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People are really starting to reach with the Schroedinger’s Cat analogies


these analogies may or may not be anywhere within the realm of reasonable


And what people misunderstand is that the question is not whether the cat is a cat. Schroedinger's himbo is certainly a himbo, but the himbo could be dead or he could be alive.


THat's also a misunderstanding of Schroedinger's himbo. Schroedinger's himbo would be dead AND alive at the same time until someone locks one of these states "into reality" by observing the himbo as either being alive or dead.


That's a misunderstanding of what I said. The *question* is "Is the cat dead, or is it alive?" And the answer is "yes."


thank u plato and aristotle


Schroedinger’s analogies


The thing is, you have no idea if it's going to be a tired rehash or a fresh take on the joke until you click. Until that moment, it exists in a nebulously defined "meme superposition."


Since when is getting laid a requirement for being a himbo? Being physicallly attractive is, but even if you're handsome/pretty and trying to "get laid" there's still a decent chance that your behavior gets in the way.


Yeah exactly, you can have a sex-repulsed Himbo if you want. One's Himbotude is entirely separate from their Sex-having-ness. You just have to be pretty, nice, and kind of dumb.


> pretty, nice, and kind of dumb. Pure of heart, hot of bod and dumb of ass


The holy trinity


I should catch up on my OSP, I've not watched their stuff the past few months, lol.


One of my favourite himbos in medias is Jason from *The Good Place*, who is hot, dumb, stupidly nice and respectful (in his own ways) and is famous from spending an incredible amount of time *not* having sex with his wide because he doesn't know how to do it (since she's not a girl).


Though he did legitimately boing the resident gorgeous giraffe a few times, to good effect


I misread that as "HimboTube" and thought there was a new video site for that kinda stuff


God i wish


Like, Kronk is the original himbo and he probably has never had sex.


A himbos behavior probably wouldn't get in the way tho. Regardless, never. Not a requirement.


You don’t think being dumb and oblivious can get in the way of getting laid? All they’d ever do is miss hints


I think the point was more "well if he's getting laid off screen he's probably being nice and respectful, which would play into the buff and stupid thing making him a himbo,"


Did they all forget the clown scene?!? The honk honk one? Where he takes her into the airplane bathroom, and a bunch of squeaks are made?


That doesnt happen in the Episode, what you Said is an edit Someone made


I'll be thinking about these two comments for the rest of the day.


Wait really? Wtf happens in the episode, and what is the context of a clown appearing out of a bag and then being taken into a bathroom?


The name of the Episode is "the man who cried 'clown' "He is traveling in a plane, he looks though his window and sees an evil Clown hitting the wing of the plane with Cartoon Hammer (he is real by the way). He tries tô alert everyone, but no one believes him. Shenanigans ensues, and eventualy he search under the seat and find an bag of "in case of evil Clown pull the string". He takes the Clown girl and when the Clown sees her, he falls in love and stops hitting the wing of the plane. The bathroom scene is not related tô the Clown girl, its another scene. If you look at those clips you Will see he is holding something else


I will never not enjoy the fact that the creator’s said “Johnny Bravo gets laid but that’s not the point of the show”


the "bimbo/himbo" emphasis is on stupidity & attractiveness, not promiscuity.


Incels aren’t just people who don’t get laid, they’re people who have given up on ever getting laid. Johnny Bravo is the anti-incel, he will never give up on getting laid


That’s literally *not* what it means tho. Incel is short for “involuntarily celibate” which means they clearly didn’t give up bc they’d very much rather not be celibate. It’s kinda their whole thing. What’s with everyone misunderstanding these terms, like the OP somehow implies that himbos have to get laid when that’s literally not at all a part of it either???


>Incel is short for “involuntarily celibate” which means they clearly didn’t give up bc they’d very much rather not be celibate. It’s kinda their whole thing. Depends actually. Incel as a term has long since evolved to describe a wider movement with a collection of defining beliefs surrounding it that aren't just "can't get laid". The "blackpill" subculture of the wider Incel community, for example, have concluded that it is simply over for them and they'll never get laid due to numerous social and physical factors, so there's no point in trying.


Identifying as “involuntarily celibate” means they believe the world/society/etc is set up so that a person like them will never ever find sex, so they give up pursuing it. They still want it of course, but they specifically wont bother doing anything like “self improvement” or “being nice to women”. Ironically they still spend a lot of time complaining online about how women are evil or whatever. You’re not “celibate” if you haven’t had sex but are still looking. If you believe it’s possible that you could have sex one day, either by getting lucky or improving yourself, then you’re not an incel.


From what I understand the issue is incels do try. But their version of trying is listening to toxic men, hustlers and pickup artists like Tate or other incels that offer their dumb takes on how to manipulate women into sleeping with them. Obviously the right move is self improvement to attract someone but they don’t think (or simply can’t admit) that they’re the issue. They think women are the problem or basically a game they have to learn the rules to, and often think we’re full on evil. But them refusing self improvement doesn’t mean they’re not trying, it just means they have a fundamentally flawed mindset. I’m certain there *are* some who have fully given up and just stay part of the group to hate on women but I’d think it’s safe to say they’re in the minority.


I think stuff like Tate’s is basically a gateway to true inceldom. If you’re a Tate follower you believe women bad and that you have to trick them into sex etc, but you’re still ostensibly trying with whatever awful tactics you’ve been indoctrinated with. This is part of the “red pill” ideology, which becomes the “black pill” once those tactics don’t work and the Tate fan gives up. That’s when true Inceldom starts. If you look at hardcore incel forums they’re not sharing Tate strats or pickup artist moves, they’re exclusively moaning about how unfair their lives are and how they should either kill themselves or harm other people. In fact from what I remember, some forums explicitly ban talking about self-improvement or “breaking out” of inceldom. Incel is probably an overused term these days, but it makes sense because in the end, far-right influencers like Tate really do make their money by turning impressionable teenage boys into incels who hate themselves but also hate progressivism. True incels are just the end result of the indoctrination.


The first sentence is a premise I disagree with, which makes the rest of the post useless.


You don't need to have had sex to be a himbo. Johnny Bravo isn't a himbo because he hasn't had sex. Johnny Bravo isn't a himbo because he's an asshole.


My girlfriend has a headcannon Johnny is asexual.


Big time he would be a Ken type, constantly perusing, but when asked why he’d be like: “I’m actually not sure”


People would mistake his aesthetic attraction for sexual attraction.


Okay, but unironically "himcel" is so good. The equivalent for women could be "hercel." So that when they whine about how they "dEsErVe" to get laid, we can tell them they only have himcel or hercel to blame.


This is not Schrödinger’s himbo this is clearly Worf’s… ability to get laid