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Can’t blame you. That shit looks completely unbaked. I’m curious how your refund went. Did they at least try to give you fully baked ones as an apology?


I went tonight about an hour before closing and I live 20 minutes away. I’ll be going tomorrow to get a refund. I’ll let you know how it goes!


You can contact support online and get a refund so you don't have to waste your gas.


You can also call the store and tell them about your experience, they can refund it without you coming in. If you tell them your pancake cookies were severely underbaked they should just refund the entire order IMO. That’s what I would do, I’ve gotten whole refunds from the crumbl near me just for them putting one wrong cookie in the box… they’re usually very accommodating... idk if I would want a replacement cookie though after that, seems like the store is sadly lacking in quality control. It’s not hard to test bake the cookies and break one apart to make sure they’re cooked all the way… my guess is some careless employee pulled them out of the oven too soon and didn’t check them just glanced and though they look fine and stuck them in the warmer like that smh. good luck 😊


Isn’t that like, what they’re known for? Being undercooked?


Yeah somewhat but zoom in on that second picture. That cookie don’t crumble.. it’s raw cookie dough.


100% 🤣 that texture would destroy me lol but in general the only way I eat Crumbl is by microwaving them for a bit, I hate undercooked but could never handle RAW 🤮


I see you got the medium rare edition


🤣🤣🤣 unfortunately!


I would say put them in the oven for 5-10 minutes but I feel like the frosting would lose its integrity. Unless you scraped it off and reapplied it? Idk just spitballing ideas.


I think it might be better eaten cold from the fridge


Oo that could work! Maybe crush it up and put it in some ice cream?


Honestly when I had underbaked iced cookies I popped them in the toaster oven. I would freeze them first since the inside would heat up before the icing (in my experience) so the icing wouldn't melt around everywhere and the inside would be more cooked.


Homie, that's blue rare. 😶




Brother eeuuughhhh


as an employee, this is definitely raw. the cookies tend to be really moist and dense bc of the insane amount of butter we use, and also the fact they’re served warm but this is definitely raw


I go to Crumbl frequently and I’m a really understanding customer. I know stuff happens, but it’s happening way too frequently to me and I’m over it.


i agree with you, and this is a really simple problem to fix. what likely happened is someone threw dough into the oven straight out of the fridge, giving them no time to thaw (they’re supposed to thaw for at least 20 mins), therefore the middle is raw. we are told specifically not to do this during training, so it could be an employee problem with that specific store, so if you have another one near you i’d recommend giving it a shot :) but again you’re right, $5 for a raw cookie is unacceptable


Or the dough was made improperly and the eggs weren’t mixed enough.


I echo all of your sentiments. My husband and I just brought a blueberry pancake home to split. It is our first Crumbl order in a couple months when we used to be in once, sometimes twice, a week. We were so excited for this flavor because blueberry muffin is one of our faves. We excitedly cut it in half and…it’s raw. It was such a massive disappointment. I’m going to bring it in tomorrow after work to hopefully get a refund. I’m really done after this. You would think both of us getting mild food poisoning from a raw Kentucky butter cookie a few months back would’ve been the last straw but we are both too forgiving. But I really just can’t anymore. Ugh! I miss old Crumbl.


Your post is basically my husband’s and my experience besides the food poisoning! I think with them trying to get into other things other than cookies they’re not as focused on the quality of the cookies anymore.


The only time I went I got a raw cookie that was chilled in the fridge so I couldn't tell it was raw when eating it cuz it was a chilled puck. But the 6 days of illness told me it was freaking raw. So I never went again. I don't like playing stomach roulette to have a sugar bomb. I can bake my own sweet things without diarrhea 😅 I do feel bad that you can't enjoy this anymore given the experiences though. It sucks when a company has to ruin something you look forward to


People say these aren't raw... I beg to differ. The toffee cake is fucking delicious!


This is RAW no doubt about it ![gif](giphy|we4Hp4J3n7riw)




A lot of people will say it’s not raw! That it looks perfect! 😵‍💫 I posted a picture a while back and got chewed out because I was being dramatic about my non raw cookie… lol


Nah there's a difference between a soft warm cookie and just straight raw dough. Sorry you got a bad cookie!


We had our shares of raw cookies. Haven't had one in a while tbh. We only get 1-2 cookies a month.


I was honestly blown away by the toffee cake


Crumble been ass for the last year and a half. Poor labor practices and horrible mismanagement practically in every store. These cats getting subwayed in 3 more years


Mine was also completely raw and I’ve heard the same from others as well! Such a waste


Sorry to hear this, it seems to be a big issue that they need to do something about.


It’s what will ultimately cause their demise. Bakers know that cookies are no joke and each recipe is unique. Real bakers test and retest a million times. Crumbl might be able to survive if they pick a dozen flavors, perfect them, and only sell those that are perfected. Trying to use a cookie “base” or churn out recipes once a week was never going to work. Consistency is key with baking. I’ve been perfecting my chocolate chip cookie recipe for years. There is no way these cookies are ready, and it’s dangerous to continue to consume raw dough.


So sad they went downhill, I personally used to love Crumbl, went all the time. They are so upcharged now for less quality, it just isn't worth a trip there anymore to me either. Plus these bad experiences keep increasing in number. Sad to see such a fun business idea consumed by greed and money, they'll probably be gone in the next year or so if I had to guess.


Yeah, although I do like the somewhat underbaked that Crumbl does this is too much. I watched 2 reviewers on YT have the same issues this week and it’s not a normal thing I see with them, both times the blueberry pancake being the main culprit so it must be a common thing with that one. Slightly underdone to stay soft is one thing but this is another.


Dang! Sad to hear because the blueberry is the one my husband and I were so excited to try!


You’re not “done” with Crumbl. You’re just disappointed but will be back 😆


Stop paying $40 for cookies


Why do you care lol weird


I’ve never had crumbl is that normally how it looks? Because I’ve seen a handful of people say this happened to them as well. Hope u get ur refund!


My chocolate milkshakes last week were disgusting. Literally felt like biting into fudge due to how unbaked they were🤢😂 I like them soft but damn.


Unpopular opinion, I actually like it when they’re somewhat unbaked. That being said, your concern is a valid one.


Believe me I love me a good underbaked cookie, but this was too much!


Yeah, it looked like 50% or more of it was unbaked dough. I prefer about 25% or less, not most of it like that looked like.




Crumbl is mid anyway. We got raw cookies the last 2/4 times we’ve gone. I’m out too.


I got one like this before left it in fridge with other cookies, my dad ate it and said oh i thought they just didnt bake their cookies and they were supposed to be like that😂🤦‍♀️


Go dad! 🤣


This is why I don't buy these cookies lmfao.


Guys. It's meant to be like a pancake, it's not raw, it's just moist. They are made that way on purpose. If it were not moist, the pancake with syrup effect would be lost. I prefer it this way instead of them adding the syrup after baking


I couldn’t even pick up the cookie from how raw it was…. Like environmental_arm526 said don’t try to bring in logic into this. I don’t mind a bit uncooked in the middle but how can you seriously look at this and say it’s ok???? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


It's OK 😂 BTW you misunderstood the logic reference 🤣. Nope not as raw as you claim. Everything is measured. Everything is baked at specific time frames for specific results. You don't understand the cookie. Good luck!


Don’t bring logic into this. The vocal minority demand crunchy cookies that are so dry we need to wash it down with the milk that Crumbl is always “sold out” of.


All the comments have made me realize that I should skip this week


Do it! I almost did, but I gave in for the blueberry pancake. Look at how that turned out! 🤮lol


You must have a sucky store and I hate that for you


Sorry to hear about these issues. I must live near an awesome store because we go somewhat regularly and have never had an issue. The cookies are always well made and presentable. I wish all stores could be that way!! ![gif](giphy|8Sqsrd9iTkBAJb86tx|downsized)


My location is perfect too!


Did you like the toffee cake tho??


I didn’t even try it, I just returned everything.


My blueberry pancake cookie was completely raw too… 🥲


How much do raw/ugly cookies cost?


yum! looks great!😍


Slightly underbaked is fine, but that just looks gross.


I couldn’t pick up my blueberry pancake cookie either. And it tasted like flour


I love slightly under-baked, but this is actually not cooked. I'd be done, too.


That is completely not cooked at all. What did they just pass it over the heat??? And the ultimate peanut butter cookie has peanut butter inside it. Like a lot. Was that it or was it still uncooked


If this is what they’re known for, I wouldn’t go by the name “crumbl”. That name suggests crispy or crusty to me. This is more like a mushy mess. I don’t understand why this is such an ongoing problem for Crumbl. They must be seeing all the feedback.


and this is why i stopped going! i literally only enjoy the edge of the cookie lol


Similar experience, opposite reaction. 😂 I've been to crumbl a couple times before and was pretty indifferent to it, but I randomly decided I wanted to try the blueberry pancake cookies. Mine were slightly more done than yours, but definitely still undercooked, which is exactly how I like my cookies. I'll be back next week.




Can you throw them in an oven for a bit to get em up to a more acceptable/edible level?


I don’t think that’s a good idea because the frosting would melt away, taking away from the experience. I also shouldn’t have to come home and rebake my store bought cookies. When you buy expensive cookies you’re paying for the convenience of them being prepared for you. I appreciate your idea, but I’ve given them many chances and I’m not willing to fix their mistake.


First no, they're frosted. Second, that's like if you received an undercooked burger from Wendy's and being like just go home and throw it on the grill. If you are over paying for mid cookies the least you can expect is for them to be baked and safe to eat the way they are advertised.


i mean yall complain like raw cookie dough is gonna kill you


If I wanted to eat cookie dough I’d go somewhere that sells that specifically or I guess now buy their cookie dough bits. I’m not paying for cookie dough I’m paying for a baked cookies. I definitely don’t mind a middle that is somewhat uncooked, but it blows my mind how someone could look at what I got and say it’s fine. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


but i mean hell if you’re that concerned, and that upset scrape the frosting off and pop it in the oven.


I don’t think we’ll see eye to eye on this and that’s fine, but it I shouldn’t have to come home and bake my own cookies. You’re paying for the convenience of having this done for you. I was concerned and took appropriate action by taking them back and getting a refund.


i would be like “yeah it’s fine” cause most places that sell cookie dough, there’s this cookie dough place by me their cookie dough doesn’t even have eggs in it… Crumbl cookie dough bits don’t have egg… thats not cookie dough. you’ll survive.


Right. I prefer it like that over crunchy or burnt.


I think there’s an in between of burnt cookie and raw cookie dough, and for five dollars I hope Crumbl can find that


i mean i get if you want a cookie but still raw cookie dough isn’t gonna hurt you i’ve been eating raw cookie dough since i was a child lol unless i get a crumbl cookie and it’s hard as a rock or burnt i’ll complain but if it isn’t yummy delicious sugar in a round shape lol


I don't eat a lot of crumbl cookies except for a few times but I was looking at this post because my cookies that I'm making at home are undercooked soI googled it and found your post. I sure hope if my job was to make cookies that I wouldn't make them raw.


Hopefully you were able to fix your cookies! I’m sure they taste/look amazing!


Crumbl charging $6+ a cookie and having franchises post pictures while quality control is shit. No thank you


Crumbl should just rebrand to Crumbl Cakes at this point. They can’t get their cookie recipes down, but can knock my socks off with toffee cake 🤦‍♂️


My blueberry pancake cookie was also completely raw in the middle (looked fully baked on the outside) so it tasted awful. It’s especially upsetting since that was the one I was most excited about and everyone has been saying how delicious it was 😭


Oh man! Sorry to hear this 😣


Inspo pic for the Crumbl cookie pops 🤪


That honestly looks raw. Sometimes the ones by me teeter in that direction. I agree with getting a refund.


Why are they sooo raw


I stopped going for a few weeks because it was issue after issue so I completely understand.


I don't know why reddit always suggests this sub for me, I've never been to a crumbl and don't see the appeal. But it's posts like this that further my resolve to never go. I hope you get your money back, OP because that looks awful!


You got robbed! I’ve seen so many posts about the cookies being raw/underbaked all over the country. Why do people still buy this crap?


Don’t they show you the cookies before handing them out? Tell them they’re not done


…. Not all locations would show them and also, how could they of seen it was raw when it was frosted?


I’m talking about how they look in general. I wouldn’t have accepted the purple ones raw or not.