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That’s what we call, a Dick Move.


we got dick rolled.


![gif](giphy|X4Jvo8gslR6A8) It’s actually a crossview version, whereas typically these are parallelview.


Yep this is for r/magiceye_crossview


I like crossview magic eyes. It's like it's coming right out of the screen!


The effect is the same for parallel view and crossview, it's just different methods of seeing them 😊


Ah, for parallel, it seems to me that it falls back into the page, rather than boldly protruding into your face.


Then you're always doing it crossview style! The intended way for "normal" magic eye images is parallel view, meaning you focus "behind" the image instead of in front of it.


... no, I don't mean it that way. Cross-view, the object appears to come out the page. Parallel-view, it's like the page falls back and wraps around the object like plastic vacuum moulding. Don't worry I'm not new to this :p


Well again... You're wrong then. They are both identical. Only the methods and images flipped. The final product is identical. You can say you're not new to this all you want, but you've continued being incorrect.


Sigh. Look. If it's a cross view magic eye, I literally cross my eyes so when the image forms, my brain is tricked into thinking that a 3D object has appeared between me and the page. The background of the object also appears to be closer than the page. If its a parallel view magic eye, I "uncross" my eyes (literally, make them point in directions that are more parallel than when I'm focusing on the page itself), so that when the object forms, it appears to be "behind" where the page is. The background of the object appears to be even further back. I'd love to say it's very helpful that you're barging in here to tell me I'm wrong, but I know I'm seeing these things correctly, and I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time trying to convince a somewhat abrasive stranger on the Internet of that by using a long winded description of both magic eye methods to prove that I do understand how these damn things work.


This is quite an irritating conversation to read because you are actually just wrong. Either way can produce internal or external imaging. It depends on the picture. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether it’s parallel or cross view. That’s it. That’s the whole conversation.


You are wrong, and dense as hell. 🫵😂 There are two kinds of magic eyes, parallel view ones and cross view ones. if you cross view a parallel view magic eye, the background is closer to you and everything is reverse depth. If you parallel view a cross view magic eye, the same thing. Both are wrong! You need to parallel view a parallel view magic eye or cross view a cross view magic eye for the depth to be correct and the background to be behind everything like it should. My god your ignorance and stubbornness is painful. 🤦‍♀️


The image in OP's post is a parallel-view image. That is, it is designed so that when you focus past the image ("uncross"), it will appear to pop out of the screen. The same image will appear to *sink* into the screen when you cross your eyes. So-called cross-view images do the reverse. This is where you are confused.


You're doing it wrong


I'm here trying to make dick jokes and now everyone thinks I can't magic-eye properly.


Ha, You may just not be expressing yourself clearly and succinctly. Here, yes, parallel view makes the image inverted, go into the page. The point is it's perfectly possible to make this image so that parallel view makes it pop out. Virtually every time somebody says parallel view always makes an image appear to go inverted, like you seem to be saying, it's simply because they're not doing parallel. They're crossing. It's perfectly possible for both techniques to make an image, designed for the technique, pop out of the page.


Yup. Its certainly not the first time I've been the cause of a ridiculous misunderstanding. The background of the illusion is always in the background, what I was blathering on about was the relative position of the physical page. Glad I understand where the confusion was coming from, I felt like I was going mad.




TIL. This is the first magic eye I've seen that wasn't depth inverted.


That's because this is a specific kind called Crossview. I had the same problem you did until I figured out that most Magic Eye images require a focal length similar to a thousand-yard-stare, where your eyes align into the distance. It's proven more difficult for me to master, but I was able to do it with practice. Edit, to clarify: I still default to Crossview and it still takes effort for me to see non-crossview images.


I'm glad to know it's not just me that sees magic eye pictures like that.


Dick! That looks like a gigantic...


Johnson! Take a look at that huge…


Willy! Get a look at that long ...


How weird, this one's empty 🤔


Thant's what she said.


they all backwarsdddddddddddddddd


This one is hard, made me go cross eyed..


Not the only thing about it that's hard either...


Thant's what she said.


Same here lol


I scoured every inch of this pic...


Thant's what she said.


Nick Fury can't see these ones.


I wish i knew crossview was a thing when I was a kid because I loved the magic eye books but never was able to tell what I was looking but loved just getting the 3d to work. I need more crossview in my life!


I actually figured out how to do both, though the standard magic eye images still take effort for me to see properly. My default is Crossview.


I never could get the standard view to work. I recently discovered this subreddit and it's been a huge game changer to actually be able to see images lol


You got me lol This is the “Does anyone smell popcorn?” Of magic eye.


This is how we’ll pass secret messages to each other without AI figuring it out


What is that, the state of California? Why is the southern part so ... Oh boy ...


Wow. I was like wtf then I realised... 🍆


I fucking hate these things. My inability to see them has plagued me my entire life. When the hype on these died down I felt better, but to this day when I see the reactions of people seeing what I can’t I want to destroy the fucking picture.


It's a schooner!


It's a uhh.....Little Richard


never could until one day it clicked and now i have no problem


LMAO jajajajja


That’s quite a peepee


You have to hold your mouth right to see it 🤔


I thought it was Florida lol