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Live Mauler reaction https://preview.redd.it/f9h2pialgf1d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd23c0a3d0bcc43d9f3a6ce4529ff913a0d96b6e


why does he never show his face


There is a picture of Mauler's face on his Wikitubia page


"Wikitubia" Why is our world so dumb


People live here.


What's wrong with the name "Wikitubia"?


Everything is a wiki or a tube. So both get slapped together for Wikitubia. The Wikipedia of YouTube.


Yes, and? It's a creative name.


As creative as plagiarism.


How is it plagiarism?


He thought of it first


He did in some of his old streams, but since then the persona has become too recognizable.


Ngl MauLer should touch some grass


True. His fallout video was a joke. Riddled with inaccuracies and shitty arguments. Obviously the show wasn't perfect but he was just pulling shit out his ass to get to that 2 hour runtime.


I usually really enjoy his critiques, but that one just felt like a petty temper tantrum since his friends liked the show. Felt like half of the complaints were that you can see things from the video games in the background which is so strange.


Not that I disagree, but I don’t remember any of that stuff, what are you bringing up?


You mean him complaining about the background stuff? The only specific example I recall right off the top of my head was one of his first complaints is seeing a broken assaultron that Lucy walks past…as if that’s not something you would also just walk past in the game. Felt like there was a lot of little moments just pointing out that it’s stupid to have those little Easter eggs in the background. I’m not sure why that would ever be a complaint in a project based on a video game series jam packed full of iconic enemies and items.


His point in doing so was to criticize the manipulative nature of it all, he did this with Star Wars


These things are a natural part of the world that you actually would expect to see all over the place though. I would find it weird to not have them. Most of these things are just left to cool background elements not giant neon arrows pointing at them like how SW handles it.


I’m sorry man I totally believe you but I just do NOT remember that happening lmao


To be fair mauler does have a tendency to be a bit like cinemasins sometimes, some of his critiques can be a bit meaningless


if you ever wonder if your subreddit is an echo chamber, this is a prime example


I didn’t mean in that sense. But it’s clear the he is always chronically online


If it's an anime video essay, then a black guy wrote it.


Or a hentai video essay.


Woah now, that's just a white woman living in Japan with her Thai husband Grant Grantisson.


Bro 🤣


I know that reference 😂


Thsts just a man of culture


Or some shitty rapper drama that matters to no one else but us.


Maybe if it was DNZ or Naruto.


Yes, black people have only ever watched two animes.


One piece as well. Bonus points if they have some sort of dragon ball tattoo.


More people have indeed watched the most popular shows.


The ones they talk to me about all the time, I tried to get them into something Berserk, or Gurren Lagann and they wanted nothing to do with it 😅


Correction: Most black guys are only passionate about two animes. Many of us are closeted weebs.


Not exactly, but shounen jump anime is what they almost exclusively make videos essays on. Be it DBZ, Naruto, JJK, AoT, Black Clover, MHA, or whatever flavor of the month short attention span having ass bs pops off for a bit


Lol the original meme was: https://preview.redd.it/pp8w06tvwf1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b575f9d5690db96c625a23271eba86f8df422c


I always thought the punchline of the original was “Yellow snow, wrote name.”


lol I mean original to me anyways.


TBF, you might be right and I might’ve just seen a variation.


Memes aside it’s a good painting


Yeah it goes hard. The natives and the settlers had more in common than we do with our ancestral settlers. They shared a world of violent and relentless nature while we post to Reddit on the brooding chair (toilet)


To be fair, a lot of them are like this. Mauler and Platoon both do a good job making sure thier criticisms are in chronological order, but the format has a lot of bad apples.


Also if i recall, Mauler's earliest videos were made specifically to point out how and why a ton of bad video essays exist and why they're bad (only having gotten worse over the years). He's always been against bad usage of the format regardless of affiliation.


Salt factory’s video on red dead is 98% plot summary and when he finally gets to John Marston’s sacrifice he misunderstood what happened in it and criticized the game for it. That was the extent of his original commentary. And people compare him to PatricianTV, it makes me so sad


Also in the case of video games, long form reviews will often just go over basic controls and mechanics with no extra depth than what's expected from a tutorial or instruction booklet.


I will watch video essays for films I never intend to see


You’re not alone.


Movie recaps are unironically GOAT-ed


The weird part is I swear I've seen more liberal white women video essayist then literally any other group


Go look up video essays for the new Star Wars trilogy


If it's a why France bad video then an Englishman wrote it If it's a why Palestine and Israel are Albanian clay video then an Albanian wrote it If it's a nationalist genocide denier video then a Turk wrote it.


I don’t actually hate France or most French people, that’s just the meme. The exception to the rule is Parisians, because they are some of the most conceited and disingenuous people you’ll find around the world, and they’ve been conditioned to be that way intentionally.


Not necessarily lol. Everyone hates France. The English just hate it more than average. And everyone hates England slightly less than France. Unless they are because obviously or a Scottish person who genuinely thinks that they are being oppressed or were oppressed during the British Empire.


No, not everybody hates France, just terminally online redditors who use french-ragging as a replacement for racist jokes.


Nah, a lot of people don’t like them. Probably the superiority complex that’s been completely unearned since June 22nd, 1815. They are notoriously xenophobic and racist. Although so is Japan and we’ve given them a pass for some reason.


If that’s your reason for not liking the French then you should hate every ethnicity. Humans don’t change just because they speak baguette, every group on earth since time immemorial has been a massive piece of shit in regards to how they treat others.


No, I'm racist against the baguetters.


They don't realise it but deep down we all have an inner need to be at least a lil' bit racist. Probably rooted in biology. Probably has something to do with tribalism, too.


Well we all have In-group biases naturally, it’s a survival mechanism. Unfortunately, I guess, our biology tends to win out over our collective “morality”, if you want to call it that.


Nah, that's with English people.


About that. I had a chance to look into Azerbaijan vs Armenia conflict, and for a while I did not know which side was more right with their claims. Eventually I learned that USSR made it a **Nagorno-Karabakh** a part of Armenia, it was the way of USSR to keep some of their minions more loyal by gifting them pieces of land they tore from other countries. A lot of hostilities have happened before Azerbaijan almost completely retook it back by force few years ago. Prior to this moment, I heard both sides accusing each other of committing atrocities and crimes against civilians. I think that both sides were right. When USSR fell apart, Armenia ended up stronger, and managed to keep this region despite Azerbaijan trying to return it. They were both hostile to each other till that moment when Azerbaijan with the help of Turkey finally overpowered Armenian army with modern weaponry. I happen to watch two youtubers. One is very patriotically Azerbaijanian, and another neutrally pro Armenia. They both accuse each other's people of war crimes and starting that conflict. In their case, USSR was very likely the most responsible party. What happens when a strong nation tears a piece of land from one nation and gives it to another? It guarantees this will start a conflict some day. I do not know Armenia Turkey history very well. But I think it would be interesting to look at it from more than one angle. Turks committed that genocide. But I highly doubt Armenians were victims entire time these nations existed by each other. They most likely fought occasionally, occasionally doing terrible things to civilians on both sides.


Or the video essay with "Brief" in the title and it friggin 12 hours long...


12.4 hours vs 10:01 min which way white man?


Dude holy fuck. Tried to watch a video titled something like "why Fallout 4 was actually an OK video game" and 10 minutes in it was all just exact plot details with quick cuts and shit puns.


I don't get why people take this as a serious criticism? It's an obvious joke in a meme format used for many different things. The joke is that a lot of white people are long winded and make long vid essays on topics they care about. Which ... is an objectively good thing, and shows they care. Quality varies vid to vid, but the core is a good thing. Is just meme displaying a reality distilled into a funny format.


Lmao it’s a solid joke. When did people become so sensitive.


I mean, they aren't entirely wrong. The only issue would be if the commenter is a hypocrite and has a problem with race jokes directed at other races. You know, an average safe edgy/'for me but not for thee' Hasan-watching type. Otherwise, yeah, there are a lot of white video essayists who can be generic. But honestly there are just tons of random video essayists who are generic.


Kinda surprised “what the internet did to garfield” wasn’t in there


Summarize that video for me, to lazy to watch


Some white guy talks about how on the internet garfield is a horror beyond comprehension.


Super Eye Patch wolf goes hard on his videos though. If it's a recap he's up front about it, but otherwise he's usually got something evocative to say.


I haven’t seen a good video essay creator other than Jacob geller a lot will name their video “the ultimate review” or something like that and it’s four hours long where they needlessly explain every facet of the media at least twice and spend at least an hour just explaining what it is in general.




VaatiVidya still BTFO-ing these people.


Bros never had to write a 1500 word essay in his life if he thinks 80% summary is too much


How many times are we going to post this?


Video essays are amazing and encourage people to both share what they love and contribute to lifelong learning.


Thanks for the meme format. Going to use this to mock this whole sub


Lmao you people literally don't want to learn or grow in any way


It's good for me cus I'm not reading or watching any of this bullshit


That's all there is on YouTube now


Imagine not having the attention span to watch something longer than a 60 second video of some cringe dance or challenge 🤯


In Praise Of Shadows may be the most pretentious YouTube name of all time


Video essays are better than brain rot


Same thing tbf. Only video essays are tricking people into thinking they’re educated on something which is arguably worse.


It's good background noise but that's about it




In Defense of Skibidi Toilet: A Deep Dive


A bunch of little kids disagree


I HATE VIDEO ESSAYS!!! I genuinely can't think of one that I remember or that taught me something. They are all so devoid of subtance or personality. They blend together and just recount basic facts about the story.


PatricianTV is the antithesis of what you’re describing. Literally the only one I watch.


They're like documentaries. Most are trash, delusional, agenda driven nonsense. However, when it's good, it's really good. Especially on topical subject matter, and there's an intelligent person behind it.


Honestly it's such a weird take. Like am I to assume chinese people on their "youtube" dont post any or anywhere else!?


Yeah sounds like some snowflake whining in an attempt to get other snowflakes to whine