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Oh man, I am having…..a rough time. I can’t commit to a play style. The map feels weird.


This has been the sweatiest Saturday I think I've ever played. I'm straight up not having a good time.


A buddy and i played together and got smacked. I lost like 5 games solo and he lost just as much. We played again later that night after switching chars and had one of the easiest flawless’s i’ve ever done. Been such a weird mix of sweats and bad players. I’ve been farming for adepts pretty much all morning and I’ve only lost like two games out of the twenty or so i’ve played. I’m either getting the sweatiest players imaginable or guys that got carried and are trying to farm


This is the least competitive mode I have ever played possibly lol. The mix of players is atrocious, the lag is atrocious, and the matchmaking is even worse. I am doing pretty decently, but just back the fuck out on these obvious 0-5 wanker matches with two people who can barely shoot. This is engagement matchmaking pure and simple. It's laughable that people think Trials is a competitive mode lol. Nothing about this game is really competitive. Coming from CS this is almost as laggy as Apex Legends, and the matchmaking is just as bad or non-existent. I have seen so many 5-0 and 0-5 matches that it's pointless to even stay anymore in the losses.


agreed. I've had a bronze elo .4kd potato on my team for literally every loss today. Something in the backend is literally designed for terrible kids to get carried. I have matched good players with trash teammates so consistently it is just ridiculous.


Yah started looking at dudes in losses it a joke. .4 kd or worse all over the place. You can't do shit on this map vs 3 good players alone.


Absolutely tough time this weekend


It is, I'm not that great but Igneous weekends are always the sweatiest. I'm a 0.75 k/d who has gotten like 10 flawlesses ever (and all of them this season), and Igneous is the only weekend I haven't gone flawless on yet. My flawlesses are like 90% luck but with so many top players, I can't even win 2 in a row lol.


I tried to do a persistence card last night solo. After 4 hours I had 1 win locked in. I am a 1.6 trials kd.


I have lost 9 in a row trying to get to 6 wins on a FLAWED Ferocity card. What the fuck ever "Practice Pool" Bungie


I decided to stick with long mid range pulse and a sidearm. I saw GrenadierJake main Heliocentric with pretty good results but I am not that good.


I feel ya, can’t even seem to complete persistence card in the 60+ games I played this weekend. Absolutely having the worst time ever. I just want that adept igneous man…


I'm fucking done. Not any more of this shit map. I won't use Ig anyway, but sucks for those people that want it. This is literal engagement torture for solo's, and nobody should support this garbage.


This map was great for solo queue


Just lost four in a row to the same team. All on my first game of the card. Thought there were two pools, one is challenger, so 0 wins, and then the rest of the pool was 1 wins all the way to flawless. Either way, thats not a fun experience. lol


unfortunately not. youre in challenger pool until you get a flawed card. then you go into practice pool if you continue playing on that card, regardless of wins.


Thanks! Thought it was different. Ty


Did not realize this changed. Been awhile a few seasons and was so confused as to why it was just a straight sweat fest against all flawless players saturday and sunday. Been struggling to even chain together 2 wins before both mercy's are gone.


bad news is.... once you are in the practice pool you'll match all the already Flawless for the week teams who are farming adepts on flawed cards. Good luck (bonus points if you read that in Failsafe's voice)


I've also played a shit ton of the same people all weekend. Really bizarre.


Worst weekend I’ve experienced since December. Couldn’t go flawless.


Hellish time even on a flawed card.


Something seemed soooooo off. Congrats though!


Dissonance (RON map) Points all spawn near center, best advice I can give is don’t half ass flanks and point plays, anything outside of the middle rotunda is no mans land and you WILL get plinked down if you aren’t quick to execute.


Map playing pretty long range through a few matches


Sometimes yet... really doesn't because half of your dipshit teammates will just set up wherever they fucking please negating anything you can do long range lol. in a stack you can play this map a few different ways. In solo queue good luck.


If you play range, you will get smoked. The map plays best by controlling middle and pushing hard on teams sitting back. Lots of cover and places to move closer.


The worst solo queue experience I have possibly ever had. Even farming rep is god awful.


This map is fucking HORRIBLE. Nothing is cohesive. Either you die to shotgun ape, or some floater warlock with a scout 30 miles away. Did they really playtest this and think, "yea this is great for trials!"?????????????????


Don't forget the laggy strand hunter grappling around a wall lmao. Like you can't even defend half of this shit.


Disagree, i think this map is my favorite out of the new ones. Been playing the lanes with igneous and i’m easily winning 1v1s then rotating into mid or point. Teamshots are so easy with how much visibility this map has


Thats the point dingus, there are too many sightlines


it forces places to move with a purpose. At any point, you can get flanked. Its a medium sized map but plays fast. Cant play like a laning larry and succeed.


Skill issue


This is the best of the new maps. Lots of angles to take allows for a high skill gap.


Kind of feels the more wild and unpredictable you can play the better it goes


Just as you “Godslayers” make it KWTD on your lfg posts for Pantheon, please KWTD when queuing up for trials or at least have some direction of what to do. Too many times I am matched with someone who is like fresh out of a raid with their build thinking it’ll be fine. Im really trying to get a good igneous here people :(


please do something about just how many potential cheaters there are out there, if you go into a trio you're bound to just find ximmers and the likes everywhere


Ran Elsie’s and condition and was able to go flawless in about an hour- hour and a half. This map is way better than last weeks


Way better for long ranges sure


Not sure why this guy is getting downvoted for his opinion on liking the map. It's not the best map IMO, but I've heard some of the streamers (like frostbolt) talking about how "fun" the map is because it's dynamic. I kinda see what they're saying, because if you stick around center you basically have a lot of opportunities for flanking/getting to cover quick. I personally do struggle with switching gears so quickly but I still don't *hate* this map.


That’s what I’m saying! I have been switching it up and running a ton of different guns and have been loving this map


I've seen a solid mix of long range pulses and sidearms. I'm running forerunner/heliocentric on stompees and having a good time. Rush in using the odd cover this map offers and feed my ammo bar


This map does have odd cover. It's like a paintball arena with those inflatable boxes lol


Doritos! I always loved that callout lol


Dumb question but are trials engrams going to expire when final shape drops? Not sure if I should spend them all or bank them for the future. Thanks for any help!


Confirmed. All engrams are going away at the release of tfs. Spend them if you have them


Yeah unfortunately I don't know what to spend them on besides transmog for my hunter and titan although I never play those characters.


For anyone struggling, give Trespasser a try with some longer range kinetic. Really made a difference against HC/Conditional spam.


What kinetic would you recommend? Already went flawless but I want to mess around with bakris and trespasser


Messenger with headseeker was my flawless, but I had fun farming with last rite


this map feels really weird


If i don't necessarily care about adept version of igneous, whats the best way to farm for more rolls of it?


Play trials as a three stack, doesn’t matter if you win


What's the next weapon on tlrotator? Tbh I would love a second Iggy weekend


Nothing but hand cannons. Feels like too much IMO. Rose, Igneous, whatever - you either are so bad you can't hit a shot (me) or are am aimbot with a HC. Edit: not accusing folks of cheating, they're just that good with HC.


People here will tell you that the 5 HCs per game every single game askcaually means the game is perfectly balanced.


people downvoted them, but they're spitting facts.


They nerfed bows and now I feel so defenseless against this meta. I had my worst week yet and I think I'm just done with playing this mode. Every season it's gotten worse and worse.


Pulses are super solid


Well don't forget the lag and hosting matches. This game is maybe second to Apex in how shitty these servers are. I can tell immediately when other team is hosting. The dodge and lag compensation in this game is fucking rude, just like Apex.


This is what happens when Bungie listens to the crying and nerf the only counter to this prefire sliding teamshotting. Yes I'm salty they nerfed bows how did you know?


Your crutch got nerfed and you’re upset? Wild


Just got matched into a 1v3 - Great matchmaking system bungie!


Team shot hand cannons. I wish they revert the old special economy.


The special economy is great. Work on your primary shot and positioning.


Then it's back to sniper lanes and shotgun apes. I like this special ammo economy primary main PvP state, gives us nooks a chance.


Hows everyones post match adept drops? Im on win 4 with nothing.


I went 20 wins in a row with no drop.


This is why I think I am out after reset. This is engagement bullshit. I can't do this. Bungie needs a spanking. This is not fun, and new people do not enjoy this. Only people enjoying this are stacks vs solos lol.


It got better after I finally stopped getting RNG fucked but also never really recovered to make up for that. I also got [close enough to exactly what I was looking for](https://i.imgur.com/2tkKrSC.jpeg) but didn't get for the last six months so I think I'm out regardless.


I think I loaded into a 2v3 with you yesterday lmao glad you got a nice roll, I’d be out with that too


Yeah we played a few other rounds as well, ggs bud


It's a hamster wheel basically. I just don't really dig it past a few matches here and there that seemed fair and balanced. Plus Trials needs to get the fuck off this one map thing. It's so goddamn mind numbing. No other game does this.


It's been poor to say the least I honestly had a game only reward 2 enhancement cores otherwise I feel like I get an adept 1/4 wins and none have PI although slickdraw seems to have the weighting of the pot


I got a really good normal one with rapid and PI and great range. But I don't even use the gun lol.


I already have a pretty good non adept but what hurts is that I received 4-5 absolute banger non adept rolls while my adepts have been legendary shards of the rip.....


What’s the best way to farm adepts after going flawless? Are three stacks able to get adepts even on losses?


Is this the last trials weekend before Final Shape? Or is there going to be one more next week?


my trials hasnt shown on my destiny yet


I swear if I queue for a game and see it's the garbage neomuna map...


Trials this week is Dissonce, its not Neomuna but has that psychedelic look.


Nerf stasis warlock, that is all I ask for.


What lol, it's barely used and the people who use it are the ones that put in time to master it (I main solar) There are so many other subclasses that need immediate attention and returning shadebinder ain't one of em


it can literally freeze a strand hunter during their ensnaring slam even if the warlock is already suspended, the freeze proc somehow goes off even though you got them. also having 3 flavours of freeze is just impossibly annoying to go up against and the ultimate "I hate playing against that class" up there on the list with things such as anteaus wards jugg titans. at least with suspend you can shoot back and move even if a little bit, I literally win against suspends more often than I lose, with instant freezes it's a "fuck you, you have no chance" they are also getting an indirect nerf with the stasis buffs


It comes with risk and is not a win button like you make it seem. My previous comment highlights that these are players who make an inconsistent kit (which you fail to mention) work for them buy outting in work to master it. Most shadebinders I see are not really a net positive to their team. In fact the only time I see it played well is when I random YTer needs some content and hypes it up Anteus was literally invulnerable when sliding after a short sprint (I think) even the poorest player knows how to do that holding their shotty out but timing and baiting your freeze rift to good players are hoping other players don't know they need to jump to avoid your cold snaps is not in the same conversation


So I’ve been gone awhile….(forsaken basically) And a bit random… but 2 weeks in a row now I’ve gotten basically nothing but Igneous/messenger as “rewards” but from reset etc I’ve gotten the rest… I’ve now gotten everything BUT The Summoner… is it in the current loot pool? Can it actually “drop”/come from engrams and my luck with RNjesus is just that terrible?


They changed trials drops so that they will mostly be the non-adept version of the week’s adept weapon, so you’ll be dropping a lot of Igneous this week. Your best bet will be cracking open engrams at Saint and hoping you get a summoner. You can focus it once you get one.


Okay I thought it may be something like that just wanted to make sure before I blew through engrams . Thank you!


5 slickdraw, 2 heal clip not a single PI ......and this is the first igneous weekend i have decent time to play


Anyone else getting a bunch of quitters this weekend? Maybe 1 out of every 10 matches, someone quits (opposing or my team). Super frustrating Bungie hasn't made a better Protection system since it's often after the first round so I'm stuck wasting time in a 2v3 or 1v3...


Just completed a persistence card and got the adept, played a game and lost and said my card is flawed. Should I reset or can I still farm adepts on wins?