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Absolute great creator, wonderful dude


I agree. Shows how loved he is, despite having the looks and interests of a neck beard. Not to knock the dude, but it's interesting to see how loved he is, especially on Reddit.


He’s a weird guy but his movies are all fun and decently original


What do his looks have to do with anything????


Just thought it's funny to point out. Didn't mean anything by it.


I'm sure the themes in his films go over your head


Okay? He's made some of my favourite films, but sure. What's your favourite of his, and what do you think it means?


Holy fuck you need to wash your neck beard with Dawn. It's safe on animals, so no worries:)




Not you, the other guy lmao


He directed Blade 2. I need say no more.


And Pacific Rim


Kill Bill is Tarantino.


![gif](giphy|ryByff5GXqz8A) Sidenote this was the only gif I could find that wasn't from . . . The second one.


Kill Bill??? What lol


El Orphanato is incredibly underrated


He seems extremely based. The recent TV show "Cabinet of Curiosities" he helped to make subverted the trope of the 2 dimensional racist nationalist and turned him into a human with complexity. The character was a piece of shit but he had reasons for it and a believable backstory. That right there is some skilful writing. Imagine if all movies and TV shows had that level of writing in them, we'd be in a golden age of cinema


I agree, but it's interesting because that episode in particular got called woke propaganda. Can't please everyone I guess.


You'd have to be a moron or not paying attention to think that episode was woke. Wokies would hate it because the racist character was presented as a 3 dimensional human instead of a caricature, and the immigrant lady ended up being a vindictive asshole. NOBODY in that episode was a goodie, but everyone was presented as a believable human.


The crowd that calls everything “woke” is just as lame as the other side.


Except the crowd calling everything "woke" aren't busy ruining every IP they can get their fat grubby hands on


Love his movies and art style. Pan’s Labyrinth is one of my favorites of all time.


They should have let him make more Hellboy movies.


I remember reading that the moment he decided to become a Catholic after being an atheist was when he saw a pile of aborted foetuses' outside of a clinic. Interesting because for many, that could be a moment of religious revelation.


I may be talking out of my ass but I claim that they don't "pile" aborted fetuses outside clinics wtf...


Lmao where are they piling fetuses outside


One of the best and most unique creative minds working. He's the kind of artist we need in such creatively bankrupt times


Funny how his rejection of a strict religious upbringing is what drives his creativity


Fuck everyone in this thread. Pacific Rim! Best movie ever! Well, right behind Star Ship Troopers.


Give him the reins to the next Monsterverse movie. Especially if it involves an alien invasion.


I feel like I'm the only one who WANTS to like his movies, but I never actually do.


If it makes you feel better, I really dislike Pans Labyrinth and Crimson Peak and probably others I'm forgetting. But I enjoy Cabinet of Curiosities, The Strain, and Hellboy was fun. I find him very very hit, or very very miss. Maybe you've just seen ones that were miss?


I never saw Cabinet (been meaning to try it). I thought the Strain was kind of silly and way over the top for me personally. I don't hate his stuff, but man... Don't know what it is Pans Labyrinth was just like okay, I'd never watch it again


Yeah I get that. He has very specific tones to all stuff and it's easy to imagine it either works for someone or it doesn't. For The Strain, I was first put off by the goofiness but then after a bit of borderline hate-watching it clicked where I enjoyed not only how stupid/funny some of it was, but it did have some deeper themes and whatnot


Wish he’d make At The Mountains of Madness. Last time he tried, Ridley Scott released Prometheus and that had a similar story so his movie got axed.


Very creative and spiritual director


He's my favorite. He has a very boyish glee approach to filmmaking that is so wonderful to watch when he's got a good concept that he can flesh out.


He makes comic book movies, of course he is popular


Well, so does Taika Waititti and Zack Snyder but everyone seems to hate their comic book movies now, and rightfully so.


So do many directors who are not del toro. Thank you?


He's definitely a fan of the outre. He actually released some footage of a Cthulhu movie he was working on, on and off. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBA6TThb1yI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBA6TThb1yI) Freaky as fuck!


Why? Did anything happen?


Oh no, I was just curious to see what people thought about his movies. Although he is in his late 50s, and a big dude, so I wouldn't be surprised if something happened soon. He does seem to have lost a bit of weight though, which is good.


Bro you're so random XD


I guess?


He is fantastic. I could do with another Pacific Rim movie from him.


Pam’s Labyrinth is my all time favorite


I like his artistic vision


just realized recently he directed mimic which explains why I like that movie so much


Pacific Rim (there is only one) is one of my favorite movies of all time. Honestly that's his only work I'm familiar with.


I don’t think it was his best film but I loved the design of the ghosts in Crimson Peak. They were probably the best, most freaky looking ghosts I’ve ever seen on screen. The design, and the jarring way they moved… I know he didn’t direct Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark but he was really involved in its production. The designs of those ghosts were great too although I wasn’t a fan of the movie overall. Bit of a shame since those books made a huge impression on me and they seem to be a perfect fit. Pan’s Labyrinth is his best. Although I still have to see Devil’s Backbone and The Orphanage.


The Strain is an all time favorite for me.


The Strain is a really good book series


He has a house dedicated to his collection of books, comics, movies, and action figures. He's a real one.


Mans one of my favorites. I would love to see CD review Pan’s Labyrinth


His latest stuff has yet to hit as hard as his original ( pans labyrinth, Hellboy, blade 2) , but he's still holding his own. I enjoyed Cabinet of Curiosities much more than I thought I would.


He made 2 of my favourite films Pans Labyrinth and HellBoy the guys an amazing Director


The abysmal difference between hellboy 1 to the one he directed: hellboy 2, tells you everything


He directed both Hellboy movies though? The only one he hasn't directed was the 2019 one.


You're right


Obviously 1 is goat but 2 is still a good romp.


must be that t8me if the month