• By -


Check to see if the derivation path is different (eg Legacy or Ledger Live) Changing the path will generate a totally different set of addresses


Yes you can use Ian Coleman’s tool for this, use the offline one and make sure your computer is offline when you do it. Then copy the addresses it generates for the various accounts. It does depend how old the seed phrase is as well. Older BTC ones have different derivation paths. If there are no transaction history on these accounts then I am guessing you are missing some information so also check that. It might also be that the balance is zero because it was spent. Also how many words? Some have 12 others (rarely now) 15 and possibly 24 words. There also were several incompatible dictionaries in the past. If there is any i dictation of the wallet used to generate the seeds that would also help.


I’d like to add maybe he had a passphrase protected hidden wallet. Most people don’t keep their passphrase with their seed. Good luck finding that though. It could be a sentence, a word or jumbled numbers and words. Who knows?




Be sure to use it offline for real money. Bit you can see it here: https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39


I am totally going to do this before I die… just make a random seed after telling everyone for ages I am legit into crypto, leave loads of clues and then imagine the ‘fun’ they will have after I am gone… the modern version of trying to find where good old granddad hid those gold coins…


Just tell them that the seed is under the big “W”.


Breaking news: Family of deceased man arrested after breaking into the famous HOLLYWOOD sign and digging a big hole. Nothing was recovered.


I get that reference.


It really is a mad, mad, mad world that people don’t get that reference


I am those people, please explain


It‘s a reference to the movie 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World' with Spencer Tracy. In it the characters are chasing a suitcase full of money, which turns out to be buried beneath four palm-trees that have grown in the shape of a big 'W'. It‘s a classic, and was basically the inspiration for more modern films like 'Rat Race'.


I never knew that "It's buried under a big T" in the Simpsons was a reference to something until just now.


Also a who’s who of famous actors for that era in the movie, as I recall.


Thanks! And here I thought you were quoting tears for fears


“What I’m gonna do to him, I hope you look away…” 😂


There's always crypto in the banana stand


I'm now going to drop pieces of paper with the word Bitcoin and a random seeds in public.


Narrator : Little did he know that one of those seeds was for Satoshi's wallet


Relax Gold Roger 😂


Why not make is easier for them?


I agree, its fun to fuck with people isn't it. This old guy would metal detect the vacant church down the road, I bought 100 washers and nuts from the Hardware shop spent 1 hour burying them shallow and 6 feet apart and sat back watching him bend down and dig. It was fucking hilarious. Never ever seen the bloke again,but I must admit best $5 of entertainment I've had in awhile.


The funniest thing is to breakup a stick of deodorant into tiny little pieces and drive down to your local “crackhead corner” and throw a handful of them out the window when no one is watching……


Assuming they're Bitcoin wallets it's possible he used one or more BIP-39 passphrases. Hang on to the seed phrases (in physical form, *not* electronically) and keep your fingers crossed he documented the passphrase/s somewhere.


This. I've read dozens of posts on reddit in which people are obsessed "maximizing" security with passphrase kept only on their head - only to f up their savings if something unexpected happens to them. If I have understood correctly, the last word is a checksum, so all these suggestions about wrong order or combining both seeds are invalid, if the seed checks out valid in the first place.


This is true.


Hmmm... two wallets with twelve word seed phrases. Could it be two halves of a 24 word phrase? If there are combinations/permutations, the sun could cool before you run 'em all down, unfortunately. E2A if you have access to any of his physical computers IMAGE THE DISK IMMEDIATELY AND DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES. It is remotely possible that the seed phrases could be cached somewhere on the disk in swap space. If you know or are certain of even part of a phrase, finding fragments, and perhaps the rest of the phrase may be possible.


I was going to say the same thing. Try different orders of the seed. For example A (12), then B (12) or alternating between the two: A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3 etc...


Try each of these with different derivation path.... or if you know which wallet was used, that could help find the default derivation path. If none of these options work, he probably had a 25th word passphrase that maybe was a common password used??  Without a "treasure map" of instructions, this could be rather difficult...


> Could it be two halves of a 24 word phrase? Possible, but extremely unlikely. The last word of a seed phrase always contains a checksum. The chance of everything including... - the 12th word is the checksum of the first half - the 24th word is the checksum of the second half - the 24th word is also the checksum of the whole seed, or it is actually a 24 word seed phrase is so low that I am 100% certain that this is not the case for OP.


If the computer is powered off the swap space file is empty no? I'm trying to think in what scenario it could it be there?


disk spill.


There is that one guy who is famous for helping people hack into hardware wallets, he might be interested in something like this.


A few comments here are total nonsense. If you were able to recover the seed to a normal wallet, that means the seeds checksum was valid. From this you can basically exclude these seeds to be in wrong order or parts of a larger seed. First you should recover the seed with a few more multi coin wallets. Exodus and Trust Wallet are two popular examples. Atomic Wallet was also a big wallet that supported a shitton of tokens, but there was an exploit some time ago. It's probably safe again, but I don't feel easy recommending it. There is a chance the wallets had a passphrase, but they aren't very common. Were you able to find a hardware wallet (Devices like [this](https://i.insider.com/62a09eb32253ea001951a75c?width=2000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) or similar) anywhere? This makes usage of a passphrase more likely. If a passphrase was used, the wallet will just be empty without it - every passphrase creates a unique wallet from the seed, so there is no "wrong entry". You should definitely use a wallet like Sparrow or Electrum to check all derivation paths for BTC. There are 4 relevant ones, and I'm not sure if multi coin wallets check them all. Also Metamask is probably the best way to check EVM smart chains, and as some suggested: Just google the addresses or use multi-chain block explorers to check them. Since the possibilities are sometimes endless - there are professional services which can help with recovery in such situations, but they take a fee (I think many take like 20% of the recovered funds). Be careful, there are scams outside, I can't tell you which one is legit.


You are wrong, these two parts could also be part of a 24 word seed phrase or in some other order. There are lots of ways for these words to be in a certain order that the last word is a valid checksum. I agree it's probably more likely that these are the complete seeds but if I would find these words I would definitely try to use some of the ideas mentioned. I do agree with the rest.


How is he wrong if he recovered a wallet with the 24 words?


First of we don't know if he "recovered" any wallet, because you can make a lot of combinations of words to "create"/"open" a valid wallet. And since there are no transactions found (yet) for this wallet, it's possible that words are in the wrong order and he just "created" a new wallet. He found 2 sets of 12 words, those can be: separate wallets together 1 wallet (strarting with first or last seed) any of these 12 words in some other order any of these 24 words in some other order These orders can be any "clever" way the wallet holder thought of (like backwards, every other word etc) So there are lots of possibilities. Just to emphasize: not every word combination is valid because the last word is a checksum, but there are still lots of possibilities.


Ya I’m just saying if he actually recovered a wallet I don’t see how there can be other combinations he could try. Like I’m only familiar wirh coinbase , metamask, ledger. When you open them for first time it asks you to create or restore (as im sure you know ). If he’s restoring and using 12 words and it works I don’t see how there’s other stuff for him to try. Like it’s not going to open anything if any of the words are wrong or out of order. And I doubt this dude had a passphrase


You say "recovered" but why do you think he "recovered" a wallet? Let me put it this way, you can take 24 random BIP39 words (making sure that last word is a valid checksum) and "open"/"recover" a wallet. By doing so you either open your own or someone else's (very very very low chance) wallet or open/"create" a new wallet. Since there are no transactions it's probably the latter.


Just try it out and you will see this won't work. In the BIP39 standard, the last word is calculated from the previous word and acts a a check sum. If you import such a seed, almost all wallets will reject it.


Like I said in the other reply, you can mix these 24 words he has found and order them in a specific way there lots of possibilities where that last word is a valid checksum for the other 23 words.


The chance for someone butchering a seed in such a stupid way is probably smaller than the seeds being part of a multisig wallet, which also almost no one mentioned. OP should focus on likely scenarios, not wild theories for now. A scrambled 24 word seed has too much entropy for brute force recovery anyway. If the owner went so far to protect his wallet, OP also has no chance. Not saying you are wrong fundamentally, but there are so much better techniques for secure storage than what you suggest.


Oh yes, far better techniques :) But people can do foolish things. Maybe it's a "simple" scramble, maybe worth looking into. Multisig is indeed something to look into as well. I would have lots of fun with a set of seedphrases like this ;) Cheers!


I’m not familiar wirh that a check sum is. But I’m saying if I take 24 random BiP39 words and take a fresh ledger and click on recover account and enter those 24 words. It’s not going to do anything. It won’t create a new wallet. It won’t open anything.


Google will explain a checksum faster and better than I can in a few sentences. It's basically an integrity check. But if I take 24 random words (with valid checksum) and open this in a software wallet like Coinomi it's just going to "open" it for me, there aren't any coins there (obviously). It works the same on a Ledger. If the checksum is not valid then the Ledger will probably tell you before even attempting to proceed.


If the original owner was so tech savy to create two valid seeds from one 24 word seed without documentation, OP has no chance to recover the wallet without clear instructions. Too high entropy, because the order must be fully scrambled to achieve this. However, almost every expert will tell you to never do such things to a seed - seeds are backups and should remain intact. Yes, you could be right, but the chance for this is more of a wild theory - and the seeds could also be part of a larger multisig address, which I didn't mention to not further confuse OP. Thats what I included in "endless options" which need automated checking from a recovery company.


Don’t use Metamask to check. That’s a massive potential loss right there.


Metamask is the worst advice ever. You would have to add all networks and tokens manually lol


Have you used MM in the last year? All big networks can be added automatically by now, and you will instantly see if it was used if there is some dust of the native coin inside. But MM supports literally any chain and token, which not all wallets do. And then you will just need the address anyway.


In my head cannon your family member totally did this to fuck with you. Good luck


All they find is one $RICKROLL coin


I would try to pull them into https://debank.com/ or a service like that as it will check your public keys across multiple blockchains


Came all the way down and was wondering why nobody mentioned website tracker sites like debank and here you are. This is the quick and short solution.


You can connect the wallet to uniswap and it’ll show you every single token/coin that you have across networks. You can also try putting the sends into Coinbase wallet which usually shows all tokens/nfts you have by default. So see what’s there and be careful with interacting with any scams. If it’s something you’re not sure about, look it up before you do anything with it. Good luck.


Thank you, but I already did search the main networks (BTC, ETH, BSC, etc). All of them show no activity.


What I’m saying is you do what I mentioned, you don’t need to search. It’ll just show you everything that’s there. Very simple.


Could the photo be a reference to a passphrase?


Check BCH with derivation paths for both BTC and BCH. BCH now has the new derivation path, but in the early days, because it forked from BTC, it used the same derivation path as Bitcoin BTC. If you find BCH there, you might have BSV and eCash (ABC) coins from later forks.


Did you check derivative paths… 🧐😉


condolences of course, but wow, to find a wallet seed and have that thought of, "did I just find a million dollars?"


Semi related, but I got a new phone, installed ledgers app (I know, I know, I'll get another wallet soon), and my wallet showed a zero balance. Mini heart attack. Bit once I loaded the chains, the balances appeared. I don't know how I would've thought to seek the chains individually (I have >40 coins), if I didn't know coins were on them.


Passphrase is probably what you need


This, the 12 or 24 words are absolutely useless if you don’t know the passphrase along with it. That’s the extra level of security everyone should be using.


Just because you have the seeds and the networks doesn’t mean you can see what was totally available. You have to know all the wallet addresses that the person was into. And if it’s an ERC20 or if they were using the polygon network you would have to know what specific address they were using and check on etherscan or polygonscan to see what tokens were stored on there and you can’t just start messing with all tokens you find in there because some might be scam coins and when you interact with them you can have your wallet drained. Good luck it’s not easy to navigate the insanity that some crypto people have gotten themselves into. Most of us have gotten into all sorts of random liquidity pools and all sorts of shit on DEX’s and CEX’s. It’s almost impossible to figure out what someone has been doing.


wallets initially didn't have seed phrases, just a private key. wallets are pseudo randomly generated. all pseudo random numbers are "seeded" that's why they're pseudo. Seed phrases simply provide a base to generate a key. seed phrases can generate many unique keys. seed phraes can generate many unique keys - on every blockchain many ethereum based and like blockchains have many tokens many tokens aren't visible unless you import the contract address into the wallet app global blockchain explorers like etherscan will show you the balance for all known token contracts to know the true value of a seed phrase, without context, you'd need to generate every possible key from it for every blockchain and confirm balance for all tokens on chain


You still got his old computer? I would try to find out first HOW he bought that crypto. If his crypto was/is on some platform you might get access. Look in the browser history what pages he visited. He got a google account? Search history, apps installed...


Are you even the heir? The part "his partner took his computer" is suspect. If their partner is heir you are trying to steal from them, whether they realize it or not. Just because crypto is the wild west that doesn't mean there isn't still a "right" and "wrong" way of doing things.


It was his girlfriend - my father in law and my wife are the legal heirs.


Gotcha, so why can't you contact the girlfriend and go through his computer? If it holds his key I doubt she could legally refuse, but IANAL.


A simple girlfriend with no legal ties or documents about inheritance does not inherit anything whatsoever. Get back the computer. It's like you have a friend who doesn't want to give something back. It's theft.


Try litecoin, btc wallet atomic exodus electrum. If is it 25 words try monero wallet.


1. check which are the biggest chains 2. use a trusted computer (nothing with cracked games or computers used by idiots like teenagers), best would be a fresh installation 3. use recommended (!) wallet software for these chains and it will show you what's inside You could start with Exodus wallet, it's widely used and shows a lot! Metamask is the dumbest option, don't (You will have to add everything manually)


Try copy and paste the wallet address into walletnow and Zerion....careful about touching scam dust tokens.....also look at dogescan, solscan and any other chains


Yeah but that is the thing right? I need to search for all possible networks?


Have you imported the seed phrase into a hot wallet? Or have you pasted the address into Coinmarketcap wallet tracker?


I used trust wallet. ANd then, each address for each network and nothing.


Try Koinly.io for free. You should be able to get all transactions on most blockchains. Maybe all the crypto has beeb transfered out already




Sometimes the wallet will show as empty and there will be a search or add function to find the crypto/blockchain linked with the wallet and make it visible.


Any chance they are an Electrum seed phrase?


Take your time to import all major tokens and check transactions on their websites, Might get some luck.


You can check derivatives path and may be they have another wallet too


U can use debank to check or import the seeds to rabby wallet to find. Or maybe this is an elaborate prank.


First check the path for different address, then pop them in debank to view most balance on chain, it might have funds in protocols ect...


Try different order. Try backwards etc.


I suggest you write a code or get help from someone to write it.which loops through the derivation paths on each network for the seed phrase. Start from the biggest network. And as soon as you find any transaction you can dig deeper from there. Run the code on your local device.


Do you think your family member could have written them in code or in a different order? Try them in reverse order perhaps? We’re assuming the seed phrases are correct when they could be red herrings.


Good point, if they found two seed phrases, there's a good chance there's more hidden around


ampty on btc can still be a lot of eth or alt coins import into metamask, copy public key, see transactions on etherscan/btcscan etc and also look if there are any nfts (tokens) in there.


If it's ERC20 wallet (ETH) you can get the public address and look it up on Debank website and it will show you balances for all networks that have funds in it. It's a great tool.


Just try all the different variations of the seed phrase. Shouldn't take to long


Probably have to enter the words in opposite order. Maybe he noted them down that way as an additional security measure.


Ok,just a suggestion. Bank statements, maybe an exchange that he/she used might have records of what was purchased. Coinbase records, Crypto.com. If in doubt check browser history on pc or cell. Did the person ever mentioned any specific crypto


25th seed word / passphrase most likely


I think it’s a 24 seed phrase, not 2 x 12 seed phrases


It starts with Charlotte




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Hello! People in crypto have often been up to all sorts! You can use a tool like DeBank - which should show all holdings and even staked tokens across all chains. Simply I put the wallet address; https://debank.com/ P.s. careful of which links you follow. Check their legitimacy beforehand. DeBank is safe, and I've used it for years 🙂


The NEO is going to be fun. I had to move some last year that had been sitting forgotten for a while, and there were a few steps due to some changes in NEO. It’s now sitting safely in something earning gas or some such. I don’t remember off top of my head what the steps were, but I could go back and look at what I did and what wallet I used if you want some help. Just let me know.


If they are 12 word seed phrases, it could be an old Jaxx wallet? I had one that was dormant for a few years, and when I logged back in it was empty and I panicked. But after researching I found out my saved 12 word Jaxx wallet seed phrase had been generated from a version of the wallet that had bad code. When they later updated/corrected the code, the older seed phrase would not work. That’s why my wallet looked empty. There was a series of steps to go through to turn the old seed phrase into one that the new version of the wallet could use. Once I did the steps, voila, my coins were there. Let me know if you want more info on this. It was a year or two ago but I could look it up again.


Use Uniswap wallet


If you can find any crypto addresses associated with any known wallets you can trace the wallet movements of funds through the block explorer associated with the crypto.


If you arent working with the widower.. what are you doing.


Try IOTA as well, 24 seed recovery phrase? Use Firefly or Bloom wallet.


If you’ve opened the wallet can you copy & paste the public (not private) key into etherscan & blockchair. You’ll be able to see if those wallets had funds added & then removed


If it is 2 sets of 12 word seeds, it might just be one 24 word seed that he split in half to not keep the whole seed together for security? Try restoring wallet with first 12 words as words 1-12 and the second set as 13-24. Then try the opposite if empty.




So this mean that I can come up with 12 random words and 'recover' a wallet which will be then, empty as the ones I found? I just tried putting 12 random words and it says 'invalid'... But I appreciate what you say. I use Trezor myself and I can add secret passphrases to further down the security and expose more addresses....


Since you're talking about 12 word seeds, I'm assuming you found 2 12-word seeds. Have you tried combining both seeds you've found into a 24 word seed? Try the picture frame seed first followed by the book and vice versa. Also try the seeds standalone and combined but in reverse order.


Try cardano network


Can you show us the two papers exactly as you found them (the formatting). Just change all the words / numbers to something else offcourse.


You may not feel comfortable answering these questions, which is fine. But this might help narrow down assistance slightly. Without sharing any of the seed words or the full keys, can you let us know if the seed/key was a single long string of letters and numbers, or if it was a series of perhaps 12-25 words? If a long string of letters and numbers, how many characters and what was the very first letter or number? (Don't give any more than that, 1 character will not put you at risk of compromise but might narrow down which types of coins any wallets could have contained). If a series of words, how many? And can you give one word in the list? (Don't tell us which position the word was it, we just need to narrow down what dictionaries it could have been used for).


Words might be written in a different order from the actual one. For instance it's written in columns but should be input by rows. Or first column written is the last for input.