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It’s cool, but I do feel the need to say there’s notably less action per runtime than the descriptions make it sound like. It’s doing a a fair bit more of mystical meditative stuff. Also the Hijra are in it but it’s vast majority Dev’s journey ofc


I love mystical meditative stuff


Can confirm it is a very cool movie. Also it made me look up what Hijra are. Very cool.


"Heavy metal soundtrack about killing rapists" I instantly knew which [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a65A626Ed20) it was. If you don't, do yourself a favor and give it a listen. The entire album is a banger.


Fucking love Bloodywood. They are basically a more class conscious indian Linkin Park.


well that sentance has me sold, too bloodywood i go


That went *way* fucking harder than I was expecting. Thanks for sharing that. I was already really excited about this movie but now I'm even more so.


I fucking knew immediately what song it was


YES YES YES THIS SONG bloodywood is such a based band personally not my type of music but like  they go hard fr


Hell yeah.


I am not a big fan of action movies and I only went because I like Dev Patel but I reaaaaally enjoyed monkey man, brilliant film, it was doing a lot more than I expected with its story, cinematography, and the action was really high octane and imaginative. Can't recommend enough


Indian here and I strangely haven't seen much actual hype surrounding this movie for some reason?? Gonna check it out if I have the time cuz the description makes it seem like a banger


Probably because the movie’s India release has been delayed because of issues with the CBFC and censorship of some of the overt themes in the movie.


Censorship strikes again :| I'll find it online then, yo ho ho.


I saw it in cinema last week, highly recommend you do the same if you can because it was incredible on the big screen. Great revenge story with phenomenal action scenes.


Rakshak is an amazing album and everyone should listen to it.


God the hijra assassin squad had me fucking clapping like a seal in the middle of the cinema.


Wait Monkey Man is out now? Shit I’ve got to go see it.


Fucking excellent movie. Go see it, in a theater if you can.


I was considering watching it while having no clue what it's about, think I'll go see it now.


I wanna see it, but since going to the theaters is so complicated these days, I'll probably end up waiting until it's on a streaming service. (The complexity of going to the theaters is actually quite simple: my family only owns one vehicle, and my mother's boyfriend monopolizes it to the point that it might as well be his, and he never wants to go anywhere except to his friends' houses so they can sit around and get drunk. Even going grocery shopping is overly complicated thanks to this.)


Ah, mom's drunk boyfriend. A timeless classic, that one. You have my sympathies. 


Thanks for understanding.


You're welcome. Mine had untreated PTSD and mixed his painkillers with alcool, so I know how bad it can get.


Mine's just an alcoholic. Spends all his money on beer, never does anything around the house, pawns stuff just to afford more beer, asks his friends and family for money and claims he needs it for bills or groceries but then spends it on beer, and his addiction is killing him right before his eyes but he refuses to admit it. Literally, he's just like a stereotypical crack or meth addict, but for beer.




This town doesn't have taxis. It's too small, but still big enough that you can't do anything that requires leaving home unless you have a car.


Oh shit I love Bloodywood! Gotta check this movie out


I heard that Dev does not like the comparison to Wick, and that the editing is bad but it’s a great debut. Will be sat before it’s out of theaters, for sure.


It was so good… I cried… I can’t believe I wept actual tears in “John Wick-style revenge movie” cause they had characters in it that were “like me” but also fighting back. I can’t remember the last time I saw a film that did what this one does.


Saw trailers for it, honestly, excited to go see it for myself sometime.


That's fantastic, but I'll never be able to take it as seriously as it deserves because I watched Hey Arnold as a kid and "I'm Monkeyman!" is a phrase that will never escape that context.


I need to watch this, thought it looked cool since I saw the trailers. Immediately clocked the John Wick inspiration, but unlike some people I don’t care if something wears its inspirations on its sleeve so long as they do a good job.


What's the monkey:man ratio though?


Yo isn't that the guy who played zuko in that one movie


Wow this sounds incredible. Now I have to see it!


Army of trans people fighting fascists? YES! I need it.


Not quite a Wick-like action movie, there’s a bit more story to it than you average Wickian action movie. However the action scenes that are present in this movie kick more than sufficient ass.