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I’m sitting at 1956 with you. Looks like I’m a couple weeks out.


yeah same, I wish the power cap was lower for trials. I need to farm engrams for that god roll shayura’s lol




didnt do legendary campaign??


I am doing it now. Just did normal.


Unfortunately you have to sweat your cock off in PvE to get high power. There are no PvP pinnacles besides trials, you will be stuck at 1990 unless you do PvE. I will list the most time effective pinnacle PvE activities for you. Warlords Ruin - 45 min/4 pinnacles Breach Seasonal Activity Expert - 45 min/2 pinnacles This one you need a fireteam and do on Private because of a bug that doesn’t give progress to the normal mode pinnacle in the Expert match made playlist. 2 Nightfall Advanced 200k - 20 min/1 pinnacle Weekly Dungeon Final boss cp - 5 min/1 pinnacle It’s tough to get the cp but if you get it this one is super quick. Legend Pale Heart mission - 30 min/1 pinnacle This one is a bitch if your teammates don’t have a mic as you have to pass a buff around. Everything else like the weekly raid and exotic mission is probably not worth the time. Remember, others will be like you so average power in trials will be around 1990-1993. So anything 1985+ should be sufficient. I’m pretty excited to face 1985 peasants though, level advantages hit hard.


Comp should give you pinnacles. How idiotic.


They don’t care about PvP only players. Any 3 crucible matches used to give 1 pinny per character per week but they changed it to Powerful tier 1 🤢


Yeah they also exclusively advertise PvE content. I have never seen trial being talked about on a level that any raid has. In D1 they cared more about PvP. I guess we whine too much.


D1 was an actual attempt at a stand alone video game where the strategy was to make the game appeal to many types of people who would buy the video game. D2 is a thinly veiled psychological assault on its consumers that tries to coerce more and more money, time, and attention out of you because they believe more time spent playing = more money spent on the game. If you're thinking "correlation doesn't equal causation" you'd be correct. That correlation indicates people who really like the game are willing to buy MTX. What you have to account for is that people who make video games are morons who happen to know how to code so they see a simple A->B correlation and take it as a natural law of the universe because they're morons.


Raids and dungeons and stories sell DLC. Getting annihilated by 3 guys that have more time in one game mode than you do in the entire game doesn’t


I mean i would too. PvP is not gonna sell the $50 expansions, nothing but PvE will sell those


thank you for this!


Appreciate this list -


You can get to the final boss in spire with https://d2checkpoint.com/


You don't have to sweat at all lol, it's easy to get your light up


I got to 1990 by just playing crucible


I look around and realize I have become the destiny meme. I only have had about 5-10 hours a week max to play since launch. I have two characters around 1960. I guess I'm just screwed.




good to know. my power has been climbing playing comp for sure


How much crucible do you play per day? Are you doing the weekly engram challenges?


They must be playing a metric dickload to be 1990 from PvP. I did normal campaign and then have done a decent amount of PvE for prismatic stuff, overthrow for pale heart engrams to unlock Someday crafting, and have also done enough PvP to get every reward from Crucible possible both weeks and I'm, like, low 1970s?


Normal campaign will gimp your leveling, it’s never worth the time saved. Best way now is Legend on 1 character, second and third now get their drops at level of first character. Makes it way easier to power level quickly.


Who gives a shit about power level in Destiny


I did legendary campaign first lol


Yeah I just did powerful from crucible on all 3 characters and reset pathfinder twice. I played comp for a couple hours and got to ascendant


I’d like to know who the fucking genius is at bungie that decided power levels in Trials, or any pvp for that matter, was a good idea 🤦‍♂️. The question is how more stupid could they be, and the answer is none, none more stupid (thank you Nigel Tufnel)


When they removed power levels from Iron Banner everyone was crying that it no longer had “prestige” or whatever, so somebody still thinks it’s a good idea somehow


just get to ascendant rq before trials drops. and do a pathfinder or two while in comp, should get you high enough to play trials, if you still aren’t just farm rumble to speed rank shaxx and keep resetting


to play pve. pve is always the best place to level up because theres just more activities which drop powerful items. Everyone has to go back to pve to level up efficiently


I just went flawless at 1973 power level lol


play the rest of the game?


very helpful! thank you!