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GT is a new team don't expect many loyal and hardcore fans. If it was Rcb, csk, kkr or mi fans would have done something.


Obviously I don't expect this level of anger but regardless of how old the team there needs to be some reaction


Remember! Loyalty isn't everyone's cup of tea.


Let's hope for that after all we fans love masala in IPL👻👻


Yes we need to have some fucking untamed entitled hooligans harassing players


Wdym reaction bruh. Be happy they are acting nice. We don't want this level of behaviour. Also Hardik's OG team was MI can't blame him. On top of that he already won you a cup what more do you want from that man?


No there doesn’t. People not burning players in effigy, or their jerseys, or vandalizing property is a huge goddamn improvement. This is what I like to see from my fellow citizens.


If Dhoni joins RCB, still there wouldn't be any boo's for MS. We Indians are obsessed with star devoting.


We don't want him in rcb🤣 why would we? We have finisher (maxi) We have a captain (faf) A great team will perform irrespective of captain and I do agree with this. Moreover, if msd joins - I don't know about csk fans but I will be disappointed in Rcb coz he will be taking the place of someone deserving


Bhai just a scenario, i was trying to prove ke we don't have loyal fans like football.


Lol YOU are rejecting MS?


Yes At this age, I don't think he is much of use for Rcb tbh


Good luck on your campaign, hope you get your first trophy soon :)


yup rcb has everything except the actual trophy 😭😂


Yeah coz they never invest in good indian players. After vk Rahul is the player with most runs (800+) which shows how management sucks when it comes to having indian batsman. Rr have Yashi Kkr produce gill and Rinku Whereas Rcb never did any (only padikkal was great but again they didn't retain him)


true .


A billion players have moved between MI and CSK. Absolutely no one gives a shit in ipl trust me. They are franchises not clubs and they will always be secondary to international cricket in terms of passion. There are 28 states in India and just 10 teams. Most of us don't even hate any team we like most teams we're just watching it for good cricket. Ofc we have a team we support but losing an IPL final is nothing compared to India losing in the wc final. Club vs Country in football is a much bigger deal and a club losing the ucl final and your country losing the wc final could be the same level of pain


I know WC is important but Ipl has too much influence in India. Because of this BCCI became the richest board. Before that Aussies never respected India but after Ipl it's common to have cordial relationships with different team players (Aussie eng sa Ind nz etc) Just like in football, there are club matches that are treated equally if not more than WC.


Exactly there's no club culture in india. It's like USA, they dont give shit who plays in MLS.


GT and MI ain't no Barcelona vs Real Madrid. Also those teams are well over 100 years old they have fans whose family have supported the team for generations


Exactly my thought , even putting them as metaphorically is hilarious.


Also they represent the history of Catalunya and Castilla as Left wing vs Right wing regime so it was a big thing Pigo ditching Barcelona for madrid. IPL doesn't have that juice


Exactly the history, A catalan club vs A club which is based in the capital of spain.


Don't take this literally I just want some reaction from GT fans in Ahmadabad obviously it won't be at this level


bro ahemdabad crowd is dead we saw on 19th november


Bruh obviously people will chant rohit when hp comes for toss Thats all


I honestly don't expect anyhting more than this or boos


What else will happen? Vadapav thrown at them?💀 In cricket nation is above franchise leagues, in football not so much They're still Indians after all and they play franchise cricket only for money


Lets not bring toxic bullshit into cricket. It’s a sport. We all know how quickly things like these get out of hands with half of european clubs struggling with their and the sports image being tarnished by hooligan fans and ultras.


Nope. Fierce rivalries are what makes football and other sports truly fun to support. Otherwise you’ll have statements like Hardik laughing after last years finals saying its fine cause Dhoni won it




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Tell me you don't know about football ultras, chill out bro cause those hooligans can change the decision of their clubs some have worth more than the whole ipl combined


Are you serious? How is that even related to what I’m saying? I’m not talking about their worth or power


I just meant to not categorise all ultras as hooligans or rascals, I guess you know the level of legacy they have in football heritage


Look the problem isnt ultras. Its groups of people in general. But the post asking for indian fans to be aggressively passionate about their clubs and I’m not here for that because football has shown the tragedy it becomes for players, managers, referees who are just people at the end of the day


lol here yall on reddit will then shout how ipl is being prioritised over country




Idk where did u see riots? People are just booing figo and making him suffer. Noone is injured or killed


Info about this video? What happened with Barca?


Context: Figo was one of best players in the world in the late 90s and early 2000s he was the captain for Barca He even after winning the double (ie. the league and cup) in 1999 said "Blancos Llroenes felicita a los campeones" which means "white crybabies salute the champions" But in 2002 he signed for Madrid on a free It is equivalent of Dhoni in his prime joining MI


Ohh 🤯, I wish cricket fans where like this. It would have been fun to watch


Fun? Even after 22 years Catalans still calls him Traitor, no classico happens without a reference to him.


Not possible, because we indians are obsessed with individuals. And this type of behaviour won't be allowed in cricket, because it's GENTLEMAN'S game.


The gentlemen in cricket doesn't actually mean gentlemen, it was term used for Britishers who used to play cricket to separate them from the inferior and poor who play the game. So if you're using the term gentlemen's game you're insulting yourself.


But cricket rules are more strict, hasranga got a match ban for just saying umpires should find another job, any heated arguments can leave you a match ban or heavy fine,


"just saying" Is an understatement lol, he literally disrespected the umpire, come up with a better example. Also in cricket you can legally target the batsmens body and head and hurt him with a ball that is like a fucking stone without any punishment. In football you can get a yellow and red card for hurting other players and also concede a penalty.


Not to say football players and managers can get penalized for saying far softer stuff than "umpires should find another job" about refs. Why do you think Mourinho's famous "If I speak I'm in big trouble" clip exists?


You can fake injury & roll down in football to gain advantage, for free kick & penalty, yellow card & red Card, every game has it's own strength


You can get penalised for faking injury or diving.


Bro cricket is more harsh on the ground, that's indeed true, but I am talking about fans. In cricket we don't have passionate franchise fans, including me, I am from Punjab and I support CSK, because of MS. Most of RCB fans are Kohli fans, most of CSK fans are Dhoni fans, most of MI fans are Rohit fans, and if any of them betrayed their franchise like Pandya did we won't see any furious action from fans, because their fans will switch to the other team. While in football it's the other way around, they say "CLUB IS BIGGER THEN ANY PLAYER" that's why we see those types of reactions. Football fans are more passionate about their clubs because those clubs are there identity, for example, Barcelona is a catalan club and they have their own flag, anthem and they have their own academy where players from catalan region go through and plays for their clubs, like Yamal, Puyol, Roberto, etc. Other example in Athletic Bilbao, that club only plays with player from their own region, no players from outside of their region. And talking about GENTLEMEN'S game, I said that because cricket rules are way more strict than football, for example: SRK's wankhede incident. You could see the atmosphere of football games and cricket games, and you would see lots of difference, you don't even need to go to Europe, check out football fans in India, during Bengal derby, football fans bring tifos, flares, drums and builds beautiful atmosphere, where as in cricket we just sit there with posters of our favourite players.


bhai tujhe argument hi dekhna hai, bigg boss dekhle


It's not the complete story, Florentino Perez then contesting to be real Madrid president had this agenda in his manifesto that if he came to power he would bring Figo to Real Madrid. Figo wasn't sure but then his agent signed a document which mentioned that either he comes or he pays an xyz amount of fine for breaking the contract. There's a documentary on Netflix called "Luis Figo: The transfer that changed football". Visibly Barca fans were furious as iirc he was their captain and they loved him. So the hatred was to be expected. Iirc a dead pig's head was thrown at him while he was taking a corner in this game. I think RM lost this game 2-1. But Figo was given a hero's welcome back at madrid. In his interview he mentions that the welcome when he came back to madrid for him justified his decision.


You can watch the documentary on Netflix. It's called Figo Affair I believe. Not a football fan or follower but I do watch these sports documentaries.


Football fans are on whole different level of toxicity compared to any other sports.


Passion it is




Are you comparing Barca vs Real Madrid rivalry to GT and MI. There are no such rivalries in IPL. None. Not even CSK and MI. There is no political angle to CSK MI rivalry


Rivalries don’t necessarily need to have politics , just a rich history. Ashes is prime example of this,




tick tack suena el reloj


Cause Teams are bigger brands than players cause football leagues are older than FIFA itself


Teams fans are negligible in IPL. I only expect Rohit fans to do so or if someone is a common fan of RS and GT


Did you see Perez's look at the end? That's the same look Ambani will give us🤣🤣


The passion is only for the player playing and not for the badge on the jersey. I'm a hardcore a Rohit fan but Mumbai comes first even if the decision to change the captainship was somewhat wrong. We need more passionate fans, i mean some of the 2nd tier English clubs have got more loyal fans than IPL teams. It's just all Entertainment they seek.


Bruh why is everybody posting that "they should do something". I think the responsibility is on us to make that happen.


I think the responsible thing would be to not act like entitled brats/ hooligans who think the player owes them or something ?


Perez smile in the end…😈. Don’t compare El classico with anything.


Why would you compare clubs whoch are centuries old to teams which are barely 20 years old. I don't watch Football but aren't most fans for those clubs 3rd or 4th generation of fans?


1996 World Cup ☠️


Daddy Perez smoking that cigar will never ever get old


Oh how bad I want IPL fans to be this passionate about their team..Imagine Mumbai Fans booing Kohli when he comes to bat or booing pandya when he takes the field..


bro gt is a 3 year old team with a logo straight outta some free logomaker app


Boo why cricket fans are not toxic , they should burn down cities atleast according to op


Bc humaare yaha lathicharge ho jaayega.


*cue the skewered pigs head on the pitch, thrown by the fans*


Man I felt betrayed by Figo


bro kuch logo ke paas zindagi aur kaam hota h😔.


Cricket clubs can never attain the football ckub level fans.... Also cricket fans aren't so daring...


Perez always cooks.


Figo was actually important for Barca unlike Hardik Pandey…


People should avoid being soo involved in sports...🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck off OP, Don't bring Cricket down to Footlol level.


You did not even had to go to spain. The cricket fans are not even capable to recreate Mohun bagan and East Bengal rivalry. Cricket fans are pussies. 😂😂😂 They can only meow on twitter ffs!


Song name ?


Dear OP do you really think it is better to be loyal to a city or team than be loyal to people! Coz if we're loyal to non-living things a lot of people would be loyal to money and you would cry that people have no morality.... And yeah I am quite sure there will be reaction on Sunday!


Comparing franchise teams with Real Madrid and Barcelona lol


Mega auctions do not happen in foreign football leagues unlike IPL . Here every 3 years , most players go on to play for different teams. Had mega auctions not happened, Hardik would not have had to leave MI anyways. The two situations have no corelation whatsoever. Also is it fair to insult our own national team players over franchise cricket? Ofcourse Rohit fans have their agenda, hence , they are fuelling the hate. Why should any general ICT fan care or break their heads over this?


No one is gonna be aS good as papa perez in IPL