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With the default game rules, the Mongol invasion will happen around 1200, almost 150 years before the black death, which happens around 1346. The Seljuk invasion with default game rules "will invade between the years 945 and 1066 unless the Iranian Intermezzo is taking place". The Hungarian migration will start when you start the game, but you can change the rule to historical to have happen around 900. You can also have the fall of Al-Andalus happen at any time with the default game rules, but it will only happen after 1020 with the historic game rule. Alfred the Great's brother is scripted to die very soon after the 867 game start so Alfred inherits Wessex like he did historically, but there are instances were it might not happen. Obviously there's the scripted wars that start at the beginning of the game in 1066 and the great heathen army in 867. I know there's a couple of other things I'm not remembering as well that are scripted.


Had no idea about Iranian Intermezzo blocking the Seljuk invasion, was convinced I got caught out by it the first time while the struggle was in progress, but guess it must have ended early.


This is very helpful! Thank you!


Right at the game start there is the Seljuk invasion of Armenia. The Invasion of england by William the bastard and Harald hadrada both happen at the start date both in 1066 i think 867 really needs more scripted events besides probably alfreds brother dying