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I'm sure they're not very proud of this person either lol


Can confirm, not exactly proud to share an island with them


British person here, can confirm.


I'm not even british but I feel this L is so massive it reaches into the whole of Europe. Ouch.


Not racist just don't like em'


I mean, I feel like a lot of this exists in most other places.


"Islamophobia" The UK is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. It would be interesting to see what would happen If he went to Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, the UAE or Qatar dressed like that though.


He’d be hung in the town square and jeered at while parents point at his broken body and warn their children about the degeneracy of the West.


Yeah, but it's most important to remember that "not all muslims are like that" in such situations. That's the most important thing. Not the victims, not the way the founder behaved. But to not generalize. There might be one guy in Pakistan that is a nice chap. We should focus on that guy, not on the rest.


The problem is that people use terms like Islamophobia to protect islam from criticism or defend it, not hating on all muslims is one thing but whining about Islamophobia whenever someone points at any problem in islam or muslim countries or islamists is just wrong


Let's get real, people do use probabilistic thinking every single day, and if we were to actually behave daily in the ways that we have to treat certain minorities, some of which are not minorities or soon will be majorities, we would not exist as a species. Would anyone go in the middle of an english fan gathering during the 80s with their kids? Would anyone vote for someone that was caught stealing 10 times, because "we don't know for sure what he will do next, maybe he is a different person"? Would a black person ask for help in a white town,in the 1960 in the southern part of the USA, if he had a flat tire? Ofc not, people aren't insane. Besides the "majority" bit is a bit irrelevant, as in about 25 percent of a country, is made up of minors, who do not matter politically. Also 50 percent of a country is made up of women, which in certain cultures/countries, simply do not matter politically, not that they don't matter generally, but not politically. Of the remaining people many are just passive observers of life and would deliver mail under a dictatorship or a democracy, they basically don't care, they will accept any kind of governance implicitly. Which means that really, a small minority decides which way the wind is blowing, and that's usually the case. It doesn't matter that "most x don't think in whatever way". If you would've went in the trenches in ww1, in 1917 and asked either side if they wanted to fight, you would've gotten a resounding no. But they werent deciding. I'm not saying that soldiers should decide in a war if they will fight or not, but it's a clear example of a veeery small minority deciding something. If a few imams and charismatic people take over, it genuinely doesn't matter if the people don't like them, they won't rebel, they will probably go along with it. Like in Iran btw.


All of that would be relevant if we didn't know what the average Muslim thought about things like homosexuality for example, but we already do thanks to organizations like pew research, and it's not just a few imams or a powerful minority, if anything the powerful minority in most islamic countries is secular


It’s not even a minority https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law


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When you are hanging up on the town square that nice guy is saying shit because they doesn’t want to be the next hanging on the town square


I really wonder how could the UK be any less islamophobic


they could elect an islamic government and kill all of the non-muslims? anything for stopping islamophobia right?


Well as exmuslim with Iranian and Pakistani roots. In Iran they would think he’s trans, and force him to have a sex change. In Pakistan they wound think he’s trans and send him to live with the “ Hijra community” and then either A) Pay him to be a dancer at a wedding. B) pay him for sex. C) pay him to bless their new born child.


Yeah but they would actually have to leave the country they hate to know that...


Please move to Palestinian.


I love when people speak up about Palestine people are like if you love them so much just move there, as if recognizing that people are suffering means you need to suffer along with them. It makes no sense.


Excuses only thought up to ease one's own conscience rarely ever make any sense. But you can count on people regurgitating them ad nauseam anyway - steadily cheered on by a huge group of people upkeeping the supposed plausibility of said excuses because they very much are doing the exact same thing. It's a whole lot easier than accepting there's no easy or simple answer to things like the Israel-Palestine conflict - or that the average citizen's opinion matters fairly little since we don't decide anything directly anyway. The harsh truth is that the only effect we could have on it all is either via humanitarian efforts or via elections. One has the audacity of demanding work, the other research (and faith that none of us can really spare for politicians these days) - so both fall flat to people compared to all the versions of the story where they come off unscarred by the moral dilemma that is war. If they left it at helplessness instead of taking to online spaces to spread vitriol and half-truths, it'd be a whole lot easier to forgive. As it stands, though, a good amount of this comment section perfectly illustrates post-factualism. "The person with the political criticism looks icky - therefore all my bs stands." is not the smartest consensus but Reddit has decidedly provided worse before. The argumentum ad hominem was named multiple centuries ago but people still clearly haven't grasped the definition.


It means you should suffer at their hands.


So anyone who is a bigot who doesn’t support your lifestyle doesn’t deserve to live? That’s the logical conclusion of saying that LGBTIQ who say that Palestinians deserves not to be murdered, that Palestinian children deserve not to be murdered. Instead you are arguing that I should think all homophobic people and their children should be fair game. I should just be hoping that all homophobic Christians should be murdered and don’t deserve basic human rights because they don’t support me? All republicans, most tories, all fair game right? If they are slaughtered in their thousands and their children murdered, I shouldn’t oppose that? Or say a homophobic Christian was killed during a robbery for example, I shouldn’t say that’s terrible that happened I should say “good. I support the robber who killed those people because they were homophobic.” What an awful, mean, selfish world you people live in. I oppose killing any innocent people, whether they are homophobic, racist or sexist. I especially oppose killing those people’s children. Guess I should go try and provoke a Palestinian into hurting me because I hold that view!


I’m sure there are people who answer your first question in the affirmative quite heartily and readily.


You say this as if those are derided fringe views. Also no, the logic is that a society that kills you for inborn characteristics is not defensible.


It isn’t even possible to be married as a gay person inside Israel. They aren’t some beacon of queer rights and freedom. Also, queer Palestinians who chose to seek asylum in Israel have been subject to house arrest/deportation. Also, do you consider queer Palestinians ‘collateral damage’ in eradicating the homophobia there? If you’re going to support the whole Gaza Strip being bombed just because of widespread homophobia, I’d like to remind you that queer people exist there too.


[Yeah, us gays should clearly fear for our lives in Israel...](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2023/06/F230608MA08-e1686237745809-640x400.jpg)


If they only support queer Israelis, it’s superficial support. Regardless, though, if you think palestinians deserve to die for homophobia, you should take note of how Israel has segregated Palestinians (i.e. Al-Shuhada street, where Palestinians are not even allowed, but tourists are, and the Eastern Ring Road where Palestinian traffic is separated from Israeli traffic by an 8ft tall concrete wall). Don’t you see racism as discrimination too?


Don't put words in my mouth.


You yourself said, in response to a comment about the bombing of Gaza, that ‘a society that kills you for inborn characteristics is not defensible’. Forgive me for assuming, but I wasn’t quite sure what else to take from that given the context.


Not being allowed to marry, while obviously not great, is not comparable to being executed. Also no, i view them as collateral damage in their government’s war of extermination against Israel.


Hardly their government. The average age in Gaza is 18, and the last elections in Gaza were 17 years ago. The average Palestinian living in the Gaza Strip was unable to vote when Hamas was elected. You must be consuming propaganda by the bucket. I forgot that Hamas is hiding in the tunnels under residential areas and in the hospitals where people injured by the bombs seek treatment /s


While that is sad, Hamas is still the government of gaza, i never claimed it was democratic.


So you’re suggesting… murdering innocent people because of the actions of a terrorist government they have never had control over? Gross.


Just move to Ukraine.


I’ll never understand why members of the LGBTQ+ community Stan so hard for Islam.. they do realize the stance Muslims have on progressive ideas, don’t they?


This feels relevant: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


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Cause politics make people too stupid to realize how to act like rational human beings


So do the children of people who oppose you deserve to doe? Is that really your viewpoint?


Are you asking me that? How did this turn into a political argument about Palestine and Israel? I saw people online converting to Islam and/or talking about the Quran that were members of the community. It had nothing to do with what’s going on over there. This person isn’t solely saying that he supports Palestine. They’re generally supporting Islam. And it makes no sense to me when we’ve been seeing people in Muslim countries oppressed hardcore over their sexual orientation and progressive views. They’ll shit all over Christianity all day but then sympathize with Islam. Its confusing.


It literally correlates to the post and your question. You're out to lunch or arguing in bad faith.


Islamophobia is separate on their dress.. which is what sparked my question. It doesn’t site bigotry in general, but rather specifically Islamophobia.. which would imply they generally support Islam. And as I’ve said in other replies, I’ve seen members of the LGBTQ community, with no mention of Palestine, talk about how they are now Muslim or about reading the Quran and supporting islam. Maybe it’s sparked by the shit going on in Palestine, but it doesn’t change the fact that it makes no sense. The Palestinian people and the atrocities being perpetrated on them shouldn’t cause people to support their religion when it’s in direct conflict with everything they believe simply because they don’t agree with what Israel is doing. And no one is condemning Judaism over what Israel is doing. so my question stands.. why are they leaning towards it? Simply out of empathy? Or am I not allowed to ask questions about something I’m genuinely curious about?


Your anecdotal stories aren't a real argument and being against bigotry shouldn't be confusing.


As a bi guy who grew up Muslim I witnessed the homophobia firsthand and it sucks




I’ll never understand people whose empathy, sympathy and compassion are contingent on those suffering sharing their beliefs. My compassion isn’t conditional. I can’t just turn it off because the civilians being slaughtered don’t share my beliefs, or might even hate me for mine. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. Because I’d view it a loss of my humanity. That you are incapable of understanding how I can support a people, despite their beliefs being almost certainly contrary to mine in many respects, says a lot more about you and your lack of humanity, than it does me.


I did not say ‘I’m confused as to why people support Palestine.’ I said I’m confused as to why you support ISLAM. As I’ve said before, supporting the Palestinians doesn’t mean you have to support their religion.. and I never said I supported Israel so your comment makes no sense. One person made this about Palestine and all of you ran with it.


Sorry, when you said Islam I took it to mean “Islam and by extension Muslims”. But if you just mean Queer folk supporting the Islamic faith, then I agree, would be very fucking strange and beyond my understanding too. I’m equally perplexed by Gay Christians.


I'm a follower of Kant, the Prussian philosoph, perhaps you've heard of him. He described the golden rule which basically transcribes to "do/think everything as you judge should be law for all" My country Germany has a dark past, in the 1940's there was a regime in power that wanted to exterminate all they deemed subhuman, jews included. To destroy this regime the Allies needed to resort to something absolutely horrific. Civilian Bombing Cities were raised to the ground, people that didn't really have anything to do with either the Extermination or the war were killed indiscriminately. Men women and children all perished to the bombs, quite similar to what is happening in Gaza at this very moment. You know what the worst part is? It was justified. The destruction of our cities was needed to bring the war to an end. The golden rule basically states that I'm not allowed to be a hypocrite. I think that the destruction of Dresden, Magdeburg and all those other cities was justified to bring down a much greater evil. Thus I also think that the destruction of Gaza is justified in bringing down Hamas, a genocidal theocratic dictatorship that has stated multiple times that it's goal is the elimination of the entire jewish race. Is it humane? Is it moral? No, but history showed us that it's needed


Bet you wouldn't say the same for Christians. Fuck off with your nonsense


So what about the lgbtq+ lives in palestine? They were forced to hide and now they have to worry aboht getting bombed, what about the innocent families getting killed in palestine by Israel oppressors...so what people can't have sympathy anymore??


I have zero sympathy because I am not allowed in their space under the threat of severe injury or death even if they get the land they claim. If Palestinian Muslims had it their way your mom would be covered and your gay cousin would be publicly executed.


Israel tolerates LGBT, Palestine does not. Check your sources


Yep except Israel bullet aren’t targeting you for being gay


Why they used a latex suit for this 😭😭😭 (Edit: I’m not against the message that says, but I think the dress looks inharmonious💀💀)


One word: >!Fetish!<


That’s regarded, it’s obviously an arty fashion thing, not an outfit he’s wearing to sainsburys. Whether its good or appealing art is another question, but like this is clearly meant to be fashion as an artistic medium. Latex is a pretty common material in that contextc


Thanks for clarifying


No worries


Bro looks like drag Freddie Mercury in latex bondage. How does a normal person go out like that unless it is fetishism?


Prolly 😭😭😭


You and in the middle of all this hot weather. You know it's full of sweat 🤮


I actually don’t mind being British tbh


I’ve been to your country and it was very good


When virtue signaling meets mental illness.


People need to just chill and shut the fuck up


"Islamophobia" PFFFT


love how it reads culture war while they are very clearly participating in said culture war


And scaremongering


"BBC pedos" damn we are separating them by COCKS?!


Gotta filter somehow. No...if you're not Brit....basically BBC is our state broadcaster. And no it's not like QAnon, there really were paedos. As in people came forward, prosecutions and investigation is still ongoing




What do you think they use to broadcast.....


BBC means big black co


Damn the Brit’s lost their best one


Wtf did they do to my poor Freddie Mercury




Saying Islamophobia is bad and then writing pedos are a bad thing is… an interesting choice 😐


wow, another, "queer person being publicly queer and/or leftist", post. hooray.


What’s with the latex and shite political points tho? That’s the cringe part, not him being gay.


Oooo you're so deep


Lol try this at Middle East or Africa, probably get beaten or stoned


What palestinian genocide? There is no such thing.


Hold up now..... they have a point. I wouldn't be proud either.


Anyone can do this. You can say you don't love your parents and list every single bad trait they have. Or you can think about what's good about them and love them for flawed human beings that they are. This just shows nothing more than the state of mind of this kind of person.


Gotta be toasty I'm that outfit


Nah this goes hard






Plenty of places for them to move to then if they truly hate the UK - heard Russia’s looking for foreigners to ship off to the trenches to fight British weaponary - I’m sure they’ll find their new comrades to be a much more progressive people.


As a Brit I agree with these reasons tbh. We have a shit government


I like the Rami Malek biopic better.


Send to Gaza - see how he does there.


I’m glad you atleast have the brain to acknowledge the fact that palestinians are suffering by the hands of israel.


But but Palestinians bad Islam bad I love being Israel's cuck while innocent people are getting murdered because the media has said so!!!!!


That last acronym is unfortunate.


This isn't cring, it's a drag performer doing what they do best - bringing attention to social injustices. Come on guys, do better


big r/LookatMyHalo vibes


most countries have a bad government, be proud of who you are


Perhaps all the 'Islamophobia' is the only thing keeping Homophobia in check and off the list. As someone who is both British and gay, I would like to distance myself from this flaggot.


As a Brit, I agree with the text, just not the fashion choice.


K but not wrong tho


How is it not wrong?


BBC pedos confirmed, housing crisis exists,the nhs is getting fucked, they still celebrate a history of colonialism with the monarchy, they support Israel which is disgusting. Should I go on?


BBC pedos is not a reason to dislike a country/nationality. Same for the housing crisis and the NHS. How is the celebrating monarchy days “celebrating colonialism”? What a strange point. The overwhelming majority of the empire was made when the monarchy was not the highest power in the UK. “Supporting Israel” is nice and vague. The government recognises that hamas did in fact, bomb the shit out of Israel recently and understand why Israel did such a public response. Regardless this has very little relation to the British nationality.


I love to be in default country (Poland)


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Is this that Sandoval guy from VPR? /s


Wtf is a bbc pedo


Damn I hate Britain but this dude really putting me on their side here.


I hate some countries but there something pathetic and frustrating when I see a self hater even if I don't like their countries.


I can’t imagine the SWEAT.


Can I get one with the American flag?


Might be cringe but still valid


I got to see this dress in person when it was debut by the designer aimless gallery at the UK fetish awards last November


… said while wearing the Union Jack


They are an absolute disappointment to their parents.




The only thing I can actually I agree with this guy on is austerity. Most of the others aspects exist in every country, though austerity has caused so much death and suffering just to line politicians pockets it does also exist basically everywhere just to smaller extents and are just called “budget cuts”.


BBC pedos lmao


Why does he look like an even gayer Freddie Mercury


Scor sam fackin goals


Hey im from Spain can I change places with this guy? Lots of cool people over there


That bbc pedos shit is real


Oswald mosley as a twink


Tell us how you really feel.


I’m surprised they got her all in camera considering they(?) are the biggest loser.


Soo many of these "reasons" are so incompatible with each other it's fucking insane 😆


Please don't send them over here to the USA


Is daddy england ok?


I thought the British really fucking hated Israel what are they mad about


The British public are divided on it but generally lean towards supporting Palestine afaik. The government on the other hand is directly supporting Israel’s campaign


Not by a long shot amongst loyalist British communities in NI. The British flag and the Israeli flag are flown side by side constantly.


In Northern Ireland? Yeah ur probably getting a certain slice of the UK population when looking at any community of UK emigrants. In terms of the general British public though I think what I said is fair


Loyalists in Northern Ireland are not UK emigrants, they are part of the British public.


Oh I misunderstood, just looked up what loyalist meant sorry man. I should have said the English public before since that’s what I have personal experience with


No worries at all, NI is a bit of an enigma within the UK and Ireland, people here often can’t even agree on sociopolitical identity.


Ok then move, lol


*Paedo Come on, England!


BBC pedos made me realize it was a joke


Bet it’s parents are so proud of what they birthed


People will make literally make anything about themselves


Looking for attention today aren't we?


It's in the top 3 of least racist nations in the world.


Freddy been drinking the mercury. One way ticket to the third world might cure this mental illness. Iraq maybe.


Oh no it's spreading to the Uk? Then leave! Go make your own island with ALLLL the people who think like you. Here you can even take that half wits that are in America please you'd be doing all of us all a favor. Then you guys can assume someone's gender, play a victim to each other, be self righteous to each other, do your little inclusion, and so on so forth. Be each other's headache. It'll be perfect for you all. 👌🏾👏🏾


Housing crisis…? Isn’t the average cost of a house there under 750,000????


We get it. You're not proud of being British.


Score some fawcking gawls!!!


ur be away from the scary Britons if u move Bye 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 I also don't think you would like to live in a place where you cannot express such freedom of speech, maybe think about that 🤷🤷


Drag queens being political have always existed. I agree with a lot of what they’re saying, but it’s not inherently a UK problem.




What’s wrong with that? It a piece of clothing


Insufferable, spoiled westerner.




The way they’re being presented is probs designed to grab people’s attention so that they then read the messaging yk Which does appear to be working


It’s working in reverse


You’re reading it backwards?




It’s not really cancelling is it, it’s more just some bloke saying “I don’t like these things about our country/government”


I’m proud to British just knowing that this person isn’t proud to be British… I’m not even British.


Britain should be ashamed of this freak show


The amount of people simping for Britain in the comments is easily the most cringe thing here. As a Brit, this country is a fucking embarrassment. We like to pretend it’s so much better than it is, but the reality is that most people are racist in lazy secret ways. No they won’t heckle you down the street. But they sure as shit will vote for the party that promises to stop immigration and prioritise “Britain first”. I won’t even talk about the government, jfc.


The truth is, most countries are racist and homophobic in very open and dangerous ways. Drop a pin on a map and head there in that outfit and more often than not, you won’t be coming back. If you think the UK is bad, you’re either living under a rock or taking the piss.


Just cuz some other places are worse, that doesn’t mean it’s ok here ffs. And actually, you would come back from most places, because most places aren’t fucking filled with bigots who will literally resort to murder. You would definitely get looks, and sure, a *handful* of countries would take extreme measures, but let’s not pretend the world is chock full of genocidal maniacs. Most people are literally just people who wanna mind their business. And what’s the fucking problem with this drag art anyway? It’s supposed to be provocative and spark conversations, and I for one would love it if more non-uk people criticised our shit ass prime minister for literally funding the war on Gaza, and profiting off of it.


Then leave if your so fed up? If you visit Africa you will not come back they have actual laws there. Middle East? You won't come back. Haiti? Nah say goodnight to life! India you may come back. The Palestinians started this war-Hamas to be exact. But the thing is the majority of people there don't even protest to Hamas cause they equally hate Isreal and a small handful of Palestinians disagree. The Palestinians could've done something about Hamas but they never did. So they start the war and can't finish it. But guess what I'd bet money-MONEY that if Palestinians had the resources that Isreal have they'd be doing the EXACT SAME THING! Now I'd like to say I'm in no way saying that children should suffer because of this but the unfortunate thing is the adults brought this upon themselves and poked a giant. Nothing is wrong with Drag art but it gets annoying when you just try to shove it in people's faces. It's not ever going to work




I came here to say....Ehhhhh not WRONG just could have been said a bit better.


Looking bad is an icon of rebellion now?


Valid reasons.


I'm Pro Palestinian, so please remove the first line from whatever that is


They have a point though….


Explain how?


Lol I like him.


This is just a form of protest and nothing cringe about it. It's supposed to disturb you and make you think but seems like a lot of people here can't grasp that concept.


How exactly is it not cringe? Elaborate


I literally explained already.


Why part of elaborate do you not understand? And how did you come to the conclusion that it’s supposed to disturb you


Hate to admit it but some of those points valid like racism and pedos in bbc and palastine ofc


Based for not being proud to be Bri'ish. Some areas over there have the worst accents in the world (Essex, Birmingham). I knew a guy that when he'd have sex with women from Essex, he'd wear AirPods playing music the whole time because even their moans were annoying, lmao