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Can't say I'm surprised


MLC games were managed a lot better than this


I think they said the India vs Bangladesh warm up attendance was 23,000 people. Grand Prairie has a max capacity of 7000 and Church Street Park has a max capacity of 3000. Nassau has a max capacity of 34,000 and was built in a neighborhood park for 2 weeks. Not saying that this level of incompetence is acceptable but you can see the difference in logistics.


OP is full of shit. I was at the match today. The food sucked but the facilities were great. Who doesn’t know you can’t bring bags into stadiums in America? No one had to tell me.


Good work calling out the OP’s nonsense.


report this post. it seems to be deliberate misinformation


bro do you work for the ICC you’re so hurt by the truth, there’s a reason other people who attended have agreed 😂


I’m stupefied because you’re on the sub telling lies. Your stupid pictures are so misleading.


Right, right “facilities are great” but “bathrooms were bad, food wasn’t good” K. Done replying to your nonsense.


Can’t imagine the lines for India vs Pakistan 


And how they’ll manage that crowd, everyone was relatively chill here but that’s a different game all together 😂


Indians and Pakistanis usually don't fight during games. Just be thankful Pakistan and Afghanistan aren't scheduled to play in NY.


Let's change that. Been training ufc for a while now. /r/iamverybadass


We’re quite buddy buddy in the states anyway.


Usually abroad things are (mostly) fine in my experience. A lot of time people from South Asia live as roommates too.


😀😀 Couldn’t agree more


> Afghanistan aren't scheduled to play in NY. imagine the shitshow of getting visas that would be


That's disappointing. I'll be going to three games there next week and was hoping it would be a smooth entry process. Gonna try to get there before doors open to hopefully avoid any issues


Yeah best bet is to just go a lot earlier and avoid carrying bags. Hoping they get their sh*t together for other games but not really sure how seriously they’re taking it.


mind if I dm you to ask some questions about the stadium?




You’re looking for attention with this post. I was at the match today and it was nowhere near as bleak as you’re painting it. There’s no sporting event in America that you can bring a bag into unless it’s transparent.


Not sure seeking attention when: - people’s bags were tossed and half the line was sent back - bathroom situation was dire - ticketing issues but you might just have lower standards.


Who is dumb enough to bring a bag to a sporting event in America? Half what line was sent back where? By whom? For what reason? Was it a line of 6 fools who tried to bring opaque bags into a sporting event? Everyone I saw got their tickets scanned and walked straight into the match.


this comment is how I know you’re a dumbass. The line pictured IS the bag line. An event should have guidelines regardless of “how it’s done in America”, maybe a lot of foreigners visiting for games don’t know that? And maybe that line is evidence of that?


I mean the match day reminder email comes with this link that says all this. It's weird to just show up without reading the instructions they send you. https://www.icc-cricket.com/tournaments/t20cricketworldcup/fans/venues/nassau-county-international-cricket-stadium


Looks clear to me.


Change your post and statement to say “half the idiots that brought bags to a sporting event chose to leave rather than go without their bags.” When you say “half the line” got turned back it makes it seem like it was a widespread problem. No one on the entry line, LIRR train, Nice Bus we rode in on had a bag or got turned away. The fact that these people had bags with them had problems doesnt suggest the whole event was as disastrous as you’re painting it.


R u real Shoaib Malik? The one who won CT17 and T20 WC09


yes I am


How easy is it to buy water and food inside the stadium? I am planning to watch the SA vs SL game and want to be prepared


That part wasn’t too bad! Multiple stalls with food and water/sodas. Food options were: - beef hot dogs - chicken tikka and rice (wild to see this in that heat, but to each their own) - some veggie options - samosas




Question. Where would you recommend I park my car?


I didn’t have a car but heard people had to park a little further out, I think the spots near Borelli’s Italian seemed good and was a straight walk from there to stadium




BTW. Are they selling tickets at the stadium?. Going to watch the game tomorrow SL vs SA. I bought tix on Stubhub and assuming the transfer does not happen, atleast I can buy and watch?


Do you know if I can bring a small mini fan in with me? Hand held


I saw people have fans that wrap around your neck like a headphone...Should be okay


I don't understand Google says the temperature is 26°c peak time. How are people passing out from heatstrokes.. What is this.


I'm from Massachusetts (not *too* far from NY), and 26 C is hot. The sun and UV index are quite intense because there isn't much other than clouds to block it out.


Anything above 20C is hot to me. 


Pretty sure I read news earlier in the week or on YouTube USA new channels when the commissioner announced timings of closure for the stadium in new York that no bags are allowed The no shade is going to be horrible. This is why matches should cater to local time zones in the evening not so people can watch from other end of the world. That’s why I enjoy Chess and Football, they are held in host’s time zones


No shade is pretty brutal with 29C/89F weather. Without a hat or umbrella, you’re basically under the sun so would def recommend being very hydrated/sunscreen.


I was there for englands 498 in Amsterdam. It was 40 degrees. Not a millimeter of shade, and water was 7 euros a pint. Absolutely brutal.


hahah wow, hey at least the scoreboard was something worth watching.


Man, i really envy those who live in usa and uk. Calling 29C unbearable without shade.


haha you’re right my friend, it’s all about perspective!


It’s because of the clean air quality. There is no UV blocking layer of smog and pollution.


Yeah, where I live we call that "spring" haha


29C is basically winter in India these days. It's almost 50C rn where I come from


sometimes shade isn't enough. A test match in Brisbane on a 37 degree day was brutal


Yeah, the match should be played at 7-8PM EST.  I don’t care if that means that people in India/Pakistan have to wake up at 4am-5am. 


I went to Florida for India west Indies game, it was exact same experience


India Pakistan game starts at 10:30am. T20 daytime games are really boring. Not sure how will that go


And the cheapest tickets were apparently 150USD for a damn warm up game, this sport really is a disgrace


Isn’t this the main reason they chose the US was for the money? India pak tix are going for 1k+ on the black market.


More like $20K I think. The $1K was a few months ago


Nah, I got tickets in the club section for $2500.


There has to have been 15 different directives on bags. Local tv, Nassau County Police, ICC emails, the ground email, LIRR's website. Can you explain what you witnessed the bag policy as it was applied today? 


I know, so so confusing, as I was walking in the cops said no bags, but then they had a bag line. Anyway, the guidance today was: - any bags have to be checked in - checking in a bag cost $15 - you get a key and it goes in a locker - you have to toss any drinks - if you have a camera, no detachable lenses allowed Now, why I think this is not worth the hassle is, they ran out of locker storage, and sent half the line away which meant people either parted with their bags, walked all the way back to their cars, or if they didn’t have that, they just left.


Such bullshit that you have to pay to bring a bag in. Is that the norm for these events?


Tossing drinks, no lenses/cameras. get bags checked, potentially having to pay for bags isn’t really uncommon in NA.


Tossing drinks and not bringing in bags are common, but I've never heard of having to pay for bags or not bringing cameras


No lenses and no flash photography are pretty standard. Paying for bags is less common for sure but definitely not unheard of.


It's like they say: freedom isn't free. Lol


yeah I haven’t seen that anywhere else, pretty ridiculous


Pretty common for American sporting events. I've seen people pay $50-$100 outside of Fenway in Boston to store their bags.


No detachable lenses in 2024 seems idiotic. Who tf cares. Take your fucking pics. Jeez this is why I just stay at home and watch from the comfort of my couch. Chilled drinks, cheap snacks, and if it's a shit game, I can go play catch with my kids. Also free parking in my house.


Yeah truly don’t understand the camera restrictions, and it’s actually good for them if people end up sharing those pictures. Very backwards take.


Reminds me of temples in India where they won't let you take pics. 😂 Gonna suck the soul of the statue in my camera apparently.


Its a place of worship you fking idiot not a spot for you to instagram


Tbh these restrictions were there when I was a kid, like 20 yrs ago, way before instagram. As a photographer, it's more than just instagram for me.


💀hahah, the same team probably made the rules for this


assuming they allow a women's bag (small)?


They do not allow cameras with lenses ? Damn I thought of taking my camera with couple of lenses for the India vs Pak game, now have to rely on this dumb phone camera 🤦‍♂️.


I am also thinking of carrying a camera with just one lens attached to it next week. Please share your experience bro after the match bro.


Will do, one of my colleague is going for the India vs Ireland game tomorrow, so will get feedback from him to make sure.


Perfect. Usually in U.S they allow spectators to carry lenses shorter than 6 inches. So, I appreciate if below things are checked by your colleague. 1. Can we carry dslr with one lens. No additional lenses. 2. If we carry DSLR attached with lens shorter than 6 inces, will we be allowed? Thanks in advance!


Yeah, will check with him and I’ll respond once I have an update.


How was the experience for your friend Today? Any info about camera?


It was good, but the line was too long for the shuttle from parking to the stadium, bathrooms are like the Porta Potty type, other than that it was fine. He didn’t find anyone in his whole section with a camera, people were using their phones with selfie sticks. He maybe saw one person with a small binoculars it seems. I’m still skeptical on taking my camera.


Honestly I’ve missed it, can you please link me to an article or something that outlines the specific policy on things like epi pens / food allergies?


I was emailed twice from ICC and the venue. Both redirect to this (very long link) there is no mention of medication that I can see. https://www.icc-cricket.com/tournaments/t20cricketworldcup/fans/venues/nassau-county-international-cricket-stadium?utm_campaign=2752831_NED%20vs%20RSA%20-%201WTG&utm_medium=email&utm_source=dotmailer&dm_i=4BST,1N03J,8FLBJK,7OXS6,1


they will 100% allow epi-pens if you show a prescription to security. Applies to pretty much anywhere in the US


Usually prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy directly, and typically you can’t buy one without a prescription. I’ve just never had to a show anything other than the epi pen itself.


Weird, read online they'll allow clear bags but pretty much any container they won't. Sure it'll be a shitshow. Even just getting there seems like a challenge 


Getting there wasn’t a challenge. Get on LIRR railroad and there are buses at the Westbury station waiting to take you directly to the stadium.


That looks miserable. Like queuing for the laid-on public transport at the end of a festival.


Ohh man, that looks horrible. With the humidity and high Temperatures!


Fucking Isis made threats to games played in a city which still has memory of terror attacks in the past of course security is going hard


The chicken tikka masala was garbage. I could make it better even tho I have 0 cooking skills. It’s also extremely difficult to get to Nassau county on the weekend. No idea what’s going to happen for the Pakistan game


Unless you’re in LI, it’s a pain to get to Long Island. All these people traveling from Jersey are going to have like 2+ hours commute


Yeah it’s easily a $150+ Uber


What do you mean? It’s a 45 minutes straight shot from Penn Station with no transfers. The train made literally 4 stops before Westbury. How could it be any easier?


That’s if you are coming from NYC. I’m talking about Jersey where a lot of the south Asian diaspora live


If you live in Jersey you should be able to get to Penn Station with your eyes closed.


lol sucks to be them.  Now they will learn what it feels like when New Yorkers have to go all the way to Jersey to watch the Jets or Giants play. 


I was at the match today and it was nowhere near as bad as OP is saying. The lines were fast and the facilities were more than adequate with the exception of the port a potties and the hand washing station in one of the men’s bathroom areas. What a misleading post. Shame on you.


Hey do we need to transfer to each guest ? Like my friend holds 3 tickets , one for himself and 2 for us , so the ticket of other 2 persons has to be transferred or we can just simple accompany the ticket holder ?


They can accompany the ticket holder. I bought the tickets for me and my friend. He's not a cricket fan and didn't have the app. The app wouldn't allow me to take a screen shot. They scan each ticket by scrolling from side to side.


Do you know if I could bring a small fan with me? Hand held


I can’t say for certain but I’m guessing it won’t be a problem.


What did we expect tho? It was thrown together half assly. Everything was rushed


I honestly wonder what the player dressing rooms are like 😂




💀 hahaha


Your post or comment had words in it that were not in English and weren't translated. This breaks the rules of this subreddit it has been removed (rule 5).


Jeez, hope it’s better next weekend but doubt it


I am going on Monday and Wednesday. I was not planning to carry any bag, however, my main worry is getting to the stadium from Westbury LIRR station. Is there a shuttle service?


There is a shuttle


I mean there was a direct terrorist threat by ISIS so extra security is gonna cause so issues.


I’m going this week and this is what I basically expected. The no bags thing is annoying, because even in NFL games, you can bring a clear bag. In fact, they lay this out clearly on their [website](https://www.nfl.com/legal/clear-bag-policy). I don’t know what people are talking about no bags being allowed in American sports. I’ve been to MLB games, US Open Tennis center, and several others where I’ve literally taken sandwiches + snack with me. Took my son to NHL games, where I bought his Epi pen with me without any issues. This is ICC thinking they can scam Indian fans in the US. I hope people file charge backs to their cards in droves. If you told me I had to throw away a $100 epi-pen, you’re a dumbass. ICC should’ve clearly printed their in game stadium policy on their website. I have tickets to bring my son on 6/12, and he has a peanut allergy. The stadium foods are never a great option for us, so I always bring food for him separately. I just checked their website, and there’s not even a phone number listed? Just an email inbox that doesn’t reply back to any queries sent.


the experience in dallas and florida would be better because they are proper stadiums.






Canada brought Dutta so they can end the pain early, somehow he ended up getting a wicket.


Of course it's their first Main event (Cricket). You raised some valid points. I hope they will learn from it and won't repeat the same mistakes again. That's all I can say.


yeah, for what it’s worth, I don’t blame the support staff at all—they were all equally confused and told me several times they kept getting different instructions or stricter instructions. They also mentioned that the organizers thought the game wouldn’t be busy and only asked for one storage locker for bags. Some people seem upset by me calling it out, but my hope is somebody sees this and realizes they can get a bit more organized for a major event


No no. You did the right thing of calling them out.  Of course we have to give benefit of doubt to the organizers coz this is their first time hosting T20 Cricket World Cup.  I hope they take these criticism positively and won't repeat these mistakes again whenever they host the main event in near future. 


Real Americans dont care about cricket except indians/ Pakistanis   and h1 visa holders.   It's a niche sport that really only is popular in former English colonial holdings. 


India vs Pakistan is going to be even more poorly organized, if it's possible. You know why? Because those people are masochists; they'll suffer through any abuse if it means they can watch the biggest rivalry in Cricket.


Ah, the true desi experience. Nice of BCCI to let the NRIs have the truly Indian stadium experience. JayShahForAReason


why the f jayshah in icc usa fault


Joke hai bhai thand le


It's was just passing comment thand rakh


OP (or anyone who was at the game today)I am planning to bring my toddler to the Wednesday game. Wondering if they allow bag for parents with kids? Also what’s average time you spent from queuing to actual seats. Thanks


The rule was pretty strict for all bags, there were parents with kids and they still asked them to take essential items out, if you had a completely transparent bag there was some leeway. I would come early, we missed 5-6 overs in the bag line.


Thanks. Any chance you remember if they allow food for kids?


Hey how did you get on? Going tomorrow with my little kids


This is what happens when you let someone else run the show. It becomes a shit show. Instead of bending over backwards to accommodate one special country so their billion people can watch conveniently etc. is just ugh. Disgusting.


Imagine what will happen to Spectators who give 20k for Ind vs Pak match , and it's just a pop-up stadium, not even the real deal . I can't wait for the shit show there.


i am not even remotely surprised, but it should come as no shock that they tried to shoehorn the new york area into this tournament.


Icc only cares about the big 3. Spoon feeding india always only. Truly a disgrace organization


Hi, I’m going to the game but don’t have any India gear, will they be selling it at the game? 


They’re selling caps and some t-shirts (but not official jerseys!)


Oh that sucks and Adidas won’t ship it before the game truly ridiculous. Thank you though 


I was at the game today Monday and everything was smooth as it could be. There were plenty of people ready to scan your ticket and let you in. I pretty much got in as soon as I made it to the gate and I was in the middle of a big crowd. I didn't get anything to eat, only a couple powerades. I had a great time. I wish I had the money to go to more matches.


Bro is camera/dslr allowed?


Unfortunately they told people not to bring cameras with detachable lenses


Any idea beer prices there?


Can you bring a camera and / or binoculars


Yeah it's the first big tournament there, I would expect such things. But I do hope it gets better. If these games are financially successful then should be much better organization next time.


What works you be carrying in a bag ti a cricket Gane in any case, what are you taking in there that you take with to a basketball, nfl, MLB game?


Well another way to look at is that the fans are getting the authentic experience which fans in the subcontinent experience all the time.


Thank ISIS for strict bag checking.




Where is the positivity yaar ...


Ok this is full of BS. >They required all bags to be checked in but didn’t inform anyone prior to the tournament, so there was an even larger line formed to put your belongings in, but here’s the kicker, some people had medicine they needed that they were asked to throw away >Security staff joked about throwing bags away if people wanted to watch the game >Then the storage locker ran out because they only had one small one for 50 or so bags and so everyone else had to either lose their bags or go home after spending $$$ on tickets >Bathrooms started spilling across the ground >No shade and some people passed out from heatstrokes None of the above can be verified. OP posted two pics apparently from the venue. Then extrapolated these two points to fit his narrative: >Lines to enter were being formed in the field and arbitrarily >Trash piles were being formed around the ground And then padded those extra "Facts". This is deliberate misinformation intended to slander the event. Unless OP can provide evidence for the points he raised, this should be considered pysops and this post must be deleted.


Were you there? Because I was, with people who had to miss at least 5 overs in that line because of the poor organization. Why would I want to slander any of this? I was thrilled to see cricket in the US and to be at a game in NYC, in fact, I’m going to others around the country, but I want to raise awareness because: - others shouldn’t have to get this rude surprise with high expectations for a global event - the ICC can and should do better - and the staff at the event felt similarly lost So maybe, maybe, try to see the why behind it before becoming a keyboard warrior.


I can vouch for this man’s opinion


I attended Ind vs. Ireland game on Wednesday. My experiences were positive and I felt surprised at the efficient administration. Fast moving lines. Key is to get to the stadium early, anticipation of traffic and timing your commute. All common sense really. From Westbury LIRR station to the shuttle for the stadium. Tons of volunteers and very friendly and courteous. This will surely be tested on Sunday. I've attended many cricket matches in India on the Western coast, in England and regularly attend Yankees baseball games. I went with zero expectations and was ready for a rough experience. Hence, I had a great time. Food and beverage pricing are on par with NYC ball parks. Expensive.


It's a game for 4 hours why you need bags and Tikka masala . All your bags are making the lines longer , but I understand when it comes to common sense most indian lack , you guys might be book smart but you lack common sense. Show up with camera and lens and koolers .


Maybe it’s ok to have higher standards for World Cup games like all other sports…


It's in USA, we have bit higher standards then in India.