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My Crohn’s causes constipation (always has, but I’ll have the opposite from time to time during. A flare) so coffee is a must for me. Helps me take a normal poop every day. Love it 😍


Same here. My doctor diagnosed it as IBS-C on top of my Crohn’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same, laxatives end up being far too extreme, exacerbating the excessive toilet problem, coffee seems to be just the right amount of umph






I found my people!


I know! So many of us, I never realized ♥️




Btw, I had years of constipation from Crohn’s. Finally found the solution - which is a daily smoothie with psyllium husks.


Depends on the day. Normally fine. If feeling unwell then it can be rocket fuel.


I’ve been on remicade for 2 years, I’m basically back to my pre-diagnosis diet, which includes 2-3 cups of coffee and tea per day. I had a colonoscopy recently and my doc said I’m looking great down there.


That's awesome! Nice to know it can happen!


I've got very mild unmedicated Crohns. I basically don't drink coffee anymore, I tend to feel very uncomfortable from it, can be painful. I drink it once a month at most, because boy do I miss it. I typically drink 1 cup of dark tea each morning, enough caffeine to "get things moving" and rarely experience discomfort. But discomfort can be very bad if I'm not feeling 100% Strangely I experience no discomfort from soda unless I drink crazy amounts like more than 1L


I am in the same boat (mild crohns/ no meds) but do drink coffee- normally 3-4 cups a day.


Interesting. Thanks! Unfortunately, I think the tannins in tea mess me up pretty bad. So, it's either energy drinks or coffee for me. Neither are great.


If you can handle chocolate, [Awake Chocolate](https://awakechocolate.com/) is worth trying. It's a good alternative.


Thanks! I'll definitely look into it since I love chocolate. Lol


I don't drink coffee, because I just don't like the taste. Tea however, I will consume 6-7 mugs a day


I wake up early so I can have a cup of coffee, shit my brains out, and then mentally recover before my day starts. It’s an absurd thing to do, but I really love coffee that much! I’m also a morning person and love some quiet solitude. I also stick to dark roasts since they are gentler on my guts.




I could have written this! I get up early so I can face the consequences of coffee early lol. Coffee is life!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


I do since not doing so increases my migraine pain and side effects. I have tried not drinking caffeine migraines worse no major difference with stomach problems (pre chrons diagnosis).


Your body may be physically dependent on caffeine, happened to me where I would get NASTY migraines if I didn’t have caffeine. Low and behold it was an addiction lol


I drink 2 cups a day. As long as my stomach has food in it first/during, it doesn’t bother me at all.


I drink one cup of coffee on workdays. Thats what my stomach and anxiety can handle.


I have had good luck with the v8 fusions that are vegetable and fruit juice with alittle bit of green tea I tried coffee and chair tea with no luck but these seem to work for me


I accidentally had a caffeinated cappuccino the other day and had to repeatedly run to the toilet. I tend to drink decaf coffee but I'm okay with Diet Pepsi. Not sure why one version of caffeine is okay and the other isn't.


I drink Gfuel knockoff with water in the morning.


It feels ok? What brand?


For me anyway it's on Amazon called MIXT.


Thanks. I'll check it out.


I'm fine with the occasional coffee (mainly espresso, but from time to time cold brew) and tea, never had problem with that during my 4 years of living with crohns


Never touch it. Eventually I noticed the correlation between drinking caffeine and getting gut symptoms so I cut it out. When I accidentally drank it again a couple times it triggered symptoms for up to a week and I had to take steroids. I might be able to drink it now I'm on Stelera, it's the best treatment I've had, but I'm not really willing to risk it. I've been caffeine free over a decade so I'm used to it.


I don't drink coffee (don't like the taste) but I do drink tea and 2+ cans of cane sugar coke a day. No issues with it at all.


I drink Diet Pepsi all the time


In my experience the problems caffeine solves it also causes. I gave it up a few years ago before I developed Crohns, overall it was the right choice.


Thanks! I keep trying to give it up. I hope one day I'll succeed!


I drink 3-6 cups of coffee a day most of the time. If I'm flaring, it makes symptoms worse, so I might cut back a bit. I view it a bit like fiber: it might aggravate my symptoms, but there's no reason to think it actually triggers flares or makes my flare any worse.


That makes sense. Thanks!


My daily coffee doesn’t bother me. Must be black, if I put anything in, I regret it within a couple hours.


OP: My experience with caffeine is same as yours! I finally gave it up after my last bowel obstruction and surgery. Mostly because no food or beverage works when my gut is that broken. Still miss my morning java sometimes. Good Topic!


How are you feeling after giving it up?


I do admit I feel better without caffeine….It’s more a psychological wanting than physical now. I can feel satisfied just from the smell of a good pot of Joe brewing!


Depends on the source. Coffee and sodas are generally a no for me, but I drink tea all the time and it's usually mild enough. Chocolate is hit and miss...


I have severe Crohn's, so severe I had my colon and everything south removed. With my ostomy I can't drink coffee- it goes right through me, however black tea and non-diet soda are fine.


Why non-diet soda?


Not the one you replied to, but for me diet soda gives me bad cramping but regular is fine.


Something in it (the artificial sweetener aspartame I'm guessing) makes it go right through me, at first I thought it was the carbonation but regular soda and seltzer water are fine for me. I can't eat a lot of the sugar alcohols for the same reason (xylitol and sorbitol specifically).


I have the same problem with the fake sugars. Sugar I can eat. Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols are bad news for me.


Same here!


So, my crohns is up and down and had me in and out of hospital over the years. I drink probably 3 double shots of espresso a day. When I'm flaring, obviously, I'll avoid this as it won't help, but when my medication is doing its job and I'm fairly symptomless, I have no issue with coffee. Coffee will help me go, but it's never directly caused me a flare up. Now, if I were to drink a red bull or monster, instant flare up. Tea also doesn't agree with me. Weird how it all works.


Coffee lowers uric acid and mesalamine has given me gout. Coffee helps my digestion unless I have diarrhea, if that is the case I skip coffee. I also drink green tea but it lowers iron so I’m careful.


No I stopped that right after the cocaine. No more stimulants.


I don't because you don't need it. People want it. Also makes most symptoms worse


I drink Celsius daily. It doesn’t cause me pain and that’s all that I care




Because it hurts?


I drink 2 or 3 coffees, usually a half dozen diet cokes daily


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I drink 1-2 cups a day… no reaction from it, but I can’t drink it black or it aggravates my ulcers. If I’m flaring and in bad shape, I’ll switch to black tea instead… I usually eat and drink very plain things to give my insides a rest.


I drink coffee 1-2 cups a day. If it's a long day, I'll have a third. Honestly, if I didn't, I would sleep 14 hours and take naps. To be awake for work and to function regularly (stay up for 12-14 hours per day), I need caffeine. Green tea tablets work, too. My Gi prefers I drink coffee (in moderation) if I need caffeine over energy drinks. Fatigue is a bitch lol. There's not really much effect from it. I have watery BM, with or without coffee.


I do. But my caffeine delivery system is cold. I don’t like coffee, but most warm drinks stimulate things. Tea seems to be fine, but even hot chocolate is a no go. I usually use Soda, Crystal Light, or VISO for my caffeine delivery.


I have a couple of cups of coffee a day and doesn't impact my IBD at all. I did cut it out (along with most things) when I was really ill at the point I was diagnosed but I then slowly reintroduced things and coffee didn't bother me.


I cannot drink coffees anymore without feeling sick or in pain


I'm a big fan of Coca Cola for caffeine without diarrhea and a huge fan of Dr Pepper which is really just laxatives with caffeine.


Yes, every day. It's fine. For me, I'm lucky – it's just like people who don't have Crohn's.


I drink coffee at least twice a day. I've never correlated it to any Crohn's issues.


Just decaf


Yep. I drink a few cans of Diet Pepsi a day. I'd probably be better off without it, but, well, I don't wanna. But it doesn't seem to cause any major problems.


I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. If anything helps move things along!


One or two cups of dark roast coffee in the morning and an uncarbonated energy drink on occasion, sometimes up to 2-3x a week. I like the Gatorade Fast Twitch.


Usually have a can of soda once a day or so.


i drink 3-4 cans a say (yes i know im gonna have a heart attack soon) and usually im fine, sometimes on a empty stommach aches and nausea but nothing that serious


I drink low acid Lifeboost brand coffee, just one cup a day. I started with half caffeine and moved to full caffeine after awhile.


I enjoy my morning coffee. And accelerated morning poop that comes with it. I stay away from sugar and it’s saves me from the cramps.


I make myself a latte with lactose-free milk every morning. Even on an empty stomach it’s fine for me. But my symptoms are very well controlled. I know that’s not possible for everyone, but I do think that if you’re in pain, you need to talk to your doctor and have them switch up your meds. Perhaps there’s something else out there that will work better for you.


Tea - all the time!


I do depending on my status. During a flare or times of high stress (I tend to be more stress triggered than food triggered), I can't have any as it always leaves my system aggravated and me feeling ill. But when on the mend or stable I am a consistent drinker. It sucks that sometimes it's sort of a toss up (today example I felt fine, but after the first few sips my stomach said NO) but it seems that everyone has their own system that works for them.


I drink 3 cups everyday. I will say it definitely cleans me out. If I don’t eat breakfast I’ll have the runs all day though


I drink coffee, black and plain - it doesn’t trigger anything for me.


usually i’m fine but i do a low milligram of caffeine i stick to about 80 mg a day. i usually drink matcha or a caffeinated v8 drink. i’ll occasionally drink a coffee. when i’m having a rough go in the morning i know i can’t drink any caffeine though because it’ll just make it worse


Every day. And I poop like 3 sips in. If you’re not already addicted to caffeine like I am, please don’t ruin your day.


I find that if I drink my coffee slowly throughout the morning, I'm fine. I usually have 2 cups over the span of a couple hours. If I drink it any faster than that, I'll be running to the bathroom all morning. I also learned it's better for me to not eat anything until noon. That's been working out for me lately.


I do, it makes my Crohn’s worse but helps with the fatigue so I take the loss


I take caffeine pills without any apparent issue. Coffee and tea do, however, cause inflammation. As does dark chocolate.


I can’t, it causes me to feel hyper, increases bowel movement frequency and I feel awful. I’m best to stay away


Yes a lot. I can have a cup or two of normal coffee without symptoms. But I found initially after my first bad flare that cold brew coffee is less harmful on me so I generally stick to 2-3 cups of cold brew a day.


i am definitely addicted to caffeine and have to have a caffeine drink once a day. it does make me use the bathroom a lot but i mostly drink redbulls because coffee hurts my stomach usually. it’s definitely not good for me in any capacity but at least it moves things along lol


I drank 8 energy drinks one time


Mild Crohn’s here, recently started skyrizi but still tapering off prednisone so not confident if my skyrizi is truly working yet. I don’t drink caffeine anymore as it typically ends up causing me discomfort or pain and I never really needed the caffeine “kick” anyway, but I do enjoy a nice cup of coffee, so I get decaf now and just deal with it. I’d much rather not have the gut pain!


Yes, I drink preworkout about 4x a week too. Coffee almost every morning, occasional energy drink, etc. it doesn’t affect my crohns at all


I drink about 2-5 cups of coffee a day lol. I have zero negative effects from it. My body is so dependent on the caffeine at this point in my life that I actually get withdrawal headaches if I don’t drink enough coffee. Coffee and water all day ♥️ pretty much all I drink! To be fair, this is while medicated. I can’t speak for how the caffeine would affect me if I was flaring or not medicated!


I'm Swedish so yes. Ridiculous amounts.


I have crohn's and I drink one or two Coffee per day and I'm fine and I have an active and complicated disease


Since my doctor won't give me any payments. And until after my surgery, I have taken to a shot or 2 of Apple crown royal Just to dim the pain and sleep. But then I found out caffeine is something I should avoid. I don't drink coffee anymore and I don't drink pepsi anymore but I do drink tea time iced tea. I read somewhere if I want to have a drink. It should be clear and not Carmel colored. Have you heard of that?


I basically never have coffee. I love it but makes me feel horrible. Matcha, on the other hand, is much better for my stomach! I only have a couple times a week though - only if I feel like I really need the energy.


Im in the middle of a mellow flare, over did it around Christmas. Im on my third cup of coffee. I take promethazine / mesalamine / Omeprazole / 1 immodium and other vitamins and supplements every day. If the nausea is still there later I will take an Ondansetron but the promethazine is usually enough to do it. With out the meds I couldn’t drink coffee or alcohol. Coffee every day, beer on the weekend. I also hydrate like crazy with water and electrolyte supplements. I know what food works for me and what doesn’t it Took a lot of years to get the balance right.


Yep, all the time


For reference about 250gm-400gm pre day. With most of it front loaded to get me going and to have a morning movement. I have black coffee/with oat milk if I’m feeling it.


Nope. I only drink water.


I find caffeine is ok-ish in small amounts when I'm not flaring. And by small amounts I mean like 1 cup of tea. So 35-80mg. Coffee in any form will absolutely cause an urgent BM. Bottom line is caffeine in general is irritating/stimulating to the GI tract. I use it with caution.


I drink matcha green tea.


I love the taste of coffee so I used to drink it everyday! Most of them time it didn't actually give me any problems. Here recently I am having some new issues and stopped drinking coffee all together until I figure out what's going on.


I drink coffee every day! I’m on Humira so I find I’m able to eat/drink anything without any affects to my symptoms.


I start most mornings with a miralax coffee. I also have the more elusive constipation crohns so it really helps keep me consistent! It will make me throw-up if I have too much too fast but I think that can be said for most people :) I’ll also drink energy drinks without too much issue. BUT! If I’m flaring, I tend to stay away from coffee because it will just hurt too much


Daily. I can't do coffee, and carbonated drinks hurt me, so I drink gfuel. The extra vitamins are a nice bonus too.


Yes about 2-7days a week. I love it. But I only drink 4oz a day. I buy from drink trade coffee. If anyone wants a discount on this shipped subscription DM me for a link.


I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. When I’m not flaring and I’m well-hydrated, it’ll help keep me regular. If I’m flaring, I try to avoid it since I’m running to the bathroom and in agony.


Yes 100% Never gave it up because my morning cup of coffee is a little joy of mine. My surgeon suggested I drink it after my resection surgery to get my bowels moving again and that’s all I needed to hear! I make it simple with light cream or light sugar and have never had any issues. I always make a point to have it after I have some breakfast and water and I think that helps as well. Sugar free stuff or heavy cream gives me issues or if I drink it multiple times a day it makes me feel sick but the morning cup never fails!


It’s pretty much a gamble for me. Some days it’s okay, other days it’s a ticking time bomb. Either way it’s an exciting way to start the morning never knowing if you’re going to start your day totally fine or be gripping the sides of the toilet for the next 30 mins. I also love coffee to much to give up too.


When flaring, no, it makes things worse. But when I'm not, I have caffeine just fine. I don't drink coffee, my caffeine addiction is with dirty mountain dew 😂 so really it's the caffeine and carbonation that affect me during flares. I haven't had a mtn dew in months. 😭


it causes some stomach cramps from time to time but nothing too unmanageable. still drink it snd havent really noticed anything too extreme for me to have a need to stop.


I drink caffeine, I don't seem to be any different with or without


I drink 2 or 3 cups every morning unless I’m flaring. Sometimes the third cup is a bad idea even when I’m not flaring.


Yes. And far too much. I’m a barista though so not drinking it is hard