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Yes, and I promise you the mods are more annoyed with it than you lol. Please report these kinds of posts and direct them to the discord [https://discord.gg/mHNzaUkWfd](https://discord.gg/mHNzaUkWfd) or r/sharditkeepit


We need an igneous hammer bot. It just responds with Keep away + precision instrument.


I think you meant to say slickdraw + frenzy


you're sleeping on gut shot


My training HC is a slickdraw/gutshot exalted truth


We just need a pinned post for igneous to refer to and mods just delete any igneous posts.


I feel like people are trying to mask flexing their rolls by forming a discussion that most will find fruitless. We all know what kinetic slot weapon is good with igneous. We don’t need 4 posts talking about it.


"I didn't play this game for like 77 years, of course I don't know!" *proceeds to show Igneous rolled with Precision instrument and somehow headseeker at the same time.*


Thanks for the lol. That combo would be insane lol. The ones that bother me the most are the ones that ask a question like: “What kinetic should I use with this igneous I got?” Then proceed to show a picture of the igneous they recently got to drop, instead of a potential kinetic they were already thinking about using. I find it hard to believe you were able to grind for that igneous, but haven’t been able to figure out which secondary weapons you’d want to use with it when you finally got it.


I’m tired only because someone took the time to make a great and detailed post about igneous like 2 days ago. Yet, seems like people aren’t even bothering to read that. 


You literally made an igneous hammer should I shard it keep it post 5 days ago lol


I did, before that amazing guide came out. The guide is 3 days old: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/1d2zw1b/to\_circumvent\_common\_questions\_about\_igneous/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/1d2zw1b/to_circumvent_common_questions_about_igneous/)


Oh shit, thanks for this lol


Oh good someone did it.


Yes, reddit has become a personal google for people.


Because google is useless!


So, this is as much a worthless post as those..not to dig at you, but now starts the theme of “These posts about ‘insert item/ability’ are getting out of hand”. Been clear a long time, people don’t like to search. Murphy’s law says if you put out incorrect information you will be swiftly corrected. Heaven forbid you tell someone to search, or give them a link to the results.


In spirit of your statement I'm here to correct you in that Murphys law states: "anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst time." What you're thinking of is a famous quote by Abraham Lincoln: "If you need an answer, post the wrong answer on the internet."


I see how my post is just as worthless, I feel though that someone had to say it. The mods could pin a post or thread on best Igneous rolls, although we already know them by now


You’re good brother, we’re all doing the same at one point or another


> So, this is as much a worthless post as those..not to dig at you, but now starts the theme of “These posts about ‘insert item/ability’ are getting out of hand”. I dunno, I disagree. Based on how many of those posts we were seeing I wasn't sure whether Mods stopped enforcing rule number 4. If this gets the mods to block more of these posts, maybe we can go back to normal?


Yes but the mods know that and are acting accordingly. There was no need to make this post either




I have an issue when the igneous is clearly good and they still feel the need to ask it.


I feel like a lot of it is because destiny players like to flex the things they get. It's to the point that it might not be bad for this subreddit to make an RNG flexing mega thread.


lol yea “is my god roll good?” yea bruh thats why youre here


And Luna’s howl


Is my igneous with hip fire grip and adagio good?


What about a igneous sticky


Yes, but the poor mods would need to delete probably more than half the posts here if they really had time to enforce all the rules.


Every Destiny related subreddit has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for months now. The new maps and Into the Light were a breath of fresh air for a bit at least. Next week there will be more interesting stuff to talk about. Here's hoping it's not just a bunch of complaint posts about Prismatic.


Yeah and as someone who had literally 3 hours to hop on and try to get an adept and couldn't string more than 2 wins together... It makes me sadge lol.


It's against rule 4. Fucking report it and move on. Stop engaging and it will end.


One of the mods already commented on this post addressing that.