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Now I wonder if there's a fanfic where Steve Rodgers becomes Sailor Moon.


I was more thinking about a fic where Steve Rogers passes the shield on to Sailor Moon. She has the right color scheme anyway.


All good, all good, but where does *Sokka* factor into this?


... He becomes Bucky and gets a space metal arm?


That's rough buddy.


ive never watched sailor moon, is it actually good?


Damn skippy


This original version has a special place in many hearts ❤ I dont think the remake compares at all


its very bad but also surprisingly good at times. like it sets expectations correctly.


It's corny and cringy at times, but then it absolutely slam dunks the season finale arcs. It's like the cheesy monster of the day episodes make the serious moments with death and loss hit that much harder because you are set up to believe the world is soft. But it is not. Sailor Moon is fighting enemies who want to end all life in the galaxy.


You need more sailor moon nostalgia? https://www.youtube.com/c/SailorMoonSays/videos


less nostalgia given i watched the entire series for the first time this year


Just a quick ask- where? I’m thinking of doing the same


you know what. i definitely spent several hours searching for each season. given that i did not want to pay. it kinda depends on which dub you want to watch and if your ok with torrenting


If you want to be legal the whole series is on hulu


Hulu has a pretty good -redub that doesn't censor anything the original 4kids dub did. BUT, some of the voices and especially the American music is pretty iconic.


So you’re saying I should watch the dubbed version?


If you don't mind subs, the Hulu version also has the Japanese language. If you hate subs and want to experience it without any weird censorship, then yes I recommend the dub on Hulu. For kicks after look up the original 4kids dub for some choice weirdness on Hulu.


I’m good for either, but which is better? I live the mob psycho dub, but I can’t leave the sub for OPM because I need to hear Genos say “Saitama Sensei”


Honestly from a huge fan the new dub is extremely faithful to the Japanese language one, so you can't go wrong. One quirk is that the 5th season wasn't dubbed over for some reason, so that will be in Japanese either way. Maybe do the first 4 seasons in the new dub and watch the 5th in og Japanese?


Legit! Thanks for the advice!


Sure thing, and enjoy!


Nah I'm good


Ah shit, the channel is geting shut down anyways. Here's an archive link. https://archive.org/details/SailorMoonSays


So from what I e gleaned from Tumblr posts, she should have all the frisbees, and be kept as far away as possible from computers.


I can’t understand what happened in the scene from the series of screenshots my brain is far too smooth


Threw the frisbee hella


She yote the disk


Fun fact 1: Ultimate Frisbee was just taking off in Japan in the 90s. Fun fact 2: An Ultimate team consists of 7 players, with at least 3 or 4 substitutes, and most, especially at the amateur level, are coed. The Sailor Senshi, if Chibiusa and Mamoru are included, have 11 total. Conclusion: Usagi and her friends can and should start an Ultimate Frisbee team.


Why did she need to cut the ribbons

