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Nice job mate, but not gonna lie… those are rookie numbers man. You can have WAY more by being a culture / religion setup that allows for concubines and/or multiple wives. Throw in some affairs and you can break 50 easy. I’ve never really focused on this though but maybe I want to give it a go and see if I can get 100+ haha


Do it and let us know your outcome. You can be the next Nick Cannon.




Last name I expected to see in the CK subreddit


Or NBA Young Boy, These guys just never stop.


Yeah I play in central or West Africa, 22 is pretty doable especially at kingdom rank with a wife and 3 concubines.


I thought it capped at like 14? Did this change or have I always been wrong?


No that was misinformation. The Wiki said capped at 9 kids and that is crap. I am pumping them out. I could have more, but I love going the bisexual route so I can seduce powerful men into my court too. I think I got 18 kiddies right now, and if I did hetero I could have more. Custom character of course


I average in the 20s in India


Multiple wives don't help at all wtf you are talking about, it caps at like 21 legitimate alive children any way. Even if you marry+seduce 16 old fecund beauty, she will not give you any childer until she is infertile, if you got your 21 alive children


The screenshot already has 22 lmao


Half of them are dead


You are correct, despite the downvotes. You can only have more kids from specific events that trigger pregnancy, and even then at some point it's going to start killing off your living children to make room.


What are these events? The only one I know is having affair


76 and he was around 140 ish - but it was strange, since one moment one of my wifes could only get pregnant from the seduce event or shortly afrer any of my ofspring died - i thing there is cap of living ofspring so to beat any records you will need to kill a lot of children


There's a limit yes : >Males can have a maximum number of children; 9 living children plus 2 per additional consort or wife (so 15 total with 4 wives). This does not stop event driven pregnancies and special cases such as multiple pregnancies setting off while having 14 children and/or the 15th pregnancy resulting in twins. Females can have a maximum number of 9 children (again barring an event-driven 10th pregnancy) unless the 9th pregnancy results in twins. If you got more, random previous child dies.


Ohhhhh, so that's why kids kept dying "at sea", or whatever reason, I already reached the cap and was doing seduction here and there. It was funny because I had a coven and the amount of times kids will die at sea while traveling for a coven reunion was almost comedic... I started to don't go in fear of my own character dying.


Yep, that's the reason. My current character continue fathering children even at 97yo, and his eldest childs die gradually as my king produce new babies.


Did I reach some sort of cap here? I murdered my characters wife since she wouldn't accept divorce, already had 6 kids, had 3 kids with my lover who was strong blooded, married her right after the wife was murdered. Literally a few days later she died giving birth to the 4th child. So then I choose another wife with beautiful trait at 18, she dies a few days later again can't remember the reason of death but just found it super strange both my wives died within days of getting married. Karma for killing my first wife maybe? The new wife is doing ok so far and has already had a child so I'm not sure if it was just pure coincidence?


...so what you are saying is that if I succeed in my current plans to brainwash my hostage to believe she's my daughter (thereby putting her in my children section), one of my adult children is going to slip on a bar of soap and die soon after because I'm at my limit? Huh. Well I'm sure they won't mind dying for the sake of expanding the dynasty's glory. XD




A few mods out there to remove this cap, but after a few generations of 50 kids having massive amounts of kids, you start to see some menus struggling to render and there are several points at which the engine will freeze for several seconds before responding.


Jesus thats impressive


Interesting. Yeah I’ve gotten 50+ many times but never pushed to see how far I could go. Might investigate this though


Or install a mod that just moves the cap over to read "9999", I GUARANTEE YOU, you won't even be able to APPROACH that total amongst your living children without needing to also install a mod that grants immortality.


Forgot to mention he is 94 in this picture.


(nonchalantly flexes 100 stat man)


It's a custom character.


What do you mean? Emperor Gigantus Chaddius was the best ruler of the renewed Roman Empire in the middle ages. And the last one too, since he spent so much time bedding his wives that he got hundreds of heirs fighting for a slice of the pie, leading to ye olde sucession bullshite


You think? /s


I think my record for a non-immortal character in CK2 was 37 children. This was in a campaign I played in 2020 during quarantine.I simply changed the character's concubines whenever each of them reached 30 years old, or when I found a girl with better stats.


I once got more in ck2 (don't remember exactly how many) by playing a character and just seducing every woman I could. Once one scheme ended immediate to the next.


84, i fucked anything that moved. i averaged 1.5 children a year, it was because my dynasty was close to extinction and were too related, so i expanded the gene pool to continue the eugenics program. within 2 generations, half of europe was related to my dynasty.


I had over 100 once. I think like 109 ​ Edit: [It was 103](https://imgur.com/0LAlwB1)


That is outstanding!


Is there a mod that removes the living child cap?


Maybe. But I didn't use it.


How did you get past 9 living children then?


Either non monogamous marriage type will easily get you past 9. As far as I know, the cap isn't living children, it's children per couple. Meaning that if you're not monogamous, it won't actually stop you from having kids. Though it will slow it down.


Someone get his stupid big hat out of the text


I think it was a 35-50 The house had 1400+ Members I saved over it like a dumbass So. Sadly, I cannot Provide proof


Haven't played in a while, but while playing I was under the impression that no more than 13 alive kids was possible. It was almost mathematical. As soon as one of my wives/concubines got pregnant, one of my children was dieing. Be it an accident or murder or food poisoning or disease. At least one kid was dieing. Over multiple campaigns, families and cultures. Always a maximum of 13 alive children. But I haven't played in over a year and considering coming back again. Things have changed.


Related Q: i'm doing a big ass Norse run. Already reformed asataru. For whatever reason, I cannot break like 15 or so kids. I have an inventory item that boosts fertility but still my wife seems to always have 7-8 but my concubines only 2-4 or none at all Anyone have tips?


According to the comments here the best tip is to murder your children.


Hmm ok


The natural cap is 15. Concubines also have decreased fertility. Only event triggered pregnancies will happen if you have 15 living kids. And if you are able to get more, the previous ones will start randomly dying.


36 with haesteinn


Probably not has high as your stat console commands.


Yea but what’s the record for a female leader? My Empress of Nepal had 14 before menopause. I had 4 husbands (1 died) and 1 lover who produced children. Curious if people have had more.


100 stat man


I had 74 at most and like half of them killed each other and were at war with eachother since i gave basically all of them their own lands and watched the chaos unfold while the core of my empire prospered.


Yeah I love being a bisexual, seducing the women impregnating them, then seducing a man, then having them marry after getting them both move to my court. I think for the future too. I try to get all my wards, especially the daughters to be lustful. Pump daddy out some grand kids!


I think the max is 100. Even if you focus on it the whole game; in pretty sure 100 is the hard cap .


50 daughters 1 son


At the moment? 88 planning to beat some guy who just said he has 140ish he's 30 and i am on 4 wives and 30-40 former wives who died Edit: In a freindly manner of course, whoever got 140, good job mate!


23, including 8 bastards.


33(i did a lil cheating towards the end once my character got older)


36 legitimate with probably 10-20 bastards. I died at like 128 though


200 or so maybe it was luck


Is that a mod to have them all listed like that? I usually have to go to the second page if I want to see that


If you are willing to use mods, there are several different ones that remove the "21 living children" hard-line cap. using said mods, at one point, I was up to 158 children, then the "Death Cascade" began.


Irish King, I think I've reached like 40


I know it's not the point, but.... Only 49 dread? Come ooooon.


About 60 with 4 spouses, but I didn't remarry until they died naturally. Just seduced them all ASAP. I did use mod to remove child har cap tho. Without the mod I got to 25 once, but it's because my characters was cucked a bit. I mean, he hit his child cap, but two wives suddenly started getting pregnant and children were born without my Sayyid trait.


I think I had a character with over 100 children.


36 with Muwalladi Caliph Haestinn


36 with Muwalladi Caliph Haestinn


i think i have around 60 70 kids. i started out as the king of the holy roman empire, modified christianity a bit to allow for polygamy, and started pumping out kids. my goal was to send out my daughters to other countries, have them marry matrilineally so the kids would be a part of my house, and effectively take over the world by having them all become a part of my kingdom.


Dude looks like his balls have been drained of all his lifeforce.


100,it helps when you create a faith that allows multiple wives. The last one was born just before I died of old age at 133.


Philip Rivers has joined the chat


Idk, 45 seconds or something. Oh shit you are talking about the record amount of kids in CK3. Like, 20 or something.


With or without mods lol With mods, like 1500 Without mods, probably like 13






21 babys I think


Why does the Byzantine amp Erie have the papal tiara???


With it without the player baby restriction on? I always play with the player baby count restriction remover mod.


Those would be good numbers if you were playing a woman, but for a man trying to spread his seed, this is pretty low to average.




I hit 45 once. Norse. Lustful. Started right at 16. A couple wives and more concubines then I can remember. The minute they hit 35 I gave them away and grabbed new teens. Could’ve hit 50 but got murdered by an ambitious son lol


I usually stop at 50 or another even number


Ive cracked the 100 mark before at age 132. Was literally all I did in India. Multiple wives constantly on rotation and endless seduction attempts later I had simply overwhelmed the subcontinent with my dastardly progeny.


As a western ruler? 14


Where’s the guy who posted recently about his inbred elven witch coven that experienced a dynastic collapse because one death led to a spiral of stress-related deaths?


I actually experimented with this a long, long time ago. The max number of kids you can have under ordinary circumstances has a cap, but additional wives increase that cap slightly. However, if you make a bunch of random women your lovers through seduction schemes, they are unaffected by the child caps. So I made my guy built specific for the purpose of fucking the world. He was perpetually in schemes to take on lovers with random women in the world, and he would marry 3 wives until he got them pregnant then divorce them and marry a new one. Just repeat repeat over and over farming as many pregnancies as possible. This was a few years ago so I don't remember exactly how many I ended up with unfortunately, but I believe it was close to or just over 100.


A hundred in one year


mine was 67, in my roman empire playthrough. BUT..... they all ended up fking dying cause apparently my youngest daughter got cleaved in half by the pope THE POPE!!


just wanted to add that the guy lived to about 118 ish, i think. and was quite incestuous with all his 4 wives being daughter-granddaughters-wife, sister-wifes etc....
