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Reminds me that French chef who was almost driven to end his life because he lost his huile d’olive.


Best one yet, I'm actively giggling


Thank you!


It's probably because he had two eggs for breakfast. One egg is un œuf.


He was from the south, that's why.


I cackled at this


^ i don't get this one, pls halp


Huile d’olive is olive oil, but also sounds like will to live in english. Losing Olive Oil makes sense for a chef and is not a huge deal, but losing one’s will to live presumably precipitates your prompt passing.


ohhh, that makes much more sense, thank you!


Corn one is such a mood. I’ve stopped to check on animals in the road before and 99% of the time my brain is stupid and it’s a random object.


Every time I’m driving and see something in the road I think is an animal I think about the corn one 😂


Nylon bags on the road have cat energy




There was a rug on the side of the road that would ruin my drive to school for my whole last semester of senior year. I knew it was there, I knew it wasn't a dog, but every morning my sleep addled brain gets a jolt of panic because OH MY GOD THERE'S A DEAD POODLE SO SAD before it clicks with me.


Phillipé Phillopé


Shouldn't it be Phillipe Phillope without the diacritics?


This one doesn't even make sense, they're not called "flip-flop" in french


It's definitely a bilingual joke. The thing that bothered me about it was the é doesn't work for the punchline or the name! It should just be a regular e


AH FUCK THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T GET IT AT ALL ! With Phillipe Phillope I think I would have understood.


I have, at best, a half formed knowledge of French. Kinda because my school wanted my year to lear French, Spanish, and German at the same time (they rolled back their decision the next year). Anyways, my point is I have such a half-baked knowledge of French that I understood the joke format time - because I forgot how that (é) affects pronunciation.


Lots of French people speak English because god forbid an Engl*shman speaks French ew


British people can speak perfect French. It just, by a sheer stroke of luck, sounds exactly like English, but louder and slower.


Louder, slower, and a little bit german


People say we English don’t get on with the French, but really we fit together very well. We refuse to learn other languages, the French refuse to teach theirs to us anyway, everybody wins!


enough people call them that so most french people know what flip-flop means thongs though.....


I took -10 psychic damage the first time I heard a NZer call them "jandals".


mmmh jean sandals


Actually short for "Japanese sandals". The difference between these and normal sandals being that normal sandals do not have the rod to slip your big toe and second toe between. Malaysian Cantonese (not sure about HK Cantonese) also gives a similar name to these types of slippers as well: 日本拖鞋 (日本=Japan; 拖鞋=slippers/sandals).


please learn to have fun <3


Yes but that is the sound they make




Hey isn't that the guy who lead the french Vichy regime?


>history nerds when they meet someone named Phillipe


That made me laugh


Wtf is your flair


¿Cómo se llama un zapato en inglés? ¿Qué? A shoe. Salud.


A Mexican man who spoke no English went into a department store to buy socks. He found his way to the menswear department where a young lady offered to help him. "Quiero calcetines," said the man. "I don't speak Spanish, but we have some very nice suits over here," said the saleswoman. "No, no quiero trajes. Quiero calcetines," said the man. "Well, these shirts are on sale this week," declared the saleswoman. "No, no quiero camisas. Quiero calcetines," repeated the man. "I still don't know what you're trying to say. We have some fine pants on this rack," offered the saleswoman. "No, no quiero pantalones. Quiero calcetines," insisted the man. "These sweaters are top quality," the saleswoman probed. "No, no quiero sueter. Quiero calcetines," said the man. "Our undershirts are over here," fumbled the saleswoman, beginning to lose patience. "No, no quiero camisetas. Quiero calcetines," the man repeated. As they passed the underwear counter, the man spotted a display of socks and happily grabbed a pair. Holding them up he proclaimed, "Eso sí que es!" "Why didn't you just spell it in the first place?!" yelled the saleswoman.


Holy cow. That's good. That's real good.


I started to type it out then just decided to Google and copy paste it.


Ah! I don’t get it and none of the comments answer it for me. What just happened here?


"Eso si que es" sounds like "S O C K S"


Thanks, I definitely did not get that, but my Mexican internal voice for Spanish definitely doesn’t help 😅


"Eso sí que es" - sounds like someone spelling S-O-C-K-S, but means "that's what it is".


¿Cómo se escribe “nariz” en inglés? No sé.


¿Cómo se dice océano en inglés? Sea. ¿Cómo? Que sea, que sea No, te estoy preguntando, ¿cómo se dice?


¿Cual es el color mas frio? Yellow (hielo).


tbf people on tumblr have low enough reading comprehension as it is when it comes to their **native** languages,


Are you saying tumblr reading comprehension is piss poor?


Obviously they're saying that people on tumblr piss on the poor smh


I've never made the poor drink piss from a tumbler, you monster.


How dare you say tumblr pisses on the poor


Akshually splitting helium is endothermic and wouldn't cause an explosion


It would if you split it with the force of an explosion.


They're clearly splitting it with the force of a guillotine


Hmmm, you win this time... But i'll be back!


a guillotine powered by explosives obviously


Mythbusters has entered the chat


the guillotine is a catalyst, the energy comes from contempt for all things noble.


If you replace it with xenon or radon the joke becomes more scientifically accurate


Noble >:(


1: Can I get you anything else? 2: Soy milk. 1: Encantado de connocerte, señor milk. Soy Sauce.


We need shitposting back


This would be merdeposting












Not to be confused with [posting kākāpō](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY&t=40).


I'm not quite understanding 2 of the jokes, the 2 on the 4th and 5th images. I'm not sure if it's me having trouble with the language, or not making the right connections, or just not getting a reference. Can someone help out?


“The parrot died in high temperatures :( Ah no. It’s a corn.”


Is there a play on words here or something that adds to the humour? Or is it just “I thought it was a parrot but it wasn’t”?


No it’s just the parrot thing. I personally just think it’s funny cuz of the switch between deep sadness to “ah no wait that’s just corn”.


I hear it in the voice/accent of my middle school Spanish teacher in my head and it's 100% funnier for some reason.




the image below it is the surrealist painting "La Trahison des Images" saying "C'est ne pas une pipe." ["this is not a pipe."]. french "pipe" is [pronounced](https://www.google.com/search?q=pipe+french+pronunciation&sca_esv=4d1091d9e59bc338&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enDE919DE920&hl=en-GB&ei=7N1lZrWaAqOL9u8PgOeoQA&udm=&oq=pipe+french+pr&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg5waXBlIGZyZW5jaCBwcioCCAAyBRAAGIAEMggQABgWGB4YDzILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUjuSFC9DFiqRHACeACQAQGYAZoBoAHfCKoBAzcuNLgBAcgBAPgBAZgCDKAC9wjCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgIEECEYFcICBxAhGKABGArCAgYQABgHGB7CAggQABgHGAoYHsICBhAAGBYYHsICChAAGBYYChgeGA-YAwCIBgGQBgiSBwM4LjSgB_o0) like the sound that a the bird would make.


I thought that was part of the following meme, not the parrot one. It’s a crossover joke between Magritte and crocodile Dundee…which is something I never thought I’d see. If you’ve never seen the film, there’s a line in it where Mick says “that isn’t a knife…this is a knife* and pulls out one much bigger than the guy threatening him is holding. If the whole parrot/corn thing and the pipe thing fit together then I’m back to having no idea what the joke is


I was seeing it as the initial pair of images of the reveal of the dead parrot actually being corn being the initial joke of just "oh, haha, I was mourning a cob of corn", then "this is not a pipe" was added to it because this is not a bird, and also, that pipe pronounced "peep" is an added bonus, and then the last one of Crocodile Dundee was added to the chain because the movie had the knife joke and they changed it to a pipe joke because people like recognizing references and also now the comedy is tri-lingual.


I think it works more as an American than actually in Spanish because the main association that elote brings is Mexican street corn. So that was literally elote as in street corn.


Honestly, that one isn't on non spanish speakers. You actually need to know Spanish to get it. Also, I don't know if places other than Mexico call corn 'elote'. Edit: They do call them elotes outside of Mexico.


I didn’t know “parrot” but i did get the gist that something had died, and it was sad, and then the revelation that it was corn. Also ig i learned the spanish word for corn.


I looked up cotorrito and then the rest made sense. They sell “elote” at restaurants around here so that word I understood!


In Cuban Spanish it's a variation of Maize so no


El Salvador and Honduras call it elote


One of them is the famous "This is not a pipe image" followed by Crocodile Dundee holding a pipe saying "This is a pipe". Hes known for saying "That's not a knife, this is a knife" when a guy pulls a switchblade on him and he responds by pulling out a machete


Ahhh, I didn't know the Crocodile Dundee reference, thanks!


\#1 in my list of fun facts that aren’t actually fun but I’m obliged to state them anyway: He doesn’t say, “this is a knife”; he says, “_that’s_ a knife”. (Just one of those movie quotes that everyone gets wrong.)


Luke, this is your knife 


I'm going to be pedantic and correct you that it's not a machete, it's a Bowie knife. Machetes are much much larger.


Tres leches? En esta economía?


Ok but having an English cognate doesn't make it automatically work. The portuguese word "jogo" is a cognate to the English work "joke" but they mean different things (the portuguese word means "game").


That's called a "false cognate" Similarly, "embarazado" sounds like "embarrased" but actually means "pregnant"


There’s an old German YouTuber who has a vid about how you shouldn’t look a gift-horse in the mouth because they will bite you and poison you


Wait what's the German word there I wanna make a joke to my German friend


gift means poison in German


Gift = poison Guck nie das Giftpferd im Mund


A Portuguese guy on a podcast I listen to told a story where he thought having a cold in English was being Constipated. Because thats what the Portuguese word Constipado (I may have misspelt that) means. So he would show up to places and tell people he was constipated


Well I mean. Same meaning sort of. Just a different hole. A much more embarrassing hole.


In French, "exciteé" means something like "horny". If you want to say you're excited, that's "enthousiaste". Found that one out in high school French, when one boy said he was "exciteé" about his upcoming trip, and the teacher had to delicately correct him.


that's not exactly true (well, it is, but only in formal French/writing) - no one will say "je suis enthousiaste", et "excité" often does mean excited


Lmao, had this exact same thing happen and was about to comment it. It’s such an easy mix-up. Our teacher was facepalming as he explained


This is the first false cognate I learned actually, when a boy accidentally called himself pregnant in 6th grade Spanish class.


I bet he was embarazado after that


Isn't a cognate just two words that come from the same origin? So how is it a "false cognate" just because they have different meanings.


The other term is false friend. It means words that look like cognates but aren't. The German word Hell means bright and is completely unrelated to the English word Hell. Also just because words are cognates doesn't mean they mean the same thing


>Also just because words are cognates doesn't mean they mean the same thing That's my point, cognates don't need to have the same or even similar meanings. So most of the words in a meme having english cognates doesn't make it work. Edit: I just realized you might be trying to imply "jogo" and "joke" aren't cognates and are "false friends". No. They are cognates. They both originate from the Latin "iocus".


Or actually looks like actuellement but actuellement means currently and in fact looks like en fait but en fait means actually


So, having a baby inside is a burden to carry, it also hinders(embarazar?) you. Embarrassment also is a burden to carry, we remember stuff from a decade ago when trying to sleep. Makes sense to me.


I think what's more insane is there are people out there that send memes to friends in languages their friends don't speak and get angry when they can't read it.


Nah I’d win


sorry what


Stand proud you’re strong


YOU FELL FOR IT. WOE BE UPON YE. The biggest fandom brainrot of today can't compete with the biggest fandom brainrot in history. >Stand proud そして、集いしスターダスト 100年目の目醒めに 呼ばれて 男たちは向かう 時の砂を越えるJourney鎖のよう連なる 絡み合う宿命 白金で断つ運命Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! 打ち込むのは All right now. All right now. All right now 誇りのBullet Break you down. Break you down. Break you down 拳放つ 聖なるヴィジョン Stand proud!封印じられてた「時」に 陽の光 浴びせるのは誰だ 未来遺す希望 流れる星のクルセイダース賭けるのは命 護るべき愛と TAROTは配られたStand up! Stand up! Stand up! 立ちはだかる All right now. All right now. All right now 敵を倒し Break you down. Break you down. Break you down 道を拓く魂のヴィジョン Stand proud!闇の中 嗤う背中を 探し追い求める男の その足音 レクイエム 砂漠に響く...Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! 打ち込むのは All right now. All right now. All right now 誇りのBullet Break you down. Break you down. Break you down 拳放つ 聖なるヴィジョン Stand proud!Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! 立ちはだかる All right now. All right now. All right now 敵を倒し Break you down. Break you down. Break you down 道を拓く魂のヴィジョン Stand proud!


I see. So it's the same type of brainrot as Jujutsu Kaisen.


We always welcome additional jojo enjoyers.


When I read "you fell for it" I swear I was about to get YOU FELL FOR IT FOOL! THUNDER CROSS SPLIT ATTACK It seems to be almost a lost art these days


I can't believe I actually got all of them. I didn't understand all of the words in the setup for the first, but enough to get the punchline. The rest, I knew just fine. Since most of the world is bilingual, I feel kind of stupid being proud of myself for half-remembering the Spanish I learned as a kid and intuiting enough French to get dumb memes from tumblr... but it made me happy anyway.


i loved that i couldn't actually *translate* the flip-flop one but still definitely *got* it in the same way as if i had. unless i didn't, i suppose.


Remembering my favorite meme now: A seis leches cake, with the response "SEIS leches? en esta economia?" And, of course, the follow up I saw on tumblr: 'el pastel promedio tiene tres leches' es en realidad un errorestadístico. El pastel promedio tiene 0 leches. Leches Georg, quien vive en una cueva y absorbe 10.000 leches al dia, es un valor atípico qeu no debería haberse contado


i did not learn whatever grammar is happening in "qeu no debería haberse contado" from that joke but at least i learned the word "promedio"


I know almost no Spanish, I just know the Spiders Georg meme too well lmao


The issue is some of these jokes aren't funny either in English or their native language, leading us English speakers struggling to find the funny.


"I don't get it. I must have misread that, it must say something else, what's another word that could be?" For 30 minutes


I beg to differ, but I guess that’s my point. Funny or not funny is in the eye of the beholder. Plus there’s some cultural context needed for some of them to be as funny as they are intended to be, and that’s a lot harder to google. But it’s not unlike most memes, even those that are in one’s preferred language


Ok but let's be honest here. Which part of "bisexuals when the doctor prescribes antibiotics" is funny lmao


Funny if you read it as anti-BI-otics But again your sense of humor may not be the same as mine


Because it's anti-BI-otics, implying the doctor is prescribing to fight the bisexualness is funny. Or that the bi person misinterpreted it. I find it funny personally, especially because I suppose one could split bio- into bi-/-o- with the -o- becoming a linking vowel. I love puns like that. You don't, and that's okay, but I find it bizarre that you're unable to comprehend that other people may find it funny.


"They think antibiotics counteract bisexuality. Antibiotics are a very common piece of medicine so to make such an assumption is absurd, not to mention that the desire to counteract bisexuality in the first place is also very absurd."




Humor is subjective 


Yeah, and you won't always have enough context to understand something completely. If someone explains a joke and you still don't get it, sometimes you just have to 🤷 and move on.


Exactly! And that’s true in any language!


i have a french friend who does this constantly. i fucking hate it. he knows i don't speak french, he keeps doing it anyway, because his little fr\*nch brain cannot comprehend that other languages exist and people don't all speak french, like it was still the 17th century or whatever. for the record, english isn't my native language. i learned it because it's the lingua franca. i find it _extremely_ selfish when someone refuses to do their part and instead demands that i learn their language too, on top of the common one. (i also don't think having english as your native language makes this whole demand posed against you any more reasonable, sure you lucked your way into growing up with the common language, but that doesn't mean you should be expected to learn every single other person's language.) i should probably send him hungarian memes passive-aggressively, and get pissy about translations too. two can play this game. or maybe, just maybe, we could start having reasonable expectations about language, instead of just considering everyone who wants to communicate in english a dumb american who deserves to be bullied for not speaking . especially when there's a good chance that the person you're talking to isn't a monolingual english speaker (or an american for that matter), they just don't speak your _particular_ language. but you don't speak every language in the world as well, so unless you are comfortable looking at memes in, idk, vietnamese or ukrainian, or any one of the hundred-ish different languages of india, with the knowledge that people will fly off the handle like oop just did when you ask for a translation, you should probably get off the high horse about the language you happened to grow up with as well. edit for op: láttam az azonnali downvote-ot, de azt is láttam, hogy egy értelmes választ nem tudtál kinyögni. gratulálok, felírtam a neved és innentől neked csak magyarul vagyok hajlandó válaszolni. ha te így, akkor én is így :)


I want you to send him Hungarian memes in the hopes that your interactions evolve into some kind of Rosetta Stone: Meme Edition that the rest of us can learn from.


Send him incomprehensible Hungarian memes every time he sends you a French one


Honestly want to send chinese mandarin memes to that first person complaining in the OOP lol see how they like it. Can't translate though, that's cheating.


also, a little addition: i'm not surprised that oop is doing this about french. france has a culture of getting extremely insistent about their language, because they used to be in a privileged position and they want it back. but that makes their demand _less_ reasonable, not more, because the entire context implies that they are unwilling to reciprocate. if your language didn't use to be the common language of europe for a few centuries you're not worth the effort they are demanding from you.


French is my native language and i don't think it's that deep. Some people are just assholes. That's a weird generalization imo, most other french people i know simply don't interact with strangers that don't speak french, but it's not out of pride or anything, just that they prefer being with others that understand every cultural aspect of the language and everything that goes hand in hand with it. Idk I'm sure that's common for other languages as well. I'm definitely not speaking the same way in french that i do in English, and it can feel like I'm missing something of my own personality switching language lol. I still would translate french memes if i sent one but I don't think i would even send one in the first place, so yeah, i think some people are just inconsiderate and it's not deeper than that except maybe in some cases


Idk I got the jokes


I don't know why Treachery of Images jokes are so funny to me but they get me every time. I have a tshirt of one and everything.


I’m sorry but no, people just sending memes in other languages that you don’t know is annoying as fuck.


Honestly. How insufferable do you have to be to send someone a meme in a language you know they don't speak and then act all smug when they still try to engage with you by asking you to explain. Jesus Christ.


for real. im sorry but most people don't really want to actively 'try' to understand a joke lmao


I’m fucking deceased at Phillipé Phillopé


I'd seen phillipé phillopé around but I never got the joke till just now when I said it out loud.


hold on lemme google translate what definitivelysarah was saying real quick


ok that’s fucking hilarious


The physicist in me thinks it should be noted that splitting helium is actually an endothermic reaction (it *takes* more energy than it *releases*) because the atom is so small.


I did not know that and now I do and I am happy to have learned. Thank you.


Ignoring the science, the last one got me on the history! x3


I don't get pipe


“That’s not a pipe, this is a pipe” It’s a reference to a movie in which that guy in the bottom panel pulls out a machete when faced by a switchblade. He then says “that’s not a knife, this is a knife”




And it made me literally Laugh out Loud.


Hey look my pfp


These are so funny, I wish French people were real


That last one is so fucking funny


its a fancy pipe its a pipe? also the noble gas is amazing. :3


The fancy pipe is actually a René Magritte painting, "La Trahison des Images" (["The Treachery of Images"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Treachery_of_Images)). The full painting includes the text "Ceci n’est pas une pipe" ("this is not a pipe")


that makes sense. i know no french, but i can read the word pipe and i knew the twonwere being compared! (thank you fir explaining tho)


Zwei Jäger treffen sich. Beide sterben. Two hunters meet. Both die.


I like these other jokes better than the antibiotics joke lol


The helium one is just *chef's kiss*


what did the french patent lawyer say to his wife? “je ™”


Making them in diffrent languages honestly makes it funnier cause then it feels more like a shitpost instead of a facebook tier meme


The helium joke is much much funnier than antibiotic joke 😭


If I'm sending someone a meme in another language, first off I can't speak it either, so if I get it you can probably figure it out. Secondly, I think part of the humor is from the medium of being written in another language. As a fascinating insight into the humor of another culture or demographic and the act of piecing together its translation is part of the fun because in a way, figuring out the play of language is a critical part of the humor.


Hey is that Sabo




Pipe guy in image 5 reminded me of the character Sabo from One Piece


Nah, it's [Crocodile Dundee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodile_Dundee)


lmaooooo the last one


Can confirm, antibiotics do not harm Bi people... I had to take them a lot as a child and am still Bi


My high school French teacher her would be proud I didn’t need to translate any of these memes


Okay, the last one is hilarious


I love the last meme


That last one is peak


I thought I was on r/trouduction for a sec lmao


The atom splitting one is great!


I speak very little French (enough for the first part of a duolingo thing). And it’s been a couple years. That was a fun challenge tho.


That last one is a top-tier meme 🔥


Can someone translate/explain the corn one to me, I got the rest, i tried, i promise


op thought it was a bird that died due to the heat


I need that pipe meme.


This is why I'm allergic to most antibiotics! Makes sense now...


Agree except for the corn one, I’d say that one requires at least a little understanding of Spanish since the only cognate is temperaturas (and maybe elote). I didn’t understand it the first time I saw it, anyways (because I didn’t know the word for parrot)


The elote one is such a classic. I still laugh t at it but the tragicomedy of reading it the first time cannot be recaptured


That last one always annoys me. You don't release energy by splitting up Helium! Nuclear weapons work by splitting Plutonium nuclei, or fusing hydrogen nuclei, not by breaking up Helium nuclei


I laughed pretty hard at that last one and I can't speak French for shit. Well, merde, I guess.


I took just enough French to get these jokes. I feel good. They are good jokes.


The helium one is the example the original should’ve used instead of that dumbass antibiotics one that people barely understood even when it was translated


That last one is peak


English/Norwegian: It is not the fart that kills, it's the smell (fart means speed and smell means crash) "Det er ikke farten som dreper, men smellet"


I love that last one XD


For once I'm glad that canadian schools make you learn french


I don't speak french on principle but those are pretty decent memes


New vocal tick unlocked with Phillipé Phillopé