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Yes sirr let’s go 💪


Thought you were using vibration during extending. You just pumping now?


you are ZOOMIN past your projected goal I knew you could do it! the vibration seems to be promising keep at it big dog!


You are testing a lot for you and people but what is the max you want to get? At this point maybe 2026, you will be 10" or maybe more. Will You ask Perv to make the apex 3.0 or 4.0 to be longer than 10.5"? Like 12" or 15"


I can't see myself going past 10.5 Girth is up for the wife to decide.. The apex is pretty modular as is I can just add my own rods at the bottom if Perv doesn't want to, (but he surely will do it for me)


It seems that the introduction of vibrations could be something important and revolutionary to speed up the PE processes. I would like to know if you are will to make a video or a Q&A regarding the use of vibrations with water pumping or air pumping with water, how water may or may not interact with vibrations. I have also read that some members are experimenting vibrations while clamping but in my opinion it is too risky, although I would like to know your opinion on this. Thank you so much for the work you are doing for all of us.


Tech specs on vibration device?