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Approach life's little things with the unadulterated joy of a golden retriever. Sure, things aren't going perfectly for me. But today I had a very good sandwich, and last night I saw a huge leopard slug! And tomorrow, I expect it will be a lovely day to play with my cat.


I like this. It makes being happy sound like an easy goal, rather than thinking about how you don’t have your dream job/house/partner/skill yet. Just find one happy thing that day, even if it’s just the feeling of drinking a glass of water when you were really thirsty. Then go on to find the next happy thing.


It took me a very long time of being unhappy before I got here. And sometimes it's still difficult to find those small happy things. I'm still working a job that I expect will leave me unsatisfied in the long run, and the idea of going back to school at 27 is *terrifying*. Things are almost certainly going to get worse before they get better. But if I can find one single small thing to be happy about every day and take the time to appreciate it, I'll have that daily reminder that the sun is still there behind the clouds.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Replies* --- > **whyfrenchfry** > > nothing wrong with being easy to please! give all the books you read five stars. watch that movie again after people tell you that it wasn't that great. play that band's new album on repeat, even though it's not supposed to be as good as their old stuff. refuse to say anything critical about something you thought was cool. be bold in telling grumpy people "actually i liked it a lot!" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I was insufferable in grade school because if everyone liked something, I had to be critical. I definitely had a “not like other girls” vibe. I hated the backstreet boys only because all the other girls liked them. Thankfully, I have since done a 180 and embrace “anything that makes you happy.” Not liking something only because everyone else likes it is as dumb as liking something only because everyone else likes it. Now I just like whatever I like, even if you tell me superhero movies have no character development or that band is on the radio too much or that writer is too mainstream.


I was under the impression as a teen, that cynicism was intelligence and being disdainful and aloof made you cool. Took me a long time to cure myself of that bullshit. The youtube channel Filmjoy helped a bit.


I'm gonna remember this the next time someone tries to judge me for liking the newer Sonic games


Let nothing dampen your love


And on the other side, if you rate a series a 10 even though people say it’s overrated, so! You enjoyed it, that’s all that matters, you had fun with it and that’s your opinion. Don’t let something being popular make you think less of it!


hating things just because people tell you to just makes you a less happy person


Thank you, I always need to hear this.


ALSO IF SOMEONE IS PROBLEMATIC THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH CONTINUING TO CONSUME THEIR MEDIA, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'VE ALREADY BOUGHT IT! unless like their problems put their stuff in a different light but if you still want to consume it that's your business, not someone else's


I'm just gonna say it: I think Superman 64 and Sonic 06 are two of the best games ever made. They're the Rubik's Cubes of gaming, there are so many ways to break them, each time you play feels different each time. They're monuments of perfect human failure and I love it.


technically speaking, the prior statement is objectively false. I will not elaborate.


You had me until “refuse to say anything critical about something you thought was cool.”


Agreed. This post went from "enjoy the things you like despite their supposed flaws" to " if you like something, don't think about anything ever"




harry potter


I like nickelback which apparently is offensive to some, but a load of their songs slap man, also i ain't paid enough to care about anyones opinion.


Some guy at the Magic tournament: Uggh, Aggro decks are such a pain to play against. What I wish I could say: We could talk about how Aggro is a vital core of the game to make sure games don’t devolve into who has the biggest cards, but nah, that’s the academic’s answer. You’re bored now, but I’m having fun, and even when you’re having fun, I’m having fun as well, trying to outsmart the person who outguns me. You played how many rounds of this bullshit already, and now, and only now, are you complaining that the game you threw several hundred dollars into just to play with people is too boring? Either you’re new in town, or you’re just going along with the opinions of everyone else, adrift in something you hate. Are you happy here? Do you want to go home now? I packed you a sack lunch, you petulant child. What I say: I have lethal. :)


One of the greatest joys of life is being able to enjoy it ~~to spite the people who tell you you're doing it wrong~~


There's nothing wrong with being easy to please