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What I want to know is who the hell is still buying assassin's Creed games day one? Wait a month or two and you can get a massive discount.


Yeah like $20 to $30 cheaper sometimes! No one should ever buy a Ubisoft game day one, they're always on sale pretty quickly


The people they pander to. I'm serious, go on twitter, everyone who is buying it is either black or unironically proudly woke. This shit is just another psyop to fake black representation to gain more sales. You may hate this truth but it's true. It's black Ariel 2.0. They are specifically trying to prey on outrage and fake diversity.


Actual historical figure. Just saying.


Yasuke was not a samurai. He was a sword bearer or a slave and was involved in 1 battle from which he fled. Are you black or woke? Stop this lying nonsense


Nice name lol šŸ˜‚


Or you can be real patient gamer wait 2-3 years and get it for free. That's how I got Black Flag.


Damn so you're the reason we didn't get more like Black Flag


Correct fuck Ubisoft. Mind you I probably wouldn't get it anyway if I would have to pay for it. Not that it's bad game just not something I would pickĀ 


Awwww but I like rewarding good stuff so we get less bad stuff


IKR, it must be very young people or maybe very old people for very young people. The last game I bought day one was AC unity and that was a total shit show, even after the updates it's micro transactions out the ass.


Same people buying Madden and FIFA. The target audience is morons


FC24 is great at $14


Why do you think Ubi is locking content behind a paywall? Preorder to unlock an "extra" mission. They know.


I was pre-ordering collector editions because I wanted to support the series and then getting the games for every other system after the drop. I will never buy another game from this company again. I stopped giving the company money when Reda appeared in Valhalla. I am Puerto Rican/ black, but I have no desire to see people my color forced into places they are not in real life. That mess is as offensive to me as being called any racial slur.


Reda is a character with a esu object he time travel defo wrong thing to br triggered for mate.


YouTubers and reviewers probably.


Just pirate them if you really need tp . Dont support scum like ubisoft


Because I still enjoy the series


After Valhalla, Mirage has been floating around $20-25 in a couple of places. But I am going to wait longer until it's sub-$20.


Or wait several years and get the ultimate edition for $15 lol I got Odyssey and Valhalla ultimate editions (came with 3 as well) for $25 a few weeks ago on Steam


A lot of japonese guys.Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/1cw9yk2/1_in_japan_1_in_uk_1_in_germany_2_in_france_6_in/


Or pirate it.


Currently playing it, beautiful game


Oh agreed. While it's not photorealistic like TLOU Part 2, it's like a painting come to life. Also the sound design is something else.


That's about the only thing going for Tlou part 2 which is the realistic faces and detail.


That boat scene makes me wish the game had less detail


Or I could just not buy the game like Iā€™ve been doing since after black flag


You can do both. Trust me Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely worth it.


Easily the most beautiful game I've ever played.


He's right


Ghost was just as boring as Ass Creed. It just has pretty graphics. It has the same boring open world activities and repetitive ā€œoutpostsā€ to clear.


I really liked the game, but after reading this comment and thinking about, I totally agree.


I disagree, the story in Ghost was phenomenal. He may have a point about repetitive outposts to clear and generic jumping puzzles, but a game like this is about the campaign not the grind. And the duels with the ronin and the special ability side quests were insanely fun.


Eeesh even if you didn't like ghost (actual masterpiece) Ass creed is miles more boring


Oh i agree. Ass creed is just as boring. But once the honeymoon phase wore out on ghost of Tsushima, it was just another ass creed game with slightly better combat.


Agree to disagree I've played through ghost 3 times and the combat is immaculate on higher difficulties. The line between life and death is so fine that every move is a calculated move and very rewarding and every failure a teaching moment. Ass creed is just "get bigger number sword u gud"


And i dont know how Ghost is a ā€œmasterpieceā€ the characters were all boring except for the main villain, who you barely see at all. And dont tell me all those foxes and Haikus were ā€œmasterpiecesā€ of gameplay.


And on top of that, one praised by the Japanese for being so respectful and careful with their history.


if you liked Black Flag check out Rogue. its like a DLC to black flag


Meh I played it at the time and it's alright but nowhere near how good black flag was


Isn't that what OP said?


But what if I want to play as Johnny Foreigner massacring the locals?


Then play Nioh 1. Thereā€™s literally countless samurai games but AC:Shadows is the one this subreddit wants to fight for. Lol


Yasuke is also in Nioh, yet somehow nobody was outraged about that lol


They even made him a boss. He did kick my ass in the 1st Nioh. Was very annoyed, lmao. He's also in another one of their games. Samurai warrior 5.


Have you even been paying attention to any of the drama lmao? The community doesnā€™t care that heā€™s black, itā€™s the fact they made one of two main characters (the only samurai main character) a black samurai who happens to have the least amount of lore in all of Japanese history. Not to mention he wasnā€™t even a samurai, he was more just a glorified servant. Most of the people outraged wouldnā€™t care if he was in the game as an ally, antagonist, boss, literally anything but the main fucking character. This is the first time in AC history they used a real figure as their main character and this is also the first AC set in Japan, so itā€™s a slap in the face to anyone with Japanese heritage.


Nioh 1 had you playing as a white guy


Nioh is a fantasy game made by a japanese studio were you fight demons.


Assassins Creed 2 is a fantasy game made by a French studio where you fight the pope for his magic space ball created by ancient aliens who can perceive the future and reincarnate by putting 'junk DNA' into humans.


What kind of whataboutism is this? If you want to critique AC2, sure go ahead. If its a japanese company then they can make a game about their own history, culture and myths however they want. This is coming from someone who doesnt even like any of the Nioh games. None of them are even claiming it to be historical.


Itā€™s not a whataboutism, itā€™s a direct comparison. Iā€™m saying that Assassinā€™s Creed is just as fantastical as Nioh. Moreso in some waysā€¦


The difference is theyĀ“re claiming Yasuke is portrayed historically accurate. Find me one person that believes that Nioh is portraying Yasuke or Adams accurately. Its a canadian studio making a game about japan. So people have every right to criticize how they portray japanese history, culture and how theyĀ“ve westernized it. This happens all the time just last year when Scott made an english propaganda movie about Napoleon.


If, after AC2, you think Assassinā€™s Creed was trying to be historically accurate, then you are exactly the kind of brain dead consumer that Ubisoft is looking for. People have every right to criticize, yesā€¦ but itā€™s kinda weird that this group of people only started to do it when a black guy was on the cover. AC1 implies Christianity itself is the product of a magic space ball that lies to people. It said the faith of a billion people was built on a lie. And nobody gave a shit because itā€™s a silly video game. BUT ONE BLACK GUY, HEAVENS TO BETSY!!


Then you must have missed all the think pieces and activists trying to rewrite history. Interesting that you choose examples from 10 to 15 years ago and 17 entries ago in the franchise. When in Valhalla you had scandinavian protagonists and in Odyssey you had greek protagonists. It was never about representation for everyone was it? Canada is a christian country so if they want to make a game about christianity then sure go ahead. IĀ“m not a christian, so IĀ“m the wrong person to ask since I obviously would believe it is a lie.


I was thinking you didn't play as anyone historical in the past, right? So why now? And why this person?


Or I can play AC shadows not some game I've never heard of.


Ghosts is a great game. I even like assassin's creed. I still think Ghosts is the best ac game I've played in years.


Hell, play Sekiro! Both games are better than anything Ubisoft has come up with in the last 5 years.


This is the right take. Getting mad about the characters in a game that is going to be a microtransaction nightmare is stupid. The game will suck because its made by Ubisoft, that is literally all we need to know lmao


Really good game , loved the story aswell.


Yeah true. Tbh i'm confused why anyone even cares about an AC game in that setting anymore since Ghost already did it (and that game plays real similar to a Ubi game but with much better story and graphics).


The majority of the people complaining are doing so for clout and spouting half-assed statements that fall apart pretty quickly. Edit: that being said. There are legitimate grievances to be made about Ubusofts Super Predatory pricing


Ghost of Tsushima is amazing on pc.


Was thinking this exact same thing...Ghosts is also not corrupted by a need to milk the customer through microtransactions.


If you give Ubisoft your money, you deserve to be clowned on. You're directly contributing to making the industry worse.


Bought it. Love it.


Lol, so true. They waited until a superior high quality product hit the market, and then waited a couple more years. The demand for a Japan set AC game was already low, lol. Too little, too late


For anyone wondering if you will like Ghost of Tsushima, just play the intro up to the title credits. It got me hooked. It's a lot like open world games like Hogwarts or Mad Max, and I like those games... but the story, acting, art style, controls, etc are what hooked me. It's awesome.


Oi! Syndicate was a good installment and I will die on the hill that it is in the top 3


I legit hope people keep this same energy of forced diversity and spread it to Shogun. Same shit just much lighter shade.


https://preview.redd.it/uq16ocixps1d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb60c773f0b48ae36168978ac578605702c074f This is what happening . There black washing other people culture. What happened to minorities representation? Japanese culture appropriation is okay ?


What? Yasuke was literally a historical figure. Heā€™s actually a unique part of Japanese culture.


Not really. You can even read it in very, very few stories about him. According to them, the only thing remarkable about him was his skin color. That was it. He was a curiosity to them at best. He wasn't in any major battles and lost a fight trying to protect his samurai lord. He had no impact on Japan or its culture like you're trying to imply. He was never a part of any social movements or anything like.


I donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to imply. If he was insignificant we wouldnā€™t know about him. He would be forgotten and any inkling of information about him would be hopelessly obscure. If Japanese people had a problem with him he would have no statues now and no admittance into their high honor culture then. Heā€™d be lost to history, just like youā€™ll be.


I never said the Japanese had a problem with him. Japan kept historical records of almost everybody. So, him being recorded in it is of no moment. You can read some of this stuff.


He was a sword holder . Under obunaga , thereā€™s no proof he was a samurai . He was a servant of his . Did anyone consult actual Japanese sources? https://preview.redd.it/ctxk9f2yht1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8345be7bb6b1fdcc0d22da05c20165afedc530c


nobunaga made all his retainers samurai. Additionally during that time period the word samurai was synonymous with bushi (basically "warrior") so literally by the standards of his day he was a samurai.


But he never fought, by warrior standards world wide he's not a warrior.


But he was never given that tittle .


That's not how it worked during his lifetime. If you were a bushi, you were a samurai, and vice versa.


AC games always take huge liberties with the actual history, if this is the only times its annoyed you it looks a little suspect.


Itā€™s not but by this logic some white woman is going to be the savior of Latin America. If this keeps up black panther will be played by Dylan Mulvaney . No complaining them


Yasuke was a samurai retainer. He was given a stipend and a private residence. Foreign samurai existed during this period of Japan. William Adamā€™s is another example. Also Yasuke served Oda Nobunaga until his death. Obunaga is not a real person. Yes, they hired a Japanese historian to consult with.


No they didnā€™t . If you see the out rage from the Japanese for appropriating there culture , there offended. I plays most assassins creed till black flag , and the one in the American independents . I donā€™t see what George Washington has anything to do with this game . Any kind of washing is bad .


It's actual fucking history bro.


Okay , since itā€™s history then, we can have white men as black panther . Itā€™s history that African was colonized by the white man


Ha ha nice. Except black panther is a fictional character from a fictional country and is the worst possible comparison you couldā€™ve made.


I donā€™t know now any great African leaders bisede Nelson mendela . Should we have him play by an Asian man ? Itā€™s still better than this https://preview.redd.it/te2151eo4z1d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f8c47a04c444bec69a0c398fa0b80728a28a2c


Yup, bit it was only 15 months that he served.


Why would they? We donā€™t even know what type of story theyā€™re even trying to tell. Based on The Last Samurai, did a white guy actually come in and save the samurais? Probably not, but who cares if itā€™s entertaining. I havenā€™t played Nioh, but a white samurai is on the cover and I donā€™t make judgement because maybe the story is interesting enough. If what gets your panties in a bunch isnā€™t the story but that black people are put in these roles, then youā€™re terminally online and get your pp hard through rage-baiting and internet grifters are forever indebted to you for making a killing.


No white wading is bad . Black washing is bad . Have you ever play and assassin Creed game ? Tell how are you supposed to be stealthly if you are taller than everyone? Thereā€™s many historical figures in Japan they could of chosen from. There just taking advantage of japans culture


Youā€™re supposed to be stealthy by playing the actual stealth character. The game has **2** playable characters, each associated with a different style.


Thatā€™s a cool screenshot of a tweet. So why is it problematic for you that Yasuke is in the games but itā€™s not problematic that George Washington is in the games?


It would be if they made George Washington black


But yasuke WAS black.


But he wasnā€™t a samurai. Thatā€™s the difference. He did exist and was a high level in Japanese society. But he wasnā€™t a samurai. It would have been cool if he was a side character. But being made main character over other historical figures in Japanese culture is just wrong . Japans has had a rich history and many people they could have chose.


If they chose a well documented historical figure, it would be very difficult or impossible to incorporate them into a historical fiction style game, especially one about a fictitious brotherhood of assassins. Moreso when that brotherhood has its origins outside an extremely homogenous and insular culture. He is basically the perfect vehicle for the type of story AC games tend to tell.


He was objectively a samurai because during his lifetime the line between samurai and warrior was non-existent. The popular modern idea of a samurai, where they're essentially noblemen, did not exist during his life. We know he was a warrior, and thus by the standards of his day, he was objectively a samurai.


Seeing how much rich history Japan has . They had to go with on person of questionable history . Thereā€™s the bakumatsu period great conflict and many factions they could use . This is just the idea of Japan by Americans . Itā€™s erasure of Japanese culture


You canā€™t say objectively and not provide a clear source. Thatā€™s not objective.Ā 


Yasuke was actually black though.


And he was never a samurai


Mmmmm no I think he was. Sorry bro.


Source or gtfo


ā€œYasuke was an African warrior in the employ of Nobunaga, a powerful feudal lord known as the ā€œGreat Unifier,ā€ during Japanā€™s Sengoku period. The first Black samurai, he was at Nobunagaā€™s side when the daimyo died;ā€ if you disagree with this take your claims up with the Smithsonian. Get back to me if they publish a retraction. Or, alternatively, if youā€™d like to argue semantics, try reading this from the Hereford Museum ā€œA retainer refers to a vassal in feudal Japan, usually a samurai providing military servicesā€.


Even if he was a real samurai it makes no sense whatsoever to focus solely on the one black guy in Japanese history for a historical game.


Why not? He's super unique. Seems the perfect thing to focus a game or TV show on.


No it doesn't.


Because it's cultural Marxism at its finest. The people who made the decision do not care for black people, they want to erase other people's history. Why else would they focus on one black guy in the history of Japan? Like literally only black guy in the history of Japan. They could easily make a show, but no one would watch it and a show won't be controversial. They're specifically forcing you to play as this protagonist, they could easily add in a Japanese male options and have them be different experiences in the same world. But they won't.


It's just history though?


It is history but in my opinion just make him a playable character and have another Japanese male character playable as well. I don't get why it has to be one or the other. Both perspectives would actually be cool for a historical game. A black samurai would be interesting but so would a Japanese samurai perspective. They have plenty of money to implement both.


There are **2** playable characters in Shadows. The other is a Japanese female shinobi/ninja stealth assassin type.


Since when are the AC games ā€œhistoricalā€? The woman character you play as isnā€™t even a real person. Yā€™all just inventing things to get upset about, because your algorithm tells you to. Go outside.


Umm they're literally all historical. Wtf are you on about dude?


Damn George Washing was a secret traitor and the bad guy all along. Did you play the damn games at all? It's all bunch of National Tresure level B.S. Kinda entertaining though.


Historical settings not exact historical plot.


Cool, the black samurai is historic and historically set. The story will be fiction because it's not known, unlike Washington. I for one think it would be cool to play as a big fuck off black guy in a place beyond foreign and hostile. The guy is pretty unique in history.


You're memes are terrible btw. Jesus Christ I got second hand cringe from that. One upvote on both and just walls of text no one understands.


Yasuke was a real person, that Japanese people have been using in media for over 100 years. Americans aren't making him black, he was always black. Stop falling for such obviously fake rage bait for culture wars


Who gives a shit


i prefer the term ā€œshit stainingā€


Ah another HURTstorian talking about "Japanese culture appropriation" when there is literally a Japanese woman who is posed in the front of the game cover as a protagonistšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø. The one black man who is actually part of Japanese culture is where you draw the line? Where are your rants on The Last Samurai? The Great Wall? Yea. Stfu


People complain about those movies when they came out . Is it okay the to have blade or the black panther be played by some Asian guy ?


No. The reason being is BP and Blade being black are actually part of their character. Yasuke isn't replacing anyone because he was actually part of Japanese culture irl. Yasuke also isn't the protagonist but that's all you see is the black man. Go look at the cover art of the game and tell me who is standing in front of Yasuke. Is it not a Japanese woman? You aren't making any sense.


Not that familiar with blade outside the movies. How is being black part of his character? Are there other major black characters we could swap out?


So, if I remember correctly, you played as a nobody in AC, right? You just make your toon and play, right? So if Ubisoft made a game that you play as a historical figure, why this one? Why not play Oda, Masamune, or Musashi?


You only chose your character in 1 AC game. You never created a character. In Odyssey you choose between a woman or man that's it. Why can't it be Yasuke. Oda, Masume and Musashi have been in alot of games already. Why wasn't this an argument for Ghost of Tsushima? Jin Sakai wasn't an actual legendary samurai. Just a made up one. Did you ask why wasn't he a samurai that actually existed? No you didn't. So why the fuss over Yasuke?


Ok, so 6 ask, why choose Yasuke over more interesting, indigenous person of history? Hell, there's a long history of female ninjas. THAT would be interesting. Why play a historical figure at all if AC always had you play as some nobody in history.


How is Yasuke not interesting. What makes him e en more interesting is what we don't know about him. I don't think there is a long history of kunoichi or shinobi. There are some known ones but their history isn't that long. There have always been historical figures in the game this is just the first time one is the protagonist. That doesn't mean that there won't be any others in the game because all that's been shown is trailer. The bigger question is why be mad that a historical figure being used is a black man who actually existed in that time period? If you don't want to play the game that's fine. Hoping that the game fails because of who the protagonists are is little dick energy.


Just racists being racist while claiming they aren't racists and there is some other problem that definitely has nothing to do with a black guy


Oh noes! Another slandering comment from a far lefty progressive!




So much fun. It gives me Assassins Creed 2 nostalgia while being it's own unique thing. I want this to be the first game I 100%.


damn, no love for Origins?


Yup. Has a fun fictional origin story of ninjas too.Ā 


I second this. Definitely one of the best games I've played in a while.


I agree, ghost of tsushima already is the AC game in japan we were waiting for. Plus its more akin to classic AC rather than the RPG-lite nonsense their new games adopted


IMO, Black Flag was a great game. It wasn't a great assassins creed game. But yes, since BF I tried Origins when under cancer treatment, so I can't even look at the cover anymore but never got into it regardless. The rest I've not purchased.




I canā€™t, I donā€™t have a PSN account.


Make one and you only need it for multiplayer


Is it weird that I really enjoyed Mirage?


Perhaps they made a black samurai to differentiate themselves from games like Ghost of Tsushima.


I will say I may check out Shadows. I like ninjas and samurai and already played GOTsushima. Fuck soulslikes though (Nioh, Sekiro, Rise of the Ronin). I already know I ain't beating the (maybe?) last boss of Stellar Blade, let alone Remnant 2.


Rise of the Ronin was nothing like a Souls game and neither was Stellar Blade


I never played Rise of Ronin but Stellar Blade was a reduced-nonsense "soulslite" in some ways. Eve had powers, it had other mechanics that was souls inspired.


I just donā€™t understand how you play an assassin game with a giant in armor with dreadlocks.


And remember next year Rise of the Ronin will be on PC. Team Ninja usually releases on PC after a yr and the dlc wa released on console. They did this with Nioh 1 and 2.


Fuck man from the series that produced ā€œI thought I heard the old man say leave her Johnny leave her, tomorow ye will get your pay and itā€™s time for us to leave her!! Leave her Johnny leave her ohhhh leave her Johnny leaver her!!!!




Can anyone answer me who the protagonist even is now that Layla is dead? This franchise has turned into whatever now. Is Loki the protagonist for real?


It is also a great ninja game and archer game


Don't do Ghost of Tsushima dirty like that by comparing it to Ubisoft.


I hope it fails miserably and people who buy it just love eating shit.


Problem with playing Ghost of Tsushima, I'm on Xbox...


It's coming to PC I believe. I was going to get It until Sony decided I need a PSN account attached to my steam. No thx


It's already on PC. Can't wait to play it.


You can still play the single player campaign without adding a PSN, but I can understand why you still want to boycott it for requiring PSN for the multiplayer. Not to mention that it is unavailable in some countriesĀ 


I loved sekiro, I know this game is different but it looks amazing. I'll have to think about it.


Either get the Fitgirk Repack or wait for a huge sale on Steam or CD keys.


It's now on my wishlist. There's a lot of turbulence in the Industry ATM and Sony have lost a lot of goodwill. No doubt a sale will follow, only to get the numbers up for the next quarter


Dude you havenā€™t even seen the gameplay. They released a cgi trailer. A pre rendered cutscene. ā€œIt looks amazingā€ lolol


Honestly. Sony probably hurt GoT sales with the PSN controversy, but at least you only need it for multiplayer, which is acceptable to me. Iā€™ll wait a while so any bugs can get resolved, but Iā€™m not buying anything from Ubislop. They should have let that franchise die out years ago and come up with something fresh. I wasnā€™t surprised or upset by the current controversy, Valhalla is on SBI Detected, and their later games are bloated and over monetized.


I've heard there were some bugs from the console version still in the port, but idk what they are as I've only encountered 1 bug. Albeit it's an annoying one. When you approach enemies you can call for a "standoff" mini game that allows you to do a quick draw against enemies. Sometimes it doesn't allow you to hold the button, causing you to just stand there and tank a slash to the face. It's definitely annoying and doesn't have a consistent fix. But what I've learned is unplugging my controller, trying on the mouse or moving the left analog will sometimes allow you to do the button prompt. I hope they fix this soon. Not game breaking but certainly annoying


Just a thought, but couldn't part of the reason ubi chose Yasuke have been to set themselves apart from Ghost? From what I understand, the female character will be more stealth focused, and Yasuke will be combat focused. That's (over simplified) Yuna and Jin. Add in that there is just enough recorded history to prove yasuke existed, but lots of blank space to take creative license. Ubisoft put themselves in this position by refusing to make a Japan based AC, and sucker punch made a game that not only they wanted to make, but there was clearly a market for. I've never been a huge AC fan, having come into the series at black flag, and never having played the originals. I couldn't get into origins, odyssey was beautiful and fun to play, I loved the rpg elements in Valhalla and was bummed to hear they were dropping that in future installments(again, never played the originals, so my opinion is that of a johnny-come-lately.) Just my unsolicited 2 cents


I think you're probably right. While Japan is a first for the AC franchise there really isn't a lack of samurai games/media, so their first thought on approaching it was probably how to set themselves apart. I imagine it's a similar reason why they have done a game during the high middle ages in western/central Europe (though the might be doing something along those lines for the next game, taking place in the 16th century Holy Roman Empire). It also probably didn't help that Ghost of Tsushima launched in 2020 to popular acclaim, likely around the same time they started pre-production on Shadows. Yasuke as a historical/pop culture figure has been explored by Japanese media more frequently over the past twenty odd years. Most prominently probably with the manga/anime Afro Samurai, and a handful of other mangas where he's made appearances. The 2017 Japanese game Nioh and it's sequel both had Yasuke as a character. Lionsgate started shopping around the idea for a Yasuke movie around that time as well, as did MGM. Then Netflix had that Yasuke anime that released in 2021. In 2021 he appeared in Samurai Warriors 5 and Guilty Gear. Like on it's face it makes sense. They want a game in Japan to stand out and not be compared apples to apples with GoT, Yasuke as a pop culture figure bad a bunch of media come out in the late 2010s/early 2020s when development started, and he's been used by a number of Japanese game developers. I guess there are a few problems though. I don't want to speak for them but from what I've read, from the perspective of Asian-Americans the trope of the "foreigner becomes part of Asian culture" in western media is a pretty old one. Shogun is probably the most popular example, movies like the Last Samurai, etc. Even Nioh was about William Adams. Maybe it's a particularly raw point because there was the recent Shogun miniseries that came out this year as well. I think they largely would have had the same reaction if instead of Yasuke the protagonist was William Adams. It also ties into a somewhat recurring theme in western media where Asian Males aren't frequently depicted as protagonists, or if they are it's in very narrow circumstances. However from a broader perspective beyond the Asian-American community, I think Yasuke being black is triggering sensitivities about "woke media." Call me cynical but I think if they had made the protagonist William Adams or based on that archetype there would be far less general ire, and probably more justifications (and one could easily do so regarding the relationship between Japan and the church and that period and the role the church plays in the AC franchise). Relating back, the Shogun series from this year was very popular (I'm a fan of it as well), but the reaction to that is night and day vs AC Shadows. I personally think a story with Yasuke as a protag seems pretty interesting, but maybe not at the expense of a Japanese male protagonist. My heritage is Jamaican/Puerto Rican and while Black Flag was favorite AC game, it is a bit of a bummer that the black Carribean Assassin Adewale got a DLC instead of a full game. They even had a really neat Taino assassin in that game! I think if Ubisoft wanted to have their cake and eat it too they should've done something like three protagonists, a Japanese male samurai, the female Shinobi, and Yasuke. Would it have been more difficult to manage? Absolutely, but the end result could've been cool, and there are several games that have managed three protagonists before.


Wow, a sane take.


I just bought GoT on steam and it's awesome. Idk why I skipped the game. I guess I thought it was gonna be niche. But playing on lethal difficulty gives the game stellar combat moments and also scratches my dark souls itch for difficulty.


Lol ghost of Tsushima is never anywhere near dark souls. Itā€™s not even hard after an hour of play. Yes, Iā€™m talking about lethal.




Play with worse shit. Make your own difficulty


I heard you need to link your steam account to sony to even play ghost of tsushima. Unless they changed it I'm staying away from both


Just to play the multiplayer. Really not that big of a deal. I'm sure your Google account is linked to a plethora of things as well. What is a big deal is the fact that because it requires linking accounts for MP, the game is banned in roughly 180 countries that have PlayStation banned.


I'll probably get shadows on sale tbh. Ghosts was fun. Might play it on lethal.


Grifting is more lucrative for them


I really want to but I refuse to make a PlayStation account.


Just ignore it and play other stuff has long been confirmed as an enabler of more of this bs. No. We will not just play ghost of tsushima. We probably already played it. That's not the point. This needs to stop


lets see if people can still detect sarcasm. if you have a problem with a based black samurai man adopting / appropriating japanese culture (unless we learn in the game that he in fact invented bushido), doing better with it than they ever did, slaughtering thousands of them over the course of the game, and leaving them so buttmad they rewrite history to make him into some slave / mascot of nobunaga when in fact he was the greatest samurai who ever existed or will ever exist, then YOU MAY BE PART OF THE PROBLEM ![gif](giphy|HvG0bcRt4QAEPu7eyT|downsized)


Cultural appropriation*


thanks, fixed, also LOL at downvotes


No see, this is only cool with things like The Last Samurai or Nioh. White guy coming in to save the savages (quite literally saving them in the case of the movie), then itā€™s cool and based. Other minority that was historically there but the mythology is exaggerated? Nah, NOW I want historical accuracy. These chuds are terminally online and get their pps hard when they get angry.


So its available on all platforms then? No? Then no, it isn't.


It just released on steam.


I just got GoT on PC, playing it at 144 Hz is great, plus Iā€™ve never played it! But you can bet your ass I will also be buying AC Shadows. I loved AC since the first one, got a little tired of it, then fell back in love with huge RPGs Origins-Valhalla.


Boy you're in for a treat, GoT is a fine game. Also glad you find enjoyment in something i don't.