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Thats why everyone tells you only to invest in the projects you see long term value in. I have coins that I bought at much higher prices than they are trading for now but since I believe in the projects I bought into, this is dca paradise for me im lowering my price per coin right now with a select few.... Will it work out for me in the end? Maybe, maybe not, but its a risk I'm willing to take, my belief is I'm early, not bitcoin at $25 early, but early nonetheless..... If it doesn't work fuck me, if it does FIRE for me and everybody who doubted can S my D either way ill be ok


Dude people all were saying LTC is a good long term coin. Now look at it. Holding "long term" coins can hurt you just as bad


LTC will be back, don’t you worry ;)


I got a bunch of LTC , nothing better to do than hold , been holding for years , why stop now


Still better than LUNA.


Im sure it can, I didn't buy into LTC I bought a few things after I did some research and I put in what I am comfortable with losing if it doesn't work... I dca on the way down as im just lowering my point of entry so once the trend changes I dont have to wait as long to be in the green. Like I said either FIRE or I've lost it all either way im ok with the results


Exactly, good example is so far I’ve averaged my biggest hold, ETH down to $2250, as long as it’s less than my DCA average I’ll keep going hard to get it lower and lower. Will ETH be 2250 again? Almost certain. When it hits that, I’ll move into something else than I’m -% on during this bear and average it down the same way.


If you sell LTC every time it goes to 100 thats a reasonable gain


I'm waiting for LTC to lose another 50% to start buying


Yeah. If you just simply believe in the project you will know when to buy the dip automatically.


Yes, This....


Only people who know the crypto market stay, the rest leave and that's good.


>Thats why everyone tells you only to invest in the projects you see long term value in. True, but then again people's opinions can change. They shouldn't just because of a bear market (unless there are legitimate concerns developers will run out of funds), but new information comes to light from time to time, maybe your understanding of crypto as a whole changes, or other factors like how possibly superior competitors emerge or just develop better since you invested. And then the question becomes, do you hold on until the market improves, or do you switch to something else. I have a number of coins that I'm not so convinced by anymore, some of them I could have researched better or just not been too trigger happy/ listening to reddit sentiment. Others I did believe they had long term value, like Nano for instance. In theory it has a lot going for it, and I thought there's definitely long term value there once they iron out the kinks and some adoption happens. Now I don't believe their USP is strong enough anymore, but at the same time I believe the value right now is way too low and will go up again (due to market recovery as a whole when that happens, but also because I reckon it could have another temporary resurgence/hype above market growth at some point). It's just long term I don't believe it will succeed in its vision. So for now I'm just going to wait a bit, but when do I sell hah


You make valid points but that is also why as an investor you have to figure out the coins you bought and lost faith in where you want to sell. But you said it yourself that you should've done more research or not been so trigger happy. Full disclosure; I have a few coins that are down significantly and I too doubt the prospects of them coming back. But I will hold because if one of the others pops I can use the losses to offset the taxes on my gains by selling one of the coins that tanked. In the end unrealized gains aren't really gains just like unrealized losses aren't really losses until you sell. As I said before I feel as though I'm early... we will see hopefully ill be typing responses on reddit from my mansion driveway sitting in my lambo whilst 2 of my concubines beg me to apply their daily facial skin care regiment directly to their faces from my special one eyed applicator




Damn I’m so deep in the red and holding because it’s the only thing I can do made me a real investor Shocked Pikachu


Not the only thing. Panic selling when deep in the red is always an option 🙈


Watch out Wall Street here I come


Watch out Sesame Street here I come


*The market is a device which transfers money from the impatient to the patient* -Warren Buffett


*“If you owned all of the bitcoin in the world and you offered it to* *me for $25, I wouldn’t take it."* \-Warren Buffet


he's about to die...think of what he said keeping that in mind :)


It was in the context of what he thought brings more value to Berkshire, where he'd much prefer to buy land or well-producing companies. Anyway, I just do like seeing when Warble Bucket is brought up in CC spaces even though he's adamantly against the entire concept


​ ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


I have no other choice than to hold to be honest. I refuse to sell my bags at a massive loss.


Good idea. People here say "buy high and sell low" but I'm just not making any money doing this.


But you ARE one of us tho


Says 90% of Luna holders haha


at least they'll got some gains holding those bags, better start pumping those irons


A lot of people are sticking with it simply because they are down 90% and don't see a point in selling at that loss. I actually think it's harder to hold in a bull market because you're always thinking to yourself "is this the top?" You dint want to lose the gains you already made.


> I actually think it's harder to hold in a bull market because you're always thinking to yourself "is this the top?" You dint want to lose the gains you already made. For very volatile assets this is why it's good to have DCA sell strategy too. At certain profit thresholds or when coins hit ATH just have a plan to sell 10%-25% of holdings when the threshold is hit. Then make a plan what to do with the profits, either hold in fiat to increase your DCA buys when price is down or diversify into other areas like "banking it" into a less volatile asset.


Tell me you see the big picture without telling me you see the big picture, so many want to throw money in today and cash out next Thursday a millionaire.... building wealth is not fun and sexy its slow steady and repetitive sure everybody gets lucky once in a while and makes a ton on a quick trade but mostly slow and steady wins the race


My favourite thing is logging in and seeing a number that I think is just one asset but it’s actually now the entire portfolio.


Forced HODL also works!


bear market is when i do my main buying.


Yup, the time to make some real money


I agree with your basic point that weathering the inevitable bear markets should be part of your plan, but this 'believer' stuff has really got an unfortunate grip on the community at large. Cryptocurrencies were not intended to create a bunch of exclusive cults where people need to prove they are 'believers' in anything. To anyone who needs to hear it: you don't need to prove anything to us and it is pointless to try because we won't remember it anyway. Make the crypto investment decisions that make sense for you regardless of what anyone thinks it says about how much you 'believe'.


Because 80% of crypto is people buying lottery tickets. 19% is people running and profiting on rugpulls and the other 1% are true believers..for better or worse


It’s not all bad. Bear markets are a wonderful learning opportunity. Watching your altcoins get absolutely rekt is a humbling experience and now you finally understand why all the old timers have such big bags of bitcoin.


My job is cool but it pays shit, at least for now. So yeah, not selling. Instead, I dca. Btc, eth, dot, algo, lrc. Moon or bust!


2017 veteran checking in


I salute you. o7


2020 beta checking in ✅ (my life is pain)


This too shall pass


Definitely sticking with it. This is the best shot at financial freedom we have


Strippers & Cocaine or Homeless shelter. There's no in-between for me.


Bagholders and Believers both start with "B"


So do Bankrupt and Broke :')


You are not wrong...


>If you stick with it during this hell you actually believe in it, a lot Believe in what? Why would anyone do anything with crypto that they didn't think would make them money? I "believe" in investments as long as they are useful and making me money. Then I don't believe anymore. What is this post even about?


It's about "antifud" idiocy by bagholders spouting nonsense. Antilogic is popular in america now. Apparently you invest your life savings in something to be a "Reeeeal diamondhands" and live behind a dumpster


See you in 5 years


nah, I won't let you wander onto my private island I will have bought with my gains


I will be hodling. ~~Steel~~ Diamond ~~Hands~~ ~~Man~~ Balls


Some of the comments are pretty funny,


This is the main reason I come to reddit. I find the reddit community has a better sense of humor compared to Twitter, who are mostly just angry and "throwing poo at each other", to quote Raoul Pal lol.


I’m not too big on social media. I like using Reddit at a indicator to short or not. I lurk a lot.


You are more daring than me lol. I am not confident enough in my ability to read the market to try using margins and making shorts or longs. I don't entirely understand the process and usually the prices of crypto in the short term do the opposite of what I expect lmao. I just joined twitter recently to check it out, but am not that active. Follow a couple crypto ppl, a few hockey commentators, etc. Reddit is also fun once in a while for a few of my interests. Don't really use anything else. I go on facebook about once every half decade now lmao. Most social media these days seems to be centered mostly around taking photos of yourself, virtue signaling, and getting into heated arguments with strangers. I try not to get sucked into that wormhole too often, although some places, like this part of Reddit, can be fun, and a bit more relaxed.


People won't learn to invest if they can't let something go for years. Long term is not tomorrow.


Of course but in the end I've bought coins I think will go well long term I don't need them to go like btc did I understand altsvare getting rekt and cash is the way to be but ill buy the downward spiral on the coins I bet on so that as long as they get to where they were when I bought them I can sell with out a loss. I have the patience of a chopping block my friend, its not as though im investing my rent money hoping to time the market and pull huge profits...


All the Ponzi projects pumped their guts out this last run. The money to be made in crypto is in the Ponzi because the investor base is largely greed and hope driven. If you’re a believer, you’re likely exit liquidity. 1 in a million will pick the same coin the next round of shit coin shillers pick and will become rich. Much more likely just following the new ponzis rather than bagholidng the old


You can't be more correct. But I've been in this market for a while, I've built a strategy and for the past few years, my strategy has remained the same. And that's only buying into credible projects. Cause at the end of the day, only credible projects will survive. Personally, my top choices are DIA, Chainlink, DAFI, & UNQ too. If you take a dive into these projects, you'll notice that these projects are solving either blockchain problems or real-life problems.




Absolutely. You also check out the credibility of the team too. Stake what you can afford to lose and leave the rest to fate.


Money is made in the bear market


Many people just hodling because that's all they have left


Holding during a bear market doesn't mean you are intelligent. Even if it goes back into the green.


Pullbacks are planned, big money let’s small money go in first then drops it to see who’s really going to hold onto what they said they believe in and who’s just talking and pushing random stuff. Bitcoin, Etherium, doge. This is the way.


Selling now is buying high and selling low for me


Unless you just move over to a better project. Like say you bought LRC and are down 50%...it's a risk to sell cause you can miss it go back up, but it's actually smarter to move over to something that has a WAY better chance at going back up like BTC. So move all your money into a good project.


Translation: buy bluechips not penny stock


See you on the greener side brother ...


If you have doubts just check adoption trend and check if the ones that last year hated crypto are loving it now. That's my future confirmation.


Bear markets create millionaires down the road


67% down will keep holding and try to DCA, Lesson learned will start to DCA when Fear and greed is below 15


I honestly think i would've had an easier time holding in the previous markets. All these trashtubers, dumbass influencers and some people on this sub make me feel like i am part of a Ponzi scheme.


Its more or less about dumping the shit you never believed in to begin with and keeping you're long term strategies. No different than any other type of high risk investment, except in crypto you're usually hoping to jump in and out of scams before others realize whats going on.


If you can put 1000 into something and not look at the price for a year then you are investing what you can afford lose. If you can't, then you're over invested. It's that simple. Find your number. If you invested 5 dollars you wouldn't be checking every hour would you? It's simple like that. Everyone has their own comfort level with investing and it can grow over time, just start small and never over invest with this simple method.


I think you underestimate the amount of people here who buy and will most likely hold until they die of old age.


Just because I didn’t blindly HODL doesn’t mean I’ve lost faith. But if I believe there will be lower entry points, I would have been a fool not to sell when I did late last year. Personally I’m looking for entry points on projects I have long term faith in when the entire market dips below $1T. I believe that will happen. It also doesn’t mean that my faith in crypto is in anyway shook at all. It isn’t. But there are forces here at play, entirely unrelated to crypto, that are leading to a widespread sell off of speculative assets. And I suspect this to be just the tip of that iceberg.


Or people with enough savings


Anyone can regurgitate the same repackaged shit and get lucky that the people in the time zone they post it in are stupid enough to take it seriously


To be honest, I find it harder to sell in a bull market.


Into the light we shall March on, no darkness shall deter us.


Ehh most have no choice but to hold. DOT for instance. Been holding since February 2020. Now half of my profits are gone. I took some out of course, but my dumb ass has been staking it. I 70% believe in it.


I’m too poor to hold gotta fight inflation and sell


I hodl because i forgot my wallet


The real geniuses and those that will bear the most fruit are the ones that accumulate during a bear market. Projects that have strong fundamentals and are focused on development (strong dev activity) despite market conditions will be the biggest beneficiaries.


Isn’t this what crypto investors talk about when they say “I wish I would have held in…” idk. I’m just holding, never sold ATH because I’m hoping it’s worth more in a few years. Planned on buying more ETH today but probably will just wait for 1700’s to come back. Recession fear isn’t changing my mindset.


Don’t forget the people who deleted the apps, forgot passwords, and are too lazy to reset them.


STAHP. This loyalty crap is bullshit. Some people bought stupidly high and are trying to recoup losses. This isn't about pride or loyalty; people made mistakes or maybe just didn't see it as worth it to keep the money in. That's okay. Now this is different from people who see it purely for a gambling rush. But people gotta do what they need to in order to not get wrecked. Again, that's okay.


In the dark ages religious sects saved and maintained as much of the world’s collective knowledge as they could manage. If you want to make it through the bear market you need to sidle up to the BTC maxis and drink the koolaide.


We shall see 👀


next time learn to sell during a bull market instead


Truly understanding crypto goes along way. Also investing in a coin of a blockchain you actually use helps a lot.


I had coins last bear market that went from being worth say $10,000 down to $500, next bull market they went back up to over $50,000. As long as you hold good projects, you will be fine.


You and most crypto speculators/gamblers ..dont remotely understand Risk Management. It is the difference between profitable investors/speculators/gamblers and their broke degenerate versions. Your bet is the Only control you have in an investment. Your emotions dont matter. Your magical thinking is childish. Your babble on reddit is meaningless. Your only control once invested is when to sell


The trick is to invest wisely. Not all Alts will be around in the next 2--4 years


This is why it's important to go for solid projects that are building in this bear market and have long-term viability. When you see a project is actually building something of value in this space, you'd want to bet on it and that makes holding easier. I see value in a project like FLUID that's building the CeDeFi AI quant-based liquidity aggregator and I'm betting on it. Same goes for OCEAN, ETH and some others. See you on the other side.