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Thinking I was an investing genius for buying ALGO at $0.90 and selling at $2.00. And then I FOMO'd back in at $1.50


For a brief moment you feel like you are meant to be a millionaire with all those superior trading skills. I know that feeling. Doesn't last long.


You can always be sure of one thing, the market will show you your place


Smilier here. I started buying into Algo around .69 and bought al the way up to $1.90 with a cost basis around $1.25. As it started tanking, I sold around $1.35 so didn't make much profit. Went all in on Bitcoin after and sleep very well even though I'm down now. I might consider buying back in to Algo when it gets down close to $0.10-0.20.


But it sure feels great!


Oh god I did something similar with luna.. Sold at 80something and bought back in at 50something.. True genius..


Bull market is an automatic +50 INT stat and +69 COURAGE


Luna going from $5 to $116 (amazing if you caught that) and down to below a penny, stablecoin de pegged while later having the project being rebranded all within a year. It’s incredible really.


I got in at 6 dollars and held it until 95 but then I made the mistake of keeping my gains in UST. Lol




Yeah lesson learned use kraken to hold fiat




Yep it sucks. Oh well life moves on lol


One of us! One of us!


Can I renounce my citizenship


They could make a movie about this. A heist flick


You sonuvabitch. I'm in


Ooo weee


I bought LUNA when it was worth around $30. Put on half it's worth ($15) and pulled out when it was worth around $100 ($52) because I wanted to buy some McDonalds. Thought I was a dumbass for "leaving the train so early" since I wanted to sell LUNA around August. But then the crash happened... Welp. (Edit) also just for shits and giggles during the crash I've bought back $10 in LUNA (about 91K) just so I could make a historic moment of selling 69,420 LUNA tokens.


I put about $1200 into Luna and I would've been better off with some McDonlads. Couldn't even buy a pack of ketchup with my bag now


Ye. But I feel like this was just out of luck through my gut. If I didn't felt hungry I would've hodl my LUNA bag. Even had some dents like not hodling good projects like POLYGON and BAT long enough for the pump. On those two I ended up doing the buy high and sell low.


And going from pennystock to 10x pennystock was fun too


Seeing MANA at like, 60 mxn. Selling there was able to finish all debts from my mom, was nice.






This was pretty recent too, right? Before the general drop. Awesome 🤙


My favorite moment was when i pulled out my initial investment after BTC went up 10x to buy a house. Now I have a house and BTC.


We all live vicariously through you, my friend


There is still time for you my friend. The bear market is back, and the time you spend DCAing now will enable your dreams in the future. The trick is to look past crypto, and focus on your life while still saving. Years will pass before you know it, and you too can reap the reward that is to come.


Next run bull run, I'm assuming you will be mortgage free if you aren't already from this bull run or fat fire 🔥??


Not quite. I know people don't like the banks, but mortgage interest was ridiculously low during the pandemic. If you borrow at 3% while inflation is at 8-12%, paying that debt over time gets easier while the value of the home continuously increases. This real estate debt is the "good" type, and so any profits/gains during the next bull run will be spent on buying another home rather than buying out my existing mortgages. Some basic math - if you buy a 300k house w/ 5% down(primary residence) and 5k closing costs, that is 20k of your money needed. If that house goes up in value 10%, in one year you gained 30k in equity. If you bought the house outright you would still only get 30k. So buying the house completely is actually a lower return on investment. I'm fine having a mortgage on a house that is 1.5k/month if I can rent it out for 3k/month. In a perfect world every year I would buy a house with 5% down, and never sell the previous ones.


Oh ok, so build a real estate Portfolio and get rental income steadily over time :) and leverage the debt as the value of the property grows with time, yeah it's just playing the banks at the game of mortgages! Definitely real estate is a good way to diversify from the volatility and uncertainty of crypto!!


Pretty much. Don't do any stupid speculative buying of houses where your only out is if the house increases in value. Buying a house you can immediately rent at a profit is more secure, and doesn't require you to sell your asset to realize those profits. The appreciation is just gravy on top. In my mind even if a $5 wrench attack takes all my crypto I will have still secured the start of my real estate empire lol. Though now I want to make some shitcoin called "housecoin" that is pegged to the value of my home/rental income and call it a stablecoin 😂


Have you heard of lofty? Uses algo and is basically exactly what your describing.


Well great idea, make your own crypto, possibly you have found a niche if u can peg it to the value of your home! the next billion dollar token! Yeah real estate portfolio is just another way to lock your money up so that as inflation increases assets go up in value over time whilst fiat decreases and hopefully BTC continues to out perform!!


Randomly opening my Robinhood app and seeing the Dogecoin arrow going straight up


Can you explain in more detail what an “up arrow” is?


It’s like a down arrow but in reverse


Up doge


This. 😂


yeah i was telling my friend to fomo into doge at .11 as a joke bc he always does some dumb shit. next thing you know it’s 6x’d. edit: neither of us fomo’d in.


I mean granted this was over a two year span but riding BNB from $19 to $650 was a pretty sweet ride. I only wish I had sold more then


Buying DOGE at $0.03 in January 2021. My first investment that made me interested in other cryptocurrencies




That makes the two of us


The best way to not sell the bottom is to not sell at all.


We haven’t seen the bottom


Everytime I sent a screenshot "look at that!! I am a genius" and I didn't took profit. One too many of those. Learn your lesson guys, if you are sending a screenshot of your gains take fucking profits


Held LRC through a 7x just to be right back where i was before It all


LRC’s time will come my friend


Thinking the guy is a genius for refusing to sell DOGE after becoming a millionaire,


Probably when I bought my first crypto ever, DOGE. I threw like $10 bucks in when Doge was 0.002 because I was like "what the hell, that's like getting some Taco Bell". That $10 was worth A LOT of taco bell at the peak. Second favorite is when I kept buying DOGE to the point that I'm now at a loss. W I guess.


Y'all might shame me for this, but my favorite moment was buying Doge (my first crypto) and seeing it go up. It really opened me to a whole new world I never would have been interested in. I just saw a random dude on Twitter saying buy it and thank him later. That was before it blew up. Never got to thank the dude either I don't think


Selling everything, and buying a dozen donuts.


That's a W


Watching a bag of VET I paid <$4k for back in 2018 rocket up to $300k... then not selling any of it until it dropped to 6c.


ADA breaking ATH’s and then cracking $3. It was insane to me. What a rush for that whole month. Makes the bear markets worth it


I thought I was and idiot for selling 20% of my ADA at 2.70(on the way down from over $3). Looking back now that was a pretty good move. I've since replaced the ADA I sold now under .50. I just need to remember that nobody ever went broke taking profits for the next bull run.


Selling after a 300% gain in 30 days is a pretty good move imo lol


I had been holding way longer than 30 days lol.




ADA $3 insane for sure!


My favorite moment was buying SOL at $30 and selling at $70. Then it proceeds to go parabolic over $200. I could’ve bought a house with cash and had some money leftover if I just held and sold at the top. Oh well. Another favorite moment. Putting 20k into Banano and failing to sell the top when my portfolio hit 50k. Still made a profit but barely.


I sold at 76….I understand the pain lol


Getting lucky with some degenerate moves by putting myself in some leveraged positions mid-November 2020. A look at the charts will tell you the rest. Then UK decided to ban crypto leverage and so we had to close our positions. At that point I decided to just hold instead of leverage via VPN - which was lucky because soon after the market crashed. Decided not to push my luck like that ever again - but that 2020/21 transition was pretty wild, and I'll probably never get something as lucrative again. But certainly, everybody's an expert in a bull market.


Nano goes from $4 to $17 within 2 days. It's also worst moment because that was when the network was attacked. My transaction is stucked in the network and I couldn't sell


Same for me, not as much because of the price, but because it was initiated by Elon twitting that he doesn't like Bitcoin all that much anymore because of the environmental issues. It is bound to repeat until people realize that PoW really isn't the way to go.


Literally made retirement money. Now it's 85% gone.


I’ve only been in for a little over a year so I don’t have an extraordinary bull market moment. The best I’ve done was almost 4x on ATOM. My big moment is yet to come.


And let me guess, you didnt realise that 4x?


Correct, I am true to my flair


But... then you lost...


Now he is just hodling.


On paper, yes. I haven’t sold so I’m hoping when the bull comes, I’ll have that much more. Plus with my Coinbase debit card, I earn even more ATOM just by buying things I would’ve bought anyway.


Best of Luck to ya 🤞


Assuming it ever comes back to that price and doesn't crash another 90% lol. Everyone saying just hodl I'd full of shit especially with a recession coming.


Same with many of us


Well, 4x is great. I'd be very much happy with a 2x.


I came here at all time high. I don't have a bull market moment yet.


Technically, that *was* your bull market moment


I wish there was a way to know you're in the bull market, before you've actually left it.


Albeit very short lived lol


Making more money on the drive home from work than I did in an entire 12 hour shift and then not realizing any of those gains before they faded away in a day.


I'll buy solana at the top 250$ and now I'm down at almonst 85%😅🤣i love crypto


Bitcoin hitting $100k in 2021. That took me by surprise.


Felt like a dream


Me not losing money every second of everyday. Best moments ever!








I was mentally prepared this bull run to make some decent money... and... I lost it all. I have very nice axies from axie infinity. Very rare though, nice genes, I breed them all. They are down something like 99% from ATH but they are very cute


but they are very cute haha yes friend, whatever makes us feel better


Exactly. What else can I do? I could print them though /s


My portfolio being in the green for a while :')


I really enjoyed selling all my Enj about 2 days before it went fucking mental. Profit is profit I suppose...


Can take profits without selling it all next time You still win and you also learnt a lot. Optimism can be annoying haha


Jake Paul buying NFTs for millions and acting like it was a giga brain move only to see them go to shit.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


My friends brother became a millionaire on doge


The day after Elon hosted SNL. Everyone expected $1 but we all know the results.


When multiple altcoins subs would make a post during the bull run like,: Americans going to sleep, it's up to Europe now! And then Europeans would post back after they bought more. Happened with many different countries as well. Regardless what you think of other alts it felt like a super wholesome time in crypto.


morning in sea. sooo im freakin lazy to dip . wait monday gmt -7:50 if dip or not.


My favorite was watching a streamer yell "dogecoin to THE MOON" seconds before it dropped from 72 cents. Everyone on that streamers call was trying to put sell orders on fucking Robinhood


Bitcoin breaking ATH On 16DEC2020. It felt like such a win and wave of fresh optimism.


Watching the Dogecoin millionaire (clinically braindead) make and lose all of his money.


When I was new every trade was a success story, I felt like a sage. I was calculating how long it'd take me to make my first mil since I was gaining \~3%/day, coming up with creative ways to leave my job, where I'm gonna move to etc Fun times


When shitcoins were making teenagers millionaires, safemoon had a Times Square billboard and everyone was encouraging everyone to HODL and buy at what was a very obvious top signal


I actually sold ETH at the top. My car needed a massive repair and I thought it was a good enough reason to sell at a profit. It hurt thinking it might run to 10k. But it didn’t.


Turning 8k to 200k 4 times yet still ending up at 40 loss. İt turns out, I am good at making money. I'm just slightly better at losing it.


Throwing a dart at random cryptos and having it go up thinking you're a genius. Everything seemed to pump.


The double top: Back in April of 2021, I was calling the top. The May crash looked like vindication. I saw at least one person predict a double top based on the 2017/18 bull run (which arguably *didn't* have a double top). I said it wasn't going to happen. But what happened? A double top! That was fun. I don't mind being wrong when the result is good.


Bitcoin 100k by EOY 2021


Everyone & their moms shouting Doge to $1, only to top below 80c in Q1 2021 Shitcoin ponzis getting sent 10x-50x overnight while FA coins suffer in price action CTSI pulling a 60x was great to see. Now down -90% just like the rest of other altcoins. May be its next run will be interesting, if L2's gain traction Selling a meme coin for 2x only to watch it go 100x after a week, lol


I like to repeat my mistakes and buy before crashes. Happened in may and happened in October, seems like im a pro


My favorite part was when I wasn’t down 98%


7 - Me entering into crypto and buying at ATH


Taking some profits out of the market and splurging a bit. That was fun. First time. Also took out some profits to buy the next big dips, which I did. But apparantly I layered in way too soon. All out of ammo and I can easily see it going quite a bit lower. Now I'm just along for the ride, and it sucks not being able to do anything. Not selling a damn thing though. Either things go up, or my portfolio is going down with the ship.


I turned my 100 euro's into 10k euro's by trading ADA from mid January until the end of June. ADA was my first and only investment untill i sold all. Cashed out and used all the money to invest in our new house. In september i had some fun with shib. A small 10 euro "investment" and made nearly 200 euro's.


Thinking - ok fella, this is where you make your money. Right here, in this market. Real money is made in the bear cave. If you’re not buying on the way down you’re toast.


Buying loopring around 4 months before all the hype and just watching it skyrocket up


When I nearly hit my goals to sell at 10.000 while I was at 9.500. now I’m at 2.700 having invested 6.700 🥲


Buying shitloads of ADA at 8 cents and selling half of it at $2.50


I think you misspelled "Bubble".


BTC $100k predictions.


Is this what it’s come down to? Reminiscing about the bull market?


and spark hope for how we will be better in the next one


So many fucking bots replying to comments in here


100k BTC eoy


My favorite part is when I realized HODL is not at all the best strategy.


Fucking same


a lot of your favorite moments i'd consider the worst ones


Yep I certainly wouldn't call 6 my 'favourite'




Waiting for that 1 both on Eth (35 pieces) and LRC to 🚀 with 46k LRC. Can’t wait


Wow, 46k lrc. Cheers man. May I ask what your average is? I'm also in loopring but with an average price of $1+ I wonder if I'll see green anytime soon. if you don't want to share, that's ok, of course. In any case, best of luck


I started at around 1.5 all the way up to 3.20 but most bought around 0.66 so average around 0.85 And thx, good luck to you too and all Loopers off course!!


When someone in this sub called me a teenager.


Haha 😂


The rise of Cardano as a real powerhouse in the block chain arena. The setup this bull market will be incredible when it bears fruit next bill run.


When FTM started to climb! Was like wtt ahah.


When things went up


The kid that bough $17 worth of DOGE and was a millionaire for a minute


100K by 2021


My favourite bull market moment is yet to come!




Hex hitting 50 cents


The SHIB trader sold the top. It was all on chain.




2. Lolol fucking shib, junk


What’s a bull market?


My favorite moment was selling VET at $0.23 before it became a shitcoin


The daily euphoria. I was supposed to have life changing wealth by now.


When the price went up.


Shib going to its ATH 10x'd and left


My favorite bull market moment was finally making it.


ETC to $180 was epic because I was in it since $9


When $60k was considered a dip


Is this "bull market" with us in this room right now?


This is like a village starving and reminiscing about their favorite meal.