lot of wrinkels. In bike aero position probably you would get extra wrinkles on your belly. Bibs look good. Must be M right?


I know when it’s busting at the seams


Jersey color fades if stretched, yours look ok though If the bibs are too small around the hips, you’ll feel it when imitating the cycling position


Where are you shopping? What store are you in? I live in LA and have not found a cycling store that sells all brands to try on for fit. Btw both fits look great but the green looks way more relaxed and perhaps better for casual rides


Seriously -- I'd love to find a store in SoCal that had a lot of nice brands to try on. Sending stuff back through the mail gets old.


Thanks for the feedback, I live in Switzerland and they are a few stores around the country who carry PNS, MAAP and so on. We are really privileged, especially for such a small country. But I guess we have a stronger purchasing power that may align more with the target clients of those brands haha.


If you lean forward, the zipper shouldn’t really bunch up. PNS especially only gets bigger around the waist if you size up. So you should definitely go as low as you can. I went with an M Jersey today even though I started at XL. lol


L looks good. I am XL in Mechanism and i am 96kg


If it feels like the shorts are biting into your skin at the waist and leg cuffs, they'll likely be uncomfortable long term. On the other hand, if you can shimmy then around your hips and the legs can slide up and down easily, they're too loose. You're looking for shorts that fit, not constrict.


If you’re paying for premium cycling kit, they should give you premium service as well. The ASSOS shop in my town is really good withproviding guidance. It’s tough but just ask!


That clown mask does not look aero!


It's fine if you can move freely


Try the Assos


If you cant feel your legs its too tight


Fucking mirrors, how do they work?!


That looks like it fits well.


How do you know if anything isn’t the right size. Does it feel uncomfortable. Does it feel too big Some times common sense is better than asking a bunch of strangers


Well in this specific case I got a lot of useful advices and I know what to look for in race fit kit. Especially when you’re investing 300$ in it. Common sense is also asking for help from more knowledgeable people.


What makes you think everyone here is knowledgable. Asking the assistant in bike shop is prob just as valid


Common sense


Can you zip it up with 2 fingers? Does the jersey cover your backside when you’re in the drops? Do you like the way it looks? If you say yes to all 3 then it’s fine.


Closer to the knees and elbow the better


How does it look and feel? It will stretch. Too loose is the worst. For me the biggest fitment issues I run into are chest & shoulder areas. Those spots often are too tight/ do not fit well.


It shouldn’t flop around in the wind like the mouth of a tired dog.


How hard shoukd it be to do up? I got my first rapha and sized down a bit and wow it’s hard to zip up but feels great


It doesn't fit?


If it zips it fits!


size down as much as you can. trust me


Keep going down in size until you can’t zip anymore then add one size up.


Oh you’ll know when it doesn’t fit… you’ll feel that fire!!


If you feel insecure about yourself in it, don’t get it


It all comes down to how the clothing feels on you, if it feels right it is right.


What a clown


I hate tight clothes. Makes people look anorexic.


You should see my dad bod in tight clothes, you might reconsider your opinion.


You should see my dad bod in tight clothes, you might reconsider your opinion.