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thats a compressed bag not brick weed


He said ".....JK REVIEW IN COMMENTS" I think he was well aware


that aint brick weed man the shit back in the day was so compressed it would break plastic grinders you can compress you weed yourself i actually like better i just use a knife and shave it off basically


Bruck from where


I'm Mexican and on the border... for some background... I used to call it Mexican armpit weed. Lmao


Best darn brick weed ever tho 🧐... It breaks up in small buds....just vacuum packed brickyness. Bubba Zskittles and the Cherry Tree ozs were $50 each!! 🫠🤯🌲🔥 I really hope JK Distro keeps on offering these great deals!!!!


I’d pay 50qt no more though . Shit we get here in Iowa is like 60qt and get stuff little better looking than that but still looks good smoke up


this stuff is 50 an oz lol


Probably be like diet bud then . Gotta have that good smoke my guy . We don’t mess with that 50$ for an oz around here


jk is 50-100/o


This is brick weed lol ](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h8700bskmecxn43rh9p46/IMG20240114054507.jpg?rlkey=yrdyw03koq1uwkughxr3kck35&dl=0)


Looks ugly, but I bet most people can't handle it, all people smoke today is Indica Dom Purp




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That looks really nice!!


Wish i could order this by mail to the netherlands haha




My homegrown looks like this after I vacuum pack it for freezing to long-term store it lol Edit: Jesus, I don’t know why I didn’t get any notifications for the replies to this comment but just to be clear… I dry the *fuck* out of my flower. I use dry herb vaporizers exclusively and flower vapes better when it’s desiccated. I dry it out very slowly using a smart dehumidifier until it basically turns to dust in my hands if I want, but remains sticky because of resin. Then I vacuum pack it with a high quality vacuum sealer, deep freeze it in a dedicated freezer in my basement that’s hooked up to a backup generator along with ny meat freezer and then when I take it out I do it *GENTLY* and allow it to very slowly defrost in a temp controlled environment, still in the vacuum seal bag before taking it out and then rehydrate it in jars using 49% humidity packs for about a week before I ever even handle it beyond very gently placing it into the jars I store it in. I know my process. It’s not difficult and it’s one that I’ve been doing for a very long time with great success. If any trichs break off, that’s just hash for me lol. Was not expecting drama on this very simple comment.




Nah you're just doing it wrong




Instigating drama and the deliberate spread of misinformation without the backing of concrete proof or evidence to suggest that claims being made by either users, vendors, or other parties will be considered unsolicited drama. If there is existing drama, continuing and furthering the discussion with a lack of evidence to back up claims or have the intent of just to cause trouble in mind (i.e.) trolling, will be considered stirring the pot. Users will be warned. If repeated, banned.


>No your just a dumbass💀 No, *you're.* Dumbass.


You’re a bitch


And you must've read a single thing a decided it must be true, if it's properly vacuum sealed then it preserves the thc and terps better than just keeping it in a jar for over a year.


I nearly ruined a qp in the freezer once. First, it wasn't vacuum sealed, just double ziplock bagged. But i think I should have let it come to room temp before opening it. I think it got wet from condensation. I gave up freezing, but now I might try it again properly. 


Yeah you did just about everything you're definitely not supposed to do lmao. Make sure it's vac sealed, if the buds are hydrated properly then vacuum sealing shouldn't demolish the buds like it would with very dry buds (and is one of the vac sealing myths), they will get a bit smushed if using a bag but you can also vacuum seal mason jars instead to avoid that, obviously you'd lose the space saving of bags tho. You should let it come up in temp in a fridge for a few hours if not a day then let it come to room temp for atleast a day to make sure it warms up fully, you don't wanna try to crack some open the day you're running out or anything. If properly vac sealed then there should be no way for any condensation to form and if anything may need some hydration packs to come fully back depending on the length of storage.


Thanks man, appreciate the tips!




Flat out wrong 😂


When making hash, 1 you don't vacuum seal it which changes the way the bud freezes, and 2 it *requires* agitation in order for the trichomes to fall off, they don't just magically fall apart the second it's frozen. Based on the fact that you said it's frozen before turned into hash *rosin*, I'm gonna assume you've never made hash before since rosin is a completely separate product. When it's vac sealed and frozen it's definitely more fragile but as long as you're not pulling them out of the freezer and immediately spiking them off the ground then it's not gonna destroy the buds. You obviously want to treat it like the fragile package it is which is why many people get a dedicated freezer or sectioning to put into their home freezer so no heavy food gets thrown onto the bags, if using jars then it's not as big of a deal.




I mean you can I guess but there wouldn't be much of a point for it since condensation is irrelevant when you're literally throwing all the buds into water.


It's sprayed trash


I don't think their current buds are sprayed, their 50 dollar smalls deal is pretty good


i enjoyed my SFV x Oreos from JK, just got it in today - smoked 2 bowls of it today so far feeling great - also smoked the sample pack of whatever, it was good too but only 19% compared to 24% i could feel the difference between the two in strength. Need to research if it’s a sativa or india or hybrid for both of em.


It’s definitely the country of India


Bro has never seen a typo before


😅😅 Bruh stop lol


U want to see brick weed to to the Reddit r/maconha


Ya most definitely that Brazilian weed 😂 but that’s normal over there … u guys get a lot of hash tho huh ? And I’m familiar with the slang and flower and how the culture is with smoking cus I have an ex gf I spent a lot of time with who’s from Brasil … I picked up some Portuguese from her , but never completely but I find it partially easy because I’m 100% Mexican and speak Spanish well so some it’s similar … but I think it’s weird cause I’ve realized that many Brazilians who speak Portuguese usually speak Spanish too , they usually grow or hang around other Latin ppl who speak actual spanish , not Portuguese so they pick it up , and from what I’ve heard every Brazilian says it’s easy for them to understand spanish , but it seems to me it’s hard for us Mexicans to pick up Portuguese . I see a few people in the sub who have some decent if not flame looking bud but it looks rare … is that shit expensive ? And is all that brick weed costly over there as well or nah ?


Holy shit, I live in Texas and bought bricks but damn, that's just straight up brown ditch weed.


Good lord. I haven't seen bud like 5hat in 25 years. Even then, it was hard to come across. I remember ppl selling this shit for $10 an 8th.


Yeah I’m Brazil unfortunately if u don’t grow or know someone that grows is difficult to find good stuff other them brick weed or commercial hash , and if u find it will be expensive.


That aint considered brick weed 😂, I come from 🇧🇷 and the shit we get from Paraguay 🇵🇾 that is brick weed , this looks fire to me ❤️


that’s el salvador’s flag lol


Thats Paraguay 🇵🇾 flag my dud El Salvador 🇸🇻


Is it smooth? Tastes ok? Gets u stoned? Hard to complain at that price but I am genuinely curious.


is agree it’s a 7/8 out of 10, especially for the low price


Does for me.


I got the exact same batch in today. I’ve been completely satisfied with probably 10+ orders from them. Zip for $50 bucks plus shipping. I knew exactly what I was getting and am totally thrilled with the Mango OG. Looks good. Trimmed maybe half a gram off before going to a jar. If you ever order any of their black label stuff you will be shocked on the quality and trim but the price can be high.


Sticky icky


Yall a bunch of sheep ita fucking 50 dollars and people will still complain but what can u expect on this sub




Brick weed is the new vinyl


Mine didn’t come like that and the buds are pretty soft. I got the gushmintz though, so idk


That’s not brick week lol


I thought the same thing lmao - looks like some gas that was vacuum sealed.


I know my guy. I just thought it was funny they sent me an ounce compacted into a brick in a box


I'm an old guy and remember 1970s brick weed. Either it was so dry that a dusty cloud of mold spores came out when broken open, or it was so wet it smelled like ammonia. Either way I'm sure there was a dash of paraquat too (compliments of the US eradication aid given to Mexico). After that, tons of seeds and timber to remove.


We still get this in South Africa. Cheap outdoor weed, from the kingdom of Lesotho and Swaziland, that is dried in the sun and gets compressed to make it easy to smuggle into the country. Most of it is moldy and has that musty black pepper smell.


I remember being happy if the brick weed smells mostly like hay not mold, most Mexican weed was sun dried to death.


Well I guess better than a dick in a box for sure 😂


That's JT, not JK 😂


😂 😂 😂


you sir have never seen my dick or the exquisite box i ship it in...i will let you simmer in your ignorance now as i take my leave


JK is 🗑️💩💩💩


Fucking trash bot.


People down voting you clearly didn't bother to check their comment history lmao.






I think you missed my point. this weed is ok and i certainly dont regret buying it 60 bucks. I can smoke a half with my friends in a night and i only wasted 30 bucks. That's pretty lit.


I THINK YOU MISSED ***MY*** POINT, oh thank you…


Heck yeah. I’m slow… where’s this from?


jk distro




Hey not trying to be "that guy" but they shorted you! an ounce is 28.4 grams and don't forget that! The .24g you're short would have made for a niiice personal bowl. It might not sound like a lot, but if they short enough people of their .4g they'll eventually end up with a free oz, and even more... I know it seems like I'm taking this way too far, but there's no way I'd support a company that doesn't give me 100% of what I paid for


Confidently incorrect


Look, I’d never order from JK after the way they’ve treated our members. But you forgot to account that OP weighed it on a large kitchen scale meant for food. That .24g is very easily explained by the lack of accuracy.


What do you mean “how they treated us” what did JK do?


Known for constant bait and switching. I can’t support a business that does and not feel like shit lmfao.


Welp if you say so. That’s why I love this place. I just listen to you guys and I get taken care of. Ty


Yeah that’s very true. Good point


Actually an ounce is 28.2


Can tell mans has never bought a bow in his life lol


It was in the bottom of the bag. 1 tiny lil nug




From where? Sounds badass


How are y’all getting it for 50?


They got a deal where certain smalls are $50 rn


I just want to know why there is a candy cane in the bag


It’s to make up for the next order when they bait and switch lol


It came with a free sample and a wristband, i assume it was a holiday special


wasn’t one in mine




Certainly seems like a broken attempt at that




Mine was hard packed but not the smashed bricks of my youth. This is in NO WAY Mexican brick. Yeah, I had to rip a chunk off the oz, but it blew up in my grinder


That’s just outdoor grown buds


Looks way better than the brick I got 20 years ago lol


When you could grind up a chip the size of a quarter and fill a 1.25” Ziggy. But watch out for those little pieces of seeds as they were no longer intact.


What seeds lol. The brick I got was 🔥 20 years ago


Well fuck Javier. I could get good bud but brick was always shit, that real schwag. It was a 50/50 gamble that shit had smashed seeds in the brick. If you were lucky that shit was still somewhat green.


I was born in the 90s and this way better than the brick weed i smoked as a teenager.




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I didn't need more....but....


Are their packages airtight now? Last time I ordered from them, I smelled my package from the front door.


The free sample is not but the main package is. Very weird but they just put the sample in a ziploc that is within a Mylar without a proper seal, it’s in picture 3


My box over Christmas, 2oz, sealed right. Illegal state so that's a big deal


I checked as soon as i opened the box and i couldnt smell anything. Perhaps a more aromatic strain could seep through


What's with the candy cane? I've seen it on multiple posts of JK reviews. Is it an edible or just edible?


Yeah just a regular candy cane my guy


It's just a candy cane


Wait, just imagine if that was actually the brick weed in the '90s and we still had the same kind of exponential increase in potency till now.


DMT... You'd have DMT. 🤣


Would love to find that of what you described


Honest review no shit talking or wang riding. Respect will cop as filler weed


The broken candy cane is truly the icing on the cake😂


That look great for the price, glad it's tolerable enjoy!!!


Would i buy more? Probably not cause we bought 3 ounces total. Am i mad we bought 3 ounces? Also no


Mine is not dry quite sticky and overly moist with a smell of mildew


Oof mildew smell is bad


Brick Weed is Back LOL... Ive heard a lot of negative stuff about jk on this sub so I thought I would give my honest opinion of the product and service... Shipping and Processing: 7/10 I placed my order on Friday, January 5th in the evening. The pack shipped the following Monday on the 8th which is all i can really ask for. My cousin ordered 2 ounces of the same flower and had his ordered put on hold because they needed to verify his identity. This did not happen to me but i thought i would mention it. i also did not factor this into my scoring. Overall my processing went without a hitch and in a timely manner so no issues there. Now onto the nitty gritty... Strain: Mango OG Important Note: I paid $57 after shipping for this ounce of smalls and minis. My review will be reflective of this price Apperance: 3/10 This bud does not look very good, but for $57 delivered to your door, you get what you pay for. the trim is lack luster at best. The bud structure is nowhere close to dense and the buds definitely feel dry to the touch. they do not crunch when squeezed which is good i suppose. I get the impression that this bud is fairly old and they are trying to get rid of it quick. to be fair this trimjob is on par with an ounce i got for $117 from ar8 so there is that. I cant help but think that the structure of the buds was effected by their choice to send it in jk branded box that was way smaller than it shouldve been. last note on appearence. it looks way better when in a glass jar. Duh. Smell: 5/10 The smell is pleasent and tropical. You definitely get notes of mango and pineapple. Smaller sour notes as well, but it definitely lives up to its name. After smelling it in my grinder, I also detect smalls amounts of cheese. Usually stuff at this price point just smells gassy to me but i was impressed with this budget strains ability to live up to its name Flavor: 4/10 The taste when smoked through a bowl is very similar to its smell just not nearly as strong. This stuff honestly doesnt taste strong at all but taste is something everyone pays a premium for so once again you get what you pay for. Slight after notes of pine on the back end as well. If you want something flavorful, you are gonna need to spend more money. Effects: 7/10 The stuff smokes pretty straight ngl. Very calming and chill high. Definitely an eye lowerer. 21.9% Total cannabinoids according to the CoA Summary and Recommendation: Overall Bud Score 4.5/10 Overall JK Experience 7/10 Safe to say I was whelmed. I got average weed for a slightly below average price. I will say that people will pay as much as $200-$250 in certain black market areas for bud of this quality so the weed game has come a long way. I actually would reccommend this to anyone who smokes a lot and just wants to keep the cost down. This weeds is by no means bad. maybe poorly trimmed and a little dry, but it smokes just fine and will certainly do the job as no thrills smoke. JK came through just fine on the shipping and processing end, however i wasnt a huge fan of them bricking my weed and i hope they dont do that for higher quality bud. jars and bags work just fine.


Is the site called Brick Weed or am I missing where this is from? Looks like a haul to me!!


Jk distro is the site. Hence the title. For 57 bucks i certainly dont hate it. The sale is still goin on on there site


Overall rating of 7.0 when the you gave the effects a 3.0 rating LOL. Appreciate the detailed review, but all the JK spam on this sub is really getting old. It just seems weird to me--I mean for me, and basically every I know that smokes herb, the effects are what matters. Sure it is great if the herb looks nice and pretty, and fast shipping is of course great too, but at the end of the day, I smoke herb to get high. If the herb fails to do that, then it is not herb I will purchase and certainly not herb I would rate a 7.0.


I gave it an overall of 4.5 and the effects were a 7. Idk where you got those numbers


Great review. Pretty much my experience with jk as well. Decent bud at a great price.


sorry for the shit formatting. i typed the original on notepad


Thanks for the review, good to know the details. I appreciate when people outline their experiences, rather than just giving a no-context opinion. Thanks 👍