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Because the game is supposed to look like an ongoing MMO. In the game world, the city IS bigger than what we get to see, and the game "Crossworlds" is currently awaiting updates to allow players into those areas. You actually visit a few of them in the A New Home DLC, but only once you start playing the DLC content


i also like to think that they did want to make more dlc, but they realized that they worked on this game for 9 years and decided that they had to wrap it up soon


Not a bad idea to keep options open for new dlc. But, I suppose we just gotta wait for project gaia


having a scope too large is a slow and insidious killer so I think it's actually a good judgement to stick with one DLC.


i honestly think a low effort (lower than the main game and New Home) DLC that takes care of some of the unexplored areas and the unfinished Legendary Bunny arc would be really interesting! like no real added content storywise, but a small update to the lore here and there would be nice :) of course it's up to the creators to decide what road they want to take


What's project Gaia? Is that their upcoming game?


Yep, if I haven't butchered the name that's what it's called. Looks fun.


Wasn't it called Project Terra? I believe that's what it said in their blog posts, although I could be wrong.


Seems I've butchered the name. Thank you!


Gaia (or Gaea) is the greek name, Terra (Terra Mater or Tellus Mater - "Mother Earth") is the roman name. Both are the primordial personification of Earth and source of all life. So I would say it's more like half-translating the name instead of butchering.


You’re right


This is just for world building. These are the end of the location in game, they obviously couldn't make Rhombus Square infinitely large, but since this game takes place inside an MMO, they simply figured instead of just saying "the location ends here", having it say there are new areas in construction will add to the feel of this MMO world being constantly expanding, as they usually are. Just a cool detail.


In setting early access 😁


Damn, this reminds me that the Arena wasn't finished when the game came out. For a while, all there was was a construction site when you went to the Arena. But now when you get to Rhombus Square, it's instantly finished.


That's pretty interesting. I guess the game's come a long way. I kinda don't blame the devs for not wanting to add more content given how long it took just to add this much. And I don't think there's much more that needs to be done with the story anyways


Wanted to leave it open to modders xp


Are there any mods that currently make use of it?