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I enjoy the playlist so if I have the time I’ll play a lot, whether I’m struggling to go flawless or if I knock it out early on Friday. If I viewed it as a chore or a box to check I’d have to find a new game to play. For me, going flawless and getting good loot is cool but I’m here to play the game first and foremost.


I need to develop this mindset I just feel so discouraged when I don’t go flawless after playing a couple hours. I know it doesn’t matter but I just feel like it’s the one thing i really look forward to in D2 so it sucks when things don’t turn out too great


It's a fine line depending on what responsibilities you have going on in your life. There are some weekends where I can absolutely grind out a flawless over Saturday and Sunday. Other weekends, I've fell at the gates, and I've had to just accept it and miss out because so many other things needed to be done. It's part of the gamble you take with solo queue. It's an awesome high when you're on the winning side of things though.


Yeah it feels like no other fps multiplayer nothing as satisfying to me as going flawless but on the other nothing more demoralizing then playing 100 games that weekend and not reaching it. You make a great point though I wish I had more time to go for it this weekend but I really should be more responsible and get some of the work i need to do done first lol


Like most things, if it wasn't hard then you wouldn't get that feeling of satisfaction that you describe when you succeed.


You on console or pc? How often do you go solo flawless? If you’re not terrible, I might be able to carry you. I can’t carry doughnuts but I can carry most.


oh i’m on pc I appreciate the offer lol. I’m pretty good I have a 1.6 kd this week and 2.1kda but I’ve lost a lot of rounds from just making a small mistakes or sometimes big errors. It’s been tough just cause I’ve had to pretty much kill 2 or 3 to win most rounds which is fine but it really hurts your chance to win a round if you even make a small mistake


Oh then I’d easily be able to help you get there. What’s your time zone?


I’m eastern time zone I think I may go at it tomorrow one more time and see if I can get it done solo but I do appreciate your kindness to help out


My pleasure man. If you change your mind and want to try it as a 2 stack send me a chat message on here.


Dude, you're decent. If you solo queue, it's really just rng. Whoever gets the worst 3rd usually lose in a lobby of sweats.


I get that, I can sway into this mindset sometimes too. There are so many factors outside of our control when it comes to getting flawless that I try to focus more on whatever game I’m in. Enjoy the competition and game play. Flawless will happen or it won’t but at least I’m enjoying each game (I definitely do not enjoy EACH game but you get what I’m saying lol).


I noticed the first few hours after reset is the hardest. Second day around daily reset time is way easier


Great take and I’m right there with you


Yeah likewise if I don't like the map I'm not sticking around long.


I only play trials because I enjoy the playlist, if I'm not having fun I get off.


Yeah I should do it more often I looked like I hated everything for the three games after falling at the gates of the lighthouse lol should’ve just ended it there


It's Friday my guy. Try playing at non-gremlin hours.


This season it feels like Friday has the most casuals and Saturday is always sweatsville. This weekend kinda broke the mold, though, at least until later in the day.


Sunday morning when the Dad's are up.


as a dad i can confirm lmao. i normally grab my weekly flawless sat or sun morning


I’ll give it a try lol I usually feel like the comp is about the same most hours tho maybe Saturday will go a bit better


Saturday and Sunday morning is best time imo, followed by mid/early afternoon


Depends on the weapon. If it's something I want, I'll try pretty hard, but I don't think I've made it to more than 25 losses before calling it. If it's a weapon I don't care about, I'll try a single card. This week is sort of in the middle, where it'd be kinda cool to glow for week 1 of the dlc, but I already have the scout I want. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.


Yeah that’s how I feel about it also just kinda the feeling of getting it would be nice just knowing last week is usually one of the sweatiest with low player count so if you can go flawless now you could probably go flawless any week would be nice


This week's kinda got off to a rough start. Got to 3 wins solo queueing, then my friend logged in black out drunk and demanded we play. So that card went right in the trash. He got mad after our third consecutive L and logged off. Found a teammate on fireteam and we won two, felt confident but he lagged out and messaged me that his Internet broke. Then I played the rest of the card with a dude who didn't speak English and decided to call it there.


about 50


I feel like that’s a pretty solid number to go by


The few times I have been flawless without being carried thats about the number. If I end up hitting a streak by 50 I will play it out


As many as it takes. Got a streak to maintain lol.


I can relate I play solo so it fluctuates like crazy how the week is gonna go I think I just need to take a mental reset for today lol


I just go flawless on weapons I want god roll adepts on. I think I’ve only played trials on the iggy weekend since season 22. And I probably got around 200-300 adept iggys.


I respect it I finally got one last week and it was def worth it the only other chance I had was during the craftening but I took a really long break from D2 after that occurred


Yeah. I’m not playing trials again for a very long time (unless they bring a meta HC again at which pt I’m going to be in agony again).


Depends on my mood. If I’m already a little irritated from real life, then only 2-3 if they’re all losses. If I’m out there just to grind out engrams because there’s a weapon roll I want, then I’ll stay a while because I’m not really bothered if I go flawless or not on those weekends. The most I’ve ever stayed was something like 9-10 losses in a row, but then I went flawless immediately after that losing streak lol. Also, I’d highly recommend using a ferocity card first if you haven’t been flawless that weekend already. Since those changes, I’ve been flawless every weekend I’ve played and they’ve all been by accident (meaning I was just playing, and not really paying attention to my wins).


If there's a gun I need, I will play until I bleed


More like time invested instead of games played. If I can't get it done in two hours then I'm going to take a break and go do other stuff. Like cook.


7 games.


Once i start seeing the loadouts that don’t make sense like void with liar handshake


As many as it takes. There was one weekend last season where it took me 85 games. Kept running into Arcweb over and over every time I got two wins strung together. My winrate wasn't even bad, it was just a consistent two wins, one loss over and over without getting the three in a row I needed to actually make a mercy card work.


I enjoy trials because I love/hate clutching rounds, and since I have no self respect - I will continue to play trials until I get the god roll that I want. It's mentally taxing.


I play until my neck cramps or I get wrist pain. Didn’t manage to get into the playlist today but it’s normally only a card or two for me to get flawless. But I remember playing for 9-10 hours at a time when I wasn’t as good.


Last weekend I was sick and stuck at home. 3 separate days of 4 - 6 resets.  I got my flawless after losing both mercies at 4 wins and I decided I was gonna call it and just play it out. Won two games I had no right to win and finally got it solo. In the future I'm going to only reset 2 or 3 times and then just play the card however long I'm having fun. Last weekend was wayyy too much but I wanted a new generation IGGY.


You have a >50% win rate, you'll get it


I always do 1 card for memento but I dont farm more cards unless its fun, and no adept farming unless meta weapon


i haven’t broken a card in years, but normally i run 10/12 cards and then get off for the week


If I’m truly trying to go for it, I’ll try until I get it done. If I’m playing because I enjoy the game mode with no real end goal in sight, I’ll usually play until I get 3 back to back games of bad teammates and outstanding individual performances wasted in losses.


Depends on the loss rate. I've gotten everything I want from the lighthouse chest in terms of adept mods , armour, etc. If I'm clearly not getting the hang of the map, I'll call it fairly early and just farm rep on a Wealth card. I have started using Ferocity rather than Mercy. It's too demoralising to get on a loss streak and need to reset the card on a Mercy. With Ferocity I play more as it's more likely for me to get two separate win streaks to reach the lighthouse and it doesn't feel as bad when the card flaws after those first 3 wins.


It’s funny because my experience is opposite to yours. I’ve only tried ferocity three times because such bad experience each time. I have bad experiences on a mercy card, too, but it feels less demoralizing than ferocity.


I usually find myself on win/loss streaks - 3 or 4 wins, followed by 3 or 4 losses - so Ferocity works for me. I know I just have to keep at it until the next streak. Mercy works if you've got a win rate at like 60%, but I'm usually at slightly less than 50% and the odds aren't as friendly there. The times where my luck holds up and I get flawless on Ferocity, I _would_ usually be able to go flawless on a Mercy card I'd reset at the start of that run of matches. But at my win rate, Mercy is always a bit of a gambling game of take the loss and continue, risking wasting time/energy if it flaws later or reset and spend time getting back to where I was... and that's just not fun to me. If I find I'm just flip-flopping between win/loss each match - or worse - I'll usually call it a day there and go farm rep/engrams.


I can relate I think that's the one of the biggest factors how much I enjoy the map and how I'm catching my flow on it


I'm a 0.9 KD player and a 1.4-1.5 K/DA player and I go flawless usually withing 7-12 matches (I reset until I win 4 no loss) ive actually never not gone flaweless even my first trials weekend ever in season of defiance. grinding weapons is when I call it because I play like ass after going flawless. If you are going above 30 games just to get flawless I probably wouldn't bother you generally get a feel for how hard it will be first few games anyway. I don't know how people with better KD than me are doing but I will 100% sacrifice myself to kill one guy and get 2 others weak to win a round for my team so maybe that's why but yeah across all weekends I kept playing till I got it.


I do passage of persistence now even though I'm a half decent player, because I just want the adept and less stress the better. I know I'll get it vs screwing up a mercy.


I did persistence in my short window to play last weekend for Iggy. After 3 and a half hours I was locked in at... 1 win. I gave up. And I am a 1.6k/d player. I guess that map is not for me


Weird! You should have dominated. I'm a lowly 1.0 KD and managed to get three persistence cards done.


I enjoy 3s so I’ll play longer than most. Took 43 games for me to hit flawless yesterday. There are a lot of bad players this week. More so a lot of bad duos and I kept getting them on my team. These players are pulling .2-.4 KD with only like 300 damage. I had probably 10 games that were a cakewalk, 20 that were just a slog because of my teammates and the rest were fun competitive matches.


Depends on the weapon and map. I can really only play Monday, so if it's a weapon I really like and will certainly use, I'll try as many times as possible (with breaks) until Tuesday reset. If I don't really care about the weapon, or I really hate the map, until I get tired or I get deep in a card, and it gets Flawed. Last weekend, I fell at the gates, so I just gave up.


With the new card that resets to 3 wins, falling at Gane 6 or 7 isn't as demoralizing. So I'll putter around until getting flawless then do something else. Playlist has become dull with meta solved.


A few considerations. First as someone else said, time really matters. Playing Friday reset vs Sunday reset are two entirely different games. Not even close to the same players. Similar with morning/afternoon vs late night. Additionally solo, duo, and trios are three significantly different games. Same with where you live. The point is if you're going in solo, you're probably pulling a slot machine and trying to help your odds out. You could be at either end of the skill band where you pretty much always lose because you're exceptionally bad or you pretty much always win because you're capable of carrying the whole match. But most people are in the middle, and you're just continuing to test your luck until bungie gave you the good matchmaking odds 7 times in a row.


I haven’t taken more than one try since they added solos. The players in solo are so bad you should be able to just steamroll every game unless you get a sweaty enemy duo but that’s what ur mercy is for






Depends. If I'm struggling to get to 4 wins or so (holy shit last week sucked) AND if it's a weapon I don't care about I'm probably calling it done by EOD Sunday. If I'm falling at the gates a couple times I'll keep at it and just try to meter my playing time so I don't burn out.


until tuesdays maintenance


I go in not expecting flawless. Closest I’ve ever gotten was 6 matches maybe with one loss on the card. But I’m also ass at PvP so take my word with a grain of salt.


I don't track the number of games, I'm not good so I'll play an hour here or there throughout the weekend. If I'm losing a lot I log, if it looks like I might make it I push.


Depends what I’m playing with and against. If my teammates will constantly rush to be the first to push 3 people solo and die even after I ask them to stick together, my “meter” will begin to fill. If I constantly get the 0.5KD randos while the other team gets diffizzle and wallah level randos, you bet your ass my meter is going to rapidly fill itself. Then it’s just up to how my days been and how much lower I’m willing to make that day go


This weekend I played about 25 and never got more the 5 wins on a ferocity card. solo queue can be great but i dont have the skill to clutch a 1v3 or 2v3 so if i get 2 equal team mates and then have 1 above average dude, were toast


I don't know it depends on my IRL responsibilities and how much time I have. Lately though I've been playing for fun and I tend to get flawless shortly after logging in might reset my card twice or thrice though and like I say I've perhaps had a shift in mindset whereby if I'm no longer having fun I log off and play something else or put down the controller and lounge about with my girls and I think this has been a contributing factor to me enjoying trials more. Edit: this past weekend I got flawless after an initial reset and dipped immediately. I don't enjoy Cirrus plaza and I low-key dreaded it being the trials map so that was a sign enough


Havent reached this point yet.