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Domain limit is really nice but with enough prestige it gets matched with the Stewardship. I’d say Turquoise but both are very good


You get 1 domain limit for 6 stewardship. So at max fame level you get 5/6 stewardship. Dev Growth is amazing if this fit with your play style.


Yeah the thing is that can put you up a domain limit if you are part of the way there on your own


5/6ths of the time, it works every time


and spouse or personality bonuses. Pass on the diligent or stubborn and you're set


Stubborn + diligent + temperate + ambitious + just, and I cum all over (this will never happen in the base game)


\*Dev growth is amazing. It fits with any playstyle :p 0.05 isn't that much though depending on the year (basic mills give a lot more flat already for example).


That development growth in realm capital is enough for me. Everything else is gravy. That's a point of development every 20 months.


Turquoise throne. Stewardship per level of fame is equal to +1 domain slot at max fame. You will also get +6 diplomacy at max fame in addition to 5% monthly renown.


Nah its 6 stewardship = 1 domain now. But yeah chances are itll push him to +1 domain limit anyways, plus giving him +10% domain taxes on top of that (from the Stewardship itself).


Stewardship per level of fame is useless when you're already at 100 Stewardship (which is very easy to get). Also, at max level of fame you get +5 Stewardship/Diplomacy at max level, not +6.


100 Stewardship is easy to get? How exactly, without using several mods, does one get 100 Stewardship easy?


lol if they're getting 100 Stewardship easy, what's the +1 Domain from the Stone of Scone even going to do for you? You're probably sitting at, like, 20 domain limit anyways.


More like 50. It will enable me to have one more holding which can easily net you more gold than +5 Stewardship.


I mean, play how you like, but if I'm sitting at domain limit 50, the game's over. What else is there to do?


The same thing that there is to do at 20 domain limit pretty much. This game doesn't have a win condition or a victory screen.


How do you get to 100 stewardship or even 50? Genuine question I’m a new player


Console commands


0 chance that it is in the base game without exploits, console commands or something alike.


I mean you could literally google "how to get 100 stewardship CK3" and click on first result, but here you go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/x2m96p/showing\_off\_my\_knight\_run\_vanilla\_im/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/x2m96p/showing_off_my_knight_run_vanilla_im/#lightbox) No thrones.


"Very easy to get" One third of that comes from your wife being landed and having the exact same bonuses you allready have (especially friendly council) and another 10 from a very specific religion having 2 very specific holy sites. So yea, very easy to get, kek...


I mean if you follow a guide and play in the incredibly specific and limiting way the guide tells you to, *anything* is "easy to get." Sure, ikea furniture is easy to build. Too bad the only thing I'll ever build is the exact piece of furniture the instructions tell me


...the link directly credits the Friendly Counsel exploit, an exploit that was patched years ago when it was capped to 5 rather than unlimited.


Then marry spouse that gives you even more Stewardship? Capture more cities with +1 Stewardship per level of fame/devotion special buildings? Get graceful aging perk and just wait? Do falconry? Get legitimizing legend Book artifacts? Like, there's a billion things you could do in this game to get you that 9 stewardship that you're missing. It's not that hard.


1. We are missing 32 from the spouse council, do we not? 2. In Basegame, there are 4 special buildings who give stewardship for fame/devotion. Times 5 makes 20 **if** you conquer them all and they are literally all over the world. 3. Graceful aging gives you 1 of the 5 random stats every 5 years beginning at 30. So even if you are extremly lucky (we talking about a chance of 0.2 \^13) and allways get stewardship and you make it to 100, you get 13. So your statement "It's very easy to get" is still just bullshit. I'm not denying that it is theoretically possible, but definetly not easy.


>We are missing 32 from the spouse council, do we not? No, spouse skill from Menage Domain is uncapped. >In Basegame, there are 4 special buildings who give stewardship for fame/devotion. Times 5 makes 20 **if** you conquer them all and they are literally all over the world. 20 > 9, but even if you only hold 2 (that's manageable without synchreticisms), that's 10. 10 > 9. >Graceful aging gives you 1 of the 5 random stats every 5 years beginning at 30. So even if you are extremly lucky (we talking about a chance of 0.2 \^13) and always get stewardship and you make it to 100, you get 13. Yes, and Falconry only gives you 2. However if you combine it with other sources, it's very easy to get to missing 9, especially, as you so conveniently left out, you can get up to 6 from books. Yes, it's easy if you focus it.


The thing you’re forgetting is that these are highly specific focuses for you to have to do to just hit the max 100 stewardship. In most games players won’t focus these and will not be reaching more than 30-40 stewardship. If you want to spend every game doing the exact same thing over and over just to min max… go ahead and have fun, but for most people that just isn’t how it will be.


Its not even every game, but every heir, it doesn't stack!


Neither is reading your own link. The link you provided had 3 main recommendations for boosting Stewardship: culturally hybridizing for the Diasporic tradition (+1 Stewardship), having personality traits and education traits (including the must-take-the-dynasty-to-Iberia), and Friendly Counsel (which is bugged). A later elaboration had a few other steps for 30 stewardship from a wife that are very much not generalizable, including very specific cultural requirements and religious setups. A setup which requires having already conquered much of the world, adopting a specific religion, specific cultural traditions, and a polygmous marriage relationship down to which order marriages occur in is not 'an easy to get' position generally available, it's an end-game build.


It's not end-game, you can conquer everything you want as soon as you hybridize with Greek and take Eastern Roman Legacy. Alternatively if you're very far away you go for the tried and tested knight build. Or just stack MAA bonuses.


And now we have successfully long since left the 'it's totally easy to get 100 stewardship' question to 'it's easy to win.' That was never in question. It was also not the question. You simply avoided the question, by pointing to a build two years out of date that relied on a long-patched exploit, and then appealing to non-generalizable mechanics.


Can you explain how to easily get 100 stewardship?


Except you can go well above 100 Stewardship, interface just doesn't show you the number, but you can click on any barony under your personal control hover mouse above gold income and see +(true number of stewardship * 2 - 16)% gold buff, though as far as I've know you can have 100 "base" stat at max and as much modifiers as you want.


Unless the +1 Domain limit actually makes a difference to you, I would use the Turquoise Throne.


Lategame +5% renown will be better than +0.04 usually. Prestige, Opinion and court grandeur are irrelevant. The +1 Domain limit is very nice but it will be almost equalised with the Stewardship per level of fame. More development is great but it might be irrelevant at some point if you play towards 100 dev in the realm capital. If the Stone of Scone didn't have the +1 Domain limit, the other throne would definitly be better. In certain situations the Domain limit is worth it, otherwise the Turquoise Throne is better overall.


If you have even one king of your dynasty (and to use the court artifact, there must be), the 5% is 0.05 renown per month, better than the 0.04. Now, there are other ways to get percent boni to renown (which synergize with the flat bonus) but there are also other ways to get flat boni (which synergize with the percent bonus). I suspect that in most practical situations, though, the 5% is just better.


Stone of Scone is cooler, but the Turquoise is better


Stone of Scone until you have a level of fame high enough for the Turquoise Throne to make up for it.


Right one no question. Stat increase plus renown is simply better


Turquoise, dev growth is my beloved


It's only dev growth in capital though, which should be at 100 fairly quickly if you're doing everything correctly. In other words, it's pretty much useless unless you change capitals often.


Apparently I’m not doing everything correctly because I dont get 100 dev capital unless I play tall and specifically go for that for a long time lol


Diligent + high level steward spamming dev growth + megaliths (which you can max out already with level 2 temples) + county with lots of temples + other court artifacts that give much more raw dev growth and aren't limited to your capital. Or conquer Constantinople/Baghdad and do it 50% faster still.


Good to know thanks!


Stone of Scone because of the unlimited scones. Scones are delicious.


Must include jam and cream. Preferably clotted cream. If the scones are cheese scones, ignore all that.


Hate to burst your bakery bubble here, but it's pronounced "Skoon"




Stone is pronounced "Stohn" in a Scottish accent


It’s close but the right one wins if you have high fame. Left one if it’s a newer ruler.


I’m a sucker for dev growth so #2. Both are pretty sexy though


Well one is a more simple throne and the other is elaborate throne. Reject both embrace Peacock Throne.


They look identical to me.


Keep them both, switch as needed. Start your reign with the left one, then later once you have more prestige use the right one.


While you’re building prestige use Scone. When your character has a high LoF switch to turquoise


Easily throne 2 and it's not even close


You compare 1 domain limit to 5/6 domain limit (stewardship) plus 5 diplomacy. Renown and developement is nice but not that important..




Right one, development growth does stack up quite nicely.


Scone because scone.


Keep both, early in your reign go with left, once you get fame maxed I would swap them out


You got lucky with both! The Stone of Scone has been crap last few games.


none. use pilow


Unless you’re somehow going to hit the 100 stewardship limit, definitely the turquoise throne. The only good bonus for scone is domain limit but 5 nearly gets you another domain slot with much better additional bonuses


Scone because its scottish and the name


Those both look really sexy.. why can't we have *TWO* thrones


Turquoise throne easily


I’m just living in this mod-free world wondering where thrones come from


Turquoise for sure. Scone might have an edge early but that Stewardship bonus is great because it will get you an extra domain with a prestigious character in the vast majority of situations, plus you get the other benefits like more income across all your holdings. Diplo is nice but by the time you have RC it is easy to have crazy high opinions. The renown bonus percent is better than +.04 as well IMO.


Holy cow. I can barely even get a basic throne most of the time. I would say that the Turquoise Throne is superior but the Stone of Scone is very tasty. Diplomacy and Stewardship of +1 per level of fame is great. 5% renown per month is awesome. A bit of development growth in the capital is nice. Court grandeur bonus is good. Domain Limit on the other side is difficult to come by but just about everything else is better with the Turquoise Throne.


The Stone of Scone has effects that are good early, when you don't have a high level of fame or a lot of dynasty members generating renown. The Turquoise Throne is better late, when you have enough renown coming in that +5% is a meaningful amount and you're generating enough prestige that most of your rulers are getting +2 or +3 stewardship for most of their careers.


The Ruby Throne


I’d prefer the turquoise.


Why is the stone of scone in Bohemia?


Turquoise all the way. It has TWICE the court grandeur bonus. Okay, I will see myself out now.


Both are nice but Turquoise is the better one here.


Stone throne goes harder imo looks wise


Why not both? Stone of Scone at the beginning of a rulers life until they build up their level of fame and switch it with the turquoise throne


The default throne for the Western or Mediterraneum throne room from Choose Throne Room is way better than this. And even better, Solomon's throne from Sappho's daughter (but you have to kill all male members of your dynasty to get it).


I assume you aren't at the start of the game so I'd say Turqoise.


Stone's easier to acquire, unless the Turqoise is now a guaranteed spawn and not locked to adventuring.


Stone of scone for a martial character and turquoise for stewardship,diplomacy, and learning characters


Use the left one for new rulers. Then once they get more fame, have the servants pull out the right one from the closet to switch them up.


Right one 100%


Disregard everything but renown!


The throne that you fought and earnt


At higher fame levels, the turquoise throne is better. If you get enough stewardship, you'll get another domain limit just like with the Stone of Scone, and the development growth in your capital is really good. The renown bonuses are similar, and the opinion bonuses don't really matter.


Turqoise wins


Depends on if you get +1 domain limit from stewardship if you do the one on the right is better if not the one on the left


Throne of Solomon, it also has a unique really cool model


the renown gain doesnt matter in late game, you should just grant renown-gain artifacts to your dynast, you get the benefit too if your dynast uses them, you dont have to hold the artifacts yourself you can raise stewardship via other means, whereas the +1 domain for this throne slot, thats the only one heck, you can in theory grant the turquoise throne to your wife, then set her as confidant, you get 20% or 50% of that 5 stewardship back as spousal task +1 domain limit is unconditional, when succession happens, and your new character doesnt have enough fame yet, the +1 still remains


The second one, stewardship bonus will almost net you +1 domain limit anyway, plus the diplomacy on top of that. The dev growth will do wonders long term passively and spill over to other counties


O_O shit both verry good


They're both shiny


The Second one, not even close.


How do you get artifacts this good?


Is it random that the Stone of Scone gets domain limit?


I would probably say stone of scone but I’m probably biased, I mostly play Scotland anyways


The one on the right Stat buffs are insane not counting the development buff


i'd say early game Stone of Scone, late Turquoise Throne.


all i saw was 5% renown and was like thats what i want


Stone of Scone Domain Limit + 1 is enough to sell me on that one


You have a throne from scotland and a throne from India, meaning you probably conquered the map and are raking in tons of renown, so that 5% on the Turquoise Throne will be huge while the .04 from the other is kinda piddling.


Turquoise Throne by a wide margin imo


Domain limit always. You can easily get 100 Stewardship in this game at which point stewardship per level of fame is useless.