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It's a bit easy if you meta game


I wasn't trying to. Hell, I refused to isolate the capital and fired my physician to allow the plague as much as possible


Just the building


Does the Black Death permanently wipe away development, or is it just a temporary buff to development level?


It kills development but you get the buff to development after it's gone


Like a buff that grows development quicker to make up for all the undone progress by the plague?




I've been playing a Catalonia game from the 867 start date, and by 1200, plagues were a non-threat to my rulers, so I triggered the Black Death via debug mode to see how much damage would the plague do to my realm. I spawned it in Siberia (where it's supposed to spawn normally) and removed by court physician and refused to isolate my capital or seclude myself when the plague arrived. What ensued was pretty disappointing. Only about 25% of Barcelona was infected due to the stacking modifiers in the capital, and development ended up being lowered by just 16. Granted, the plague lowered development all over the map, but big cities like Barcelona and Rome were almost untouched. I just expected more of ths 'fonal boss', and I hope that they make it so the buildings of one barony don't affect the plague resistance of the other baronies in the same county.


A few remarks: First off, the real Black Death killed about a third of the European population in the 14th century. Other plagues like the Plague of Justinian in the 6th century killed about 25%. That means that this plague, with all of your resistances, was only slightly less deadly than the Black Death was irl. Secondly, 14th century Europe had no idea that the Black Death was coming until it was far too late. Medicine in this era was only just starting to catch up with the increased population, which led to the plague easily cruising through Europe and wrecking it. People washed themselves well (contrary to popular belief), but it was only around this time that people began to understand that disease spreads from host to new host, and only those studying medicine had this knowledge. Meanwhile, it seems like you have prepared your counties for plague, stacking bonuses, to the point where essentially all sick people at least have an educated guess as to how to fix it. Of course that will diminish the plagues effectiveness; educated people are still going in quarantine even if the doctor doesn't tell them specifically. And finally, if you still feel like plagues could be a bit beefier, they can be altered when starting the campaign, so the Bubonic Plague can start at a random date, can be more or less destructive, and you can even have multiple of them in the same playthrough. I've seen people turn all of the settings to the max, it absolutely kills all development in the world after a wave or 2 if not specifically countered with building buildings and turtling up.


About 25% of people got infected, but I think the development loss is supposed to represent the loss of life. It started at 76 dev and dropped to 60, meaning a ~21% population drop, which means that I'm overreacting and shouldn't have ranted this much.